ISSN 1731-0652 COMMITTEE FOR REHABILITATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIEN CES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPORT KINETICS – IASK AN­TRO­PO­MO­TO­RY­KA Vol. 23, nr 62 INDEX COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION CRACOW, POLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN WROCLAW, POLAND CRACOW – WROCLAW 2013 ISSN 1731-0652 ANTROPOMOTORYKA COMMITTEE FOR REHABILITATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPORT KINETICS – IASK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, CRACOW, POLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN WROCLAW, POLAND VOL. 23, NR 62 CRACOW – WROCLAW 2013 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Edward Mleczko VICE-CHAIRMAN Zofia Ignasiak MEMBERS Jan Chmura, Jerzy Januszewski, Andrzej Klimek, Tadeusz Koszczyc, Lesław Kulmatycki, Wiesław Osiński, Joachim Raczek, Teresa Sławińska-Ochla, Włodzimierz Starosta EDITORIAL BOARD Michal Belej (Slovakia), Peter Blaser (Germany), Tadeusz Bober, Janusz Czerwiński, Sławomir Drozdowski, Józef Drabik, Joanna Gradek, Peter Hirtz (Germany), Josif Moisiejewicz Fejgenberg (Israel), Adam Haleczko, Andrzej Jopkiewicz, Han C.G. Kemper (Holland), Krzysztof Klukowski, Vladimir Lyakh (Russia), Robert M. Malina (USA), Wacław Petryński, Ryszard Przewęda, Igor Ryguła, Stanisław Sterkowicz, Stanisław Żak EDITOR’S OFFICE al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31-571 Kraków Poland www.antropomotoryka.pl Indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS This publication is funded in part by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Original version of the journal ANTROPOMOTORYKA is the paper version Linguistic editors: Sylwia Willcox – Transatlantic Communication Statistical editor: Stanisław Matusik © Copyright by University School of Physical Education, Cracow, Poland Design and DTP: University School of Physical Education, Cracow, Poland Print: ArtProm, 31-431 Kraków, ul. Dukatów 29 Circulation: 150 NR 62 AN­TRO­PO­MO­TO­RY­KA 2013 CONTENTS Foreword from Editors: Physical activity above all! 5 Information for the Authors 9 ORIGINAL PAPERS Zygmunt Sawicki Sports and recreactional activity of Austrian pupils from alpine region 11 Jarosław Omorczyk, Mirosław Kost, Dorota Dudek, Przemysław Bujas, Leszek Nosiadek The level of technical efficiency of youngest-category gymnasts based on the phase structure of elementary floor exercises 27 Adam Haleczko, Leszek Korzewa, Ewa Misiołek, Urszula Włodarczyk Effect of the somatic factor on performance in shot put in relation to the spin and classical techniques 39 Marek Popowczak, Andrzej Rokita, Ireneusz Cichy, Paweł Chmura Physical fitness of children aged 10 years participating in physical education classes enriched with coordination exercises 55 Vladimir Lyakh, Przemysław Bujas, Dorota Palik, Jarosław Omorczyk, Marek Palik, Janusz Brudecki Sexual dimorphism in motor coordination in students at Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum 67 REVIEW PAPERS Marzena Zarzeczna-Baran, Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Ewa Bandurska, Justyna Sztorc, Lubomira Wengler Health programs fighting overweight and obesity among children and adolescents conducted in Gdansk 79 DISCUSSIONS Anna Siniarska, Napoleon Wolański Early sport specialization: how and when to evaluate body build and composition that is predisposed to sport achievement 89 NR 62 AN­TRO­PO­MO­TO­RY­KA 2013 FOREWORD FROM EDITORS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ABOVE ALL! Having dealt with considerable difficulties and problems The article The level of technical efficiency of that might have seemed insurmountable, we deliver to youngest-category gymnasts based on the phase readers this new issue of Antropomotoryka-Kinesiology structure of elementary floor exercises presents a very with a DOI identifier. We provide the full articles in the interesting approach to evaluating movement perfor- electronic version on the Index Copernicus website. mance according to requirements that enable efficient I am pleased that a hardcopy version of this edition and successful exercise. These requirements are com- will also be published in both Polish and English. It is monly known as exercise techniques. It constitutes a difficult to state how long we will be able to maintain pu- problem that has yet to be entirely solved. The issue blishing this version of Antropomotoryka-Kinesiology. of providing objective methods for the evaluation of Let this moment last as long as possible! As mentioned exercise techniques in gymnastics is constantly being above, we have managed to improve the quality of our discussed, especially when it comes to beginners who services and believe that with the assistance of Index are practicing for competitive gymnastics. The authors Copernicus, we will continue to thrive. of this publication presented a proprietary solution that The presented review of articles, entitled Physical should not only be propagated, but above all – in my activity above all! (readers will know the reason for opinion – patented. this title after reading the positions included in this is- The Wroclaw-based authors of the article Effect of sue), begins with the article Sports and recreation ac- the somatic factor on performance in shot put in rela- tivity of Austrian pupils from the Alpine Region, which tion to the spin and classical techniques use the results was written by the author in Germany. It contains the of data analysis to draw the reader’s attention to the results of research conducted in Austria that are inter- old, but updated, issue of relations between motor ef- esting for comparative study. The conducted survey fect and somatic traits of athletes in overcoming exter- helped to determine levels of physical activity among nal resistance in the spin and classical styles of shot boys and girls in two schools in Austria, as well as putting. Analysis of the collected material disproves to specify those levels when considering forms of ex- the hypothesis that improvement of shot put results is ercises practiced during physical education classes. not directly proportional to body mass increase after The classification of the youth’s preferences for free- exceeding the estimated body mass limit. What also time activities was also provided. The youth were from allows the assumptions adopted by researchers in the two towns in Austria’s Alpine region (diverse when it past to be questioned is the analysis of research mate- comes to the number and inhabitants). The analysis rial from a different track and field discipline. It follows included the following elements: motives for recre- from the above that this publication is of particular cog- ation and sports activity as well as attitudes towards nitive value. In accordance with Karl Popper’s scientific sport. In the summary analysis of the collected mate- methodology, it also constitutes an encouragement to rial, emphasis was put both on different pedagogical further study, and to verify or to disprove the aforemen- and psychological aspects of participating in various tioned hypotheses. forms of physical culture among Austrian youth and Another team of Wroclaw researchers made an on the effectiveness of participating in different forms attempt to solve a very challenging scientific problem. of physical activity. The article Physical fitness of children aged 10 years – 5 – From Editors participating in physical education classes enriched their social background, but they simultaneously aspire with coordination exercises constitutes a successful to acquire different social statuses through their edu- undertaking to demonstrate on the basis of the ex- cation. Due to the fact that studies into environmental perimental study the effectiveness of proposed special conditioning of students as a transitory social group are physical exercises (up to 20 minutes per week). As it rare, they are worth continuing. turned out, the proposed proprietary program of modifi- To conclude this brief review of the articles printed cations to the curriculum for physical education classes in the 62nd issue of Antropomotoryka-Kinesiology, helped to improve the motor abilities of children in their I would like to draw the reader’s attention to the arti- initial period of schooling. cles in the following sections: Discussions and Review Up to now, the area of coordination abilities, also Papers. In the article Early sport specialization: How known as the information area, has been the least and when to evaluate body build and composition that investigated element of the human motoric system. is predisposed to sport achievement, the authors dis- Studies undertaking the issue of biological conditioning cuss the consistently relevant problem of recruiting and of coordination abilities are also rare. The authors of selecting children for sport. I think that the anthropolo- the article Sexual dimorphism in motor coordination in gists’ stance on this matter is fascinating and notewor- students at Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum thy. attempted to determine kinetic diversification in the de- The other work, Health programs fighting over- velopment levels of particular components of complex weight and obesity among children and adolescents coordination abilities. The study results provided no conducted in Gdansk, presents current organizational clear answer to the issue of determining differences in solutions in a Polish city that are aimed at improving the levels of developing these abilities. Only in some the health status of children and adolescents. It seems of the conducted trials did the women achieve better that initiatives such as “Keep
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