FINE ITALIAN CUISINE AT SAPORE ITALIANO THE SANZONE FAMILY INVITES YOU TO ENJOY VALENTINE S IN WEST CAPE MAY • SEE PAGE 9 WEEKEND AT CARINI RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA • SEE PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Mergers and acquisitions By George Dickie World Hockey Association. Which were they? 9) Which league was re- Questions: structured in the mid-1990s 1) Which NHL franchise to become NFL Europe? merged with the Minnesota 10) What league merged North Stars in 1978? with the NFL in 1970? 2) What open-wheel circuit merged with the Indy Rac- Answers: ing League in 2008? 1) Cleveland Barons 3) This league merged with 2) Champ Car World Series the NBA in 1976. Can you 3) American Basketball As- name it? sociation 4) Which four teams came 4) Denver Nuggets, Indiana over in that merger? Pacers, New York Nets, 5) In 1949, this league San Antonio Spurs merged with the NFL. Name 5) All-American Football it. Conference 6) What two professional 6) National Basketball basketball leagues merged League and Basketball As- sociation of America in 1949 to become the 7) Pittsburgh Steelers and NBA? Philadelphia Eagles 7) These two regional NFL 8) Edmonton Oilers, Hart- rivals merged for one sea- ford Whalers, Quebec Nor- son in 1943 to form the diques, Winnipeg Jets Steagles. Can you name 9) World League of Ameri- them? can Football 8) In 1979, the NHL ab- 10) American Football sorbed four teams from the League WORD SEARCH Y S F O N I K E V L E B R D X A J R P J X N X D Y A R M O I W E A O T A R Y C W D X K R P S K I N N A M A N G A N N M E M C E D K W R E X P O R Z A X Z O H K N T J X S I W E D N U I V A M A R G O T T D I M S J D A C V I Q K A M G O R D O M J N G O C D R N S R S W C H O Q S R I O O T N V E X D N U V U A S A L T E R N A T E T R B H N N P D F C O L W A C Y G R L T X K W I J L R M K A R E N W E F L A C Z D C R E D R M B A N A M R L N C Y G T E V A H “For All Mankind” on Apple TV+ (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Edward (Baldwin) (Joel) Kinnaman Cold War Gordo (Stevens) (Michael) Dorman Alternate (History) Margo (Madison) (Wrenn) Schmidt (Lunar) Exploration Karen (Baldwin) (Shantel) VanSanten Jamestown Tracy (Stevens) (Sarah) Jones Decade (Later) PAGE 4 Custom Features Release the week of February 14 - February 20, 2021. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS MergersSPORTS and acquisitions TV SPORTS ByMergers George Dickie and acquisitionsWorld Hockey Association. WorldWhich Hockeywere they? Association. Mergers and acquisitions By George Dickie 9) Which league was re- Questions: Which were they? By George Dickie World Hockey Association. 9)structured Which league in the mid-1990swas re- Which were they? Questions:1) Which NHL franchise to become NFL Europe? 9) Which league was re- structured in the mid-1990s Questions: 1)merged Which with NHL the franchise Minnesota to10) become What league NFL Europe? merged structured in the mid-1990s mergedNorth Stars with inthe 1978? Minnesota 10)with What the NFL league in 1970? merged 1) Which NHL franchise to become NFL Europe? North2) What Stars open-wheel in 1978? circuit with the NFL in 1970? merged with the Minnesota 10) What league merged 2)merged What withopen-wheel the Indy circuit Rac- Answers: North Stars in 1978? with the NFL in 1970? mergeding League with in the 2008? Indy Rac- Answers:1) Cleveland Barons 2) What open-wheel circuit ing3) This League league in 2008? merged with 1) Cleveland Barons merged with the Indy Rac- Answers: 3) This league merged with 2) Champ Car World Series the NBA in 1976. Can you 3) American Basketball As- ing League in 2008? 1) Cleveland Barons the NBA in 1976. Can you 3) American Basketball As- 3) This league merged with 2) Champ Car World Series name it? sociation name it? the NBA in 1976. Can you 3) American Basketball As- 4)4) WhichWhich fourfour teamsteams came 4) Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, New York Nets, name it? sociation overover inin thatthat merger?merger? 4) Denver Nuggets, Indiana 5)5) InIn 1949,1949, thisthis league San Antonio Spurs 4) Which four teams came 5) All-American Football over in that merger? Pacers, New York Nets, mergedmerged withwith thethe NFL. Name San Antonio Spurs it. Conference 5) In 1949, this league it. 5) All-American Football 6) What two professional 6) National Basketball merged with the NFL. Name 6) What two professional League and Basketball As- Conference basketball leagues merged League and Basketball As- it. basketball leagues merged sociation of America Specializing In Authentic6) NationalSpanish BasketballFoods in 1949 to become the sociation of America 6) What two professional in 1949 to become the 7) Pittsburgh Steelers and League and Basketball As- NBA? Philadelphia7) Pittsburgh EaglesSteelers and "Withbasketball A Caribbean leagues Taste"merged Made Daily on The Premises! 7)NBA? These two regional NFL sociation of America 8)Philadelphia Edmonton EaglesOilers, Hart- in 1949 to become EATthe IN & TAKE7) OUT Pittsburgh Steelers and rivals7) These merged two regionalfor one sea NFL- ford8) Edmonton Whalers, Oilers,Quebec Hart Nor- - NBA? sonrivals in merged1943 to forform one the sea - FULL LINE OF SPANISH, MEXICAN &Philadelphia AMERICAN GROCERIES Eagles diques,ford Whalers, Winnipeg Quebec Jets Nor- 7) These two regional NFL 8) Edmonton Oilers, Hart- Steagles.son in 1943 Can to youform name the 9)diques, World Winnipeg League ofJets Ameri- rivals mergedNOW for CARRYINGone sea- CBD PRODUCTS them? can Football ford Whalers, Quebec Nor- Steagles. Can you name 9) World League of Ameri- son in 1943NJ Lotteryto form Agent the • We Accept diques,Family First Winnipeg & WIC Jets 8)them? In 1979, the NHL ab- 10)can AmericanFootball Football Steagles. Can youOpen name Daily 10am-9pm sorbed four teams from the League 9) World League of Ameri- 8) In 1979, the NHL ab- 10) American Football them?Roberts & Pacifi c Ave., Wildwoodcan Football • 523-1113 sorbed four teams from the League 8) In 1979, the NHL ab- 10) American Football SEARCH sorbed four teams from the League WORD SEARCH Y SFONIKEVLEBRDX SEARCH A WORDJRPJXNXDYARMOI Y SFONIKEVLEBRDX WORD W EAOTARYCWDXKRP Y SFONIKEVLEBRDX SA KINNAMANGANNMEJRPJXNXDYARMOI A JRPJXNXDYARMOI MW CEDKWREXPORZAXEAOTARYCWDXKRP W EAOTARYCWDXKRP ZS OHKNTJXSIWEDNUKINNAMANGANNME S KINNAMANGANNME MI VAMARGOTTDIMSJCEDKWREXPORZAX M CEDKWREXPORZAX DZ ACVIQKAMGORDOMOHKNTJXSIWEDNU Z OHKNTJXSIWEDNU JI NGOCDRNSRSWCHOVAMARGOTTDIMSJ Q SRIOOTNVE XDNUV I VAMARGOTTDIMSJ D ACVIQKAMGORDOM U ASALTERNATETRB D ACVIQKAMGORDOM HJ NNPDFCOLWACYGRNGOCDRNSRSWCHO J NGOCDRNSRSWCHO LQ TXKWSRIOOTNVEI J L R M KXDNUV A R E N Q SRIOOTNVE XDNUV WU EFLACZDCREDRMBASALTERNATETRB U ASALTERNATETRB AH NAMRLNCYGTEVAHNNPDFCOLWACYGR H NNPDFCOLWACYGR L TXKW“For All Mankind”I J L Ron MApple K A TV+ R E N L TXKW I J L R M K A R E N (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) EdwardW EFLACZDCREDRMB (Baldwin) (Joel) Kinnaman Cold War W EFLACZDCREDRMB GordoA NAMRLNCYGTEVAH (Stevens) (Michael) Dorman Alternate (History) A NAMRLNCYGTEVAH Margo (Madison)“For All Mankind”(Wrenn) Schmidt on Apple(Lunar) TV+ Exploration Karen (Baldwin) (Shantel) VanSanten Jamestown “For All Mankind” on Apple TV+ (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Tracy (Stevens) (Sarah) Jones Decade (Later) Edward (Baldwin) (Joel) Kinnaman Cold War Edward (Baldwin) (Joel) Kinnaman Cold War Gordo (Stevens) (Michael) Dorman Alternate (History) Gordo (Stevens) (Michael) Dorman Alternate (History) Margo (Madison) (Wrenn) Schmidt (Lunar) Exploration Margo (Madison) (Wrenn) Schmidt (Lunar) Exploration Custom Features Release the week of February 14 - February 20, 2021. Karen (Baldwin) (Shantel) VanSanten Jamestown Karen (Baldwin) (Shantel) VanSanten Jamestown Tracy (Stevens) (Sarah) Jones Decade (Later) Tracy (Stevens) (Sarah) Jones Decade (Later) Custom Features Release the week of February 14 - February 20, 2021. Custom Features Release the week of February 14 - February 20, PAGE 2021. 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 VALENTINE'S DAY FUN FACTS SOME INTERESTING FACTS According to Hallmark, a whop- ABOUT VALENTINE'S DAY ping 145 million Valentine's Day cards are exchanged every Feb- Many believe the X symbol be- ruary 14 (and that's not even in- came synonymous with the kiss cluding all those kids' valentines in medieval times. exchanged in classrooms!). This In 1537, England's King Henry makes Valentine's Day the sec- VII officially declared Feb. 14 the ond biggest holiday for exchang- holiday of St. Valentine's Day. ing greeting cards, after Christ- mas. And how sweet: Teachers Richard Cadbury produced the receive the most Valentine's Day first box of chocolates for Valen- cards annually, followed by chil- tine's Day in the late 1800s. dren, mothers and wives. Need- TODAY, AMERICANS SPEND less to say, we've come a long A LOT ON LOVE. way from 1913, which was when Hallmark Cards produced their According to the National Retail first Valentine's card. Foundation, Americans spent over $27 billion on Valentine's Day gifts in 2020, / including $2.4 billion on candy alone! Peo- ple also expected to spend an average of approximately $196 for Valentine's Day last year, with men spending around $291 —compared to women spending $106.
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