.' --, <:..,~~;:r " I 1 • " ., ' ,. \1 '. , " " " ... " \ ' 'F- ,J 1 ," .f.:." ,. " 1., A JOURNAL, OF GROSSE "POIN~E 'LIFE ....~-~. .4,..-.$....t}"" .............J ~ "" .. _ '''It -'.'t ).,..-:- .. , , ; --t. .... ./ \,- .~ r' It, 6. .... , \~ , . .~ ... ....~ / -,J< :..... ~ ..f . ~"";'-' ~- .~-l'r - ' I' '"' ., o' " . J t: ........... ~. ...., " ,- II, ~.,., I, , ) ~, r .,.. ....- . " ,. .... , , ..' " -II .. I" ~ ~ -~ -""'s I..... ~ " . - ; , ;0. .. __ ) ...... 1 ~'.. " .:lf 1-"':- ...... ~.t:-- ',,'" ~","'u , ...... --vol~-1J.o. If <>: aprh.m'ay 1985 ~ oj,.. ~~ .•• - -=, - . ., " ... , ' of California offer you a great fit and exciting new traditional looks. OUR CLASSIC PLAIN PUMP In low or medium heel Certainly one of Grosse POlntesmost traditIOnal shoes, now In 12 colors White - Bone - Taupe - Wine - Red - Navy - Green - Gray- Brown - Pink - Black Black Patent (Not all colors available In all sizes) Sizes S 6 Y2-11 N 5 11, M 4 11 W 6 10 # 2682 LOOK AT THIS CLASSIC Tassel Flat - Available In a rainbow of colors all those shown at left, plus Navy/White trim, Green/White trim, Pink/Raspberry trim, White/White trim (Not all styles available In all sizes) Sizes S7-10,N6-11,M511 W69 # 3802 BRAND NEW THIS SEASON It's COOL and yet It'S DRESSY Available In these four combinations Sizes N 6%-11, M 511, W 6-9 #19791 CVillage S~ 17112 Kercheval Grosse Pointe Michigan 881-1191 1 \ \tv Ii.' HERITAGE (c?~l) A Journal of Gross~ Pointe Life Apri l-May, 1985 Please request ID from patron before releasing book. Keep this card and ID at RA desk until book is returned. L.. \ \ Saint John ~, Hospital ~ , 1 ! j ~ .1 Concentrated Care Building • Emergency Trauma Center • Labor & Delivery • Neonatal ICU • Pediatrics/Pediatric ICU • Inpatient/Outpatient Surgery Morass Road and Mack Avenue DetrOIt, Michigan • Critical & Coronary Care • Laboratory • Radiology • Open May, 1985 ~ Saint John Hospital ... medical excellence and human understanding 0xc.fusioe 7f2}alerJronl!J(ancli Villas :Dulmcl1oe :Design ami Cuslom gnlenors bU1!16y Only /2 UnJl.r each approx / tSOO s<{Ji Streamwood, Inc. (23elween 01 ClaIr gnn & !RIoer Crab) 296-3360 2 HERITAGE' Apnl1985 ON THE COVER: Vol. 2, No.2 The Talbot pictured on the cover Apnl, 1985 IS a 1948 Lago Record with a Drophead Coupe Body. Rendermg by Amy Hams. Architecture + 18 Automotive. 31 Style+65 TO THE POINTE + 5 Will the "Idle rich" please step forward? VIGNETIES + 7 A smIdgin of gossiP to ease you Into the tough stuff. FINANCE+8 A mere $5000 could get you a bubbling gusher of black gold UP FRONT + 11 Fredenck Ruffner the guy with the best research ltbrary In town SPIRITS +12 Solving the mystery of choosmg the right wmes. ARCHIVES + 14 Bloodshed In the park thoughts for local Joggers. PASSPORT + 16 An internatIOnal traveler takes us to Pans and the south of France. ARCHITECTURE + 18 Celebratmg the centenmal of the Grosse POinteAcademy TRADITIONS + 27 The sktlls of Hanne Buschmann preserve our past. GROSSE POINTE AND THE AUTOMOBILE + 31 A speCialfeature on the relatIOnshipbetween cars and the POIntes SPORTS .56 Btll Babcock, down on the farm FITNESS.60 Why we have to fmd tlme for ourselves KIDS., 63 Travel games STYLE + 65 The return of the chapeau TRAVEL + 71 We're off to India ENGAGEMENTS CALENDAR + 81 A pull-out calendar excluswely for the POIntes VANT AGE POINTE + 96 MemOries of father and hIS mgenUlty. HERITAGEA]OURNAL Of GROSSEPOINTELIfE (lSSN --8756 2448 - Volume 2 Number 2) ISa bl-monthly pubhcatlon of Hemage Magazme Inc Copynght 01985 All rIghts reserved The magazme accepts no responsIbIlity for unsohclted manuscrIpts or artwork They Will not be returned unless accompamed by a stamped, self- addressed envelope Send materIals to HERITAGE A]OURNAL Of GROSSEPOINTELifE, 20010 NIne MIle Road, St Clan Shores, MI 48080 Telephone (313) 777-2350 Annual subSCrIption rate IS$14, out-of-state $21 Please send change of address mformatlon to Circulation Deparunent, HERiTAGEMAGAZINE,POBox 36298, Grosse Pomte: MIchigan 48236 Aon11985. Hentage 3 ., , , /ormen + SERO SHIRTS ' PubUshoJ$ THOMSON PANTS Edward B. Serwach CROSS CREEK Potrlcla Louwers Serwoch TIES by BRIAR Edltol'$ FLYING SCOTSMAN Michelle Belaskle John Monaghon /orwomen Art Qll'Qctlon POINT OF V1E~. Amy Harris DAVID BROOKS Karen Pesta ROBERT SCOTT Contributing Edltol$ GEIGER OF AUSTRIA architecture LEON LEVIN Madeleine McLaughlin SUSAN BRISTOL Rosemary Bowditch MS SERO NELL FLOWERS archlvol.l Carla Jean Schwartz NANTUCKET LANZORIGINALS Qulomotlv9$ LADYTHOMSON :::'!"J!!!I"':.- j Don AGosto Michelle Betaskle Amy Andreou Christina FrIedel Traditional Men's & Women's Apparel John Monaghan Featuring New Spring Merchandise books Donno Olandort engQ9ltlMnis Dione Dlckow f1ncmCQ C. Richard Rutan fUneu Christi Cracchiolo foreign IIleralure Michel RadulesCQ kids Oscar Alcontora Michelle Gouin Amy Andreou DanIs HQuser Gllllan Darlow KevIn Monahan Keith Peltz rellGuranl. Dione Dlckow hurry spring sale splrll. Betty S. Young lIports BTlon Marshall $lyle Deborah DIRezze lradllloni Suson Brown travel Iris Sanderson Jones ) MIcky Jones vQnklge pointe Albert J. Towor, Jr. Classic White Eyelet PlOducllon Wendy Barel Don Marlin Dianne Slngelyn Alison Supreme by Barclay IS white eyelet lace In the Jerry Isrow Anne MorrIS Den[se Tlnnette classIc tradition The comforter features seamless con- Amy Lemmon Carot Nesom Blilvan Hove struction and extra puffy fiber fill A complete range of lIIustralIon accessones IS also on sale Washable, easy care Marty Blackwell Amy Harris Steffan Duerr Carol Nesom Reg Sale TWin Comforter 5995 4999 Pbotography Full Comforter 6995 5999 David Franklin Glenn Calvin Moon Queen Comforter 7995 6999 MIcky Jones Anne Morris Jean Lonnen Coral Nesom Joseph Messana Dan Shannon Advertising the~~ Jeanne D. Robbins Betty Stansbury Young ~d;bQth & linens (ai3) 777.235Q store Froduced by Great LakesGraphics Sf. Clair Shores, MIchigan 16906 Kercheval, (Village) Phone: 881-9890 (313) 774-8866 4 HERITAGE' April 1985 " To THE POINTE' A Word About the "Idle Rich" Grosse POInte is often characterized as a m his business from the time1we were old enough to commumty where money flows freely, where the stuff envelopes. My mother was the ultimate office hobby of the "Idle rich" consIsts mamly of throwmg manager who saw to lt that everythmg ran on a money away. When you grow up m Grosse Pomte, day-to-day basis. you are generally amazed at the stereotypical The people who live in Grosse Pomte aren't responses your bIrthplace evokes once you are old royalty. They come from all walks of life - they are enough to step beyond the boundary hnes of your bankers and doctors and lawyers, to be sure; but they neIghborhood. Recount them: Grosse Pomters are are also entrepreneurs - owners of cement filthy rich. Grosse Pomters are raclsts. Grosse compames, party stores and machme shops. Pomters are bIgots. Grosse Pomters are snobs, elite This issue of HERITAGEISdedicated to that work capltahstlc pIgs. If you live m Grosse Pomte, you hve ethlc. Henry Ford didn't come to the Grosse Pointe m a mansIon with umpteen butlers, maids, cooks, Track in 1901 to race his car because he thought it nanmes and assorted household help (none of whom was a great and fun thing to do. He dIdn't even like are Anglo-Saxon and all of whom you exploIt). You racing. But he had a point to make - he had bUIlt were born wlth a SlIver spoon in your mouth. You've somethmg better than what existed, and he knew it never worked a day in your lIfe. Sound famllIar? - and he was willmg to put aSIde his own personal You betcha. comfort to prove It. I once had a muslC teacher who pointedly told Grosse Pomte was founded by the French who me at our first meeting that 1shouldn't senously farmed It, and adopted as a resort commumty by pursue muslC, because I was from Grosse Pointe and mdustry leaders who worked hard, and gambled all hadn't "suffered enough." Being young at the tIme, I they had, m pursUIt of theIr dream. They brought actually pondered hls remark quite senously before Jheir famIlies to Grosse Pointe as a resplte from the decidmg he was stupId. Suffenng is relatIve, and we day-to-day tOll of their lives. Leavmg the dlrt of the all have our share. Some of us Just want more. cIty behmd, they chose Grosse Pomte as thelr Occasionally, I think of that angry young man. What sanctuary. a quandary he ISin - off m some squalid hole The stereotype of Grosse Pomters as the "Idle seekmg enough suffering to qualify him as a great rich" who lucked mto their place m life ISlaughable. musIcIan. I'm certam he found the suffermg he Opportumty ISalways wlth us, yet only a few WIll sought; but I still don't see any of his albums at grasp It. Harmony House. Hats off to you, Grosse Pomte. We have focused The pomt is, the perceptIon of Grosse Pomte has on the automotIve famIlIes who achIeved greatness never been the reality. If you try to discover the through theIr work; but the accolade applIes to nature of the great chasm between the two poles, you everyone who embraces the Grosse Pomte tradltlons come to rest upon the work ethlC. Non-Pomters (by of hard work and constancy of purpose. defimtion people who have no firsthand knowledge of Grosse Pointe) will go to theIr graves resentful of the easy life led by Pomters. I'm amazed. My father worked, my uncles worked, my fnends' fathers and PatnCla Louwers Serwach brothers worked. My sisters and I helped our father Publzsher Aprrl 1985 • Heritage 5 6 HERITAGE'Apnl1985 Uptown Journal For those who require a little spice, some short sketches about life in the Pointes. Domino Dilemma not surprIsmg that owner Robert Edgar has taken it over, lock, stock and unpaId bIlls. What ISsurprIsmg IS The "We Dehver" sIgn on the top of Dommo's PIzza that Grosse Pomters don't seem to care.
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