MONDAY, NOVOIBEH 27,1944’ The Japs Started It— LeVs Finish It— Buy Bonds! TWELVB Manchester Evening Herald Dr. D. C. y. Moore will be guest The Weather speaker at the meeting of the >l^an- ATcrage Dally Circulat^^ Forecast ot U. S. Weather chester Exchange Club to be held roe the Month of October,xl6«4 About T o ^ Wednesday night at Hansen a Res­ \ Fnir Rad much colder toelght, \ lowest temperaturea 24 to 50 de­ . -:■ /• / taurant. President Charles helber anticipates a large attendai^e to _ . 9 , 0 0 2 grees; Wednesday fair nad rather ■:4 «v AlfM d L Wirtiama. rector cold. U St. Mary'a Eplacopal Qhurch. hear Dr. Moore speak on "Public Member e l AiUHt will be the gucrt apeaker at the Health." ____ \ Rotary meetlnt tomorrow B « « M et Manche$ter~-^A City of Village Charm at the y . M. C. A. The progjara The Dlscusalon group of the League of Women Voters will committee, (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Holmea, haa aelected meet Wednesday evening at » MANCHESTER, CONN.^UESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1944 meeting aa the annual ^hankaglv- o’clock at the, Y. M. C. A. v rOL. LXIV., NO. 49 (ClaaaUled Adverttatag aa Page i t ) tng gathering of the club and Rev. ^lUama will deliver the Thanks Corporal Richard A. Carlson, "of ^ vln g meaaagc. Dinner, which win 104 Hajmes street, was one of the precede the talk wiU be aer\’ed at armored signal personnel with a German Officers Captured in Strasbourg •;30 p. m. communications unit of ^ e .ird Armored "Spearhead" Division oil of Jap Ships Roer River Reached ■ The Beethoven Olee C3ub will taking part in the Second Battle of hold a combined rehearaal tonight Mona, now called "one of the most o f current and former membera on decisive actions in the campaign aelecUona planned for the reunion In Europe.” it has been revealed by Sunk or Damaged tQ concert in February, thla ecening the army public relations office. He was one of those who laid wire, By American Units - at 8 o’clock In the Emanuel Luth­ eran church. Preaent and former operated switchboards, Uletype- membera of the group are urged vi^ters and coding machines all day and stood guard at night. Set Now at 151 to attend thia flrat rehearaal aa photographa made at the reunion meeting aeveral weeka ago will be Mrs. Herbert W yllle is chairman 1 Near Saarbrucken dlatrlbuted. of a committee arranging for a food sale by, the Daughters of Is.a- Jpward Revision of Fig-1 J^paU FaCSS The monthly meeting of the bella, Saturday morning at » uresiir«>a rtnon Strike FFri ri-, M ^ Germans Announce Ro* >rm y and Navy Club Auxiliary o’clock in Hale's store. H , s . vidn take place thla evening at 8 day Adds Two Ships Supply Points British Not treats Both North o'clock at the clubhouse. Heavy Raids Sunk and 23 Dam­ And South of Stras* Private William rihaw, who Facing Any aged to Score Given joined the Marinea five weeka ago More Often Chief Targets bourg; Third and Sev­ la now at Parria Island. S. C., for Earlier for Attack. enth Armies Pushing boot training. His address is Shell Lack Platoon 607, Second Battalion, In Ai** Action Into Saar from Tri­ Parria Island, S. C. U. S. Paci^Heet Head-! ^ ««C ^ * ^«[f!*'*** uarters,' Pearl Harbor, Nov. diutrial Targets WiV Churchill Gives Assur­ angle Along Rhine; Re­ 8,—(A*)—The toll of Japa- 1,000 BritiBh Heavy Note increase Both in ance to Commons lentless Pressure Felt. se ships sunk or damaged Bombers Hurl 4,000 t h i\ month in relentless Weight and Frequency A Reminder! Tons of Explosives on No Reason to Sup­ lAindon, Nov. 28.— {iP)— When Ton Need More tmeHcan carrier-plane raids port Shortage Belief. Americans on the drenched Washington, Nov. 28.— Neuss and Freiburg. Ion thexManila area stood at Cologne plain reached the A Very Practical Gift! Il5 1 t o d ^ w it h upward revi- Japan can expect more deadly London, Nov. 28— (flb — Prime Roer river today and drove Insurance Ision of figures on Friday's saults by the Super-Fortresse^ London, Nov. 28.— (A7 - A t least Minister Churchill assured the up to a mile into Intricate Fire - Theft - Automobile Floral and Fruit Pattern ■trike which, DMged 48 ships M d more often. 1.000 R.A.F. heavy b> mbers In 87 airplanes. Admiral Chester W. pre-dawn raids today hurled some House of Commons today that German defenses along the or Fumlture A Twentieth Air Force spokes­ flooded stream while infan­ ilm ltz in a communique added man said today it can be stated of German officers, captured when Strasbourg. France, fell to U. 8_ Sixth Army group^ 4.000 tons of explosive! on Neuss “ there is no reason to support a |two ships suhk and, 23 damaged A group CALL with certainty that from our pres­ are maFched through a street of the city. An American soldier, pointing, walks slongslds of the and Freiburg. German supply belief that the British Armies will try of the Third Army ad­ Floral Tose Place Mats to the earlier score be short of the necessary ammu­ ent position attacks against key prisoners. (A P wlrephoto from .Signal Corps rsUlo.) ^ _____________ __________ centers just back of the western vanced within ten miles of Fight at Virtual sWdatill Japanese Industrial targets will nition to fight their battles.” Saarbrucken, arsenal capital of front, as the sustained 72-hour Alexander The light for Leyte lelhnd alith now increase In weight and fre­ The premier’s statement, made the Saar. The German radio an­ »> lered to a virtual standsUlrJn the assault on Nazi frontline rail and In answer to s query soon after the nounced wholesale retreat* both quency. supply centera continued. Parliament, elected In 1935, open­ Last year’s Period 4 **Sharon Rose lOrm oc corridor’s mud aa terrlflc The American public was cau­ north and eouth of Strasbourg to­ Jarvis $ \ .56 set, of 4 Iraine fell, but U. S. planee bh$ed Secret Meet 733,030 Casualties Freiburg lies behind the Mul- ed its tenth conaecutive aession, night. tioned. however, not to expect houae-Kolmar lector where the followed a statement by President and 5 Coupons Good [>n the Island dropped 235 tone ^ Pushing Armies Into Saar Real Estate — Mortgafes anything like dally missions at French First Arm y and the Am er­ Roosevelt that ahell ahortages 39c each ■bombs on Japanese air Installa The enemy eald the U. 8. Third Insurance Until Aug. 31, 1945. vthls time. Will Consider ican Seventh Arm y are pressing were costing the lives of American Itlons on Cebu and Negros, and at 10 longer must and Seventh Armies were push­ 26 Alexander Street Match them or mix them in sets for kitchen oi dining room. MARTEX iDavao Friday, Gen. Douglas Mac- For British in War up to the western bank of the fighting men. ween blows at ing into the Saar from a French PHONES: ' 4112 er 7275 Saves laundering table cloths. Ten patterns. lArthur’s communique reported. Rhine. American heavy bombers May Improve Present Output L T. WOOD CO. ( came within triangle along the Rhine south­ qnadaya: S-0e«4 ar 7275 I In the Friday strikes on the Ma- attacked German rail movements Churchill based his reply on fac­ Phone 4496 ;h other this Draft Policy east of Hagenau and north of BoUd With Jarvis Far •ecorityt Inila area, HeUcat flghtera and antl- 136,116 Civilians in at Offenburg. north of Freiburg, tory workers’ maintaining their ng heavily Gen. present planned output, which, he Strasbourg. Smart 52x52 laircraft batteries on American aur- yesterday. ------ “Relentless enemy pressure A Colorful Strawberry Pattern in .Towel Enser ,ble_ iration that the Predict Quick said, “ they may even Improve Iface ships have downed 58 Jspa- Toll for Five Years; Mosquitqs raided Berlin during south of the Rhlne-Rhone canal now joined, Canadian House of Com­ upon." He added: “We have very Inese planes, in addition to 29 more the night. has ,ed to a planned withdrawal Bath S i z e .........$1.00 ‘Most of Treasure of eonstderable re8er\’es, the use of Idestroyed and 32 probably damaged intalned Pace mons Called into Ses­ Neuss is far to the north in the to shorten our Unes," Berlin said Printed Lunch Cloths Senate Action which depends on the. varying es­ 36” Luncheon Sets Guest Size . ........ 59c Ion the ground. Win bombing Grandfathers’ Lost. Dus.seidorf area an la a junction of the flight below the Alsatian sion on Doniinion- timates as to the duration of the Vessels Listed Sunk ;nty-First oper­ point for rail lintfs to Aachen, Co­ city. HALE'S SELF SERVE Or Face Cloths . Admiral Nim ttz’s communique logne and Gladbach where the German resistance.” Surging forward in pre-dawn ating from Saipan 'island,Splittiiig and theDraft Issue. London, Nov. 28.— (^ )— On Stettinius Asked whether this assurance The Original in Ntw England! lusted the following vessels sunk in Twentieth on the Asiatic conti­ British Second Army and the U. blackness. First Army Infantry of $1.69 S. First .and Ninth Armies are en- covered all theaters of war, he re­ Lieut. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges |the attacks: nent, sUged three h eiyy missions Britain disclosed today her A heavy cruiser at Santa Cruz, Ottawa, Nov. 28. (.P) — The gaged. plied in the affirmative. He said (ought into the streets of Index Five colorful patterns in fniit.s and florals. All color com­ this .week-end. Obseryers weighed story of live years of war, Speed Indicated Not On­ The most recent series of raids, expenditures on the Burmese front 8 pc.
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