GROUND RULES FOR DISCUSSION PARTICIPANT NAME:_______________________________ 1. Treat other members of the discussion with respect. 2. Participate. Be open, honest, and forthcoming. Explain the reasons for your choices and recommendations. 3. Don’t try to dominate the discussion. Invite and welcome other points of view. 4. Listen carefully and try to understand other viewpoints. 5. Stay on topic and limit side conversations. 6. Turn cellphones off or to vibrate so as not to interrupt the discussion. 7. Be mindful of how much time is left to complete the exercise. 2017 For more information about the candidates, check out CitizenDetroit’s YouTube page for 5-minute candidate videos for every offi ce - Mayor, City Council, City GENERAL Clerk, and Police Commission. ELECTION tinyurl.com/citizendetroit CANDIDATE These videos are not an endorsement of any candidate. Vote November 7, 2017 in the city of Detroit Municipal General Election. FORUM October 19, 2017 DINNER WELCOME Dr. Irvin D. Reid & Sheila Cockrel OPENING CLICKERS PRE-FORUM ACTIVITY Sizing Up Candidate Speech GENERAL CANDIDATE FORUM At-Large Candidates CLOSING CLICKERS Forum on Contemporary Issues in Society EUGENE APPLEBAUM CHAIR IN COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT GET INFORMED. BE ENGAGED. /citizendetroit CitizenDetroit is made possible through Wayne State University and the generosity of The Eugene & Marcia Applebaum Family Foundation and The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. citizendetroit.org 12 OFFICES UP FOR ELECTION IN 2017: CANDIDATES LIST FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION – 2 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES NOVEMBER 7, 2017 CITY COUNCIL POLICE COMMISSIONER MAYOR The Executive/Manager. 4-year Term DISTRICT DISTRICT 2013 voter turnout for Mayor: 25%* 1ST DISTRICT 4TH DISTRICT • Appoints department directors, deputy directors, executive branch offi cials Tamara Smith Willie E. Bell • Negotiates development agreements, selects contractors James E. Tate Scotty Boman • Implements service programs and manages day-to-day operations TND TH 2 DISTRICT 5 DISTRICT CITY COUNCIL The Legislative/Oversight Body. 4-year Term Roy McCalister, Jr. George Adams, Jr. 2013 voter turnout for City Council: 24% for district seats overall** Virgil Smith Willie E. Burton RD TH • Approves the city budget, sale of city property, Mayoral appointees 3 DISTRICT 6 DISTRICT • Approves development agreements and contracts Russ Bellant Lisa Carter • Exercises oversight and investigatory power over all city departments Scott Benson TONIGHT’S 7TH DISTRICT • Adopts ordinances and resolutions CANDIDATES! 4TH DISTRICT William M. Davis (At Large) Fall 2017 2 at-large members and 7 district members. Latisha Johnson Elected council members vote on Council President Andre L. Spivey REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE 5TH DISTRICT CITY CLERK Runs Elections. 4-year Term 1ST DISTRICT 2013 voter turnout for City Clerk: 24%* Mary Shef¿ eld Jewel Ware Mark Corcoran • Supervises all aspects of elections Republican 6TH DISTRICT TONIGHT’S • Supervises voter registration and certifi cation of candidates for offi ce Tenisha Yancey CANDIDATES! • Serves as offi cial clerk for City Council Tyrone Carter • Maintains records of all City Council ordinances, resolutions, meetings Raquel Castaneda-Lopez Democratic Gregory Creswell BOARD OF Civilian Supervisory Control & Oversight over Detroit Police Dept. 4-year Term 7TH DISTRICT POLICE 2013 voter turnout for Police Commission: 16% overall** Gabe Leland Libertarian COMMISSIONERS Regina Ross Charter purpose is “to increase public confi dence and trust in the Detroit Police Department by providing competent, objective, and effective civilian oversight.” POLICE COMMISSIONER DISTRICT • Oversees investigations of civilian complaints against police • Develops policies for police department with Mayor and Police Chief 1ST DISTRICT Darryl D. Brown 7 elected district-based members and ND 4 at-large members appointed by Mayor for 5-year terms 2 DISTRICT Conrad L. Mallett Carron L. Pinkins *Total number of votes for that offi ce/total number of registered voters **Combined number of votes for all district offi ces/total number of registered voters 3RD DISTRICT Source: Detroit Offi ce of the City Clerk Shirley Burch SOURCE: Detroit Election Connection Newsletter 2 11 SIZING UP CANDIDATE SPEECH WHAT TO LISTEN FOR WHEN PROOF 2017-09-13 21:29:469:46 HEARING A POLITICIAN TALK OFFICIAL BALLOT PLATITUDES City General Election 1. Water is Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Wayne County, Michigan T a right! City of Detroit, AVCB 1 A general statement that sounds good, but doesn’t offer specific Great! So what’s your plan 1213$57,6$1¬SECTION 352326$/¬SECTION 352326$/¬352326$ SECTION actions the candidate will take. PERTINENT CITY CITY CITYCITY OTO to ensure water for families? 4. MAYOR $1¬,1,7,$7,9(¬72¬(1$&7¬$¬ $¬352326$/¬72¬$0(1'¬26$/ 72 $0((1'(1( Vote for not more than 1 0(',&$/¬0$5,+8$1$¬ 7+(¬'(752,7¬=21,1*¬7+( '( 2,7 =21,1*1,1*¬1,1* )$&,/,7,(6¬25',1$1&(&( 25',1$1&(¬&+$37(5¬¬25',1$1& $37(57(5¬7(5 ¬¬ Directly responds Mike¬'XJJDQ 2)¬7+(¬'(752,7¬&,7<¬2) 7+( '(752,7 &,7&,7<< to the question. This proposed ordinancence would &ROHPDQ¬$¬<RXQJ¬,, &2'(¬&216,67(17¬:,7+¬( &2166,67(17¬6,67(176 :,7+¬7+ amend Chapter 24,, Article XIXIII, 7+(¬0,&+,*$1¬0(',&$/¬0,&+,*+,*$1+,*,*$1¬0(',0(',&$/¬&$/ PANDERING Demonstrates understanding of the 1984 Detroitoit CityCity Code, 0$5,+8$1$¬)$&,/,7,(6¬0$5,+8$+8$1$8$1$¬))$&,/,7,(6¬$&,/,7,(6 2. Medical Marihuana Caregiver L I tell you “bold”and ACTACT about the role of the office. CLERK Centers, to opt into the Michigan /,&(16,1*¬/,&(16,1*/,& 6,1*¬ Vote for not more than 1 Medical MarihuanaMarihuan Facilitieses “challenging” ideas that TheThe proposalpropoprop wouldld amendamen the Tells people what they want Licensingsing Act,Act, Public ActA 281 of Demonstrates accurate knowledge DetroitDetroitt Zoninging Ordinance,Ordinance *DUOLQ¬'¬*LOFKULVW¬,, 2016, to provideprovide forfor standardsstanda CONFIRM YOUR VIEWS. ChapterCh 6161 ofof theth 1984 Detroit to hear to gain their votes. about the issue. and proceduresocedures to licenselicense andndd -DQLFH¬0¬:LQIUH\ CityCity Code,Codd ArticleArtrtr III,III DivisionALA regulate medical marihuana 12, Sectionsonn 61-3-35161-361- through facilities throughrough the Buildings,ildings, Often appeals to people’s 61-3-354,61-31-3-3-354, to establishe land use Safety Engineering,eering,, andann standardsstandadaards anda procedures for prejudices or fears or myths. &281&,/¬0(0%(5¬$7¬7 EnvironmentalEnvir DepartmentDepartmeepartmemee andd thee regulationregul of medical LARGE to impose conditionsditionsons forffo marihuanamarihu BAB facilities consistent Vote for not more thann 2 operation andanndd locationalatiot withw the Medical Marihuana specificationsationtionons forfo schools, publicpubliblicbli FacilitiesF Licensing Act, 2016 libraries,s,s religiousiousous institutions,, %HYHUO\¬.LQGOH:DONHU PA 281, to provide definitions, to POTSHOT andd otherother medicalmee al marihuanahuana designate medical marihuana 5. 0DU\¬:DWHUV facilities.facilcilities. facilities, including growers, GOOD PIVOT/BAD PIVOT -DQHH ¬/¬$\HUV-DQHH ¬/¬$\HUV processors, provisioning 3. ShouldShould thisis proposedposed ordinanceordor An unfounded or irrelevant criticism of an EBEcenters, safety compliance %UHQGD¬-RQHV%UHQGD¬-RQHV be enacted?enn facilities, and secure opponent’s character that doesn’t impact YES transporters, as permitted uses GOOD PIVOT: Responds, but redirects the topic by building a verbal subject to site plan approval and job performance (like gender or religion), NO bridge from one topic to a different topic that is their priority. LLE use regulations in specified &,7<¬COUNCILOUNCILOUNUNCILUNC zoning districts, to require when the target doesn’t have a chance to ',675,&7¬75,&7¬77¬1 compliance with zoning district defend him/herself. Vote foror notnot more thana 1 standards, and to authorize fees Q: Neighborhood revitalization 7DPDUD¬6PLWK7DPDU7DPDUDDD¬6PLWKPLWKLWKW PPL to the City. -DPHV¬(¬7DWH-D-DPHVPHV¬(¬(¬7¬7DWH¬ Should this proposal be adopted? A: BLIGHT... ...BUDGET DECISIONS OPPORTUNISTIC X YES 32/,&(¬3232/,&(32/,3 COMMISSIONERCOMMISSIOOMMISMMISSIMMISSS NO UNFOUNDED ',675,&7¬675,&7675,&7¬1 VoteV for nnotott moremmoMMP than 1 IRRELEVANT 'DUU\O¬'¬%URZQ'DUU\O'DUU BAD PIVOT: Avoids the topic and/or switches to different topics that they really want to talk about. huh? AAM CitizenDetroit.org Q: Neighborhood revitalization informdetroit.org SAMPLESSA BALLOT A: @citizendetroit LET’S TALK ABOUT CLASSROOM SIZES! tinyurl.com/CitizenDetroitYT 10 3 MAYORAL CANDIDATES CITY CLERK QUESTION 2 (Elections): Mike Duggan YOUR NOTES The Michigan Bureau of Elections audit largely fi nds “human error, not illegal activity, resulted in mismatches between the number of ballots and recorded voters.” How will you ensure that your offi ce provides Detroiters with a smooth and trustworthy voting experience? Background Information The City Clerk chairs the 3-member Detroit Election Commission, which also includes the President of City Council and the City’s Corporation Counsel. Coleman Young, Jr. YOUR NOTES AT-LARGE CITY COUNCIL CANDIDATES Janee Ayers YOUR NOTES Brenda Jones YOUR NOTES 4 9 Beverly Kindle- YOUR NOTES CITY CLERK CANDIDATES Walker Garlin Gilchrist II YOUR NOTES Mary Waters YOUR NOTES Janice Winfrey YOUR NOTES CITY CLERK QUESTION 1 (Supporting Democracy): CITY COUNCIL/MAYOR QUESTION 1 (Affordable Housing): What are your priorities for innovation to ensure residents have convenient and timely access to city information? How will you ensure that city-controlled incentives are strategically
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