~ ELECTIONS SPORTS Student Council For Prewrite ./ Candidates Voice Views Of Bradley Gaille on "Page 3 See Pag~ 8 Series BF 1 Cincinnati'; Ohio.Thursday. February 15, 1962 MondayF~ast';Opens UQipn:Week' Free'Eats"And Cokes Give~~i;"UC-jStudents",' ;,,", " ..;. .... " . ~,. -: Monday ~op'yrilegthecfi[('srt;~seslsiori..of the Union Silve~ A~niversary cre.l:ebraJtilon wilth free namburgers-and cokes; KenNiehaus, stliq~ll1tpreslideiUfof the-Unionsaid, '''W:e are eelehratl.ng in1ihiis'rtI:'aniIl'e:rto reacquaint the-student bodt ~t'h rthe ~:ociJall,)'gerealt\~o~al, and cuLtural programs w hich the Student Union presents "UirfOUghoUit the year. A portion of the student body is unaware "of the .wide variety "of The Union is proving that itts programs Offered by the Union. the center of opportunity in pb~ The purpose and theme of anni- taining all the facets of university versary weeks is not' nostalgic living necessary fora complete recollection, but. forcefully prov- college life. ing that, the Student Union is the Monday's Open House drew a center of campus activities." In larger. than anticipated crowd; each of the two weeks-acombina- according to ·Ken Niehaus. 3556 , . Students pour into the Grill Monday for a free hamburger and tion of cultural, recreational, and free hamburgers and numerous social activities is offered. cokes were given away. Music This first weeks has seen was provided by the Shades of; Monday's Grill Open House, PiKA; ,consisting of Bill Ber~;. which proved to bea verysoc- ~sche, Bud Alexander, and Ed GoldwaterSpea,k~At eessful social function: Tues-· Weber. r~...o day's billiard exhibition by Wil- The-second week of the celebra- lie Mosconi, U.S. billiard cham- tion, from March 5-9, the free l.i,ncoln- Day ,Rany pion was a true recreational ed..; hamburgers and cokes will again ucation; the' week-long Union be offered on Monday. Bridge in- -: by Bill "Strawbridge - being revived in Washington to-. Silver Award Art Competition .struction will be given on Tues- .Senator Barry Goldwater char- .dav,". the Arizona senator said . ran at its cultural best. Tonight day by such experts as Charlton acterized - the policies of" the "The lamp is your pocketbook and the Union Silver 'Anniversary Wallace, Mrs, Francis Tyler, and Ken ned y Administration as the word used is control.' Jazz Concert will be given with other national bridge champions. no charge at Wilson Auditorium. "plain, unadulterated socialism," C:~ncerning the dan~e't,sofa, The movie presented.next week Bill Wa,lters will' be the head:' last Monday night at the Cincin- centralized government .•....•Gold-" will be "Hamlet," shown Thurs- liner, day at 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.mvin nati ·Gardens. His speech was Wate," said, ":They aU have 'ene 1J,1e~highlight of' the Lincoln Day factor in .cemmen, Control can- On Thursday- and Friday after- the Faculty Dining Room. Dean tallY: 'not- 'be 'entrusted .to Congres~, a noons, a-t3 :30 p.m., the sensation- Robert Bishop has been delegated Speaking before, a large but . central committee, or ito ,the al foreign film, La Strada, will be by the Union Board to head the Union Anniversary Committee. som~~hal quiet crowd he said peQph~, but only to" a single shown free of charge in the Fac- th,at' the, Kennedy Adin.ini~tr·a..; cen,tr'alized 'aythority/'.," Such_ ulty Dining Room. _ Photos by lfJric.Mende tion. has. juggled the figures in - governments ','have never 'sue- the ,budget to make it. appear' ceeded,""he added.' " that farm surpluses have been Continuing his, attack on so~ red'uced', ,whereas" in fact they cialism Goldwater rem~rke4,"A . have not. "The farmers must free. economy cannot operate .in , help':'themselves," he said. a centralized, socialisticvgovern- He referred" to the proposed ment. Down through' the .'ages Department' of Urban Affairs as our concept of constitutional gov- that "which there has never been ernmenthas been our. 0Il1y con- FreshConference any demand for except from, the cept of government." ,~, , Democratic - -Party." He asked,' Present ,at,th~ rally was' Set Match' 3'-;5" ,U,Why..should some cities be , President Langsam/:.whO' "!as '" ,~ , forced' to help -other cities that introduced to the crowd as "An .Edmunds have/made mistakes?'! ~ . Amercian ,first and 'a Repub- At St. t "We have the 'story of Aladin (Continued' on .Page 1~n ' The -F r-e s bin a n Conference, , sponsored annually by 'the 'YMCA and YWCA is being held at St. News Record . HoIds~'\¥,orkShop Edmund's Camp' in Glendale', . ~.. ~ TheSh~des of Pl KA provide' music for, the Open House: Left to Ohio;' the first' week-end' in 'March. right: Bud Alexander, Ed Weber, Bill Bertsche. 0 '/ Theine of the conference is "Stop, Ava'i,lible .'T AIIIUC St1udeints' , Look,ancl- Listen." The News Record, in order to -:stated. " Reservations will be 'taken out- fill a number of positions on its Among staff members speak-. side the Union GrillFebruary 19 W.U.S. 'To Host, O'hara; 'staff, will hold a series of work- ing on their areas are Miss Hayes; shops open to all DC students to Bonnie, Woellner, managing edi- through. February 28, from 11:3.0 introduce them, to a number of tor; Dick KIene; associate editor; to 1 p.m. The cost for the entire aspects of college journalism Bill Strawbridge, news editor; week-end is $12. A $2 deposit is WiLL v, Spook' At Wilson practice. Both present staff mem- \Hank Graden, sports editor; and necessary when the reservations bers and others who' are inter- 'Malcolm Foster, faculty, advisor. Today at one o'clock in Wilson dents to participate in a cross are made. ested are urged to '.attend, ac- 'The i workshops will be held Auditorium' Miss Nancy Kikuko cultural WUS seminar in Swe- cording' to Susy' Hayes, News each Friday, during the noon hour The principal speaker at the Ohara will speak to the World den. It was here that she met Record editor-in ..chief., , in Room 311, Student Union, for Corife'ren~e will be Mr. John . University Service convocation. -srudents from all ~ corners ,of the world who are searching )The workshop will .cover such approximately 'six. weeks. Those Hunt professor of English and Since she has' been in college attending are requested, fo bring for a common denominator. aspects of college journalism as Miss Ohara has dedicated herself writing materials, and are asked Theology at Earlham College. ,"I can think of no bette,r gift to editorial policy, news writing, to the' furthuring of WUS. It is sports writing, proofreading, lay- to be present at the designated Mr. Hunt spoke at the Fresh- our fellow students in their man COinfer'ence held in 1959. through her efforts that the real struggle for learnin,g than the out, and headline writing. "We time. significance of this~organization The purpose of the Conference, h e I pin g hand o,f assistance hope the workshops will give both 1 Mr. Foster, News Record advi- is becoming apparent on this cam- is to unify the freshman class, t h r 0 ugh WUS," says Miss .old and new staff members a good sor, Room 106, Student Union, pus. general knowledge of how the will be glad to 'answer any ques- and give die freshmen a chance Ohara. ' News Record or any other college tions' that those' interested may to 'compare their thoughts on the In the summer of 1961 Miss It is this idea with which she newspaper is run," Miss Hayes have regarding the, workshops. first semester in college. Ohara was one of thr~.e stu- (Continued on Page 16) .•.. .PageTwo L!NJVERSIPfOF CI N·C·INNATJNEWS, "RECQRD Thursdoy, f'e.br!'rI~ry.is, 1962 Irnpartia] 'Court -Aveilable.. ,Senator Goldwater Stud t A·' 1 'I' A/ , d Holds Press 'ConI. .-,u. en. .ppea 5 ccepte by Glenn Stoup a sense of direction t9 U"S. Senator Goldwaterheld a press policy. by Ron' Brauer Any student with a parking decision handed down by .the conference Monday for represen- Senator Goldwater iplaced-par- grievance can have his case heard ~ student court. The' student has The Student Court fills the func- by the three to five. judge panel. the right to appeal his .case to tatives of the local high schools ticuI~r emphasis" upon removing tion of hearing student appeals in and colleges. certam programs from' t~efed- The student must appeal the case the President. of the i university eral government. He said. that cases of grievance. by filling out the proper forms in or his "representative;" any-per- 'At his conference ..he defined for welfare to be successful it has Mr. Mileham's office in the Bi- Specifically thec()~rt deals son the president selects. This conservatism as progress through., to be adr:niniste:e~ with. a .'per- ology Building. 'The court is held would norrnallybe Dean Bursiek with matters of student interest, the values and lessons of the .sonal feelmg t~ It m order, to be inclu,dingimpropeFuse of'1.0. in Room 110 in the Union on al- although it, could 'be anyone in " . .' successful. ThIS, he added, can- cards; interpretation or the ternate .Tuesday, Wednesday and the .admlnistration; 'commented past. Conservatism emphasizes not ..be achieved, through the fed- Student Council Conslitutionif Thursday afternoons at 3:30 p.m. Kneisley. the spiritual as well as the phy- eral vgovernment; It has to be a question arises; it also hears' The . student may request an The court ".urges .all students sical side of man. Liberalism done through the church, various disputes between individuals afternoon when he is free. The with legitimate grievances to file stresses only the material side." charity organizations, and the 10- and organizations or vice-versa.
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