conference reports This issue’s reports are on the 6th 6th USENIX Conference on (OO) technologies and middleware will USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Object-Oriented Technologies be required to integrate pieces of soft- Technologies and Systems (COOTS ’01) and Systems (COOTS ’01) ware. OUR THANKS TO THE SUMMARIZER: SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Feldman went on to point out that qual- ity of service and immediacy will be Nanbor Wang JANUARY 29-FEBRUARY 2, 2001 important for next-generation mobile Summarized by Nanbor Wang applications providing networked serv- BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARDS ices, such as market monitoring, financial Yi-Min Wang of Microsoft Research, Co- transactions, and real-time information Chair of the Conference, announced the broadcasting. The heterogeneity of the best student award. Many of the accepted environment these applications must run papers were written by students this year. on presents many challenges to develop- Of them, two received identical scores, ing these applications. The diversities in and both of them were awarded the best user demographics, device-specific user student paper award. They are: interfaces and business models processes of service providers further complicate “Content-Based Publish/Subscribe the issue. with Structural Reflection” by Patrick Th. Eugster and Rachid Guerraoui of In conclusion, Feldman envisions a world the Swiss Federal Institute of Technol- of pervasive devices that are helpful, ogy, Switzerland and always on, always available, personal, friendly to use, easily authored, managed, “Multi-Dispatch in the Java Virtual secure, and reliable. It’s up to the applica- Machine: Design and Implementa- tion and middleware developers to meet tion” by Christopher Dutchyn, Paul these challenges. Lu, Duane Szafron, and Steve Brom- ling of University of Alberta, Canada; SESSION: DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS and Wade Holst of the University of TORBA: TRADING CONTRACTS FOR CORBA Western Ontario, Canada Raphaël Marvie, Philippe Merle, Jean- Marc Geib, and Sylvain Leblanc, Labora- KEYNOTE ADDRESS toire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, France THE BRAVE NEW WORLD OF PERVASIVE, INVISIBLE COMPUTING Raphaël Marvie presented their work on Stu Feldman, Institute for Advanced the Trader-Oriented Request Broker Commerce, IBM T.J. Watson Research Architecture (TORBA), which is a frame- Center work and a collection of tools to auto- In this talk, Feldman pointed out that, mate the use of the CORBA Trading with their increasing popularity, portable Service. Marvie pointed out that locating computing devices have become perva- a service is the essential part of distrib- sive in our daily lives. Nevertheless, uted applications. Although the Object unlike desktop computers, there is still Management Group (OMG) already no single computing model that domi- defined the CosTrading Service, it is nates the mobile world nor should there complicated to use and does not support be one since mobile devices have very type safety. The proposed solution is to different hardware interface designs. make the Trading Service an integral part With the current trend, the number of of objects and provide tools to integrate mobile devices accessing the Web will the Trading Service into applications shortly exceed that of desktops. There are automatically. plenty of opportunities to develop TORBA defines the concept of trading mobile devices, and Object-oriented contracts in TORBA Definition Language 4 Vol. 26, No. 4 ;login: (TDL). With the help of a TDL compiler, I Safe dynamic reconfiguration of dis- resources contained in a physical space TORBA generates the code for trading tributed component systems and defines generic computational envi- EPORTS proxies, which hide the complexity of Hess also provided a performance analy- ronments for ubiquitous computing R using the OMG Trading Service and pro- sis of their component configurator devices. vide the necessary type-checking mecha- implementation. For more information, contact nisms. TDL allows application developers ONFERENCE For more information, contact [email protected]. C to specify the properties of an object and [email protected]. how the object will be offered to and SESSION: INFRASTRUCTURE queried for by its clients. Although AN ADAPTIVE DATA OBJECT SERVICE FOR PER- HBENCH:JGC – AN APPLICATION-SPECIFIC TORBA introduces some extra opera- VASIVE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENTS tions when connecting and using the BENCHMARK SUITE FOR EVALUATING JVM Christopher K. Hess, Roy H. Campbell, GARBAGE COLLECTOR PERFORMANCE trading server, a local library is used to and M. Dennis Mickunas, University of Xiaolan Zhang and Margo Seltzer, optimize its performance, and other Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Francisco Harvard University ORB-specific optimizations can be used Ballesteros, Rey Juan Carlos, University to improve the performance further. of Madrid In this paper, Xiaolan Zhang pointed out Christopher Hess continued to describe that as Java gains popularity several Java For more information, contact their work on the adaptive data object Virtual Machine (JVM) aspects, such as [email protected]. service (DOS). He first pointed out that dynamic memory management and remote data access is the most essential garbage collection (GC), can become DYNAMIC RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND problematic for performance sensitive AUTOMATIC CONFIGURATION OF DISTRIBUTED part in modern computing environ- applications. Understanding GC perfor- COMPONENT SYSTEMS ments. The traditional file sharing mech- mance characteristics in order to select Fabio Kon, University of São Paulo, anisms, however, are not suitable for the right GC implementation can signifi- Brazil; Tomonori Yamane, Mitsubishi many mobile devices and their comput- Electric Corp.; Christopher K. Hess, Roy ing model because they lack the neces- cantly affect overall application perfor- H. Campbell, and M. Dennis Mickunas, sary resources, such as bandwidth, mance. Traditional GC benchmarking University of Illinois at Urbana- memory, software, and CPU power to approaches may not measure the behav- Champaign decipher the raw data stored in files. To ior of targeted applications accurately Component technology is gaining popu- address the problem, Hess’s team pro- because they usually measure and com- larity in today’s computation environ- poses the adaptive DOS, which is pare the total execution times of a fixed ments. Software components increasingly inspired by the model-view-controller set of applications using different GCs. collaborate with each other, and how (MVC) model. These applications, however, may not they are configured often depends on the have the same behavior of the application hardware that they run on. Managing With DOS, data are represented and we are interested in. accessed through containers and iterators. software components is becoming com- Zhang presented their work on plicated as dependencies among compo- Containers shield the actual file represen- tations from the application. Data can HBench:JGC, which is a vector-based nents and the number of hardware benchmarking suite that characterizes platforms they can run on grows. either be remote or local. Containers can also be instantiated with filters, e.g., a application memory-usage patterns and Christopher Hess presented their work GrepContainer, to change the user’s view the GC implementation independently. It on a component configuration frame- of a data stream. Iterators provide differ- then combines both metrics to evaluate work that provides mechanisms to help: ent ways to traverse the data in contain- the performance of a GC in the bench- ers. marked application. The experiments I Automatic configuration of compo- show that HBench:JGC can predict the nent-based applications DOS is currently implemented as actual GC time within 10% for most I Intelligent, dynamic placement of CORBA service and can be linked-in applications. applications in distributed systems dynamically. XML descriptions are used I Dynamic resource management for to describe the capability of DOS objects, DISTRIBUTED GARBAGE COLLECTION FOR distributed heterogeneous environ- so a device knows what a DOS object is WIDE AREA REPLICATED MEMORY ments and how to use it. DOS is part of the Alfonso Sánchez, Luis Veiga, and Paulo I Component-code distribution using Gaia system, which is an infrastructure Ferreira, INESC/IST, Portugal either push or pull models that exports and coordinates the Alfonso Sánchez presented their work on distributed garbage collection (DGC) for July 2001 ;login: COOTS ’01 5 wide area replicated memory (WARM). latency compared to functionally equiva- For more information, contact He first identified the deficiencies of two lent handcrafted code. [email protected]. traditional DGC schemes. DGC that uses For more information, contact the message-passing model fails to con- GUEST LECTURE [email protected]. sider the existence of replicated objects. EXTREME PROGRAMMING: A LIGHTWEIGHT Conversely, DGC that uses the shared- USING ACCESSORY FUNCTIONS TO GENERALIZE PROCESS memory model does not scale well, since DYNAMIC DISPATCH IN SINGLE-DISPATCH Robert Martin, Object Mentor, Inc. it depends on sending causal information OBJECT-ORIENTED LANGUAGES Robert Martin gave a speech on a popu- using the underlying communication David Wonnacott, Haverford College lar topic – extreme programming (XP) – channels. David Wonnacott presented another and on applying XP in software projects. The authors propose a DGC algorithm paper discussing the applicability of Ken Arnold defines XP
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