State of Washington MEMBERS OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE STATE-WIDE TELEPHONE DmECTORY and LEGISLATIVE INTERIM COMMITTEES 1971-1973 Published by House of Representatives OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK Olympia, Washington 98504 Telephone 753-7750, Area Code 206 (Scan Network 8-234-7750) MALCOLM McBEATH, Chief Clerk Revised December, 1971 HOUSE LEGISLATIVE LEADERS 1971-73 Republican Leadership Thomas A. Swayze, Jr............................................. Speaker Thomas L. Copeland ................................. Speaker Pro Tempore Stewart Bledsoe ..................................... Majority Floor Leader Hal Wolf. ................................................. Majority Whip Irving Newhouse ................................ Majority Caucus Chairman Sid Morrison ............................... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Lois North ...................................... Majority Caucus Secretary A. J. "Bud" Pardini. .......................... Majority Caucus Coordinator Democratic Leadership Leonard A. Sawyer .................................. Minority Floor Leader Gary Grant ................................ Democratic Organization Leader William "Bill" Chatalas ....................... Democratic Caucus Chairman Margaret Hurley ............................. Democratic Caucus Secretary John L. O'Brien ........................... Chairman, Executive Committee Charles Moon ....................... Democratic Caucus Chairman Pro Tern. Robert A. Perry .......................... Democratic Campaign Coordinator Richard A. King ........................... Assistant Minority Floor Leader John M. Rosellini .......................... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Dave Ceccarelli. ........................... Assistant Minority Floor Leader R. Ted Bottiger ......•..................... Assistant Minority Floor Leader Robert L. Charette ......................... Assistant Minority Floor Leader 1 19'71-1973 WASWNGTON STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (*Indicates Area Code 509, all others are Area Code 206.) SCAN USERS: Substitute 234 for 763 prefix of Olympia office numbers Dial S..234, then last 4 digits. THOMAS A. SWAYZE, JR., Speaker Legislative Bldg., Olympia 98504 •••...•..••.•.....•..•..•••...•.•..••.•••.••.•••...••. Bus. 753-7902 Tac.-Bus. 883-2606 MALCOLM ''Dutch" McBEATH, Chief Clerk Legislative Bldg., Olympia 98604 ..................................................... Bua. 763-7750 2622 G Street, Bellln~rham 98225 ........................................................Res. 783-7953 SCAN s-237-1214 DONALD R. WILSON, Asoistant Chief Clerk Legislative Bldg., Olympia 98604 ..................................................... Buo. 763-7750 Route 18, Box 271, Olympia 98502 ...................................................... Res. 352-3780 · SCAN 8-234-3268 EUGENE A. PRINCE, Serll:eant at Arms Le~rlslative Bldg., Olympia 98504 ......................................................Bus. 763-7760 MA;~~r;~n c~~~~~- ..................................................................... ~~ ~478-8911 Legislative Bldg., Olympia 98504 ...................................................... Bus. 753-7768 MINORITY CAUCUS Legislative Bldg.• Olympia 98504 ...................................................... Bus. 758-7766 2 ..-.: ..........__, ..... The Ol~ia p~ rturo\>ers only during Legislature. Olympia Name of Member District Politics Address Res. Tel. Bus. Tel. Scan Office Adams, A. A .•..•....•....... 26 D 3418 Shorecliff Dr. N.E ... 927-1877 474-o677 8-462-2985 758-7900 Tacoma 98422 Amen, Otto ................. 9-B R Route 1, Box 45 .........• *659-0429 753-7834 Ritzville 99169 Anderson, Eric 0 ............ 19 D 627 Grand Avenue ........ 632-6043 8-325-1280 753-7874 Hoquiam 981160 Backstrom, Henry .......... 39 D 516 Olympic Avenue •....• 435-2831 753-7952 Arlington 98223 Bagnariol, John ............ 35 D 10450 6lst Ave. South ..... 723-5387 723-3400 8-576-7574 753-7938 Seattle 98178 Barden, Paul ............... 30 R 1112 South I 68th ........ 243-2501 682-8550 751-7818 Seattle 98148 Bauer, Albert ............... 17 D 13611 N.E. 2oth Avenue ..• 695-4517 695-1361 6-476-6484 753-7864 Vancouver 98664 Beck, c. w. "Red" .......... 23 D 2400 Beach Drive ......... 871-1543 6-635-1172 751-7888 Port Orchard 98866 Benitz, Max E .............. 8-B R Route 2, Box 181. .•...... *973-2282 753-7830 Prosser 99850 *Area eode 509. 3 Olympia Name of Member District Politics Address Res. Tel. Bus. Tel. Scan Office Berentson, Duane L ......... 40 R P. 0. Box 426 ............. 757-3600 755-5851 733-7958 Burlington 98233 Blair, E. Scott ... ............ 46 R 8712 25th Avenue N.E .... 522-7678 8-576-7206 753-7984 Seattle 98115 Bledsoe, Stewart ............ 13 R Route 3, Box 60-B •....... *962-9160 8-453-1124 753-7850 Ellensburg 98926 Bluechel, Alan R 12534 68th Avenue N.E .•. 822-8514 743-1136 753-7800 ·············· Kirkland 98033 Bottiger, R. Ted •........•••• 29 D 8849 Pacific Avenue •..... 531-1269 475--4800 8-462-2980 753-7914 Tacoma 98444 Bozarth, Horace W ••.••..•.. 12 D Mansfield 98830 ..........• *884-4101 753-7846 Bradley, H. Stan •..•..••...• 31 D 8114 7th Avenue S.W ....• 767-4211 767-4848 8-576-7278 753-7920 Seattle 98106 Brouillet, Frank B .....•••••• 26 D 619 7th Avenue S.W .....• 845--1720 878-3710 8-567-6195 753-7896 Puyallup 98371 Brown, Arthur C .•....•.•..• R 16020 Densmore Ave. No•• 646-4006 655--6588 753-7802 Seattle 98133 Ceccarelli, Dave ............ 34 D 3823 42nd S. W ............. 937-0998 455-2900 8-357-1351 753-7934 Seattle 98116 Charette, Robert L ......... 19 D P. 0. Box 63 •.....•...... 532-6193 532-1960 753-7872 Aberdeen 98620 *Area code 509. 4 Olympia Name of Member District Politics Address Res. Tel. Bus. Tel. Scan Office Charnley, Donn • . • • . • • • . • 44 D 19344 11th Avenue N.W..• 546-3868 546-4543 S-27H584 752-7974 Seattle 98177 Chatalas, William "Bill". • 33 D 4803 42nd Avenue South .• 722-0941 622-1211 S-576-7576 753-7930 Seattle 98118 Conner, Paul H.. • . • . • . 24 D Route 3, Box 472 ... .....• 683-4918 752-7892 Sequim 98382 Conway, Floyd ...•.. , . • . • 22 R Route 11, Box 340 •..•...• 942-0112 357'-6654 8-234-7886 752-7886 Olympia 98502 Copeland, Thomas L......... 11-B R Route 3 . • . .. .. .. .. • *525-3450 S-637-1268 753-7842 Walla Walla 99362 Costanti, D. James.......... 40 R 1215 Doser Street......... 766-3833 766-3600 753-7956 Edison 93246 Cunningham, Norwood .. SO R 750 Alvord Avenue....... 852-4659 852-9650 S-566-1266 752-7916 Kent 98081 Curtis, Robert "Bob" .. ,,... 12 R P. 0. Box 0188 ......•.... *884-7601 *884-5651 S-561>-1284 753-7844 East Wenatehee 98801 Douthwaite, Jeft . 32-A D 5518 31st N.E............. 524-8094 54!-2569 8,576-7279 75!-7924 Seattle 98105 Eikenberry, Kenneth 0...... 36 R Suite 500, 3rd & Lenora 284-5716 624'-6831 S-576-7586 753-7942 Bldg, Seattle 98121 Farr, Caswell J... ... .. .. 42 R 1800 C Street............. 384-3405 733-4940 S-237-1289 753-7966 Bellingham 98221 *Area Code ~9. 5 Olympia Name of Member District Politics Address Res. Tel. Bus. Tel. Scan Office Flanagan. s. E. "Sid" •.•..• 13 R Route 1, Box 206 ......... *787-2452 753-7848 Quincy 98848 Gallagher, P. J . .,Jim" ..... 29 D 125 South 72nd............ 472-4501 8-462-2982 753-79:2 Tacoma 98408 Gilleland, James E ......•..• 48 R 10503 N. E. 4th Street.... 454-7252 454-3011 8-463-1230 753-7990 Bellevue 98004 Garrett, Donald G. ........ 14 R Route 8, Box 760 .. .. .. .. 966-4836 697-4871 Yakima 98902 Gladder, Carlton A ......•••• R W. 2211 Sharp Avenue ... *32&-5039 8--54&-2978 753-7826 Spokane 99201 Goldsworthy, Robert F ...... 9-A R Route 2 .................• *523-4043 8-54&-5029 753-7832 Rosalia 99170 Grant, Gary ................ 47 D 25823 132nd S.E. • 25&-1465 622-5481 753-7988 Kent 98301 Hansey, Donald G ........... 42 R 1551 Lakewood Lane..... 734-5746 384-3000 8-237-1870 753-7964 Bellingham 98225 Hatfield, Chet 14 R 220 E. Yakima Avenue ..• *966-1654 *457-4015 753-7854 ··············· Yakima 98901 Haussler, Joe D ............. Z-A D Box 949 .................. *826-0192 753-7804 Omak 98841 Honins, Dale E ............. 21 R 21816 95th Avenue W.... 776-1543 776-8833 753-7880 Edmonds 98020 Hubbard, Vaughn 11-A R Box 126 .................. *337-6619 *337-6643 8-637-1176 753-7840 Waitsburg 99361 Walla W. *521>-6800 (Walla W.) *Area code 509. G Olympia Name of Member District Politics Address Res. Tel. Bus. Tel. Scan Office Hurley, Margaret ........... D 730 East Boone ........... *487-11&9 8-545--2997 753-7808 Spokane 99202 Jastad, Elmer .............. 20 D Box 67 •................... 496-&414 753-7876 Morton 988&6 Johnson, Doris J ............ '16-A D 737 Tacoma Place ........ *586-3646 *783-3131 753-7860 Kennewick 99336 Jones, John D ............... 48 R 18 Bridlewood Circle ...•. 822-9169 454-0112 753-7992 Kirkland 98088 Jueling, Helmut L ........... 28 R 5215 South Tacoma Way. 564-6659 472-1754 8-462-2988 753-7908 Tacoma 98409 Julin, Axel c ................ 41 R 4615 Lk. Wash. Blvd. S.E. 746-5979 622-3720 IHI76-7857 758-7960 Bellevue 98006 Kilbury, Charles D .......... 16-B D Box 2482 *547-7177 *547-3821 8-626-1270 753-7862 Pasco 99so2" · .. · · .... · .... · King, Richard A ............. 38 D 809 77th Place S. W ....... 363-7526 2&9-7161 8-266--8546 753-7948 Everett 98201 Kirk, Gladys ................ 36 R 1236 Bigelow North ...... 282-5091 8-576-6540 753-7940 Seattle 98109 Kiskaddon, Bill ............. 21 R 4404 242nd s.w ........... 776-9740 8-274-1697 753-7882 Mountlake Terrace 98048 Knowles, Walt 0 ............ 4 D 92& w. Sprague .......... *986-9179 *624-0162 8-545--297 4 753-7814 Spokane 99204 *A rea code 509.
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