PONTIAC CITY COUNCIL FORMAL MEETING October 27, 2016 6:00p.m. 155111 Session of the 9111 Council It is this Council's mission "To serve the citizens ofPontiac by committing to help provide an enhanced quality of life for its residents, fostering the vision ofa family-friendly community that is a great place to live, work and play. " Call to order Moment of Silence or Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Authorization for excused absences for councilmembers Amendments to and approval of the agenda Special Presentation- Jim Nash Water Resource Commissioner Departmental Head Reports Subcommittee Oral Report Community Announcements Recognition of Elected Officials Agenda Address AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION 1. Request for approval of Janitorial Contract to Kristel Cleaning. (OLD BUSINESS DEFERRRED FROM LAST WEEK.) 2. Request for approval of recommendation to appoint Mr. Scott to the City of Pontiac Board of Appeals. Public Comment Mayor Repmt Clerk, City Attorney and Council Closing Comments Adjournment CITY OF PONTIAC OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor, Council President ~md City Council Members FROM: Jane Bais~DiSessa, Deputy Mayor, at the request of Terrence King, Director t' DATE: September 30,2016 RE: Janitorial Contract The City advertised for bids for Janitorial and Custodial Services for the City of Pontiac City Hall, Sheriff Substation, Senior Centers and 50th District Court. There were seven (7) bidders for this contract and the most qualified bid has been recommended by the purchasing agent and accepted by the Department of Public Works. A contract, for Janitorial and Custodial Services will be issued for one (1) year, with the option of extending the contract for two (2) additional years In one (1) year increments to Kristel Group, Inc. The figures fall within budgeted amounts. The price breakdown Is as follows: Kristel 2,936.00 .oo 594.75 10,565.75 18.75 18.75 As lowest qualified bidder, the issuance of a contract to Kristel is recommended by the Director of Public Works. If Council approves, please pass the following resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Pontiac Is in need of a contractor to perform Janitorial and Custodial Services throughout the City; and, WHEREAS, the City solicited bids for this project; and, WHEREAS, the lo.west qualified and responsive bidder is being recommended for a contract; and, WHEREAS, the contract will be granted for a one {1) year, with an option of extending the contract for two additional years, In one year increments, following the bid prices for 2016; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pontiac City Council, after review by the Purchasing Agent and the Finance Director, and upon the recommendation of the Mayor, approves the Janitorial and Custodial contract to Krlstel Group Inc. For the terms listed. Financiai·Services- Purchasing Division NOTICE Thank you for your inquiry regarding the City of Pontiac project listed. below: JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF PONTIAC CITY HALL, SHERIFF SUBSTATION, SENIOR CENTERS AND 50rH· DISTRICT COURT If your firm plans to bid on this project, please send an e-mail response to [email protected] with the following information: Firm Name: ----------------------- Project Name: __________________ Firm's Contact Person: -------------- Telephone Number: _________ Fax Number:------------------- E-Mail Address: -------------- Postal Address: ------------------------ The.City of Pontiac Purchasing Division will use this information to communicate with you in the event an addendum or change to this project is issueq. If you do not send this information to the City of Pontiac, you will. not receive any follow~up notification of any changes to the project. City of Pontiac 47450 Woodward Ave Pontiac, lv1I 48342 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of Pontiac will open sealed bids on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. prevailing local time in the City Hall Lion's Den Conference Room at 47450 Woodward Ave for: JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR CITY OF PONTIAC CITY HALL, SHERIFF SUBSTATION, SENIOR CENTERS AND 50TH DISTRICT COURT . You are invited to submit a bid for this project. Sealed bids may be mailed or delivered to the CITY OF PONTIAC, CITY CLERK, 47450 Woodward Ave, Pontiac, Ml 48342 by 2:00 p.m., Monday, . September 19, 2016. Envelopes should include the name and mailing address of the vendor on the outside and be plainly marked: · JANITORIAL & CUSTODIAL SERVICES - The successful Proponent shall supply all of the necessary equipment, personnel, and supplies needed to perform the specified work at the following locations: ••• .,•• , ->'.1;\'.o-- -········--..:-·•--->-,-,::. ....... --~--=- .............. -.! ........ ...,., •. _;-··.··· ., .•••• :•_.. ('!'• '. ..., .,_, ··•·• , .• _ ..... ··•;t. - •. :··· ••••. ··••·· ·''. ·············-:··· .•. ' ·- ••., ... , •.,.,., • .,. ••.• ·.:\ ••.·. ·-·· ..•••. , ~ ..- ••. •.,.., A:Recommeniiea :Walk>Throu-gh\vil[be ·;aVa ila ble:on .Friday, ·september:g ;'2016 betvieen~the hou rs\>f 0 ··,_..,; '" '...!','' •' '"'~"'-tl:t. l' "- ;;•'• •'>7.jU '1' '!·'"•' ' ••.•:'.;" ;> • .:. :.;,.::~i~.\ '.:.::~·':_:-;,:: ·,';,;.-, :::;::~•,. :, :, •.'•;::: .. '!I",..:: • ••;M • '•,:.•' ,•1•:,"·. l..j.~ ,.;,~.,:_.y.,.·,.._·., '•'•\-1(j-'; 1','•,:', !;to,.·,~ ,'!~i\'::i?r:,'..' ~ •• ::,, ... .'f=.:'\!.''.'·t:":! \, ' 1::00'pTm;:Ci'u1d.!4:oo !p:m:''WoX:'aiLthe :blii!dings:Jf!Jnte.rested, please ~pntaet tarry Robinson,C:Buildlng Supt. a~?~sfZ.~~).~lMo::~·~he~ITi~:~tl/Jpp:6'1iiim:~liir . .. a. City.ofPontiac, City Hall, 47450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342 b. Oakland County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 c. Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 d. Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 e. 50th District Court, 70N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342 · General specifications, description and conditions upon which the bid proposal is to be based ~re available at the City of Pontiac website: Purchasing: http://www. pontiac.mi.us/ departments/finance/purchasing. ph p Please refer to the website for any addenda that may be issued. Bidders who submit bids before the deadline are advised to continue to monitor the website for any addenda that may be issued. Bid packages will also be mailed upon request. The City reserves the .right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities, and further reserves the right to accept any bid or parts of bids that it deems to best serve the interest of the City. ~l1~~~itlf~ll\l]~f~~~\~Jf~ti~t~~~~i~~~t~~we~~~~ht·~~~~ed conditiohs'ofthfsJhY!@tiOn tb~bfd arid the Purchasing Ordina·nc·e of the City. If you have any questions regarding this RFP, please contact the Purchasing Agent at (248) 758- 3120 or send an email to [email protected] If you have questions regarding the. specifications, contact Terry King, DPW Administrator at (248) 758-3600. Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 2 of39 1. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1.1 Bids to be Received Sealed bids for the Janitorial and Custodial Services for the City_ of Pontiac will be received· at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Pontiac, Michigan unti12:00 p.m., Monday, September 19, 2016, and immediately thereafter will be publicly opened and read. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope and addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Pontiac. Each sealed envelope containing a bid must be plainly marked on the outside as "JANITORIAL AND CUSTODIAL SERVICES", and the envelope should bear on the outside the name of the bidder," his address, and the name of the project for which the bid is submitted. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the City Clerk, City of Pontiac at 47450 Woodward Avenue Pontiac, Ml 48342. Bidders MUST submit an original and one copy. Bids will be received during regular business hours at the place and up to the time stated in the advertisement. Any extension in time will be by official notification. Bids may be delivered in person or mailed, but their delivery is the bidder's entire responsibility. Any bid received after the stated hour, even through the mail, will be returned unopened to the bidder. Janitorial services will be performed at the following facility in the City of Pontiac: a. City of Pontiac, City Hall, 47450 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48342 b. Oakland County Sheriff Substation, 110 E. Pike Street, Pontiac, Michigan 48432 c. Robert Bowen Center, 52 Bagley St., Pontiac, MI 48341 d. Ruth Peterson Center, 990 Joslyn Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341 e. 50th District Court, 70 N. Saginaw, Pontiac, MI 48342 ri~l~i1~~:t~rit~~~~~~lt~t~~r~r;t2:t¥1d~~~t~~~~~:.~~~~~l~~~~~~~~r~:;~pt 1.2 Examination of Bid Documents Before submitting a proposal, bidders shall carefully examine the specifications and shall fully inform themselves as to all existing conditions and limitations and shall indicate in the proposal the sum to cover the cost of all items included on the bid form. 1.3 Withdrawal of Bids . Any bidder may withdraw his proposal, in writing, at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of proposals. No bidder may withdraw a bid within ninety {90) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be a reason why a contract cannot be awarded within the specified period; the time ma'y be extended by mutual agreement between. the City of Pontiac, herein after also referred to as the City, and the bidder. Janitorial and Custodial Services City of Pontiac Page 3 of39 1.4 Bid Form Each bid shall be made or~ the form provided, and shall be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the title of work and the name of the bidder, and shall be signed by an individual authorized to execute the proposal on behalf of the bidder. Alternate written proposals will not be accepted. Proposers shall thoroughly inspect the buildings listed herein and submit, within their Propos~!, an "Operating Plan". This Plan shall include your company's proposed table of organization for the services rendered.
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