DISCRIMINATION AMENDMENT JUNKED Win Rowe Submits Resignation; Not Accepted by Student Senate / h & By Leighton Gilman In the second longest meeting in its brief history, the Student Senate Monday evening voted down, 35-9, a majority committee report that would do away with discrimination because of race, color, religion or national origin in campus organization. In its place a minority committee report, submitted on the NEW HAMPSHIRE part of the fraternities by George Batchelder, was overwhelmingly accepted. This minority report does not have any intention of do­ ing anything about discrimination, but rather it was an attack PRICE — 7 CENTS VOL. No. 41 Issue 11 Z413 Durham, N. H., December 6, 1951 against the proposed amendment to the Student Senate Constitu­ tion, submitted in the majority report. Immediately following the vote of the Senate, Win Rowe, chief supporter of “Violation of Jurisprudence” Cadet Colonel Elected Wednesday the majority report, submitted his resig­ The fight by the fraternities against nation because the student government’s the majority report centered around the action “ means a tacit approval of dis­ following points: (1) there is oppor­ crimination.” Mr. Rowe said that he did tunity organization on campus; (2) in­ not submit the resignation because of a dividuals have a choice of what fraterni­ As Students Prepare for Mil Art “sour grapes” attitude, “but merely be­ ty they want to join; (3) there is no cause this policy of discrimination was vital problem on this campus; (4) an By Louis Thompson against his philosophy and because it amendment would only break down was a matter of conscience. prestige of the Student Senate; (5) both The colorful coronation of the Honorary Cadet Colonel will provide a grand climax to the 25th the IFC and the Senate have more press­ annual Mil Art Ball to be held tomorrow evening, Dec. 7, at New Hampshire Hall. Dancing will Before his resignation was voted upon ing problems; (6) non-fraternity people President Robert Merchant, and several start at 9 p.m. and continue until 2 a.m. with the music being furnished by the talented Tony have no conception of the problems in­ other members of the Senate, had high volved in such an amendment; (7) the Pastor and his reknown orchestra. _ ..... praise for Mr. Rowe’s work. President amendment is a direct violation of Ameri­ This year’s Cadet Colonel was elected from a field of seven candidates at voting which took Merchant stated, “W in has done a valu­ can Jurisprudence; (8) fraternity pro­ able service to the Senate,” and strongly perty rights would be jeopardized; (9) place under T-Hall arch on Wednesday. urged Senators to vote down his resig­ The coronation is scheduled to take place during the intermission and will be followed by the fraternity members have last say in se-1 nation. By a unaminous vote, his resig­ lecting members; (10) the discrimina­ initiation of 40 new members into the honorary military society, Scabbard and Blade. The Cadet nation was not accepted. tion fight is a long-term process, and Colonel, along with Gov Adams and several other remarks. other military officials, will initiate the Majority Report Voted Down new pledges. Fraternities Extend Bids It was evident that the fraternity group The 1951 Ball marks the 25th anni­ Five U N H Departments Cooperate had a well-organized attack on the clause versary of the local military society. As Rushing Nears End and therefore made the following resolu­ The dance will feature a military theme tion that was finally adopted: Observing centering around “ Silver Anniversary” At any time during the period from that some fraternity organizations on Wednesday, Dec. 5, to Wednesday, Dec. For Annual Christmas Concert theme. By Dave Proper campus restrict membership because of Chaperones for the first formal affair 12 at 8 :30 p.m., a fraternity may extend race, creed, or national origin, the Stu­ of the year are Dean Ruth J. Woodruff, bids to prospective pledges on regulation At 8 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday evening Dec. 12 and 13, dent Senate hereby advises the* Inter- Dean and Mrs. Everett B. Sackett, and cards signed by the president. On Thurs­ the Annual Christmas Concert will be presented in New Hampshire Fraternity Council and Pan Hellenic day, Dec. 13, any man who has received Major and Mrs. James P. Forsyth. There Hall by the Department of Music assisted by the Speech Division Council to aid their member fraternities will also be an impressive list of guests one or more bids may indicate his final by every means in removing restrictive in attendance, headed by Gov. Sherman choice at a designated place between the of the English Department, the Department of The Arts, and the membership clauses. Adams. hours of 3 :30 p.m. and 5 :30 p.m. _ Dur­ Dance Club, at 8 p.m., Dec. 12-13. Approximately 300 students of James A. Nassikas, president of IFC, ing this time he will sign an invitation the University will participate in this Christmas production also made an appeal for the voting down Military and UNH Guests card which will express his choice._ The of the majority report in stating “ let us Invited guests include Capt. and Mrs. regulation pledge fee of $6.00 wijl be The organizations active in the con­ George Reynolds and Mr. Vincent Blee- ker, associate director, the Concert Choir fight discrimination with diplomacy, tact, Leon N. Blair, U S N ; Capt. and Mrs. collected at this time by a representative cert will be the University Symphonic and indirectness and not with unfavorable M. T. Farrar, U S N ; Capt. and Mrs. of the Advisor’s Association. Orchestra under the direction of Prof. under Prof. Karl Bratton, the Wo­ men’s Glee Club under Miss Elaine publicity, pressure from outside groups Charles A. Farriter, U S N ; Lt. Col. and and undemocratic activity.” Majchrzak, Assistant Professor of Mrs. Earle S Davis, U S N ; Colonel and He earlier stated that he refused “ to Mrs. W . S. Phillips; Maj. General and music, and the Men’s Glee Club under take a stand in support of discrimination, Mrs. Charles 'McLaughlin; and Major Religious Emphasis Week Ends Prof. Bratton. Tableaux and lighting and in that statement I echo the attitude and Mrs. Frank E. Kirby. effects for the evening are under the of an overwhelming majority of fra­ Heading the University delegation will direction of Mr. J. Donald Batcheller. ternity men.” be Pres, and Mrs. Robert F. Chandler, With Interfaith Meeting Friday Dance Club to Perform “W e Are Again Discrimination” jr.; Dean and Mrs. William Medesy; This year as a special feature the The IFC president added “ W e are all Dean and Mrs. Harold C. Grinnell; and By Dave Proper Dance Club under the direction of Miss against discrimination and by the same Rev. and Mrs. Henry Hayden; Rev. J. Patricia George of the Women’s Physi­ Religious Emphasis Week got under way Monday evening with token we desire to uphold and practice Desmond O’Connor, advisor of Newman cal Education Department will perform all that is American, but the proposed Club, will also be present. a general religious convocation held in New Hampshire Hall. Under to the music of the Men’s Glee Club amendment violates a very significant Officers of Scabbard and Blade for the the chairmanship of Ed Douglas, President of the University Re­ singing “ In dulci jubilo,” an ancient phase of our American way of living.” current year are Cadet Officers Capt. ligious Council, three speakers addressed the audience under the German carol. Mr. Rowe led the fight for the amend­ William ’ Shea, 1st. Lt. William Knipe, The Symphony Orchestra will present ment by himself with the exception of 2nd Lt. Nicholas Kalipolites, and 1st theme “God in Higher Education.” numbers by Brahms, a transcription for introductory remark by Sheldon Cook, Sgt. Valerian Laveinoich.* Two selections were sung by the University Choir. “Alleluia” orchestra of a organ piece by Bach, and chairman of the discrimination committee Tickets will still be available at the by Wilson with Patrice Gonyer as soloist, and “Ave Maria: a section from Tehaikovshy’s “ Nut­ which originally voted five to four in door Friday evening at the same price cracker Suite.” “ The Musical Snuffbox” Religious Leaders Officiate 1 favor of the amendment. as that of ast year, $4.20, tax included. will also be presented by this group. The discrimination discussion also set. The Rev. George V. McCabee, _S. J., Special arrangements have been made to was the' representative of the Newman This years orchestra boasts a complete another precedent, because Monday night D.A.O., Ph.D, Professor of Homiletics allow women students 2:30 a.m. late per­ Club. Rabbi Abraham I. Jacobson, a orchestration, and its work is expected was the first night that debate on a sub­ at the Jesuit Seminary in Weston, Mass., missions. graduate of the Jewish Institute of Re­ to be as good as it has ever been. With ject was limited. President Merchant put ligion, New York City College and re­ the help of Mr. Vincent Bleeker, the a limitation of three minutes for each ligious advisor to the Hillel Foundation new assistant director of the orchestra, speaker and several times speakers were on campus was that organization’s repre­ and the person in charge of the string cut short in their arguments. Traffic Committee Cracks Down sentative. Dr. Frederick H. Thompson, section, the orchestra has high hopes for Two New Members Present Pastor of the Woolfords Congregational the year. Two new members of the Senate were Church, Portland, Maine spoke for the New Hampshire Hall will be appro­ present Monday evening for the first On Parking Violators on Campus Christian Association.
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