PROPERTY 1\RCHlVES ENiUCKY BAPTIST CONVENTION ..... MINUTES OF THE ON[ HUNORfO ANO H[V[NTH ANNIV[RSAR~ OF THE ELKHORN ASSOCIATION, HELD WITH THE East Hick rna n Baptist Chu rch. FAYETTE COUNTY, KY. AUGUST II, 12 and 13, 1896. , ; .. LEXINGTON, KY.: Jas. M. Byrnes, Printer ann Binder, 53 E. Short St. 18()6. RULES OF ORDER. 1. The Moderator and Clerk shall be chosen annually, by ballot, im­ mediately after reading the letters and credenti"ls; those of the former year continuing in office uutil the choice is made. 2. "Mell's Parliamentary Practice" shall be the standard of rules by which the deliberations of the Association shall be governed. 3. The Clerk shall keep a record of the proceedings, taking care of the bo@ks and papers belonging to the Association, and furnish a copy of the Minutes of its transactions at each session for publication and distri­ bution among the churches. 4. At every sitting, business shall be opened and closed with prayer by the Moderator, or whomsoever he may request. 5. Corresponding members and ministers invited to a seat with the Association may debate, but shall not vote on any subject before it. 6. No member of the Association shall absent himself without leave of the Moderator. 7. No person shall speak more than once on any motion, until all others wishing to speak have spoken, unless by the permission of the Association. 8. Arrangements for the next Association shall not be attended to on the first day of the session. 9. When two or more churches apply for the Association to be held with them, the one applying which has been the longest without it shall be entitled to it. 10. The Roll of the Messengers shall be read the second and third days of the Association, and those absent on the third morning, unless by consent of the Association, shall have their names stricken from the list of Messengers. 11. 'fhe basis of representation from the churches shall be two Mes­ sengers from each church, and an additional one for fifty members, and one for every fraction over twenty-and no one shall be eligible to a seat who is not a member of the church sending him. 12. The Minutes shall be leisurely read and corrected, if necessary, before the rising of the Association. 10. These rules shall be distinctly read hy the Clerk immediately after the vrganization of the Association. ORDAINED MINISTERS AND POSTOFFICES. T. H. COLEMAN ..................................................Georgetown. B. F. HUNGERFORD ............................................. Shelbyville. J. H. DEW .............................................................. Keene. T. J. MARKSBERRy ............................................ Georgetown. H. L. JONES ......................................................... Chilesburg. H. F. SEARCy ....................................... : ............ R. M. STRICKER .................. ~ ................................ Georgetown. S. C. HUMPHREYS ............................................. .. Z. T. CODy ........................................................... A. C. DAVIDSON .................................................. W. B. CRUMPTON ............................................... J. S. STAMPER ................................................... .. J. I. \VILLS ......................................................... .. J. K. NUNNELLEy ............................................... w. J. M'GLOTHLIN ............................................... Louisville. T. J. STEPHENSON ............................................... Georgetown. W. H. FELIX ........................................................ Lexington. J. H. BOYET .......................................................... OTIS HUGHSON ................................................. .. J. A. TAyLOR ....................................................... Georgetown. B. F. TAyLOR ....................................................... Harrodsburg. J. S. SOWERS ........................................................ Faywood. H. W. VIRGli'-! ..................................................... Nicholasville. E. S. ALDERMAi'-! .................................................Woodlake. T. C. STACKHOUSE ............................................... Lexington. W. W. LEE ........................................................... Fort Springs. J. C. FREEMAN ..................................................... Lexington. T. W. BEAGLE ...................................................... StampingGround. P. V. BOMAR ....................................................... Versailles. E. G. STONE ................................................... .. LICENTIATES. JAMES PARTEE ................................................ .. H. W. GOINS .................. ;......... .. ........................ G. W. CLEVELAND .......................................... , ... Keene. OFFICERS ELKHORN ASSOCIATION. MODERATOR: J. J. RUCKER, Georgetown, Ky. CLERK: F. P. JENKINS, Lexington, Ky. EXECUTIVE BOARD: J. W. APPLETON, SR., J. J. RUCKER, BEN BOSWORTH, W. D. BRYANT, R. W. HIGGINS, F. P. JENKINS, J. R. HOWARD, L. A. DAVIS, HORACE COLEMAN, MALCOM THOMPSON, J. V RILEY. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. EXECUTIVE BOARD: F. P. JENKINS, Lexington, Ky. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elkhorn Baptist Association. The Elkhorn Association met in its One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Session with the East Hickman Baptist Church, East Hickman, Ky., August II, 1896. Dr. J. J. Rucker, Moderator of the last session, called the Association to order, and a ten minutes devotional service was led by Dr. T. H. Coleman. The Introductory Sermon was preached by Dr. John H. Boyet, of Lexington, Ky., from Matthew II:29. Sub­ ject, "The School of Christ." Brethren J. R. Howard and E. B. Allender were ap­ pointed to read the church letters and statistics. On motion reading of statistics was dispensed with. On call of Moderator the election of officers of the Associa­ tion for the ensuing year, by ballot, Rule I of "Rules of Order," Rev. T. Warren Beagle moved that Dr. R. J. Spurr be authorized to cast the vote of the Association for the Moderator and Clerk of last Association. Motion carried, whereupon Dr. J. J. Rucker, Georgetown, Ky., was declared Moderator, and F. P. Jenkins, Lexington, Ky., Clerk. On motion Association took a ten minutes' recess. The Association was called to order and prayer was offered by Rev. J. V. Riley. The address of welcome was made by the pastor of East Hickman Church, Rev. S. C. Humphreys, and was responded to by the Moderator. , 6 Minutes of the Brethren T. Warren Beagle, Howard L. Jones and F. W. Eberhardt were appointed Committee on Order of Business. Pastor and Deacons of East Hickman Church were made Committee on Religious Worship. Rev. J. H. Dew was here granted time tor making report of a revi­ val in which he had been engaged with the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church. Visiting brethren were invited to seats and conference with this Body. The following visitors responded and were recognized by the Moderator: Dr. J. Wm. Jones, of Virginia; Dr. J. W. Warder, Secretary State Board, Louisville, Ky.; Miss Mary Hol­ lingsworth, Superintendent Baptist Orphans Home, Louisville, Ky.; Dr. T. T. Eaton, of Western Recorder, and R. L. Bowman, Osceola, Ark. Messengers of Corresponding Associations reported as follows: Rev. B. F. Hungerford, Shelbyville Associa­ tion; J. E. Crosby, Tates Creek Association, and Dr. T. T. Eaton, of Long RUll Association. Rules of Order were read by the Clerk. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Committee on Order of Business reported as follows: Invitation to New Churches. Call for Corresponding Letters. Invitation to vIsitors. WEDNESDAY. \) A. :\1. to \):30 A. M.-Worship. -Miscellaneous Business. --Nominating Committee. 9:30 A. M. to 10:00 A. M.-Report Executive Board. 10:00 A. M. to 10::~0 A. M.-Orphan's Home. 10:30 A. M. to 11:30 A. M.-Report on State Missions. 11 :30 A. 111. to 12:30 P. M.-Preachillg. 12:30 P. M.. to 1:00 P. M.-Report on Sunday-school. 1 :00 P. M. to 1 :30 P. M.-Report on Education. THURSDAY. 9 A. M. to 9:30 A. M.-Worship and Miscellaneous Business. 9:30 A. M. to 10:30. A. M.-Report on Home Mission. 10:30 A. M. to 11:30 A. M.-Report on Foreign Missions. 11 :30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M.-Preaching. Elkhorn Bapti8t A88ociation. 7 12:30 P. M. to 1:00 P. M.-Ministers Aid Society. 1 :00 P. M. to 1 :30 P. M.-Report Special Commtttee on Y. P. Society. -Time and Place next Meeting. -Elect Preacher Annual Sermon. ,-Appoint .Writer Circular Letter. -Miscellaneous Business. -Closing Exercises. T. WARREN BEAGLE, } HOWARD L. JONES, Committee. F. W. EBERHARDT. And same was adopted. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE BOARD. F. P. Jenkins, Chairman of Committee. read report of Executive Board, which was adopted. Your Executive Board, through her Committee, suhmit. the follow­ ing Report. The Board elected at your last session met on second Monday in Sep­ temher 189.5 and organized by electing J. W. Appleton, Sr., Chairman, and F. P. Jenkins, Secretary and Treasurer. Bro. A. C. Quisenberry, one of the members of the Board, resigned, offering as good reasons, his age and consequent inability to be present at the meetings during the winter months. Bro. Horace Coleman was elected in his stead. vVe r<>gret to report a great falling off in contributions to State Mis­ sions. The apportioned amount to be raised by our 27 churches for State Missions was one thous"nd dollars; of this amount only ':;.~i:i 1.(;0 was paid into the hands of our Treasurer during the associational year, from August 1st, 189.5, to August 1st, 1896. A falling off of nearly one half, and had it not been for a small
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