Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/edinburghleithdi01aitc jf.DINBU^pH AND LEITH DIRECTORY CONTAINTNG AN ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT .FjBLI'MEN, PRIVATE GENTLEMEN, MERCHANTS, TRADERS, AND OTHERS, In the City and Suburbs of EDINBURGH AND LEITH, &c. ELEGANT ATLAS OF SCOTLAND EVGRAPEC FOR THIS WORK. CAREFULLY SELECTED BY THOMAS AITCHISON, LEITH WTNJD* IHv Two Shitting. ' «? D \1953. , . MAGISTRATES OF EDINBURGH W&OM this Directory is mojl refpeclfully infribed.) Tic Right Honourable Sir James Stirling, Bart. Lerd Frcyf.', and Lord Lieutenant cf the City. Bailies. William Fettcs, Efq; I Robert Bow, £fq; D^vid Willifon, Efq; Arch. Mtnzies, | Efq; James Jackfon, Efq; Bean of Guild. Thomas Henderfon, Efq; Tieafnrer. Archibald Gilchrift, Efq; Old Provcft. Old Bailies. James Eyre, Efq; I Peter Hill, Efq; Tho. George Spankie, Efq; | M'Ritchie, Efq; Charles Kerr, Efq; Old Dean cf Guild. • James Dewar, Efq; Old Treaf. and College Trecf. Merchant Counfllo, Trades Counfellors. MefT. Arch. Campbell, MefT. William Ranken, Thomas Hunter, and Thomas Milne, John Lindfay, jun. Ordinary Council Deacons. T. Kennedy, Furriers, Conven. James Hunter, bakers, Andrew Wood, Chirurgeons Andrew Hutchifon, Flejhers, David Lindfay, fen.- Skinners, George Muirhead, Waidkers Extraordinary Council Deacons. Pat. Cunningham, Goldfmitbs, I Wiliiam Eaine, Tailors, George Gregory-, Rammermtiiy.. I William Rofs, Cordiners, James Galbraith, Wrights, \ Eben. Gairdner, Weavers, Robert Dickibn, Mafias, \ William PurfelL Bonnet:r.ah> James Ofwald, Efq;-) Peter Hill, Efqj Be:, on Baiik John Pattifon, Efq; ( arm. of Crno-igatc and Calton. ^^*rs - Wm. Stewart, Efq: f la. C!ephan,7 „ ., Wm.F.Tytler, E(q;_) Alex.Boog/f*^^' Geo. Cranfton, Efq; Affejor, }<*><*« John Carfrae, Treafurer. %+?E* Jnhu ; Ritchie, Alex. Duncan,") n M Clerk. De?' C' ef' J.Cunnmgham&J.Mafon,Z?^ James Laing, \ Wm . Forbes, Keep. Counc. Records. G. Spankie, Efq; Ad. of Lcitfc .' Thomas Hay, Chamberlain. And. Ca!Tiils,i R_ Jame<; Buce, Accountant. Ellis. Martin, \ ^»* M*g. John M'Ritchie, Agent. John Pattifon, Clerk. Don. Smith & Dan. M'Queen, ' joint Collectors of cefs, &c. T. M'Ritchie, Efq; Baron Bailh cf Porijlurvh and Potierro-J) W. GiUefpie, Suferint. of Police. W. Caldcr,") H'Jtton, B ., J. Suferint. of Water. *'>«•' -MgJ J,.Gcldie, f W. Sicbald, C-jerf. of Pub. Works. William Young, Qeci { 4 ) COURT of SESSION. Hay Campbell of Succoth, Lord Prefident, Park-place David Rae of Efkgrove, Lord Juftice Clerk, No. 10 St John's ftree* John Campbell of Stonefield, No. 1 1 George's fquare David Rofs of Ankerville, No. 3 St Andrew's fquare Sir William Nairne of D'unfinnan, Argyle's fquare, oppofite Trades Hofpital William Craig cf Craig, No. 23 George's fquare William Baillie of Polkemmet, No. 26 George's ftreet fouth fide David Smyth of Methven, No. 23 St Andrew's fquare Sir William Millar of Glenlee, Brown's fquare Allan M'Conochie of Meadowbank, No. 20 fouth Fre- derick ftreet Robert Cullen of Cullen, Argyle's fquare William Honyman of Armadale, Park-place M'Leod Bannatyne of Bannatyne, No. 52 George's ftreet, north fide Claud Bofwell of Balmuto, No. 38 St Andrew's fquare George Fergufibn of Hermand, No. 60 George's ftreet, fouth fide MACERS. Robert Moffat, Buccleuch ftreet John Graham, Canal ftreet Thomas Brodie, Advocate's Clofe John Ritchie, Alifon's fquare LORDS CLERKS. Lord Prefident's, Walter Lcckhart, Park ftreet Lord Juftice Ckik's, Robert Brown, Canal ftreet Lord Stoneficld's, Archibald Campbell, Carruber*s clofe Lord Ankerville's, John Chalmers, Leith walk Lord Dunfinnan's, Patrick Murray, Argyle's fquare Lord Craig's, Robert Hedderick, Rofe ftreet Lord Polkemmet's, William Wirfon, Mid Rofe ftreet Is) Lord Mjthven's, James Jolmfton, Rofe 'ftreet Lord Glenlee's, Andrew Billet, Brown's clofe, daftly hill Lord Meadowbank's, Mr Willis, No 4 St James's ftreet Lord Cullen's, Alexander Grant, Alifon's fquare Lord Armadale's, James Lightbody, eaft end of Crofs- caufeway Lord Bannatyne's, John Chriftie, mid. Rofe ftreet Lord Balmuto's, James Wilfon, Paterfon's Court Lord Hermand's, Mr Andrew, South Charlotte's ftr. Depute and other Clerks of the Bill Chamber.. Andrew Miller, writer, No 5. St James's ftreet depute clerk James Mercer,' Buccleus;h ftr. 7 1 1 . -,- ,• ,_• i - ° to adjudications T/ J- clerks J James Kerr j William Scott, . No 15 St James's fquare, affiftant clerk James Glafs, Panmuir's clofe, Canongate. BARONS of EXCHEQUER. Right Hon. James Montgomery, Lord Chief Baron«, . Queenfberry houie, Canongate Honourable Fletcher Norton, Abbey hill Sir John Dahymple, Bart. Argyle's fquare Coimo Gordon, Efq; No 4 St Andrew's iquare Archibald Cockburn, Efqt Caroline park REGISTER HOUSe, fronting north end of Nortli Bridge ; general record room in the front, Wilt and Alexander Robertfons, deputy keepers, OTHER PUBLIC OFFICES. Admirality office, Paterfon's back court Barrack mafter general's office, No 2 Charlotte fquare City Income Tax office, No 44 South Bridge, eaft fide County Income Tax office, No 7 Hunter's fquare Cuftom houfe, Royal Exchange Commiffary office, Parliament Clofe , Cefs office, Bank ftreet, Lawnmarket. Chamberlain's office, Blair ftreet, No 4. Excife office, St Andrew's fquare a 3 ( 6 ) Excife PERMIT OFFICE, above Stamp office clofe, open for granting Permits—From 8 to 9 o'clock Morning— 10 to 2 afternoon— 3 to 6 Evening Friendly Insurance office, head of back flairs General poft office, North bridge—Office for money in Carrubei's clofe Kirk treafurer's office, Exchange Kirk feffion clerk's office, entry to old- kirk by Par- liament Clofe Lyon clerk's office, No 33 St Andrew's fquare Lyon depute office, Merchant ftreet Minifters widows fund office, No 13 Queen's ftreet "Phoenix fire infurance office, No 28 South Bridee, weft: fide Poll horfe tax office, St Mary's wynd Royal Exchange affurance fire office, No 8 South Bridge, eaft fide Sheriff clerk's office, Brodie's clofe, Lawnmarket Stamp office, old fhip clofe, High ftreet Signet office, Writers court Society hall, Baron Maul's clofb Sun fire infuiance office, Writers court Town clerk's office, Cremes Truftees office, Writers court Water dut£ office, Blair ftreet, No 4 BANKS. Bank of Scotland, middle of Lawnmarket, fouth fide Royal bank of Scotland, oppofite the Crofs, fouth fide Britifh Linen Company, Netherbow, fouth fide BANKERS, Allan Robert, Writers court Allan Alexander and Co. High ftreet Anderfon Robert and Co. Exchange Forbes Sir William, Sir J. H. Blair and Co. Parlia ment clofe Kinnear Thomas and Sons, Exchange Mansfield, Ramfay, and Co. Exchange Scot, Smith, Stein, and Co. Exchange ' Setoai Wallace, and Co. Exchange Smith Donald and Co. Exchange SCOTCH FAIRS. When any Fair falls on Saturday, it is generally delayed till tht Monday or Tuefday following. JANUARY. Turreff, laft ToefOS Monymufk, a Wed Ayr, iTucfOS Muline, a6 OS Arbroath, 31 day -FEBRUARY. Nairn, 18 day Airdrie, a Tuef Abernethy, ra day Old Deer, 3 Thurf 03- Cupar in Fife, I Th Airdrie a Tuef Paifley, 3 Thurf Crieff, a Tuef Alyth, Faften's even Rattray, I Tuef OS- Dunferm 3 Wed OS Banrf, 1 Tuef OS Ruth ven of B^denocb, Dunkeld, ai day Blair in Athole, I day a Tuef Dunoon, a Wed OS Bucklivie, a Tuef Spittal of Glenfhee, Drumblat, a Tiref O.1 Cupar in Fife, T Wed aa day OS Ecclefechan, Friday OS Shots, 1 Tuef OS after the II day Dornoch, 1 Wed Stirling, I Friday Falkirk, 31 day Downe, 11 day Strichen, laft Thu OS Falkland, a Thurf OS Drammochie, I Frid Stooven Murray near Gartmore, 8 day Dunkeld, 3 day CrietF, 9 day OS Glafgow, a Monday Dumfries, a4 day •JTarbeyt, 3 Tuef Granton, 1 Tuef Dunoon, a Wed OS Wigtcm', 1 Fr* OS Hamilt. laft Tuef OS Ecckfechan, Friday Kilfyth, a day after the II day MARCH. Kilwinning, ai day Falkland, laft Thurf Alyth, Tuef after the Kippin, I Wed OS a Thurf OS Killin Bredal. a I day Forfar, laft Wed Auchterarder, 10 Op Laurencekirk, 3 day Torres, 1 Wed OS Bucklyvie, a Tuef OS Linlithgow, I Friday Fyve, Faften's ev. OS Berwick, 1 Satwr after the a Tuef JGlenihee, 3 Tuef Calder, a Tuef Lockerby a Thurf OS Hamilton, a Thurf Cornhill, 1 Men Lochmab. laft Tu OS Invernefs, 11 day or Dunbarton, 3 Tuef Machline, laft Wed Wed after Dunblane, I Wed OS Kilmarnock, Faft ev. Dunfermline, a Wed Muthil, 19 day Kirkton of Alford, Dunkeld, 8 day Old Deer, 3 Thar OS laft Tuef Dornoch, 3 Wed Old Mel drum, the a Kirkton of Weem, 5 Dunfe, 1 Wed Tuef OS Tuef Ecckfechan, Fr aftev Peebles, a Tuef Lanark, laft Tuef II Strathaven, 1 Thurf Largs, 1 Tuef Foulis, 11 and 19 St Fillans, 20 day Linlithgow, z$ day Glafgow, Thux befots Tain. 1 Tuef Lockerby, % Thurf Eafter Giilafiirels, 2 Wei NS Fettercairn, laft Tuef Bathg:itc, -i Wti af- fnverkeithir.g, i Wed OS j ter Term OS Kelib, I Friday Forre?, % Wed OS [Berwick, 2 Wed Kenmore, I Tuef OS Fortrofe, 1 Wed [Byth, 4 Tuef OS Kinrofs, 3 Wed OS Frendraught, 3 TuefiCarluke, 10 day Kirkpatrick, 05' 1 7 or day jCarftairs, 1 Thurf OS after Granton, lafl Tue OS^Cottown, 3 Thurf OS £ilfyth, 1 Tuef iS-ippen, 2 Wed Cumnock, laft Tu 05 Ladykirk, 25 day OS Lanark, laft Wed Cupar Fire, laft Wed Longfide, 3 Tuef. OS Lar-gholm, 16 clay OS Lockerby, 2 Thur OS Leuchars, 2 Wed OS'Doune, 2 Wed Marnoch, 1 Tucf & Leflie, 1 Tuef OS Dnnbarton, 3 Tuef Wed- OS Levcn, 3 Wed OS Danbar, 1 Tu after 26 Melrofe, Thur before Linlithgow, 3 Friday Dunblane, laft Tuef; Eafter Lockerby, 2 Thur OS Dunnjbo, 4 Tuef Mi I Calder, 2 Tuef Lochmaben the laft Oyiart, 6 day Nairn, 1 Tuef Tueflay, OS DiimtavickiUichattan Old Deer, 2 Th rfOS Melrofe, Thurf be- 13 day Peebles, I Tu:: fore Eafter - Ecekfeehan, Frid af- Perth, j Frid NewD#er, 1 Tuef OS ' ter tl day Ruthergh:n, 1 Frid OS New Galloway, ift t'.lgin,4Tuef Strathave n, 1 Thurf Wed OS Ellon, 1 Tuef OS Selkirk, 25 OS Ochtergaven,laft Tue Falkirk, 12 day Tain, 3 Tuef O.
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