"^ATESTEIE^lSr J^JJ^TX^J^X^XJ^. [ Published by Authority. ] This Gazette is published for Police information only, and the Police throughout the Colony are instructed to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the contents. GEO. PHILLIPS, Commissioner of Police. No. 1.] WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. [1888. Circular Orders and Miscellaneous Sub-Inspector W. C. Lawrence 5 Detective John Connor 5 Information. Detective George Gurney ... 5 CO. 783.1.—In future it will be the duty of the Detective J. G. Baker 5 Water Police at the various outports to make Detective Robert Connell ... 5 periodical examinations of all Buoys and Moorings, and to report their condition to the Government ^83 Resident of the District and to the Harbor Master GEO. PHILLIPS, at Fremantle. Commissioner of Police. , The Water Police boats are not suited for any­ 3-1-^ thing but an examination, but the constables will be able to report whether a Buoy is out of its proper Stealing in Dwellings, from the position, or if it is bare of paint or tar, or that it is floating too deep, etc.; the Government Eesident Person. &c. will then arrange for the necessary work to be done. Perth.—On the 26th ult., from a hut at Grove The Water Police at the outports will also carry Farm,—2 cheques drawn by M. Clifton, one for 18s. out any instructions issued by the Government the other for 16s., the proi)erty of Ching Hing. Eesident concerning the management of the Jetties, Suspicion attaches to Sarah Jane Clarke.—C.I. 1. berthing ships, removal of goods, or other matters relating thereto. Per//j.—On the night of the 27th ult., from the GEO. PHILLIPS, person of J. Reidy,—silver hunting Waltham Commissioner of Police. watch. No. 2,530,603, silver albert chain, small links, 21-12-87. with 3d. piece, 4d. piece, 2 anna piece, and small silver compass attached.—C.I. 2. CO. °/g3,j—His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the following Rewards being Beverley.—On or about the 26th ult., from the paid to the undermentioned members of the Police person of Alexander Fraser,—open face silver Force, and charged to the Police Reward Fund. Waltham watch, back of case a little rusty. Sus­ (Favorable Becords, 1887.) picion attaches to James Ware alias Jimmy Niggers. —C.I. 3. P.C. John FarreU .. 2 P.C. William Armitage 2 Albany.—On the night of the 20th ult., from P.C. Henry Holland 2 moorings near the Town jetty,—surf boat 18ft. long, P.C. Joseph Smythe 2 7ft. beam, depth of hold 3ft. 6in., cutter rigged with W.P.C. E. M. Tonkin 2 sails bent, painted lead color with red bottom and Corporal John Beresford 3 black gunwale, the property of Frederick Douglas. P.C. James Best 4 —C.I. '4. P.C. William PoUett 4 P.C. Edward Plush ... 4 Albany.—On the night of the 21st ult., from the P.C. P. Finucane 4 steam launch " Loch Lomond,"—1 water breaker P.C. W. J. Nicholls 4 and 1 yellow oilskin coat, the property of Alexander Lance-Corporal Francis Dunne 2 Armstrong.—C.I. 6. Lance-Corporal Charles Gee 6 P.C. John CarroU 10 Berth.—On the 28th ult., from a grant off Murray ^ P.C. WiUiam Sellenger 4 Street,—1 floor cramp (left handed), the property P.C. H. Chipper 4 of WiUiam Mansfield.—C.I. 6. Fremantle.—On the night of the 28th ult., from Apprehensions. the person of Michael Johnson, at John Waldron's boarding house,—7 =£1 bank notes and 14s. in Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 221 (Warrants Issued). silver. James Reece is charged with this larceny. JACOB SKELTON, exp., late 10362, at WiUiams, on Vide Apprehensions.—C.I. 7. the 16th ult., by P.C. Holmes ; brought up at Williams on the 24th ult. Remanded. Fremantle.—On the night of the 28th ult., from the person of Ah Loon,—24s. in silver. Ah Kan Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 224. is charged with this larceny. Vide Apprehen­ ALEXANDER POEBES, brought up at Albany on the sions.—C.I. 8. 16th ult. 1 month h.l. ( Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 224. Guildford.—On the night of the 23rd ult,, from owner's garden,—a quantity of apples, the property AH Soo, brought up at Geraldton on the 16th ult. of Eliza Tracey. Suspicion attaches to Job Shen­ Discharged. ton, exp., late 6447.—C.I. 9. GEOEGE JONES, exp., late 8iS5, at Geraldton, oK Geraldton.—On the 26th ult., from the person of the 24th ult., by Sergt. Waldock ; being on the pre­ James Doran, at the " Back Flats " Hotel,—silver mises of the Victoria Hotel for some unlawful pur­ hunting Waltham watch, No. 2553615, and nickel pose. 2 months h.l. silver albert chain, curb pattern.—C.I. 10. Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 197. Albany.—On the 26th ult., from the person of NOOLBERAGINA, brought up at Beringarra, on the William Gallagher, at the " Railway" Hotel,—1 15th November last. Discharged. ,£5 and 7 .£1 bank notes. Suspicion attaches to John Burke and James Deegan.—C.I. 11. SAMUEL HILL, at York, on the 26th ult., by Sergt. O'Connell and P.C. Kinnane, and WILLIAM alias Youndegin.—On the 28th ult., from owner's GEORGE DORAN, at Hordham River, Beverley Dis­ premises,—1 single-barrelled carbine, the property trict, on the 28th ult.; brought up at York on the of Alfred Eaton. Tommy Dombar, ab. nat., com­ 31st ult., charged with committing an unnatural mitted this larcenv. Vide Warrants Issued.—C.I. offence at Beverley on the 16th ult. Committed for 12. trial. PATEICK CONNOE, at York, on the 1st inst., by Warrants Issued. Sergt. O'Connell and P.C. Kinnane ; shooting one Patrick Sherry with intent to do grievous bodily RICHARD SEPTIMUS HAYNES, stout, age about 30 harm, at York, on the 1st inst. years, height about 5ft. 3in., black hair, grey eyes, oval visage, fresh complexion, clean shaved, a solicitor ; being indebted to John Henry Monger in Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 230. the sum of ^89 15s. 3d. JOHN GILL, brought up at Fremantle on the 29th To be arrested as often as he may be found in any ult. Discharged. vessel about to proceed to sea. Dated Albany 24th December, 1887. Vide C.I. 8. AH KAN, at Fremantle, on the 28th ult., by P.C. TOMMY DOMBAE, ab. nat., stout, age about 35 Kingsley; larceny of the money mentioned in above years, height about 5ft. Qm., little toe lost from one reference. Discharged. foot, a shepherd : larceny of 1 single barrelled rifle, the property of Alfred Eaton, on the 28th ult. Vide C.I. 7. Dated York, 31st December, 1887. JAMES REECE, at Fremantle, on the 28th ult., by L.C. Murray; larceny of the money mentioned in above reference. Discharged for want of prosecution. Property Lost. Fremantle.—On the 27th ult., in High Street,— ALEXANDER BAiLLiE,exp., late 4381, at Fremantle, old clasp purse, containing 1 half sovereign and 15s. on the 30th ult., by P.C. Metcalfe; vagrancy. 6 in silver and copper, the property of Mary Brown. weeks h.l. Perth.—On the 28th ult., in city,—cheque on Viele Police Gazette, 1887, page 230. National Bank, for 15s., drawn by Robert Smith, JOHN JACKSON alias TASKER, exp., late 9472, payable to WiUiam Love, the property of William brought up at Perth, on the 29th ult., charged by Pindlay. Lance-Corpl. Gee ; vagrancy. 1 month h.l.; unlaw­ ful possession of 3 tradesman's bUls. 3 months h.l. Perth.—In December last, in Hay Street, — 3 JAMES SHAW, months promissory note for =£21 odd, drawn by o^., , , ^^^^l-' ^'^^'^ 1*^1^^' at Perth, on the Thomas Walker, in favor of David Gray, dated 26th ult., by L.C. Gee; vagrancy. 1 month h.l. (about) 14th November, 1887, the property of C. P. Cooper. .u'^t^fu *^,YTHj3EET td., Reg. No. 9422, at Perth, (*>. the 27th ult., by L.C. Gee; breach of regulations. 3 months h.l. Perth.—On the 1st inst., in St. George's Terrace, —green stone watch pendant, the property of Jane Vide Police Gctzette, 1887, page 11-6 (Warrants Issued). Guerin. on iT^'^iS^^.'"''-^''^'^^^''^^'''''the 30th ult., by P.C. Holmes . Williams District,^ Vide Police Gazette, 1887, page 208. Vide Police Gazette, 1887 Guildford.—The number of watch mentioned in page 221 (Warrants Issued) ^ -; above reference, the property of John McVee, is WILLIAM HENEY SQUIRE, at Kojonup, on the 29li 23453. ultt. , by Corpl. Beresford and Lance-Corpl. WaU ^ 3 RETURN of LICENSES issued under " The Wines, Beer, and Spirits Sale Act, 1880," for the year 1888. PUBLICANS' GENERAL LICENSES. WAYSIDE HOUSE LICENSES Condi­ Condi­ tion. Name. Sign. Town or District. tion. Sign. Town or District Free Watts, Frederick ... Railway Hotel Albany Free... Gorman, James Chockerup Inn I Albany Do. ... Edwards, James London Hotel Do. Do. ... Krakouer, Abraham Travellers Eest Hotel Do. Do. ... Norriah, John Weld Arms Hotel .. Do. Widow Cooper, Mary Ann ... Bush TT^U Do. Do. ... Woods, William T. ... York Hotel Do. Do. McLarty, Mary Ann Pinjarrah Arms Hotel Miuray Widow Woodman, Selina ... Freemasons Hotel Do. Free... Cocfci-am, Edward D. Jan^ahd.'ile Tnn Do. Exp. Eoa(.'li, James adias White Hart Hot«l Do. Do. .. Howe, Thomas Joseph Murray Arms Hotel Do. Williams Do. .. Butterworth, Samuel Exchange Hotel Pinjarrah Free... Flindell, James Qeorge Pier Hotel Fremantle Do. ... Bell, James Port Inn Rockingham Exp. Haf>an, I'atrick Victoria Hotel Do. Do. ... Day, William Travellers Rest Hotel Bunbury Road Free..
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