Vol. XXVI, No. 3 September 2009 “...and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” ABRAHAM LINCOLN FOUNDED BY THE VETERANS OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BRIGADE Vets Get Spanish Citizenship New Plaque Coming to New York Watt Award Winners Carlos Blanco, On the Spanish Exile of 1939. Bay Area and NYC Reunions Pay Tribute to Vets’ Refugee Work TEACHINGS IN TITUTES IN TAMPA AND NYC! photograph of Carlos Blancl by Richard Bermack AB L A’S TEACHING INSTITUTES: A+! ALBA’s Teaching Institutes, which are The feedback from teachers, in reach, we bring our lessons to more designed to bring a Spanish Civil War all cases, is exceptionally positive. In young people. curriculum to high school students Tampa, we received A+ from every Based on our success, we expect around the country, have passed their teacher in response to every evalua- to expand the Institutes around the second year with flying colors. tion question! They have already made country in the coming year. We are In northern California, Tampa, unit and lesson plans that will go into planning briefer “development days” Florida, and New York City, selected curricula as soon as schools open in to greatly increase the number of teachers voiced their gratitude for the September. teachers we introduce to our curricula. opportunity to learn about the ALBA The implications of this program’s We are also planning to collaborate archives and how they can be used in success are immense. with teachers in publishing their les- high school classrooms—and then put Here’s why: We think it’s impor- sons in professional journals to reach their words into action by producing tant for young people to know about even more teachers. By any standard, unit and lesson plans to ensure that the Spanish Civil War because a this is an amazing opportunity! their learning experience would have new generation of citizens needs to Please help us promote the an immediate impact on their own know just how precarious an elected Institutes by using the enclosed enve- students starting in September. democratic government can be. They lope to make a contribution. This is an amazing achievement, need to know why it’s important for Cheers to all! though our work has just begun. all citizens to remain active and vigi- The Editors In California, ALBA collaborated lant, with a burning respect for our with the Alameda County Office of progressive democratic principles Education to produce two Saturday and traditions. They need to under- teaching seminars with 16 selected stand why U.S. intervention overseas teachers, focusing on key issues of needs to be selective and focused on The Volunteer the Spanish Civil War and exploring protecting democratic peoples, not founded by the how they can be taught in high school authoritarian regimes. They need Veterans of the classrooms. Among topics considered to understand that the defense of Abraham Lincoln Brigade were the reasons why U.S. citizens democracy requires both activism and an ALBA publication volunteered to enlist in a foreign courage. These are essential principles 799 Broadway, Suite 341 war to save democracy in Spain, the for a democratic future. New York, NY 10003 social composition of the International The teachers in our Institutes (212) 674-5398 Brigades, and how this aspect of U.S. agree. After immersing them in the Editorial Board history interfaces with world history history, literature, art, and music of the Peter N. Carroll • Gina Herrmann courses. Spanish Civil War, we listened to their Fraser Ottanelli ALBA then opened its first suggestions about how best to reach Book Review Editor Institute at the University of South their students. In turn, we showed Shirley Mangini Florida in Tampa, where ALBA’s team, them how our unique archives can be Art Director-Graphic Designer led by Fraser Ottanelli, and 18 teachers integrated into their curricula for the Richard Bermack used electronically scanned archival coming year and shared the thrill of material to explore a series of related using original documents for research Editorial Assistance Nancy Van Zwalenburg subjects (see page 3). Two weeks later, and teaching. We also promised to James Fernandez’s group offered the provide additional support through- Submission of Manuscripts second annual New York Institute to out the year. Please send manuscripts by E-mail or on disk. E-mail: [email protected] 18 teachers from six local high schools, No surprise: many of our teachers each represented by a teacher of social are already using our material in their studies, Spanish, and art (see page 4). classes. And with every teacher we U.S. Vets Get Spanish Citizenship ith the new Spanish law for Kailin was responsible for the recovery of historical organizing the construction of the Wmemory passed in 2008, monument honoring the Lincoln allowing volunteers of the International Brigade in Madison, the second in Brigades to apply for full Spanish citi- the U.S. He and the Madison Friends zenship without relinquishing their of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade also existing national status, two veterans of raised seed money for the monu- the Abraham Lincoln Brigade success- ment to the Brigadas Internacionales fully completed the process of that now stands in Marça, Priorat, application and approval and now hold Catalunya. The site is near the grave naturalized Spanish citizenship. of Kailin’s friend, John Cookson, who On April 6, 2009, Clarence Kailin, Spanish Consul Carlos Robles (left) with John was killed during the war. Hovan. Photo by Francisco Fernandez de Alba. 95, of Madison, Wisconsin, became the Kailin is widely known as a first veteran of the Lincoln Brigade to He remembers “the warmth of the one-man progressive institution in become a full citizen of Spain. His new Spanish people in spite of the Wisconsin, frequently cited at pubic Spanish/E.U. passport and Spanish suffering.” events for leading battles for labor, birth certificate read “Clarence Kailin Both Kailin and Hovan have human rights, social benefits, and civil Schwid,” following the Spanish remained lifelong activists. Continued on page 10 custom by using his mother Stella’s maiden name. In July, John Hovan, 93, a resi- dent of Providence, Rhode Island, New York Monument became the second vet to gain Spanish citizenship. ore U.S. volunteers in the the history of social activism in New “It was a difficult moment in the Spanish Civil War came from York, the museum will install a per- world and they risked their lives,” MNew York City than from manent plaque honoring the men and said Spain’s consul general in Boston, anywhere else. Nearly all Brigadistas women who departed from the city Carlos Robles, who traveled to Hovan’s sailed for Spain from the west side to fight against fascism and to save home with the official papers. “We wharves. Manhattan served as head- democracy in the Spanish Republic. respect that and would like to honor quarters for almost all home-front The exact design of the plaque, that in a small way.” support groups, as well as for the which will be part of the permanent Hovan worked with unemploy- national Veterans of the Abraham gallery, is still in development as The ment rights groups and the American Lincoln Brigade. Volunteer goes to press. League Against War and Fascism At last, New York City will before departing for Spain. He had install a memorial plaque to the U.S. left school at age 15 to work in his volunteers, thanks to an agreement IN HONOR OF THE MEN AND reached this spring between the father’s shoe repair shop during the WOMEN WHO, AS VOLUNTEERS Great Depression, but he lost that job Museum of the City of New York, the IN THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN when his father couldn’t get work. Puffin Foundation, Ltd., and ALBA. BRIGADE, SAILED FROM NEW “I saw the war clouds hovering Perry Rosenstein, president of the YORK TO STAND BESIDE THE over Europe,” Hovan said. “I felt it New Jersey-based Puffin Foundation, SPANISH REPUBLICANS AND was very important that fascism be announced the project at the annual stopped.” reunion meeting in May. FIGHT FASCISM IN THE SPANISH “I remember many wonderful As part of a unique endowment CIVIL WAR (1936-1939) people [in Spain],” Hovan told a gift to create and support a permanent reporter from the Providence Journal. gallery at the museum dedicated to September 2009 THE VOLUNTEER 1 ALBA Plaque in Madrid By Soledad Fox arking the 70th anniversary of the exile of Spanish MRepublicans, the Asociación de Descendientes del Exilio Español held events on May 6-7, highlighted by an “Homage to the International Brigades, Russian Volunteers, and Spaniards who Died Defending Europe’s Liberty,” at the Fuencarral Cemetery in Madrid. Spain’s Ministry of Defense unveiled a new monument These images will always be engraved Battalion and the Abraham Lincoln to honor the Spaniards who fought on our national memory.” Battalion. I unveiled the plaque with against fascism in World War II. The The large audience included British Ambassador Denise Holt, and event also featured various official Spanish survivors of Mauthausen, Jim Jump spoke on behalf of the British speakers. Dachau, and Buchenwald; diplomatic Battalion. Then I said a few words One of the most moving speeches officials from Germany, Russia, Serbia, about ALBA’s history and current activ- was written by Jean-Marie Bockel, Ukraine, and the United States; and ities and acknowledged the presence of France’s Secretary of State for Defense, members of the press. They witnessed Thomas Genton, Counselor for Public and was read to the audience by a floral tribute offered at the Spanish Affairs at the United States Embassy Bruno Delaye, the French Ambassador Monument.
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