47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1037.pdf VENUS’ RADAR-BRIGHT HIGHLANDS: CHLORAPATITE NEAR THE EQUATOR, BUT NOT ON MAXWELL MONTES. A. H. Treiman1, E. Harrington2, and V. Sharpton1. 1Lunar and Planetary Institute, 35600 Bay Area Blvd., Houston TX 77058 USA [email protected] [email protected]. 2Simon Fraser University, [email protected]. Venus’ highlands have higher radar backscatter than its lowland plains [1]. On near-equatorial high- lands, radar backscatter returns to relatively low values at their highest elevations, with the sharp transition occurring at ~4.5 km elevation (T= ~ 702°K) [2-4]. This is consistent with the presence of a ferroelectric substance, and the only likely candidate is chlorapatite [3]. Backscatter on Maxwell, however, shows a differ- ent trend, with an abrupt transition to high backscatter at ~4.5 km elevation – a ‘snow line [5,6].’ This pattern Figure 2. Trends of radar properties with elevation, selected is consistent with the presence of a semiconductor ma- Venus highlands. Red are radar backscatter coefficents [3,4]; black are radar emissivity data. a. Ovda Regio. Note the ab- terial, not a ferroelectric [6-8]. The difference between rupt change in properties at ~4.5 km elevation, very high near-equatorial and near-polar highlands implies either backscatter (low emissivity) below and low backscatter different atmosphere properties, or different surface above. Emissivity data from [2]. b. Maxwell Montes. Note materials. abrupt increase in radar backscatter above ~ 4.5 km. Emissivi- Data: Using Magellan spacecraft data, we studied ty data from [1]. radar backscatter as a function of elevation for selected trend is also seen elsewhere in Aphrodite Terra and on areas in Ovda Regio (near the equator) and Maxwell the basaltic shield volcanos of Tepev Montes, but not Montes (~68°N). Backscatter is taken as SAR on all near-equatorial highlands (notably the Maat backscatter coefficient derived from FMIDR images; Mons volcano). We also confirm that Maxwell Montes elevation is from a stereogrammetric DEM [9]. This and other highlands surrounding Ishtar Terra show a combination allows spatial resolutions of ~0.4 km, radar ‘snow line’ (Fig. 1); a strong jump in radar compared to the resolution of ~10 km provided by ra- backscatter coefficient going uphill at ~4.5 km eleva- dar emissivity and altimetry. tion [1,6]. Approaching the highest elevations on Results: Our results for radar backscatter and ste- Maxwell, radar backscatter declines to more normal reo DEM are consistent with earlier results for radar values, a trend which is not strong in current radar emissivity and altimetry [1,2]. We confirm that the emissivity dataset (e.g. Fig. 2). highest elevations on Ovda Regio have low radar Ovda Regio: The trend of radar properties with el- backscatter (equivalent to high emissivity), and that the evation on Ovda Regio is consistent with the presence transition from high to low backscatter going uphill is of a ferroelectric substance [2-4,10], i.e. a material razor-sharp at ~4.5 km elevation (Figs. 1, 2). This with (or containing domains with) spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by the application of an external electric field [11]. The strength of the field needed to reverse the polarization decreases with in- creasing temperature, and becomes zero at the transi- tion (or Curie-Weiss) temperature. Under the low elec- trical fields of Venus Magellan radar, a ferroelectric substance has low backscatter coefficient (from low dielectric constant) below the transition temperature. At the transition temperature, backscatter coefficient spikes (dielectric constant is huge), and as temperature increases the backscatter coefficient declines (as does the dielectric constant). This is precisely the radar trend at Ovda, for a ferroelectric transition temperature Figure 1. Magellan SAR image of an area in Ovda Terra of ~700K. [3,4]. Elevations above 4.5 km, to lower left and upper right, Ferroelectric Material. The identity of the ferroe- are dark (low radar backscatter); slightly lower elevations lectric material on Venus’ highlands has been unclear. (surrouding the dark areas) have high radar backscatter. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1037.pdf rupt change in radar properties has been attributed to the presence of a conductor or semiconductor material appearing at lower temperature (higher elevation), ei- ther precipitated from the atmosphere [5,6] or by at- mosphere-surface chemical reactions [7,8]. There is no evidence for an abrupt drop in radar backscatter, as is observed on Ovda (Figs 1, 2a) Implications: If the rock on Maxwell Montes con- tains a ferroelectric compound (like chlorapatite), its presence could be obscured by a coating or reaction zone of semiconductor material; in that respect, Max- well and Ovda could be composed of the same kind of rock, be it basaltic or granitic [13,14]. However, the absence of a semiconductor material on Ovda (and other near-equatorial sites) is more difficult to explain. If the compositions and temperature profiles of the - - - Figure 3. Schematic of arrangement of F , Cl , and OH ions in Venus atmosphere are the same above Maxwell and the apatite crystal structure (after [12]). Anions are sited in Ovda, both should show the same atmospheric depos- channels parallel to the c axis (c); z denotes unit cell distances its, i.e. a “snow line.” So, if the semiconductor material in the c direction. In fluorapatite (left column) mirror planes on Maxwell is an atmospheric precipitate, then the - of symmetry are at z=¼, ¾, etc., with F ions on those planes. atmospheres above Maxwell and Ovda must be signifi- - In chlorapatite (right column), Cl ions are displaced from cantly different. On the other hand, if Venus’ atmos- those planes, producing domains with permanent electric di- phere is similar across the whole planet, then the ab- poles (marked by arrows and ‘+’ symbols). sence of a semiconductor coating on Ovda would indi- Shepard and Arvidson [2,10] suggested several sub- cate that the semiconductor material on Maxwell is a stances from the materials science literature, but all chemical reaction product between atmosphere and involve geochemically uncommon elements or combi- rock, and the rock on Ovda is different from that on nations of elements into compounds that are unknown Maxwell. In this case, if the semiconductor reaction or extremely rare as minerals. None of the common product is pyrite (FeS2 [1,8]), Ovda cannot be made of rock-forming minerals are ferroelectric because of typical basalt, which is rich in iron. their crystal symmetries (olivine, pyroxenes, feldspars, quartz). References: [1] Klose K. et al (1992) JGR Planets Chlorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3Cl) is ferroelectric, and is 97, 16353-16369. [2] Arvidson R. et al. (1994) Icarus possible as an accessory mineral in both basaltic and 112, 171-186. [3] Treiman A.H. et al. (submitted) Ica- granitic rocks. Domains within a chlorapatite crystal rus. [4] Harrington E. and Treiman A.H. (2015) Lunar - can maintain an electrical polarization because the Cl Planet. Sci. Conf. 46, Abstract #2713. [5] Fegley B. et ions are displaced from symmetry planes in the crystal al. (1997) Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, due to their large size [12], Figure 3. Fluorapatite, the and Solar Wind Environment, 591-636. [6] Schaefer L. most common phosphate mineral in igneous rocks, is and Fegley B. 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[13] Ivanov M. fluorapatite on young volcanos like Maat Mons would (2001) Solar System Research 35, 1-17. [14] Shellnutt not have yet converted to chlorapatite. J.G. (2013) JGR Planets 118, 1350-1364. Maxwell Montes: On Maxwell Montes and other ranges surrounding Ishtar Terra, radar backscatter is significantly greater above ~4.5 km elevation than be- low [1] (Fig. 2b), the so-called snow line [6]. This ab-.
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