- DIRECTORY I J CHESHIRE. T.A.TTENHALL. 591 Lea William, farmer, Pryon IIayes BRUES ST .A.PLEFORD. *Lee Ambrose, farmer, Hoofield Leach James, stationer, Post office (~larked thus * receive their letters Maddock Thomas (•:Mns.), farmer Lee John Thomas, farmer, The Farm through Tarporley.) Merrill John, Tollemache Arms P.R Lloyd Elizbth. (Miss), smallware dlr Burgess Ann (~Ts.), frmr.Brookhouse Morrey Thos. blacksmith & shopkpr Lloyds Bank Limited (branch) (open Dawson William, miller (water) Nicholas Joseph, farmer, Clotton hall monday & thursday 1 to 2.30 p.m.), Dvkes 1\illiam, farmer Nicholls John, cowkeeper draw onLondon office,Lombard st EC F. t J h bl k "th Read Samuel, cowkeeper Ll 0 d J 0 h b t h ors er o n, ac-sm1 Roberts Williaii4 farmer Y . n_, u c er . , . Gregory Charles, wheelwright Lloyd W1lham, farmer, .A.ustm s h1ll L J h f St 1 f dl h ll Rowland Noah, brick maker M t Th w·ll· E BA ea o n, armer, ape or a 0 1 Ro'l'l"land William, butaher ~ ~~ ~ ~ml~sc s lE lam ~rR c' p "1 *Parting J ohn,estate carpenter to Col. Ru'tter .A.rthur, CO'I'I"keeper T ~md ·• h ~. ·. · ·&· ng., · ·d: · C. H. France-Hayhurst 1 Rutter John, farmer, Lower house .uun . p y·s1c1an .~;urgeon,. t me'I' 1ca. ·IR ob" mson .J oh n, f armer, C ross 1ane ffi & bli Rutter Frank, farmer & cattle dealer o . tcer · t pu c vaccma or, arvm *~h.._, er'I'I"In· S amue 1, f armer, Old moss d ~s ne Witter Arthur, cowkeeper Mort Samuel Thomas, saddler Woodward Harriet (M'rs.), cowkeeper Owen J oseph, butcher BURTO~ -BY-T:ARVL.~. *Young Charles, blacksmith, Hoofield Parkin Charles, tailor Arden James, farmer DUD DON. *Platt Thomas, farmer Arden Thomas, butcher Price Robert M.R.c.v.s. veteri- Crank "\<Villiam, farmer, Burton house Nash Rev. Thos. James M . .A.. (curate), nary surgeon Greenway Thos. farmer, Burton farm Old hall Reading Room (N. Large, sec) Lightfoot Jn. Lloyd, frmr. Burton hall Linnell 'I'h[)s. Forrester, Duddon lodge Reece J oseph, farmer Pace Geo. (:\Irs.),saddler & harness m<l Carter Oswald1 Dutton, grocer,Post off Rimmer James, builder, The Laurels Dutton Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer *Rutter Charles, frmr.Holme St. hall Edge John, farmer CLOTTO~-HOOFIELD. Sadler .A.lbert Edward, draper & genl. Hulse William, farmer outfitter plarked thus * receive their letters J ohnson J ames, shoe maker Smith John, farmer, Glebe farm through Hnxley, Chester.) Lanceley "\<Villiam, huckster Steaton Frank, shopkeeper Bate Mrs. Sunny bank Lea Cyrus(:Mrs.) ,farmer, Duddon hall Thompwu Ann (i:Mrs. ), shopkeeper Bate John, farmer Lloyd James, farmer Turner .Tames, farmer, Moss heys Roarsley Thomas, huckster :\fuskett Thomas, cowkeeper Venables George, wheelwright *Rowyer Samuel, gamekeeper W Jas. Prescot John, farmer, Old hall Wilkes William, rate collector Gordon Houghton esq. Hoofield: Read Edward, cowkeeper Williams William, farmer, Old Moss Briscoe FJizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Rowland Thmnas, builder Williamson Samuel Thomas, farmer & *Dutton Peter, farmer, Hoofield hall, Shallcross Geo. Headless Woman P.H miller (steam & water), Ta.rvin mill Hoofield Stanyer Jsph. frmr. & miller (water) Williamson Thos. George & DragonP .H 1 Glass Frank, Bull's Head P .H Wright Thomas, farmer \Villis Joseph, farmer, Oscroft *Gregory Samuel, cowkeeper,Hoofie:d Young Jollm, sen. huckJster 'Willis Robert Henry, auctioneer Hodkinson James, cowkeeper & tailor Young John, jun. farmer Wi1son Samuel, Red Lion P.H Jackson William Henry, farmer, Yew Young William, potato merchant "f\"impenny George, farmer, ~~ estwood Tree farm Woodcock Isaac, pig killer Johnson George, boot & shoe maker HOCKEXHULL. Woudcock John, carrier Jones John, farmer Norcross George, farmer You de .T ohn Thos. wheelwright, Oscrft Lanceley Thoma~. garden eT &c Wright Misses, farmers, Hockenhull Youde Samuel, bricklayer, Oscroft !Leach Thomas, farmer, Clotton lodge hall TATTENHALL is a township, large village and parish, east from the parish church: Tattenhall Road station, on the latter including the townships of Golborne, Bellow the Lcmdoh and North "\<Vestern Railway, is in this town­ and ~ewton; it is in the Eddisbury division of the county, ship, and near the station is the .Aldersey Arms hotel, lower division of Broxton hundred, Tarvin union, Chester where post horses are kept. A cattle sale is held here county court district, petty session:il division of Broxton, about once in a fortnight, on 'lVednesdays. The Mar­ rural dear.ery of Malpas, and archdeaconrv and diocese of quess of Cholmondeley and The Earl of Crewe P.C .• Chester. The village has two stations on the London and F ..S . .A.. are lords of the manor. H . .A.ldersey esq. J.P. of North Western railway, one at Ta.tteahall, close to tha .Aldersey Hall, "is a landowner, but the land is principally village, on the Chester, "Whitchurch and Shrewsbury held by small freeholders. The area is 621 acres~ rate­ branch, and another at Tattenhall Road, one mile north­ able value, £ r,8o4; the parpulation in Ig<JI was I 59· east from the village, oru the Chester and Crewe branch, Letters by foot post from Tattenhall, which is the nearest and is 8 miles south-south-eas·t from Chester, 172, mile~ money order & telegra-ph office, one mile d·iswnt from London, 14~ from Crewe, 10! north-west from :Nant­ wich: the Shropshire Union oanal passes through the Post & M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, Parcel parish: the village is lighted with gas by a limited com­ Po!rl,, S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Tattenhall.-· pany. The church of St. .Alban, rebuilt, with the ex­ Frederick John Lamonby, sub-postmaster. Letters ception of the tower, in 1870, is an edifice of red sand­ arrive fl'om Chester at 5-45 a.m. & 4.40 p.m.; dis­ stone in the Perpendicular style, oonsisting of chancel, patched· 10.30 a.m. & 7-30 p.m. ; sunday, arrive at 5-45 nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled a.m. ; dispatched 10.30 a.m. :Money orders are issued western tower containing a clock and .'5 belis : there are & paid· from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m four stained window~ and the church afford;; 450 sittings. Wall Letter Boxes. The :register date.'! from the year 1654· The living is a East End, cleared at 10.25 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. & Tattenhall rectory, net yearly value £zz6, with 25 acres of glebe road, at 8.25 p.m and residence, in the gift of the Bishop oi Chester and Tattenhall Station, cleared 6. 40 p.m held since 1892 by the Rev. Charles Lowther .A.rnold M . .A.. Tattenhall Road station, cleareq at 8.20 p.m of Jesus College, Oambridge, and surrogate. There are Congregational, Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. BROXTON PETIY SESSIONAL DIVISION. The charities, for distribution in bread, clothing and money, are of £2r Ios. yearly value. George Harbour Occasional Courts are held at the Police Station. For list esq. of Bolesworth Cas.tl!!, who is lord of 'the manor, and of magistrates. see Broxton, p. 55 Robert Oliver Orton esq. are the principal landowners. Schools. T.he soil is clay; subsoil, marl; the land is principally grazing, and cheese is made. The area of the township is National School (mixed), built in 1852, for Z34 children; 2,829 acre!!; rateable value, £.6,764; the population in average attendance, 170 & endowed with £45 14s. Igor was •parish, 1,202; tDwnship, 975· yearly; Frederick Arthan, master; Mrs. Elizabeth Arthan, mistress; Miss Mary E. Edwards, infants' mist GOLBOURNE BELLOW is a township, r~ miles north­ British School (mi:s:ed), opened in r86g, fGr 120 children; north-we!!t from the parish chlll'ch, and consists of a few average attendance, 40 ; George E. Lloyd, master & scattered farmhouses and cottages. George Earbour esq. deputy registrar of Bolesworth Castle. is lord of the manor and principal land~vt"llllr, Tha area is 6o7 acre.s ; :rtalteable value, Police Station, Tattenhall f.r,m; the population in rgo1 was 68. , Railway Stations. Letters by foot post from Tattenhall, which is the nearest Tattenhall, Thoma~ Pinrhes, station mnster money order & telegraph office, I~ miles distant Tattenhall Road. Robert Thoma:t 'l'aylor, station master NEWTON BY TATTENHAI.l...; a township consisting of Carrier to Chester-Samuel Mountfield, wed. & sat. : some scattered {<lrms and a few cottage)!. is a mile north- David Cope, sat · .
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