PAOETWELVB THB WBATHBK EbttrivBlnr Evntfaio SmlA I Of O. a franthat Federal surplus comrooditles wUl Final rehearaala for the p^cipaia Mrs. EUsn CrosMn who sarvod length of diQra no « sm would ever be distributed Friday at Kittel's and eboruaea In ’'Showboat,” the sa chalnnsa of tha Ashbury group, think of bar sa being aged, as she Nfot Old Yet McaUSKEY SPEAKS ABOUT TOWN market It wag annotmeed today. North Ifcthodlat church school who oateihd for the Father and Hon was so much interosted- In Ilf# and partly elsnBy I minstrel will taka place tonight, and banquet at tha South Uathodiot able to be active until her last lU- ■as. Aoplleattoa il*ry C. Keeney Tent. Deughten Warrants for the collection of cvarythlng points to s thoroughly church Iset nIgbL wae aurpnaad and Nels Emil wemer of this town MANCHESTER — A (TTY OF m LAGE (HARM Vnioo Veterans, nill follow Its delinquent 1S88 old age aastatance anjoysbls program. Ralph Peraaon ploased st tba dost ot the program She loved her church and wax AT K. C. GATHERING meeting at tlie State Armory Tburs* faitereeted In all aeUvltlea of the ■ 3^ and Martha Ragnblid HJelm of taxea are being prepared by Tax who Is tba captain and who hat whan Otto Nalson, in behalf ot the Eagieville bava applied for a mar* PRICE rUREB CENTS day evening, wltb a Valentine social Collector Samuel Nelaon, it was bean coaching Oia "crew", and men who aponaored the banquet, South Methodist church, behig the (CtoaoUM Adyerttsiat on Pago UR MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15,1939 (SIXTEEN PAGES) instead of the colonial costume party oldest member In length t t mem doge Uoenae at the office of the VOL. LVm., NO. 116 stated today. The warrants are Charlta Fields who had been con* praaented to her s bouquet of Oeau- Town Clerk. rniiHi wbich was originally planned. being Issued against all who have atnictlng the boat and nautical set­ Uful flowers. Ura. Croaaen boa aerv- bership, os she becanM affiliated with this church nesuriy aeventv Noted AtUele TeDs Of Con* ■eperte failed to pay the dksessment which ting, have left nothing undone to ad In a aimllar capacity on many a Corporation reports today were A claim ma<le against the town was due last February 1. Wltb slndlor occasion and her work la ai- years ago under the paatorete ot by Fell* Kszevlch of Tolland turn­ make the minstrel a success. Home Rev. W. A. Kingsley. In a boos flied adth Town Clerk Samuel J. Frimdship Takes the Palm at Republican Rally the S3 tax, plus one dollar penalty made candy will b* sold durtng In- waya appreciated by both the women ditioM In Europe Dorms Turkington by the following local pike, who charge.-^ |X)llulion of a and $7 service fee, the total bill dealing with MethodUm in thle well was cs'ised^l'v highway grad­ "termlsslon. and the entertainment and men of the church. town she Is ipentloaad as "Mias corporattone: for delinquents wtll amount to Sll. The Highland Pork Water com­ FAVORABLE REPORT ing near his pr*-ml,ses. was settled will begin tomorrow evening at 7:30 Mary Hoyle, a willing worker,” and SIX SPANISH LEADERS Old age taxes on the present list His Visb There. «ith pajTuent to the plaintiff of In the church vestry. thoae words deseribs her Ufe as pany, Lawrence Cese president and are payable before March 1. treasurer, A. L. Crowell vice preei- JlOO last night. Settlement was PUY TO BE PRESENTED she gave generously■ of her strength, authorized by the S<-lcctmen, hsr time___ ____ and her means to her dent end treesurer, Carol Case Den­ The members of the American The .Missionary meeting and mid­ nison assistant secretary. Capital week praye rservlce will be combined loved church. Joseph McCSuskey, national In­ SENT LEGISLATURE BY SCHOOL CHilDREN not fully paid In. none. DIrectora. Legion auxiliary wtll meet tonight The influence of her beautiful door and outdoor steeplechase nt 7 o'clock at Chextnut and Winter tomorrow evening at the Church ot Lawrence W. Ckse, Carol C Denni­ ON TRIAL FOR LIVES; life wUI go on In this town and In champion, spoke to members at street, to go to the Holloran Funeral the Nazaiene. son, Maytle C. CrowelL Mabel C. Lights And Curtain Club Of South church which she so loved. CampbeU CouncU K. ot C., hla home Viot end A. I* Crowell. I home, to pay their respects to the A public card party will be given A church member and friend, late W. J. Priess. The Green To Entertain To­ council, lost nlgbL He la on a visit Manchester Lumber and Fuel ON DUAL JOBS ACT FLORENCE BURDICK GIBSON under the auspices of Pine Lake to hU parents, Mr. end Mrs. John company. H. M. Uuemesy pi Shores Community Club, Inc., Fri­ morrow Evening. Girl Scout leaders .vill bold their McCluakey of Foster street. C. W. Austin treasurer, R. ^ day evening at 8 o'clock at the The athlete gave an Interesting aralstant treasurer, Loretta FIRED FOB SFEEDINO; ONE AWAITING DEATH monthly meeting tomorrov. evening The Lights and Curtain club ot READ? Home Building Institute of The account of the oonditkma he oh man secretary. Amount of ^IK^'Conipromise” Proposal Of­ FASTER JOB NOT OPEN at 8 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A., and Hartford Times. A prlx* will be the Manchester Green acbool will PUTS PART OF TINA are i -piested to bring thell ques- present the play "Sir Richard served In the different countriee be not paid in full $50,000. Directors; LOOT BUNDLE MAKER .An Important sn- given for each table, and refreah- visited in Europe. They all made H. M. Guernsey. C. W. Austin. D. O. Philadelphia, Feb. 15—( A P I - tlonnalrSh, prpperly tilled out. Mrs. Serves Hla Quern" tomorrow eve­ Forty years ago John W. Has- rOUCB OFFICER WEEP Barriebera Te Be Ezecriai nonacement In to- menta will be served. Charlotte M. IN TENNY WIST TOmCHT Mchard Manning, Bfl-year-old re­ special efforts to impress the Smith. fered To Place Patronage mormw'a Herald Frederick Manning will entertain Faaeett and Beatrix C. Seifert are ning at 8 o'clock In the school audi­ senplug, 65, was discharged as BRITAIN WILL tired Cheney Brotbars foreman visitors. In Germany during his Gorman Motor Sales Incvi coneemlng the Mg> with a travelogue and pictures ot In charge of arrangementa and will torium. a trolley motorman for driving Lowell, Hass., Feb. 16.— (A P ) her Paclflc coast trip The main characters In this carpenter (above) yesterday ob­ last visit this waa apparent Me- James Gorman president r* Plnms Oot Of Reach Of -P olice Berit. John Graham As SoM At Head Of gest event of the be assisted by Rstelle O. Simpson, Cluskey said. Conditions In other urer. Hflen E. Gorman too fast. Hoping to astlafy his week — a mammoth Robin Hood play are: Sir Richard Mim Rita Stephens To Make served his birthday with the ob­ wppt when a man came Into the Margaret M. Valker, Julia T. Sulli­ servation that he does not expect parts of the country did not war­ Amo'int of capital not paM desire for apoMl, be entered the BORROW MORE St. James Bingo that The Second Congregational Wo­ Partington, Richard Buckley: King Her Debut With The Com­ guard i^ m ot the police station, van. Rilna M. Marcy, Alice M. to grow old until he is 80. Mr rant this treatment be commented. none. Directors James i||t Members Of Assembly. service of the PennsylvMla rail­ tarj District FonBslY A^^ Is boond to Interest men's League will meet at the Jones and Helen C. Bhive. Henry, Ronald Custer; Queen munity Players road. He worked for the com- told him his story Md left a everyone. Eleanor, Patricia Dowd; BUbop of Manning Is active and vigorous and The speaker told of track events Helen E. Gormsi^, Michael church tomorrow afi rtjoon at 'J:au. In which he had taken part and man. pMy $7 years—as ststionmaster bundle on his desk. when James Pasco* of Watkins Hereford, Hollla McKee; Chamber- Interested In everything of wrorld FORJEFENSE prsfct uCm c k ^ Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ One of the featurM of “Penny wide Intereat. He Is the father of was still of the Impression that he —Md never left town. The bundle, containing 60 Brothers Interior decoration depart­ lain, Rdwatd Hunt; Robin Hood, Wise" will be the debut of Mlae Rita state Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 15. pounds of badly cnMhed onions, sons, will meet tomorrow evening In Herbert Btevenoon. Atty. Frederick Manning. Is able to beat Don Lash, who has ment will be the guest si>eakci. I'he the Masonic Temple. While the Stephens with the Community Play­ defeated him In the two mile event — (A P )—The General Assembly re­ had been found by the man In M Ofllilli Ciiaet W l l i | I hostesses will be Mrs. Georgs h. The remaining parts will be play­ ers. This talented young actress, alley. plan was to have the officers ot the ed by members of the club. On A special match race Is ^Ing ar­ W alter N . Leclerc ceived a favorable report today on a BM To Be Introduced To Le Borst. Mrs. Oscar Bailey, Mrs. Uavid West Hartford chapter exemplify who recently Joined tha PlayerW ability to the role should impart ranged betwreen the rivals. "compromise" proposal to place -4* Armstrong and Mrs. Grac* Ames. A Tueodiw afternoon tha play was group, win re-enact the spirited Htsrd Bi War CshkHi^ the work, this hoa been called off given before pupUa of the echooL much life to tha entire production.
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