Township of Centre Wellington Heritage Centre Wellington Agenda Tuesday, August 7, 2018 6:00 pm Council Chamber, 1 MacDonald Square, Elora Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST UNDER THE MUNICIPAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST ACT 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3.1 Heritage Centre Wellington - 17 Jul 2018 - Minutes - Pdf 3 - 6 4. ACTION ITEMS / NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Request to Designate - Elora Kiddie Kar Ruins 4.2 Notice of Intent to Demolish - 7535 Sixth Line, Nichol (Listed Property) 7 7535 Sixth Line, Nichol 4.3 Notice of Intent to Demolish - 6700 First Line West, Pilkington (Listed 8 Property) 6700 First Line, Pilkington 4.4 Notice of Intent to Demolish - 329 Geddes Street, Elora (Listed Property) 9 Delegation: Mary-Grace Falvo & Michael Falvo, Property Owners 329 Geddes Street, Salem 4.5 Notice of Intent to Demolish - 469 Wellington Road 7 (Barn Only) 10 - 11 469 Wellington Road 7 Photos 4.6 Salem Bridge EA 12 - 75 https://www.wellington.ca/en/resident-services/rd-salembridge-ea.aspx Final CHER Salem Bridge, Woolwich Rd. W., Salem, Centre Wellington, 5. SUB-COMMITTEE UPDATES 5.1 Public Relations / Education Sub-Committee 5.2 Designated Properties Sub-Committee Page 1 of 75 5.3 Municipal Register Sub-Committee 6. INFORMATION ITEMS 7. ADJOURN Page 2 of 75 Township of Centre Wellington Heritage Centre Wellington Minutes Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Council Chamber 6:00 PM PRESENT: Kathy Baranski, Chair Philip Brown Graeme Chalmers Erin Eldridge Nico Vandersluis Sherry Baris Nanette O’Sullivan Councillor Don Fisher REGRETS: David Beynon Bill Wyminga STAFF: Mariana Iglesias, Planner Kerri O'Kane, Municipal Clerk 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act None declared. 3. Approval of Minutes Heritage Centre Wellington approved the June 12, 2018 Committee minutes by consensus. 4. Action Items / New Business 4.1 Notice of Intent to Demolish Structure(s) - 645 Perry Street, Fergus Chair Kathy Baranski indicated she met with historian Pat Mestern to discuss her research and the historical accuracy of the information she provided regarding 645 Perry Street, Fergus. K. Baranski noted the background provided by Pat Mestern was a collection of stories and based on her memory, she did not have any written documentation to verify the information. Page 1 of 4 Page 3 of 75 Heritage Centre Wellington Minutes July 17, 2018 Mariana Iglesias, Planner summarized the extent of the research undertaken, noting there is no evidence indicating Henry Ing ever owned Lot 60 or had any First Nations connection. She indicated the research shows Henry Ing purchased Lots 58 and 59 and was listed as a machinist. M. Iglesias indicated there is nothing in the research or historical data collected to substantiate the claims put forth by the delegation at the Council meeting. M. Iglesias noted a report prepared by Tacoma Engineers Inc., confirmed there is no evidence of a log structure or the use of slab wood, it is a simple wood construction. Moved by E. Eldridge, Seconded by S. Baris THAT Heritage Centre Wellington reaffirms their recommendation from their meeting held on June 12, 2018, that they do not object to the demolition of 645 Perry Street Fergus, ON. CARRIED 4.2 Notice to Designate - 45 Colborne Street, Elora M. Iglesias indicated the required background work is completed concerning the designation of 45 Colborne Street, Elora and a draft copy of the by-law has been provided to the property owner. Moved by S. Baris, Seconded by N. Vandersluis THAT Heritage Centre Wellington recommends to the Council of the Township of Centre Wellington, that the property located at 45 Colborne Street, Elora be designated in accordance with the Heritage Act, RSO, 1990. CARRIED 4.3 Salem Bridge EA M. Iglesias noted the County of Wellington has circulated information and is seeking input regarding the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study for the Salem Bridge, located on Woolwich Street, West, in the Township of Centre Wellington. She explained the Salem Bridge is a single span steel half-through (pony) truss structure with a concrete deck over the Irvine Creek. The bridge has a span and roadway width of 31.7 m and 7.32 m respectively and was constructed Page 2 of 4 Page 4 of 75 Heritage Centre Wellington Minutes July 17, 2018 in 1952. As part of a bridge inspection conducted in 2015, the Salem Bridge, was found to be in an advanced state of deterioration and some functional deficiencies were identified. M. Iglesias explained the Class EA study will confirm and document the structural and functional deficiencies and identify alternative solutions, including rehabilitation or replacement of the bridge, and evaluate associated environmental impacts. M. Iglesias explained the bridge has not been identified by the Township as having any heritage significance nor is it listed on the Heritage Register. She noted additional documentation soon to be provided will identify any heritage significance for Heritage Centre Wellington to consider. 5. Sub-Committee Updates 5.1 Public Relations / Education Sub-Committee K. Baranski reported on the success of the June 16th Doors Open Event, noting the popularity of the Melville United Church and Craighead. She thanked those who volunteered their time. K. Baranski asked for volunteers to assist with an education workshop for real estate agents to raise awareness regarding heritage and designated buildings. N. Vandersluis agreed to help K. Baranski and staff develop a list of invitees, a letter and to secure a location for the workshop. 5.2 Designated Properties Sub-Committee E. Eldridge noted much of the research has been completed on 195 Barker Street, Fergus, including photos, and she will forward the information for discussion at the next meeting. P. Brown noted the rural properties subcommittee is continuing their research on 6363 Wellington Road 7, and the development of a priority list of other rural properties. Other committee members were encouraged to submit any rural properties they wished to be considered. 5.3 Municipal Register Sub-Committee M. Iglesias outlined a new initiative using new technology to take and Page 3 of 4 Page 5 of 75 Heritage Centre Wellington Minutes July 17, 2018 upload photos to the GIS mapping system while out in the field. The use of a tablet will improve and provide efficiencies in the collection of photos for the registry. M. Iglesias provided an update on the development of the Terms of Reference for inclusion in the RFP for the Cultural Heritage Landscape Study that has been included in the workplan for the next several years. 6. Budget Update Nothing to report at this time. 7. Information Items 7.1 Templin Gardens M. Iglesias advised a report will be submitted to Council at the July 23rd Council meeting regarding the designation of Templin Gardens as a cultural heritage landscape. 7.2 Update - Pearl Southside M. Iglesias provided an update on activity with the Pearle development on the south side of the river, including the receipt of a site plan application for the Condos. M. Iglesias reported that staff is awaiting submission of the Heritage Impact Assessment for this portion of the site and that it should include an assessment and recommendations for the Kiddie Kar Factory (Foundry) ruins. Committee members discussed the Foundry signage, the fate of the kiddie car factory ruins and plans for the Walser building. Committee Members agreed that their next meeting would be on August 7th as per the schedule. 8. Adjourn - 7:15 p.m. Chair Deputy Clerk Page 4 of 4 Page 6 of 75 Page 7 of 75 Page 8 of 75 Page 9 of 75 H" ;»}§ €JWUW ElIil?I Page 10 of 75 Page 11 of 75 CULTURAL HERITAGE EVALUATION REPORT SALEM BRIDGE COUNTY SITE No. B18050 (LOTS 15 & 16, CONCESSION 11 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF NICHOL) WOOLWICH STREET WEST (WR 18) SALEM, TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON COUNTY OF WELLINGTON, ONTARIO April 2018 Prepared for: WSP Canada Group Limited Prepared by: Page 12 of 75 CULTURAL HERITAGE EVALUATION REPORT SALEM BRIDGE COUNTY SITE No. B18050 (LOTS 15 & 16, CONCESSION 11 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF NICHOL) WOOLWICH STREET WEST (WR 18) SALEM, TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON COUNTY OF WELLINGTON, ONTARIO April 2018 Prepared for WSP Canada Group Limited 610 Chartwell Road Suite 300 Oakville, ON, L6J 4A5 Prepared by: Unterman McPhail Associates Heritage Resource Management Consultants 540 Runnymede Road Toronto, ON, M6S 2Z7 Tel: 416-766-7333 Page 13 of 75 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Description 1 1.2 Public Interest and Heritage Recognition 2 2.0 HISTORICAL SUMMARY 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Nichol Township 4 2.2.1 Salem 7 2.3 Salem Bridge, County Bridge No. B018050 9 2.4 Structure Type: Steel Through (Half) Pony Truss 11 2.5 Bridge Designer/Builder 12 2.5.1 William H. Keith, P. Eng. 12 2.5.2 Hamilton Bridge Company Limited 13 2.5.3 Albert Reeves 14 3.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION 14 3.1 Area Context 14 3.2 Site Description 15 4.0 BUILT HERITAGE RESOURCE DESCRIPTION 17 4.1 Salem Bridge, County No. B018050 18 4.1.1 Modifications 20 4.2 Comparative Analysis 20 4.2.1 Conclusion 21 5.0 CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOURCE EVALUATION 22 5.1 Introduction 22 5.2 Evaluation 23 5.3 Summary of Cultural Heritage Value 26 5.3.1 Statement of Cultural Heritage Value 26 5.3.2 Description of Heritage Attributes 27 6.0 CONCLUSION 28 SOURCES APPENDIX A: Salem Bridge, MEA Municipal Heritage Bridges, Cultural, Heritage and Archaeological Resources Assessment Checklist, February 23, 2016 APPENDIX B: Historical Maps, Photographs and Drawing APPENDIX C: Salem Bridge, Survey Form APPENDIX D: List of Comparative Structures, Steel Pony Truss Bridge, County of Wellington (Current as of January 2015) APPENDIX E: List of Projects, William H.
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