JLOS HERAJLD: SXTKDAT 8, 1896. 15 sustain the weight of entertaining cert tour twenty years ago. And the which must be done by the reigning dashing Tagliapletra, never so happy queen. New York society just now is as when he wore the smart clothes of a NEW YORK'S SOCIETY QUEEN undergoing the process of rehabilitation MUSICAL COLUMN Spanish bull fighter and could roll out by the infusion of new blood, and the his "Toreador t'attendo" to the plaudits of the galleries; and then d'Albert, whose MAN, tinge of this fluid Is decidedly golden. WEAK AROUSE YOtflpSEF. Most of It comes from Chicago. There dimensions as a virtuoso are in inverse A New Aspirant for the Exalted Is General Torrence, for instance, who Miss concert on Monday, ratio to his size as a man who wears Yaw's the Jager flannel from the top of his head Upon of Hope Leading' \u25a0?OUred immediate metropolitan recog- 16th Inst., is being looked to \u25a0Look' the*V.sioh You on toHealitf and a $10,000 overcoat, and forward to the soles of his boots, eschews meat Position nition by wearing very great nationality, Charles T. Yerkes likewise magnetized with a amount of Interest, and his British and puts off Happiness?lt Voice of Nature Appealifc#to very large wives as Is the Your the gaze of Gotham by sleeping on a and Is sure to draw a audi- his be does his top clothes. ence Simpson Miss Yaw Since we have talked about her husband 110,000 bed. Potter Palmer descended to tabernacle. of years ago. Sense of Manhood, Urging You jtP Recover the upon Newport during the season with will be assisted by the same artists that twenty there can be no Rowef A RULER OF THE 400 NEEDED harm in saying that Mme. Carreno was the object, it is said of feeling the social contributed to the success of her last born in Caracas in 1863, the daughter of You Have Lost. j pulse preparatory to making the New season, Miss Georglclla Lay, pianiste, a finance officer of the gov- Oj y^J^ York plunge. Venezuelan and Maxmilian Dick, violinist. ernment. She studied with Gottschalk Rope, that most psecious element which seems lostyfo ofYoung gladly bei Mrs. Whitney to Ascend Gotham's Social All these things have to be looked af- and Matthias in Paris, and was still ln ter by some responsible head. Society fer< tfi'em again. Health, which they had given up as a pr/eioiri memory, never to return to them, is »ew\ Vierjaehrige her teens when she began to give con- is not unlike a great business concern, An opera entitled "Der certs. She used to be a singer as well as within their reach. Life, which had lost all its attraction rear How ifuade brighiand cheerful fot along per- and if it is allowed to drift without Posten," by Schubert, had its first a pianist. She composed the national that greatest ofall blessings?Manhood?is within the re every mzn-'vMo will chance. the supervision of a recognized execu- hymn skiijpi formance in Dresden last month. The of Venezuela, and she has man- You need now feel that hateful ofsptfcW when you (Sink of and men- tive something in the nature of a catas- music is greatly Inferior to the Brlklng, aged an opera company, and when forced not depression The Smart Set Has Been Sadly Befog- trophe Is certain to result. performances. had; you oan Schubert wrote in the same year, to do it conducted Its An tal condition, for you can possess as vigorous a body as any uaayer ged Since the Abdication of Mrs. MRS. WHITNEY'S CLAIMS. which extraordinary woman altogether is Is when he was 18; but Dr. Hlrschfell Carreno, eating away your vital strength j you can he happy and Belt your friend Astor Two Ago. Her friends say that Mrs. Whitney is Teresa and heartily will her Years strengthened the score by interpolating you the slough ? the things old admirers welcome her back to her and the means ofsaving from of despond. j \ t just woman to set to rights. writ- home. She has not been connected with society selections from other little operas , Would you not like'to have your friends point to you is to do\ and say "There goes a intimately enough ten, by Schubert. ? » matters here to be in- ? ? good story man?" Do ypu wish your eye to be so bright, your stop and yobr form so erect that men NEW YORK, Nov. 6.?Society is to fluenced by the petty squabbles A is*told on Colonel Maple- strong not sc/firm queen. which * Wag- by uppermost in have a new Of course, it has not now exist. Moreover, she is fitted for tlie Herr Hermann Levi, the famous son Arditi. the veteran conductor, ln and women will admire you arfd yonr manly aroMhe tlpughts tha been officially announced; things of many nerian conductor, has been compelled, his recently published memoirs, and It remarket kind never are; still Itis pretty well place by external considerations, a prolonged nervous malady, may be especially apropos to it mind ofmodern man?physical nanly/power/ \ that such great wealth, family gener- owing to quote Any understood by the gilded folks who as and to retire to private life. Herr Levi was now that after so long an absence the. does not like to-be stTong'/tpfeel thatT««*ws--eTrall\ W strength to iW of his age? Yon make up the smart set that the throne al surroundings. pupil of Lachner, and Is a man of fiß, gallant colonel is back on these shores: Infuse Personally, no one better eouhl be a ,'can' be ifyou willobey the appeal here made to you. DespondVfio mate. Be Jpa nd acting. 4ntd chair, which has been vacant for tho He has been court conductor fur the past "I remember a good story of Maple- :e past two years, is to be occupied and found. She has figured prominently In twenty-four years at Munich, and it is son," says the author, "which oppor- your body the life-giving power-from this appliance and you wfU flfcv or society country * the affairs of swelldom directed with in this and abroad for largely due to him that the Bavarian tunely recurs to me at this moment. A carriage will then be erect a spaWe of ' splendor the past eighteen years, ever since she through your veins;-your ' as much as the heart of the Opera house has attained to its present certain tenor who had made his debut heart to is\a. most brilliant butterfly could wish. was brought out. She was educated in high position. The regent of Bavaria under Mapleson's management came to Your brain will-become clear and your Mrs. William Collins Whitney, the Germany, and her first husband, Cap- has now granted him a retiring pension, him one day .in a towering rage, nour- fijeasure to know, a pleasure to live in. \t _ ? r new wife of the ex-secretary of the tain Randolph, had the entre to the best and lias appointed as his successors Dr. ishing a daily paper in his hand, and navy, Is the lady slated for the throne. social circles In England. Mrs. Whitney Erdmannsdoerfer and Herr Richard complaining bitterly of the manner in y And right here it should bo stated that is but thirty-six years old, and is a Strauss. which his singing had been critclsed by the Instant after the lady's name has strikingly beautifully woman of the ? ? ? that journal. DR. ELECTRIC Wtf fj been mentioned for the unique honor blonde type. She has exquisite taste- Paderewskl, about whose sanity sen- " "It's shameful.' cried the Infuriated SANDEp a host of dissenting voices tore tlie in the matter of dress, and has displayed sational rumors have been current. Is at singer, 'to have been maligned in this Has made thousands, of lives happy during, the past six mo ths. Atou have heaiiyour neighbor spea* of air and shouted in unslon that "it must much ingenuity in devising unique en- present In the south of France, busily fashion. You, Mapleson. I know, have localitw<onr* one sAeaks well of Electric Belt, not*She." But all queens, Including the tertainments. engaged' on a now opera, which ho hopos the greatest influence with all the news- it.» In,every papers ln London; can't you get this because every towguias oi c orAtone enres bjgeA .nature of contradicted, or at least an apology ten- t],e matter presents jAt*Apalt\\<: mention of\ra ejects by those .wh» dered to me for this unpardonable In- r would] sult? Not being known in London Ksp*Vv have, benefited .bf/it, jV/i' '"ere fact there makes It all the harder for me, because not be s]ace\__4n ItVis to / Jrjrit the gladsome nobody will care to hear me sing now. It is 4 remtdy .born, in Nature, I am simply ruined.' IjHL y»t>ul4be Msduced. 1 "Mapleson at first assumed a pained natuah vital dr sexual force; there. expression, mlW\^Jm^f^^ ln/ans and looked thoughtful for a Jllf fore Anly yite it. Prugs havei been tried moment. Then a happy thought occur- litisXhe n^s ed to him, as it always did on such oc- anrl fa'iledV You Lrlr/wtiiat; Electric Belt cannot casions. figgMail. Lif-V' It gives your the oil " 'Let me seen what paper It is In,* K'* aaraVxvfew said he. The tenor then tore asunder Jar jsPjyith wbiahjo'"*set/fie/iiachineryW the opening page of the Daily Telegraph \u25a0c)[^B^^9 *'^^^l)lion^lls a-sfcure you ftttUtn of and thrust it into Mapleson's hands.
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