Modern Motoring Have You Entered the— See "Can You Judge a Car?" Competition? page is FAH FLUNGG ! (The Wizard in Asia Minor): By Walter H. Johnson The Humber SNIPE Saloon Under Test: By Wilfred G. Aston ODERN MOTORINO February, 1932 A 20-seater COMMER Chassis —and look at the price STUDY THESE PRICES ii PASSENGER CHASSIS r r "Centaur" - 20 Seater CENTAUR £295 Never has such a sturdy chassis been offered at so com• " Invader " - 20 Seater petitive a price. Built by a tirm of Commercial Vehicle £495 specialists of 25 years' experience, the "Centaur" fully "Corinthian" 24/26 Seafer complies with M.O T. regulations. It is designed to provide £525 unusual roominess and comfort for passengers and driver "Avenger" - 32 Seater and TO CUT DOWN YOUR COSTS £995 GOODS CHASSIS Powerful and silent 6-cylinder engine, giv ng over 53 H P. ; (1 J tons to 6| tons) 4 speed gearbox, "Heavy Duly" full floating rear axle; £225 to £995 very comprehensive chassis equ'pment. COMMER CARS LIMITED, LUTON World Exporters: London Office: Midland Office and e«v»ce <— —^ Rootes Ltd., Devonshire House, Piccadilly. Commer Sales Ltd.. Devonshire Hous?, Berkeley Street. W.l, Commir Sales Midland1 LmA. $ Ct W.l. London Service Station : 66. Buttesland Street, Hoxton, N. Hampion Sireet p-.-ronfja. 100% BRITISH IN CAPITAL, MATERIAL AND LABOUR Please mention ^IoVorinG u,'len communicating with Advertisers ODERN February, 1932 Page 1 MOTORINC HUMBER AND HILLMAN OWNERS PERFORMANCE :1 «•] SI *»]:»( EMPIRE . PKODl'CT FACTORY WINDSOR ONTARIO CANADA Standard Equipment. No. 7 Humber Models also Hillman (except "Vortic") price */- No. 13 Hillman "Vortic" price 5/- Please mention ^^c?TORING when communicating with Advertisers ODERN MOTOR1NG Page 2 February, 1932 THE NATIONAL POLICY IS ECONOMY Timken Tapered Roller Bearings WHEREVER FITTED, ENSURE THE GREATEST ECONOMIES, BY THEIR INHERENT CAPACITY TO MEET ALL RADIAL AND THRUST LOADS. BRITISH TIMKEN 'Phone: East 1321 {6lines) LTD., CHESTON ROAD, 'Grams: Britimken, Phone, Birmingham. ASTON, BIRMINGHAM. BRITISH .JflT MADE Tradt Mark • Timken Brass, Copper, Phosphor-Bronze Tubes, Wire, Rods, Sheets and Strip. ~£&minate SEA-CLIFF" Brand Spate C&cutuuj and enJhuvce t&e Smartness TRADE MARK yaun, Crxt — CE Super Wheel Discs can be A quickly fitted to any type ol wire or artillery wheels. They completely enclose the spoking and reduce cleaning to a minimum, and Specialities for the Motor Trade: in addition enhance the whole appearance of the car. COPPER and BRASS TUBES The Ace Patent Metal Tyre Cover is for OIL and PETROL PIPES, etc. a beautifully made metal suit for the tyre of the spare wheel. It is constructed in one unit from seamless aluminium Drama PHOSPHOR BRONZE TUBES and may be obtained in Black finish with or without Chromium band on tread portion. Also supplied in colours to match coachwork. Light, exceptionally for BUSHES, VALVE GUIDES, etc. strong and instantly detachable by a single fastener. Chill-catt PHOSPHOR-BRONZE BARS These accessories are recommended and supplied by the Manufacturers of HUMBER AND HILLMAN CARS. cored and solid for BUSHES. Catalogues on request. BRASS STRIP and SHEETS. CHARLES CLIFFORD & SON, Ltd. CORNERCROFT LIMITED, FILM BRASS for RADIATORS. ACE WORKS, VECOUERAy STREET, COVENTRY Tel. Add.: BIRMINGHAM Estd. 17G7 ' CLIFFORD, BIRMINGHAM * Please mention ^^OTX)RING when communicating toith Advertisers, February, 1932 Page 3 The weight is where it's wanted in a one-piece car—it's near the ground You want resistance in a ear body; endurance; beauty of form and finish—but nonweight. And that's why a ' one-piece' car with a P'S'C pressed steel body gives you bodywork as it is meant to be. All the virtues of strength are there without the bulk of clumsy top hamper. All that useless body weight has disappeared ; the wooden sill between body and chassis is gone. Body and chassis grip one another ; steel joined to steel. You get lower lines without loss of head room. You find the weight where it's wanted—along the line of the wheel-base—-near the ground. A P'S'C built body consists of four main units of Pressed Steel welded into one . ligbt but very strong. This body is fixed direct to the chassis so that body and chassis are unified. In this P'S'C 'one- piece' construction, chassis and body-frame and body itself are all one and all-steel. Without costing any• more a P'S'C Pressed Steel body adds a great deal to the comfort, appearance and safety of your car. Ask about P'S'C when you buy your new car. Ask if the body is of P'S'C Pressed Steel—made on the P'S'C ' one-piece ' principle. P.S.C. Pressed Steel was adopted in the Hillman Wizard—the car of the moderns. The' PRESSED STEEL COMPANY OXFORD S*?mtY Advertising 4T ODERN MOTORING Pag< February, 1932 Seasoned 1 Per ect braking fiarcUuoods may be assured when Bendix Brakes are fitted. These brakes utilise the road wheels 1 to multiply foot <m applied brake power. Thus a self-energising braking force is created stopping the car quickly and smoothly ... a consid• eration when roads are congested. SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR THE MOTOR TRADE. THE FINEST THE WORLD PRODUCES. J. GLIKSTEN & SON, LTD CARPENTERS ROAD, STRATFORD, LONDON, E.1S. Telephone: Amherst 4444. Telegrams : " Gliksten, Phone, London." (13 lines) BENDIX-PERROT BRAKES LTD. EVERY FOOT AM TYSELEY - BIRMINGHAM Telephone: A cocks Green lftOl-2-3- Telegrams ; Bendixcorp, Birmingham Please mention ^^OTORING communicating with Advertisers February, 1932 Page 5 FERODO LIMITED, CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH Please mention ^^c^TORING when communicating with Advertisers Page 6 February, 1932 FIT For Press & Commercial Photography :— c I''I C j Pictorial Automobile and RADIATE GOODWILL O j Illustration. \ Q o o N All Subjects Specialised: j N AS SUPPLIED TO g j Architecture, Automobile, j g : Festival Work, &c. &c. \ U | - - j u PRESS Specialists. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES • Best Results - Moderate Charges • T [ j T 1909 - 1931 KITCHING & CLAYTON, G.B.A. Radiator & Eng. Co., Ltd., 124, Trevelyan Road, Tooting, S.W.17. 68, Churchfield Road - ACTON, W.3. 'Phone : Streatham 9514. EVERY. IN GLASGOW HUMBER & You can always see HILLMAN and try the latest Car Owner, and all COMMER Commercial Vehicle Owners and Users HUMBER should become MODERN at the subscribers to MOTORING MAIN DISTRIBUTORS The Official Organ of the The Scottish Auto Co., Ltd., Humber-Hillman-Commer Group 132/136, St. Vincent St., Glasgow, C.2 Central 5720 Monthly : Per annum, post free : Service Depot: 338, Maryhill Road 4cL 6s. 6d. Day & Night Service. 'Phone: DOUGLAS 2898 Please mention ^^OTORING when communicating uiith Advertisers February, 1932 Page 7 NETTLEFOLDS SCREWS foUsre thosNettlefolde repair jobs s Screwin thes home and for the car They have deep and clean cut threads, sharp gimlet points, and heads true to gauge. They are 100% British. Supplied in Steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Chromium Plated on Brass and in many other finishes. ASK YOUR IRONMONGER OR GARAGE FOR NETTLEFOLDS AND SEE THE NAME ON THE PACKETS. GUEST KEEN&NETTLEFOLDS, LTD. BIRMINGHAM Pltase mention JvloTORINC communicating with Advertisers Page 8 February, 1932 AT WORLD«COMPETITIVE PRICES, this great group of British motor manufacturers is producing Cars and Commercial Vehicles BUILT FOR THE ROADS OF THE WORLD . pooling resources employing the finest technical and administrative brains in the country It is helping to win for the British motor industry leadership in the world's markets, giving employment to an ever increasing number o? British workers. using only all-British materials and all-British capita'. Overseas Representatives — SOUTHERN EUROPE—Paris :— AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND:— WORLD EXPORTERS: Mr. C. E. Blayney, Rootes Ltd., Herald Mr. R. Escudier, 1 2 Avenue George V. 8e. Buildings, Pitt Street, Sydney INDIA AND CEYLON:— SOUTH AFRICA:— Mr. H. H. Lilley, 72 Park Street, Calcutta. Mr. John Good, Rootes Ltd., Barclays Bank Chambers, C/r. Strand and BURMA, MALAYA AND FAR EAST:— Loop Streets, Cape Town. Mr. A. F. Sanderson,LRootes Ltd., P.O. Box 555 SCANDINAVIA AND NORTHERN EUROPE— Singapore. London:— Devonshire House, SOUTH AMERICA:— Mr. S, J. Troughton, Rootes Ltd., Devonshire Mr. R. W. H. Cook, Rooles Argentina, S.A. House, Piccadilly, W.1. Piccadilly, London, W.l Callao 1111, Buenos Aires Please mention }\t(jTORING ul'ien communicating with Advertisers VOL. 2, No. 10 FEBRUARY, 1932 Contents for February PAGE PAGE ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER : SOME USEFUL FRONTISPIECE ... ... ... ... ... 10 ACCESSORIES. BY BRIGID DE VINE ... 41, 42 MATTERS OF THE MOMENT ... ... 11 THE MAGIC OF OLD INN SIGNS. BY JAMES FAH FLUNGG ! (WITH THE " WIZARD " IN T. SKINNER (ILLUSTRATED BY GEORGE LONG, F.R.G.S.) 44-46 ASIA MINOR) : BY WALTER H. JOHNSON 12, 13 NOTES AND NEWS ... ... ... ... 14-20 How TO REDUCE RUNNING EXPENSES ... 47, 48 MIXED MODES AND CONDITIONS IN MODERN A FEW FEBRUARY FRIVOLITIES. BY A. TRAVEL :.. ... 22, 23 STANLEY BLICQ ... ... ... ... 49 THE HUMBER SNIPE ON TEST. BY WILFRED • GORDON ASTON ... ... 24-26 ON THE CHOICE OF A CINE-CAMERA AND CAN YOU JUDGE A CAR ? ... ... ... 28 EQUIPMENT. BY " FILMAX " ... ... 50, 51 MOTORING CONDITIONS AND POSSIBILITIES COMMER USERS AND USES NO. 3 : " KEEPIN' IN THE ARGENTINE... ... ... ... 29, 30 'EM AT IT ! ... ... 52 ON GOOD BRAKES AND BAD BRAKING WITH THE WIZARD IN CALCUTTA ... 53, 54 HABITS ... ... ... 32 PAYMENT BY RESULTS. BY H. SCOTT HALL, WITH A CARAVAN TO MONTE CARLO... ... 34, 35 M.I.A.E. ... 55, 56 A NOVEL MAP-READING COMPETITION ... 36, 37 KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND WHEEL. BY ALEC IN FEMININE VEIN, OR THE LETTERS OF DAVIS ... 38 " AUTONIA." BY CHRISTOBEL NICHOLSON 57, 58 PEEPS AT THE PREHISTORIC IN CORNWALL. a COMMER FOEditoriaR EVERY l PURPOSand AdvertisinE g Offices39 , 53, Stratton Street, Piccadilly, BY MARTIN H.
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