Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 5/19 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 1.-15. März Die Themen dieser Ausgabe 1. Versehentlicher Raketenangriff ...................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Israelische Parlamentswahlen ....................................................................................................................................... 3 3. Unruhen am Tempelberg ................................................................................................................................................. 6 4. Medienquerschnitt ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 1. Versehentlicher Raketenangriff heftigen Ausschreitungen bei Protesten in Gaza Israels Armee geht inzwischen davon aus, dass die gegen die hohen Lebenshaltungskosten und die zwei Raketen des Typs M-75 Fajr, eine Langstre- hohen Steuergelder, die die Hamas den Palästinen- ckenrakete aus iranischen Werkstätten, die Tel Aviv sern abverlangt. Demonstrant_innen steckten Auto- für einige Minuten den Atem anhalten ließen, unbe- reifen in Brand und blockierten Straßenkreuzungen. absichtigt abgefeuert wurden. Das Militär reagierte Die Sicherheitsbeamten der Hamas reagierten mit mit rund 100 Luftangriffen auf zumeist militärische harter Hand. Mehrere Menschen mussten mit Ver- Anlagen der Hamas. Vier Menschen trugen bei den letzungen ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert werden, Angriffen leichte Verletzungen davon, wie das paläs- darunter Frauen und Kinder. Politische Analysten in tinensische Gesundheitsministerium berichtete. Die Israel zogen zunächst eine Verbindung zwischen vergleichsweise geringe Zahl der Verletzten im Ga- den Unruhen in der Stadt Gaza und den beiden zastreifen zeigt, dass Israels Armee vorsichtig vor- Raketenangriffen, die Tel Aviv vollkommen unerwar- ging, um Provokationen und eine schlimmere Kon- tet trafen. Raketenalarm gab es in Tel Aviv zum frontation zu vermeiden. Israels Regierungschef letzten Mal vor fünf Jahren, als die Hamas im Ver- Benjamin Netanyahu war Ende letzten Jahres in die lauf des Gazakrieges die Stadt angriff. Israel mit Kritik von Ex-Verteidigungsminister Avigdor Liber- Raketen anzugreifen, um von internen Problemen man und anderen Koalitionspartnern geraten, die abzulenken, gehört zu den Methoden der Hamas. ihm vorwarfen, nicht konsequent genug gegen die Medienberichten zufolge soll es ägyptischen Ver- islamistische Führung im Gazastreifen vorzugehen. mittlern noch in der Nacht gelungen sein, die Kon- Der Schlagabtausch endete damit, dass Israel der fliktparteien zu einem Waffenstillstand zu bewegen. Regierung Katars erlaubte, regelmäßig große Bar- geldsummen in den Gazastreifen bringen zu lassen, Gaza awaits a new Israeli government um die akute Finanznot zu lindern. Liberman war (…) For Hamas, having Israel at its doorstep allows daraufhin von seinem Amt zurückgetreten. „Gerade it to maintain its identity as an entity and challenge diese Woche genehmigte Israel die Zahlung von the Palestinian Authority by being the only entity that weiteren 20 Millionen Dollar an die Hamas“, kom- is willing to raise the flag of resistance to Israel. As mentierte Liberman den jüngsten Raketenbeschuss. far as Israel is concerned, it prefers the devil that it Dieses „Schutzgeld“ werde Israel keine Ruhe brin- knows – Hamas – than toppling it and then having to gen. Noch am Donnerstagnachmittag war es zu deal with the severe consequences. This is the 1 reason why the two sides have been holding indirect end of the month. The second risk is of a random talks through Egyptian and Qatari mediators to incident, such as a severe outcome during rocket achieve an extended truce that would essentially fire at Israel or in one of the IDF attacks in Gaza. cement the status quo. (…) For Israel, any round of Either way, the Israeli army is ready for an escala- hostilities means not only that rockets will hit Tel Aviv tion. and other communities deep inside Israel, but also Ron Ben-Yishai. YED, 15.03.19 that the economy will take a hit. As far as Hamas is concerned, the fact that it is fighting for its existence Iranian fingerprints in Gaza blunts the blow it may receive when it fights Israel. (…) Iran, which controls the terrorist group and its That is why Hamas has over the past year constant- leaders and which gives it money and provides it ly walked on the brink. It escalated the violent pro- with the type of missiles used in Thursday's attack, tests along the Gaza Strip fence, increased the is directly responsible. Iran doesn't hide its desire to intensity of the attacks using airborne explosive spark a conflagration in Gaza with the aim of sabo- devices, and effectively used any compromise with taging and even halting Israel's efforts to dislodge Israel as the starting point for renewed negotiations the Islamic republic from Syria. (…) Hamas, howev- aimed at getting more concessions. (…) The new er, is also responsible for the missile attack, be- government formed after the election will have to cause it hasn't taken action against Islamic Jihad come up with a policy that would put an end to Ha- and other recalcitrant groups in Gaza, which contin- mas' foot-dragging and attrition. ue targeting Israel. Hamas lends a hand to the esca- Doron Matza, IHY, 14.03.19 lation along the border as a matter of routine, hoping to improve its negotiating position with Israel and Hamas second 'mistaken' rocket fire from Gaza receive aid dollars from Qatar. (…) the missile attack (…) why did Hamas fire the rockets (…)? For two on Gush Dan indicates the collapse of this concep- major reasons. Firstly, because of the serious and tion and essentially the illusion (…) that it's possible exceptional riots that took place (…). The organiza- to control the flames Hamas is fanning along the tion's leadership felt threatened as it has not felt Gaza border and prevent them from spreading. At since it seized power in the Gaza Strip in 2007. the end of the day, those who shoot at Israeli com- Secondly, because of the talks with the Egyptians munities near Gaza will also shoot at Tel Aviv. It is over a lull in the tensions along the Israel-Gaza also evident that Hamas isn't omnipotent in Gaza. border, which have been going on for some time. (…) before the missile attack, demonstrations erupt- Hamas has a long list of demands, including $30 ed in Gaza against the organization over the grim million a month (…), funding for UN-sponsored jobs, economic situation there. (…) Although Sderot and an increased electricity supply and an increased Tel Aviv are theoretically the same, it's clear that the range for fishing. (…) The wheat in the south of missile attack on Gush Dan crosses a red line that Israel is about to ripen, and if the fields are burned, Israel cannot abide. But even at this critical juncture, the damage will be considerable. Hamas is saying it's important for Israel to avoid playing into the no, the marches will continue and we will keep them hands of the enemy, whether Islamic Jihad or Iran. in check (…). So with talks apparently at a dead (…) the missile attack is a wakeup call for all of us end, and in the face of a mass protest within Gaza that the reality of limited friction in Gaza, which is over living conditions, Hamas realized it had to ur- supposedly under control, cannot last for very long. gently channel the anger and frustration of the peo- Eyal Zisser, IHY, 15.03.19 ple under its rule at Israel. (…) given that Israel has no desire to see an escalation that would require a Little ghosts from Gaza ground invasion of Gaza during an election cam- (…) Israelis don’t want to hear about Gaza. (…) paign, and so that residents of the south would not After all, we left, and in any case it’s all Hamas’ fault, claim that only attacks on Tel Aviv elicit a harsh as the government “explains” from every platform, response, the reaction was overall relatively re- especially abroad. (…) Ghosts float above Gaza in strained. (…) Both the Hamas rocket fire and the the election campaign of the chief of staff of that Israeli response fell within the same scale of propor- military operation, now a politician who seeks to tionality, in which a major campaign was avoided as replace the prime minister and return “statesman- both sides sought to limit the incident to a short ship” to Israel. To get elected, his campaign ads flare-up. (…) there could still be riots as Gazans count bodies, as many as possible, and showcases mark the first anniversary of these protests at the a drone’s-eye-view of Gaza’s destruction. If that’s 2 the way the campaign looks, how will a future mili- Abgeordneten und Wähler_innen, die die Entschei- tary action look, under a statesmanlike government. dung gerade auch mit Blick auf die Kandidaten der (…) every Friday at the Gaza border fence (…) rechtsradikalen Partei Otzma Yehudit, die vom Zent- sharpshooters fire from embankments inside Israel, ralen Wahlkomitee zugelassen worden waren, als around the Gaza Strip. (…) The day the American Ungerechtigkeit empfanden. Das Oberste Gerichts- Embassy opened in Jerusalem, on May 14, 2018, hof gab den Berufungen gegen den Entscheid des 73 people were killed. The youngest of them, Az- Zentralen Wahlkomitees statt und ließ die Kandida- Adin Asamak, was 13. Almost his entire short life in tur von Ofer Cassif und Balad zu. Hingegen verbot Gaza was spent under siege. Children who were der Oberste Gerichtshof
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