, 1866. VICTORIA. REPORTS OF THE J . MINING SURVEYORS A.ND R JE G I.8 T R A R So QUARTER ENDING 30TH SEPTEMBER, 1866. -. '., PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF P A~LIAM.:ENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. , ' JOHN }'ERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No. 14. APPROXIMATE COST OF REPORTS. DErAILED PARTICULARS. AMOUNT, :£ •• d. Cost or Preparatlon, abont 10 0 0 Printing, &0. 81 16 4 TOTAL £ 91 16 4 , . SUMMARY.-GOLD MINING STATISTICS FOR THE QUARTER ENDING 30TH'SEPTEMB~R, 1866. TABLE'showing approximately the NUMBER OF MINERS employed, the MACHINERY in use and its Value, on the several Gold Fields in the Colony of Victoria. • Compi1~ed from the Mining Surveyors and Hegistrars' Reports for the Quarter ending 30th September, 1866. Quartz Miners. 2Ilachlnery employed in Alluviallllining, Machinery employed in Quartz 1Ilining, Number Approxi~ of I_~ mate Square Price ot Gold DIS'rRlCT, DIVISION, Total Steam Engines ~ lIlile. of I .; Value of Aurife- per OZ, Number of employedWinding, ~ .~ :l ~ ~ ~ ,. " all rous AND, l)umplng', &C. .".; ""§ =i '"a :::: K " ;::::: ~ Ground .,; ,Miners. 1------ '5 ~ " 15 ~ '" "' ,; Mining SUBDIVI:noN, ~ /1 ~ " go ~ actually w .~ ~ '" .~ ~ ~~ Plant. worked go , ~ ! No. .;; d § a ~ j :a From 1 To i power" iii' ~ ~ upon* [il! ~ power. ~ ::: r3 i5 ~~ ~I~I __I- "" I £ .£ s, d • .£ s,d. BALLARAT: 2115 41>4 4,220 88 2,987 138 16 lit; 3 26 479 216 280,268 6! 4 0' 6 4 20 Contral DivIsion , , 3,51! 4. 20 I,M6 682' 152 2,396 33 830 60 4 6 2 7 135 78" 04,550 8 4. 1 0 Southern Division" 230 2,500 44 700 .50 32 ," 13 270 88 66,000 13i 4 0 0 Bunlnyong " 2,020 250 " 10 600 40 2,670 75 1,520 32 16 6 140 40 70,000 11 3 17 6' 4. 00 Smytllesdo.le 2,030 4. 0:1 800 650 , 600 2,0.50 21 321 180' 12 ~ 16 29 610 182 108,000 S~ 3 18 6 {)reswlck 44 128 1 8 2 1 25 ' 23 ,', 2,&00 2. /I 18'6 4. 16 76 8 ' Gordon 170 a50 130.. 44 48 3 28 24 ,290 176 ',. 3 58,000 13 3 16 3 3 180 StelgUtz 60 120 1 0 17 0 613 268 1,308 15 2 •• i" 10 Hi9 11 174 '11 9 29.8 0 2~. 3 16 6 a Blackwood 5 : 65.. 80 3 II 17 0 3170 Blue Mountain South 50 10,716 3,0021'1';i31 15,687 208 6,511 464 81 10 44 4 ,48 .. --3-'lOtl5- 116 2,118 13 mlil 13 2 669,198 69 Totals " --1--1-- - -- ---,. --'-----,---, ------ 1--1-·-,1---1-- --1-- ----, ------1--1--1--1--- BEECHWORTH: 17 136 14 5 144 34 55 13,100 3 34 17 28,000 3 196 366 Beechworth ,); 587 1,008 119 1,714 190 366 274 195 20 489 18 1 18 8 5.300 a Stanley 40 2 32 /I 39 /I 8,700 3 190 a 19 6 Yackandandah 9~2 600 310 1,832 II l! 6 I 5 750 2 aao Sandy Creek 31 126 158 36,&00 2 3 19 II 366 398 49~ 122 1,016 19 30S 62 37 25 5 58 48 Indigo 35,900 53 II 176 ag6 ~35 1,599 259 '2,093 8 I:.!I 60 10 7 83 8 167 S Buckland 8 3 94 3 40,9410 48~ 3 17 6 3 18 0 Crooked River 164 113 389 Ij66 160 184 43 387 1 9 2,500 /I II 11 0 3MO Mit<lhollltlver " • , " 18 ~91 23 , 446 23 11S,000 37 3 00 3190 Jordan North, and part of OlDeo 888 114 1,189 2,191 3g0 675 678' 1,423 -14 273 7 208 7 87,000 37 II 00 Jordan South 1,050 :; 8 76 3 17 6 Omeo Central 300 45 595 II 50 3 12 0 3il7 447 Snowy Creek ---1---1-----1 -~'-I_"I_'_' 1_'_' L~:J_'_' I..:..:.I~~~ Totals " 4.971 4,865 3,175 I:I,OU 44 565 81 51 ._~I~ll,0361~1_"_I_,,,_L_:L 367,000 I 235l SANDHUUS'l': 2,650 69 3176 a 17 6 Kangaroo Flat 560 '3 176 II 17 6 750 I' U58 al 265 28 Eag1ehdwk " a,no 500 10 II 150 II 166 Ki1rnore •• •• • ~ ... 270 240 834 1,140 8 6 16 352 6 6 3 Iii, 0 4 06 He.thcote and warafiga South " 300 200 96 :I 156 4. 09 77 91 512 680 22 7 Waranga North 6 62 :I 17 6 3 I~' 6 .Raywood 500 50 200 750 Totals, , 4,204 _~'9121~ _ 398' , 590 _":". ~ __6___ '_' _ ~i":":' .. 1-::- .. 265 ~ I':'::"'I~__ '_' _ 1,293 := _~ -" G _ 397,400 192i\- MARYBOROUGH: 750 4,6.50 19 120 170 170 51,600 a 18 6 4 16 Mary-borough 29~ ~10 4~ 1,936 ,12 19" 43 3 31 4. 68 40 30,000 :; 3 18 6 4 00 Amherst 1~ 2,054 8 / 165 I 15 12 12,300 8 3 19 0 4 00 Avoca 2,820 8 98 85 26 .. I 20 322 184 " 48,000 13i!: II 196 4 1 0 ," 260 1,415 1 20 72 1 ., 24 300 143 ' 24 ' 2{l 34,200 SO 3 176 3 18 0 260 10 460...... 3 ...... ., 4 6,5.. 26 .. .. •• I.. 2,000 9i 3 186 4. 1 0 South .. <I 00 4. 1 0 165 206 '586 __2 ____ ~ 16 __I_'._~_ _'_'1_'_'_1_"_" 6 106 __6_~~_~_,_"_1" ' 15,000 6 Totals .. 7,836 ..,2:786 """'=:299 ~,921_ ~_ 793 675 193 ~~I~_ ,_:.::.... _!... 31 1_,_, ___"_ ~ ~_ ~ __6_ 645 .. 38 _._._I 29 ,193,100 CASTLE MAINE : 810 1,420 548 12 2,790 5 ~7 200 10 '.. 'II 63 .. ' 16 24 395 85..I 64,000 3159 3173 CasUemaine , 3156 3190 1,375 1,4S1 140 2,990 12 260 230 12 45 107 13 1 108 8 117 3 18 40,294 ]f'ryer's Creek "I ~ 3 17 0 4. 03 1.772 [,76 604 2,9.52 20 500 218 36 •• 26 466 z68:1 39 .. 69,000 47 Hepburn .. S 17 6 3189 Tarada1e .. \ 470 134 120 724 13 2.51 11 16 ,- .. 7 64 46 .. •• 22,000 15 515 1,200 650 2,365 2 15 74 Ib:l .. Ii ,32 647 328 49 6 .. 73.443 9~ 3 179 3 19'0 ]I{aldon' a 150 3190 Andrew's 291 150 279 720 4 ........ ,. .. .. '-'[" 6 63 72 .... 7,800 261: 20 fi 18,; ~10 30 3 _, •• .. .. ," •• .. ...' 6 95 58 ' .. 10,000 7 8 169 3 180 45;) 40 60 "fiG .. .. .. .. .. .. ," ..... 3 74.. 16.... .. 7,500 7i 3 17 0 3 17 0 Nvrth __' -------- ----- -:-i..,-----.. -!-:-- --1-------- --'- 5,703 5,006 2,e.8H 12 13,307, 55 1,157 733 77 45 18:' 6 73 : "'1 5 ,124 112 1,921 2 1,116 Ii 130 6 18 294,037 139! Totals .. ------ 1-_' -,-1---'- - ARARAT. Ararat 530 1,04(] 104 1.764 5 '9 17 .. '-- ,. 9 164 .. 19,400 3l1i 3 16 913 17 9 260 150 676 1,086 5 3 2, 30 .. ' 46 I 8 60 14 3/iO 19 3 63,200 12 3 15 6 4. 06 Pleasant Creek 3 18 6 3 18 6 Raglan 401 694 1,095 15 47 13 1 3 ,. I" ./ .. 10,000 '5~ I,130 180 16 1,326 I 24 6 93 26 .. 1 12' •• 3,360 131 3180 4. 10 Barkly ---'I Totals .. 2,321 2,06,1 886 5,271 26 408 80 16 l~S .. 721 8 I 72 23 514 236 19 3 05,960 63i C 36,614 20,364 15,113 18 72,109 9,832 2,623 420 128 522 185 13;-;; 5,770 8 567 6 -;;;- -;;:;;; 6 60 2.016,695 GRAND'l'o;!'ALS I m i-;-I :lli- ~ -;;;;--;;u- 777~ , NO'tE.-The Re<P,strars (or Ule RaywoQd and St, An~ew'. Wcst Divisions having falled to forward reports, their returnS for the previous Quarter have been adopted, ' R. BROUGH SMYTH, Mining Department, :Melbourne, 8th Octob~r, 1866. Secretary for Mines. <I No. 14'" " MINING SURVEYORS AND REGISTR·ARS' REPORTSo BALLARAT <MINING DIST'RICT. CENTRAL DIVISION.• (Formerly Nos. 1,2, and 3.) Mr. Ha'l"l'i6 Wood, ltlining Regi8trar. THE TOTAL NUMllER OF MINERS IS AS FOLLOWS:- Total for the Europeans. Chinese. Division. B.ema.rks. Alill.vial Miners ... ... 3,511 255 3,766 ". Quartz Miners ... ... 454 ... 454 Totals ... 3,965 4,220 = THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MINERS IS THUS DISTRIBUTED:- Golden Point Lead 936 Snecimen Gully 81 Reilan ... 84 SfnClair'8 Hill 20 Inkermann Lead and Reef 571 Canadian and Prince Regent 48 Frenchman's Lead I 760 New Chum and Sailor's Gully 26 W oolshed Lead 225 Clayton's Hill... ... 16 De~.d Horse Lead 182 Pennyweight and Red Hill 20 Essex Lead .. 93 Ashe's Lead ... 12 SWlLmp Lead .. 80 Eureka ... ... .. 15 Col: bIer's Lead 850 Black Hill and Black Hill Flat ... 115 Sebastorol ... 80 Little Be . 0 250 MiJkmald's Lead 8 Brown at 26 White Flat ... 56 Springs ... 67 Golden Point... ...... 82 Dead Horse ... 48 Old. Post Office Hill, Poverty Point, and Inkermann Gully 81 Hed Streak 68 Gwn·Tree Flat 70 Total ... 4,220 THE MAOHINERY IS AS FOLLOWS:- ALLUVIAL l\:[mllm.
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