Longbridge Deverill Parish Council Minutes of the meeting of Longbridge Deverill Parish Council held at the Parish Hall in Longbridge Deverill on Monday 6th November 2017 at 7.30pm Present: Councillors Richard Baxter (Chairman), Brian Marshall (Vice Chairman), Juliet Brathwaite, Martin McDermott, Bob Pitman, Kate Plastow, David Searle and Nigel Spreadbury-Clews. In attendance: Parish Clerk Nikki Spreadbury-Clews and one member of the public. Public Participation. Barry Pirie spoke in favour of planning application 17/06733/FUL. 17/74 Acceptance of apologies for absence Resolved: None 17/75 Chairman’s announcements. Resolved: None 17/76 Dispensations and declarations of interest Resolved: Declaration of Interest by Councillor Spreadbury-Clews regarding Payment of Clerks salary. 17/77 Exclusion of the press and public Standing Order #1c Resolved: None 17/78 To approve the minutes as a true record of the Full Council meeting held on 4th September 2017 (previously circulated) as correct LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1). Resolved: Proposed Cllr Spreadbury-Clews, seconded Cllr McDermott, voting unanimous in favour. 17/79 Matters arising. The clerk reported she had written to the planning officer regarding the approved application W/11/02440/FUL, Poultry Farm, Deverill Road, Sutton Veny requesting that the Parish Council are consulted on condition 3, Construction and Operational Lorry Traffic Management Plan (COLTMP), before it is accepted by local planning authority. Articles placed in the Parish News regarding My Wiltshire and Community Speed Watch. Litter Pick was successful with a good number of volunteers, it was suggested by a member of the public that it takes place at another time; however, Sunday morning is chosen as it is quieter near the roads. 17/80 Planning applications discussed. 17/06534/FUL Proposed Building in Rear Garden Area to House Water Turbine. Jobs Mill Five Ash Lane Crockerton Warminster Wiltshire BA12 8BB. Cllr Spreadbury-Clews proposed supporting the application, seconded Cllr Marshall, voting unanimous in favour 2017.11.06 LDPC minutes signed 17/08754/VAR Variation of condition 3 on 16/02859/FUL to allow for amendments to approved plans. The Cats Inn 1 Church Lane Longbridge Deverill Warminster Wiltshire BA12 7DL. Cllr Searle proposed supporting the application, seconded Cllr Plastow, voting unanimous in favour Having received further information from Wiltshire Council the following application was reviewed. 17/06733/FUL A change of use from agricultural land to Nursery School. The Meadow, Crockerton, BA12 7DU. The member had objected to the application at the meeting 4th September with following reasons: - • Change of use, felt it should remain agricultural. • Concerns over highways, the number of vehicles accessing and leaving the site on to the very busy and fast A350 main road. • The turning space and parking within the site for dropping off and picking up children is very limited and this may lead to vehicles waiting and/or parking on the main A350 road After discussion Cllr Brathwaite proposed removing the objection against of change of use, seconded Cllr Marshall, voting 4 in favour, 3 against, one abstained, proposal carried. Cllr Spreadbury-Clews proposed retaining the objection for the concerns over highways as originally stated, seconded Cllr Plastow, voting unanimous in favour. Cllr Pitman proposed adding objection there is no access to the site by foot, seconded Cllr Plastow, voting 7 in favour, 1 abstained. Proposal carried. Cllr Baxter raised a question over the application certificate of ownership being completed by A Creedy, Head of Service Wiltshire Council and the Highways report being completed by Allan Creedy Head of Service, Sustainable Transport, Wiltshire Council. Cllr Spreadbury-Clews proposed the clerk write to Wiltshire Council for clarification, seconded Cllr McDermott voting unanimous in favour. The following planning application falls under Sutton Veny Parish and was included for Longbridge Deverill Parish Council to make comment if they wished. 17/09988/VAR Application to vary Condition 10 to Planning Permission reference 17/03155/VAR to amend approved plans in respect of buildings 4 and 5 Kingsdown Farm Lords Hill Longbridge Deverill BA12 7DY. Cllr Spreadbury-Clews proposed the clerk write to Wiltshire Council asking if the original conditions have/are being implemented as per timescale and what screening and planting is required of the applicants, seconded Cllr Plastow, voting unanimous in favour. Following applications were noted: The Following applications were received and responses given of ‘No Comment – No meeting held’. Planning decisions were received from Wiltshire Council. 17/08262/FUL Erection of steel frame barn for the storage of hay/straw Field Barn Farm, Lords Hill, Longbridge Deverill, Wiltshire, SP3 6TA. Approved with conditions. 17/08180/FUL & Form new access through front boundary wall, formation of parking/turning 17/08658/LBC area with retaining wall and construct new wall with pedestrian gate to join front boundary wall with farmhouse. Sturgess Farmhouse, The Marsh, Warminster, Longbridge Deverill, BA12 7EA. Approved with conditions. 2017.11.06 LDPC minutes signed Tree applications noted: 17/10225/TPO Oak Tree - Reduce by 2 - 3 metres in height & re balance by pruning laterals by 1 – 2 metres. Foxholes Cottage, 131 Foxholes, Crockerton, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 7DA 17/10123/HRN Work to Trees in a Cons Area. No 1 Hedgerow to be removed the north of Botany Service Reservoir Botany (Res) Distribution Site, Bradley Road, Warminster, BA12 8AB 17/81 Planning Decisions noted: 17/06438/FUL Relocation of existing stables and creation of access track. Land Adjacent Orchard Cottage, Sutton End, Crockerton. BA12 8BG. Approved with conditions. 17/06905/FUL Conversion of Garage to a Living Annexe. Water Meadows, 146 Foxholes, Crockerton. BA12 7DU. Approved with conditions. 17/07134/FUL Extension to the existing Rangers Lodge store. Erection of timber building to be used as a Christmas shop in November and December, then to be used as a ranger’s lodge January to October. The Rangers Lodge & Christmas Shop Village Centre, Center Parcs, Crockerton, Wiltshire, BA12 7PU. Approved with conditions. 17/07477/FUL Proposed two storey extension to provide additional accommodation. 12 The Green, Crockerton, Wiltshire, BA12 8AZ. Approved with conditions. 17/07501/FUL Erection of Garden Building. The Manor, House, Hill Deverill. BA12 7EQ. Approved with conditions. 17/82 Sutton Veny Chicken Farm. Members requested the clerk to follow up with Wiltshire Council the request for the Parish Council to be involved with condition 3 of the approved plans, as per minute 17/60 of 4th September meeting. 17/83 Accounts for Payment LGA 1972 s150 (5) Resolved: The Council approved the payments listed below Proposed Cllr Marshall Seconded Cllr McDermott, voting unanimous in favour with Councillor Spreadbury-Clews being ineligible to vote. Payments September 2017 Clerks Salary LGA 1972 s111 (chq issued 30.09.17) £209.28 September 2017 HMRC PAYE Tax (Clerk) (chq issued 30.09.17) £ 52.40 October 2017 Clerks Salary LGA 1972 s111 £209.48 October 2017 HMRC PAYE Tax (Clerk) £52.20 Clerks expenses and reimbursement of costs £46.20 Longbridge Deverill Parish Hall Hire March to November £110.00 Ipage Domain Renewal £25.98 Ipage Hosting Package £142.56 Warminster Town Council (Cllr training 28.09.2017 x2) £52.80 Receipts Sept & Oct Interest £0.66 The clerk made a request for written authorisation for a transfer of monies from Lloyds Bank savings account to the current account of £2000.00, Cllr Spreadbury-Clews and Cllr Marshall signed the request. 2017.11.06 LDPC minutes signed 17/84 Clerks Training. Cllr Searle proposed contribution of £41.40 to the cost of the Clerk attending the SLCC regional training day (total cost £82.80), seconded Cllr Pitman, voting unanimous if favour. 17/85 Clerks salary. Cllr Plastow proposed on the months a Parish Council meeting is not held the Clerk is authorised to issue two cheques for Clerks salary and HM Revenue & Customs PAYE and for two authorised signatories to sign the cheques, seconded Cllr Brathwaite, voting unanimous in favour, with Cllr Spreadbury-Clews ineligible to vote. 17/86 Approval and signing-off of Parish Accounts for 31st October 2017 The Clerk went through the accounts up to 31st October 2017, previously circulated and reviewed by Cllr Marshall. Bank Balances currently stand at current account £771.52, savings account £7,919.91. Resolved: The accounts were agreed. Proposed Cllr Marshall, seconded Cllr Pitman, voting unanimous in favour. 17/87 Budget Proposals and Precept request 2018/19. Cllr Spreadbury-Clews proposed acceptance of the budget and for the precept request to remain the same as that of 2017/18 of £ 7,434.00, seconded Cllr McDermott, voting unanimous in favour. 17/88 Parish Plan. The following activities have been undertaken: Cllr Baxter, along with Cllrs McDermott, Pitman and Searle, had attended the meeting of the School and local community, concerns raised were security of the new building, speed limit of 20mph and no road markings. Cllr Marshall had contacted previous Cllr regarding the winter weather plan, to date no response. He had reported the salt bins to Wiltshire Council for filling. Clerk will report to Wiltshire Council eight of the nine grit bins are solid and two have broken lids. 17/89 Implementation of Superfast Broadband. The works to clear the blocked duct under the road had been undertaken by Openreach during the last couple of weeks. 17/90 WWI Commemorating the end of the War through Tree Planting. Wiltshire Council are supporting this initiative and request local community groups to be involved. A return will be required to Wiltshire Council of group/organisation name, proposed location, number of trees and any other information. Tree planting forms part of the Longbridge Deverill Parish Action Plan, Environment and Countryside item 16. Members agreed to take plant in the planting of at least one tree, a suitable site would need to be found.
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