Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2017 No. 173 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was Ms. GABBARD led the Pledge of Alle- principle: Duty, honor, service to God, called to order by the Speaker. giance as follows: family, and country. f I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the f United States of America, and to the Repub- PRAYER lic for which it stands, one nation under God, TAKE BACK HEALTHCARE FROM The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: f (Ms. GABBARD asked and was given Eternal God, we give You thanks for permission to address the House for 1 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER giving us another day. minute.) On this day, we ask Your blessing on The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Ms. GABBARD. Mr. Speaker, for far the men and women, citizens all, whose tain up to five requests for 1-minute too long, Big Pharma has played by its votes have populated this people’s speeches on each side of the aisle. own rules, benefiting from sky- House. Each Member of this House has f rocketing drug prices on the backs of been given the sacred duty of rep- our most vulnerable populations. DUTY, HONOR, SERVICE TO GOD, resenting them. Back in 2003, legislation was passed FAMILY, AND COUNTRY O Lord, we pray that those with establishing Medicare part D to make whom our Representatives might meet (Mr. STEWART asked and was given prescription drugs more affordable for during this coming long weekend in permission to address the House for 1 people, but Big Pharma lobbyists influ- their home districts be blessed with minute and to revise and extend his re- enced those policies and made it so peace and an assurance that they have marks.) there is a provision included that been listened to. Mr. STEWART. Mr. Speaker, much would ban the Secretary of Health and We ask Your blessing now on the has been said about the tumultuous Human Services from negotiating Members of this House whose responsi- times in which we live, and it is true, lower prices directly with pharma- bility lies also beyond the local inter- we do face enormous challenges. But I ceutical companies, something that the ests of constituents while honoring would like to remind the American VA can already do today. them. Give each Member the wisdom to people of the things that will get us Over 42 million Americans who are represent both local and national inter- through these times. enrolled in Medicare part D continue to ests, a responsibility calling for the My parents were part of the Greatest face rising costs on brand name drugs, wisdom of Solomon. Grant them, if Generation. My father was a pilot in fewer generic drugs, and higher pre- You will, a double portion of such wis- World War II, and I am honored to wear miums, making it difficult, if not im- dom. his Air Force wings. My mother was a possible, for many to fill their prescrip- Bless us this day and every day, and mother of 10 amazing children, many of tions. may all that is done within the peo- which are with me today. They are the I urge my colleagues to cosponsor the ple’s House be for Your greater honor best friends that I have ever had. Medicare Prescription Drug Price Ne- and glory. Our parents taught us something Amen. gotiation Act to take back our that each of us has embroidered and healthcare from pharmaceutical com- f now hangs on our individual family panies and allow the Secretary of HHS THE JOURNAL walls, and it is this: Our family’s motto to negotiate drug prices directly with The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- is duty, honor, service to God, family, manufacturers to secure affordable, ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- and country. lifesaving medication for millions of ceedings and announces to the House We are, as Abraham Lincoln said: Americans. his approval thereof. ‘‘The last best hope of Earth.’’ That f Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- was true when he said it. It is still true E-VERIFY SAVES AMERICAN JOBS nal stands approved. today. f We created the miracle of the Con- (Mr. SMITH of Texas asked and was stitution; we survived the catastrophe given permission to address the House PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of the Civil War; we defeated com- for 1 minute and to revise and extend The SPEAKER. Will the gentle- munism, totalitarianism, fascism; we his remarks.) woman from Hawaii (Ms. GABBARD) have the strength to get through the Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, come forward and lead the House in the challenges that we face today. But it yesterday, the House Judiciary Com- Pledge of Allegiance. will only be true if we are true to that mittee approved the Legal Workforce b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8229 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:57 Oct 27, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A26OC7.000 H26OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H8230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 26, 2017 Act, a bill I introduced that saves jobs From day one, C.J. battled just to Sec. 3005. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to for citizens and legal workers. It re- stay alive. He had two heart defects strengthen American families. quires U.S. employers to use the E- and was immediately put in the neo- Sec. 3006. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to pro- Verify system to check the work eligi- natal ICU. As the condition became mote innovative educational and bility of all future hires. nutritional models and systems more critical, he was transferred to the for American students. A September 2017 Washington Post- Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Sec. 3007. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to im- ABC News poll shows that 82 percent of ultimately ended up at the University prove the American banking sys- voters favor requiring business owners of Pennsylvania hospital. tem. to check the immigration status of After 5 weeks at the University of Sec. 3008. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to pro- prospective employees. Pennsylvania hospital, at the age of 58 mote American agriculture, en- E-Verify is the most popular immi- days, C.J. underwent heart surgery per- ergy, transportation, and infra- gration reform that reduces illegal im- formed by a miracle worker named Dr. structure improvements. migration. E-Verify is a free and quick Spray. Four days later, C.J. was finally Sec. 3009. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to restore system that already is used voluntarily able to come home with his parents. American military power. by employers to cover one-third of the Sec. 3010. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for vet- Mr. Speaker, at almost 2 years old, erans and service members. workforce. C.J. has overcome more obstacles than The Legal Workforce Act has the Sec. 3011. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for pub- many of us will face in a lifetime. lic lands and the environment. backing of both national business orga- Today, C.J. serves as the inspiration of nizations and immigration enforce- Sec. 3012. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to secure the Sellersville Fire Department and the American border. ment groups. This bill deserves the en- continues to inspire all those he en- Sec. 3013. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to pro- thusiastic support of all Members of counters with his grit and persever- mote economic growth, the private Congress who want to put the interest ance. sector, and to enhance job cre- of American workers first. ation. f f Sec. 3014. Deficit-neutral reserve fund for legis- CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON lation modifying statutory budg- OPPOSING THE BILLIONAIRES- THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR etary controls. FIRST TAX PLAN 2018 Sec. 3015. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to pre- (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given vent the taxpayer bailout of pen- Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, pursuant permission to address the House for 1 sion plans. to House Resolution 580, I call up the minute.) Sec. 3016. Deficit-neutral reserve fund relating Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, today, concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 71) to implementing work require- House Republicans will move one step establishing the congressional budget ments in all means-tested Federal welfare programs. closer to giving a budget-busting $2 for the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the Sec. 3017. Deficit-neutral reserve fund to pro- trillion tax cut to the superwealthy on tect Medicare and repeal the the backs of hardworking Americans, appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027, with the Sen- Independent Payment Advisory one step closer to increasing taxes on Board. vulnerable Americans, one step closer ate amendment thereto, and ask for its Sec. 3018. Deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to gutting Medicaid by $1 trillion and immediate consideration. to affordable child and dependent slashing Medicare by $500 billion, one The Clerk read the title of the con- care. step closer to decimating programs current resolution. Sec. 3019. Deficit-neutral reserve fund relating that help veterans, seniors, students, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. to worker training programs. and families.

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