SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences . HIGHLIGHT . March 2018, Vol. 61 038105:1–038105:2 doi: 10.1007/s11432-017-9119-6 Improved cryptanalysis of step-reduced SM3 Yanzhao SHEN1,2, Dongxia BAI3 & Hongbo YU3,4* 1Key Laboratory of Cryptologic Technology and Information Security, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China; 2School of Mathematics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China; 3Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 4Science and Technology on Communication Security Laboratory, Chengdu 610041, China Received 15 May 2017/Accepted 27 May 2017/Published online 23 August 2017 Citation Shen Y Z, Bai D X, Yu H B. Improved cryptanalysis of step-reduced SM3. Sci China Inf Sci, 2018, 61(3): 038105, doi: 10.1007/s11432-017-9119-6 SM3 is the Chinese hash standard and is standard- Then, using the compression function, it updates ized in GB/T 32905-2016 [1]. As a hash function, the initial value and produces the hash value. Let it must fulfill three security requirements, colli- CF1 and CF2 be the sub-part of the compression sion resistance, preimage resistance, and second function. Here, CVi denotes the input chaining preimage resistance. During the ongoing evalua- variables of the i-th step. tion, it is believed that whenever the hash function The message padding procedure ensures a behaves differently from a random function, it is padded message length is a multiple of 512 bit. considered as the hash function’s weakness. In re- For an l-bit message, the bit “1” is appended to cent years, the analysis has not only been limited the end of the message, followed by k “0” bit, to the classical security requirements, but also in where k is the smallest non-negative solution to the near-collision, boomerang distinguisher, and the equation l + k + 1 ≡ 448 mod 512. Then, (semi-)free-start collision. Most of the previous the 64-bit block is appended, which is equal to preimage attacks on SM3 [2, 3] are either without the number l expressed using a binary representa- padding or padding is not present from the first tion. The words m14 and m15 in the last message step. The best boomerang attack on SM3 covers block represent the message length. For example, 37 steps [4, 5]. In this article, we focus on the the message length of a 2-block padded message is preimage attack from the first step, with message less than 960, i.e., m14 and the most significant 22 padding. A preimage attack on 30-step SM3 is bit of m15 must be “0”. Whenever an attack uses proposed. Furthermore, we improve the 37-step these bits, it contains at least 3 message blocks. In boomerang attack and extend it to the 38-step work [3], all bits of m14 on a 29-step attack and the boomerang attack. A summary of the previous most significant 4 bit of m15 on a 30-step attack results and along with our owns is given in Ta- are not “0”. The message blocks are more than 219 ble 1. and their complexities are much more than 2256, Brief description of SM3. SM3 was proposed which is the bound of preimage attack. Therefore, by Wang et al. [1]. The structure of SM3 resem- both preimage attacks are invalid. bles the structure of SHA-256. It is based on the 30-step preimage attack on SM3. Assume LDi Merkle-Damg˚ard design which uses a 512-bit long are the linear space used in CFi, where i ∈{1, 2}. message block and outputs a 256-bit long hash CF1 is from step 0 to step 14 and LD1 is fixed in value. It first calls the message padding procedure. the most significant 5 bit of m2. CF2 is from step * Corresponding author (email: [email protected]) The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. c Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017 info.scichina.com link.springer.com Shen Y Z, et al. Sci China Inf Sci March 2018 Vol. 61 038105:2 Table 1 Summary of the attacks on SM3 prove the complexity of the attack. An example Attacks Steps Padding Complexity Ref. for the intermediate steps of a 37-step boomerang Preimage 28(1-28) Yes 2241.5 [2] distinguisher is provided to demonstrate that the Preimage 30(7-36) Yes 2249 [2] attack is compatible. Preimage 29(1-29) No 2245 [3] The 38-step boomerang attack is obtained by Preimage 30(1-30) No 2251.1 [3] . adding one step before the differential character- Preimage 30(1-30) Yes 2255 3 Ours −1 . istic of CF1 . The differential characteristic of Boomerang 34(1-34) No 231 4 [4, 5] −1 . CF1 is from step 18 to 0. The intermediate con- Boomerang 35(1-35) No 233 6 [4, 5] −1 nection part between CF and CF2 is almost the Boomerang 36(1-36) No 273.4 [4, 5] 1 same with the 37-step boomerang attack. There- Boomerang 37(1-37) No 2192 [4, 5] fore, it is also compatible and correct. Boomerang 37(1-37) No 2125 Ours Boomerang 38(1-38) No 2208 Ours Conclusion. This article presents a preimage at- tack and boomerang attacks on the Chinese hash function standard SM3. We first study the effect 15 to step 29 and LD is fixed in the most sig- 2 of the message padding and find that some of the nificant 5 bit of m . By adding 7 equations on 13 previous preimage attacks are invalid. A preimage m , m , m , m , m , m and m , the expanded . 0 1 3 4 6 7 10 attack on a 30-step SM3 with complexity 2255 3 is message words wi(14 6 i 6 28) are independent of proposed. We also propose high probability differ- m . To satisfy the message padding, m =0x0, 13 14 ential characteristics for the 37-step SM3 compres- m = 0x3bf (the message length is 959 = 512 + 15 sion function and improve the 37-step boomerang 447 bit) and the least significant bit of m is set to 13 attack from complexity 2192 to 2125. Then we ex- 1. The mask vector is fixed as T = (0x0, 0x0, 0x0, tend it to a 38-step. The examples of boomerang 0x4000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x30003). Randomly fixing distinguishers for intermediate steps of these at- a value to CV , the error probability is approxi- 14 tacks are also given. Our attacks on SM3 pene- mately 0.58. The 30-step preimage attack process trate the highest number of steps. introduced by Knellwolf and Khovratovich [6] can be implemented. A 1-block pseudo-preimage is ob- Acknowledgements This work was supported by 252.55 tained with complexity 2 . It can be converted National Basic Research Program of China (973 Pro- to a preimage (2 message blocks, with padding) gram) (Grant No. 2013CB834205) and National 255.3 with complexity 2 . Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. Improved boomerang attacks on SM3. For the 61373142). 37-step boomerang attack we use the Type III boomerang attack (see [7]). The complexity for the best algorithm is 2128. For the 38-step boomerang References attack we use the Type I boomerang attack, and 1 Standardization Administration of the People’s Re- the generic complexity is 2256. public of China. Information security techniques — By comparing the probabilities of several alter- SM3 cryptographic hash algorithm. GB/T 32905- 2016. http://www.sac.gov.cn/gzfw/ggcx/gjbzgg/ native differential characteristics, we find that the 201614/ −1 differences diffuse slower in CF1 than in CF2, 2 Zou J, Wu W, Wu S, et al. 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