![Arxiv:2104.11258V1 [Quant-Ph] 22 Apr 2021 POVM) [17]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Quantum tomography of three-qubit generalized Werner states Artur Czerwinski∗ Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics Nicolaus Copernicus University, Grudziadzka 5, 87{100 Torun, Poland In this article, we introduce a framework for state tomography of three-qubit generalized Werner states. The framework utilizes the single-qubit SIC-POVM and involves the Poisson noise. The accuracy of state estimation is quantified and presented on graphs. As a special case, we compare the efficiency of the framework for the pure three-qubit generalized Werner state and the W state. The reconstructed states are presented graphically and discussed. Keywords: generalized Werner states, three-qubit entanglement, quantum state tomography, SIC-POVM I. INTRODUCTION II. FRAMEWORK FOR STATE TOMOGRAPHY Quantum state tomography (QST) plays a crucial role A. Three-qubit generalized Werner states in many quantum information protocols since it pro- vides a variety of techniques to determine a mathematical In 1989, R. Werner introduced one-parameter class of representation of a quantum system [1]. In particular, mixed quantum states which feature non-classical corre- photonic tomography has been developed to character- lations [18]. In particular, two-qubit Werner states have ize quantum state of photons, including polarization [2]. been implemented for various important advancements Since noise and errors are inherent to any measurement, in quantum information [19]. In this work, we analyze one needs to implement statistical methods which pro- three-qubit generalized Werner states [20, 21]: duce reliable estimates of the actual states [3, 4]. Estima- tion methods can be compared in terms of their efficiency 3q 1 − η in state reconstruction [5]. ρW (η) = η jGHZihGHZj + I8; (1) Entangled states which feature non-classical correla- 8 tions are an important resource for quantum communica- p tion and computing [6, 7]. In particular, entangled pho- where jGHZi = (j000i + j111i)= 2 and 0 ≤ η ≤ 1. 3q ton pairs can be used for multiple applications, such as The definition means that ρW (η) is a mixture of a quantum key distribution (QKD) [8]. Other well-known Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state [22, 23] and applications of entangled states relate to: superdense the completely unpolarized state (i.e., maximally mixed coding [9, 10], quantum teleportation [11, 12], quantum states). The GHZ state can be obtained from three computing [13], quantum interferometric optical lithog- polarization-entangled spatially separated photons [24], raphy [14], etc. Entanglement in photonic states is not which makes it suitable for our framework. This kind limited only to photon pairs, but can be extended to of entangled state is famous for its importance in quan- three-qubit polarization entanglement [15]. Therefore, tum information, including quantum teleportation [25], the ability to characterize multipartite entangled states quantum secret sharing [26], or quantum cryptography based on measurements remains a relevant issue. [27]. Nonetheless, GHZ states remain a topic of intensive In this work, we follow the generalized approach to research, see, e.g., Ref. [28]. quantum measurement, which relies on positive operator- Since for η = 1 the density matrix Eq. 1 represents the valued measures (POVMs) [16]. More specifically, in our GHZ state, we pay special attention to this case. In our QST framework, we apply a symmetric, information- QST framework, we compare the accuracy of GHZ state ally complete, positive operator-valued measure (SIC- reconstruction with another three-qubit entangled state defined as: arXiv:2104.11258v1 [quant-ph] 22 Apr 2021 POVM) [17]. Additionally, we impose the Poisson noise to make the measurement scheme realistic. For different 1 scenarios, we test the framework numerically on three- jW i = p (j001i + j010i + j100i) ; (2) qubit generalized Werner states. Separately, we compare 3 the estimation of GHZ and W states. The accuracy of the framework is quantified and presented on graphs. which is commonly referred to as the W state. jGHZi In Sec. II, we introduce in detail the framework for and jW i are representatives of two very different classes QST of three-qubit states. Then, in Sec. III, the results of tripartite entangled states [29]. The W state was are presented and discussed. The main conclusions are proposed as a resource for several applications, such provided in the summary. as secure quantum communication [30]. Polarization- entangled W states can be obtained by parametric down- conversion from a single-photon source [31], which im- plies that it is applicable in the framework considered in ∗ [email protected] the present article. 2 3q B. Measurements receive coincidence counts, nκ , which can be modeled numerically as: To extract information required for QST of three-qubit 3q 3q 3q generalized Werner states, we utilize a measurement nα = Neκ Tr Mκ ρW (η) ; (6) scheme based on the SIC-POVM such that dim H = 2. For qubits, the SIC-POVM is defined by means of four where Neκ 2 Pois(N ), i.e., the ensemble size for each vectors: act of measurement is selected randomly from the Pois- son distribution characterized by the mean value N , cf. 1 r2 Ref. [36]. On the basis of Eq. 6 we can numerically gen- jξ1i = j0i jξ2i = p j0i + j1i 3q 3 3 erate noisy data for any three-qubit Werner state ρW (η). r We assume that the experimenter knows nothing about 1 2 i 2π jξ3i = p j0i + e 3 j1i (3) the state which has to be determined. For this reason, 3 3 the expected photon counts are given as: r 1 2 i 4π 3q 3q 3q jξ4i = p j0i + e 3 j1i ; m = N Tr M σ ; (7) 3 3 κ κ where σ3q represent a general 9 × 9 density matrix which where by fj0i ; j1ig we denote the standard basis in H. can be factorized according to the Cholesky decomposi- According to the definition of the SIC-POMC, the mea- tion: surement operators are defined as rank−1 projectors: T yT σ3q = (8) 1 y P := jξ ihξ j ; (4) Tr(T T ) k 2 k k and T denotes a lower-triangular matrix which depends 4 P on 64 real parameters: t1; : : : ; t64. The Cholesky decom- which satisfy k=1 Pk = I2. These four measurement operators are sufficient to perform single-qubit tomogra- position is commonly applied in QST frameworks because 3q phy [32]. The measurement scheme based on the SIC- it guarantees that the estimated state is physical, i.e. σ POVM can be realized on photons in order to character- is Hermitian, positive semi-defnite, of trace one [37, 38]. ize the polarization state of light. This scheme is mini- In this way, the problem of quantum state estima- mal, but at the same time it allows for efficient and reli- tion means that one needs to determine the parameters able single-qubit tomography. t1; : : : ; t64 which fully characterize T . To figure out the In this framework, we assume that the three-qubit values that optimally fit to the noisy measurements, we 2 state is encoded in the polarization mode of photons. implement the χ −estimation, see, e.g., Ref. [39]. There- Each photon travels in a separate arm of the experimen- fore, we search for the minimum value of the following tal setup and undergoes measurements according to the function: 2 SIC-POVM scheme. Therefore, for state reconstruction 64 n3q − m3q of three photons, we propose three-qubit operators: 2 X κ κ χ (t1; : : : ; t64) = 3q : (9) κ=1 mκ M 3q := P ⊗ P ⊗ P ; (5) κ i j k This procedure allows one to simulate an experimental 3q where i; j; k = 1;:::; 4 and, for simplicity, we used one scenario for any input state ρW (η) { first we generate symbol to denote the three-qubit operators, i.e. κ ≡ noisy photon counts Eq. 6 and then we can recover the state by finding the parameters t1; : : : ; t64 for which the (i; j; k). Naturally, from the definition Eq. 5, we have 2 64 three-qubit measurement operators. This measure- χ function is minimized. We proceed analogously when ment scheme is minimal as far as three-qubit states are considering QST of the W state given in Eq. 2. concerned. Therefore, it appears intriguing to investi- gate the performance of such measurements in a noisy D. Performance analysis scenario. Two figures of merit are introduced to investigate the performance of the measurement scheme on generalized C. Methods of state reconstruction 3q Werner states. First, every input Werner state ρW (η) is compared with the result of χ2−estimation, σ3q, by We analyze the accuracy of the measurement scheme computing the quantum fidelity [40{42]: based on the SIC-POVM under conditions which include the Poisson noise, which is a typical source of error in qp p 2 3q 3q 3q 3q 3q single-photon counting [33{35]. Then, by N we denote F(σ ; ρW (η)) := Tr σ ρW (η) σ : (10) the average ensemble size, i.e. the number of quantum systems produced by the source per measurement. In This figure is commonly applied to evaluate the accu- the three-qubit framework, we assume that the detectors racy of a QST framework, in particular, under imperfect 3 measurement settings, see, e.g., Ref. [43{45]. In our sce- QST remains at a decent level, i.e., F(η) > 0:87 for all nario, the quantum fidelity is treated as a function of η η. The plot seems irregular, which is caused by the ran- (and denoted by F(η)) to track the precision of the frame- dom nature of the noise introduced into the measurement work along the domain of generalized Werner states. scheme. Next, we analyze how much the estimated states are Finally, for N = 10, we witness a significant decline in mixed.
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