Offshore Environment Plan TGP-698-PA-HSE-003 Version 11 | 2 October 2019 Appendix A TGP Offshore Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) / Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register © Tasmanian Gas Pipeline Pty Ltd Page 173 Inherent Risk Residual Risk Ref No. Activity Environmental Aspect Source of Risk Potential Impact Controls & Mitigation Measures ALARP Outcome Acceptability Outcome Likelihood Consequence Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Elements of an Source of potential harm or Any change to the organisations activities that situation with potential to environment can interact with the cause impact (including resulting from an environment unplanned interactions) environmental aspect 1Pipeline Presence of inspection Vessel movements / Vessel strike resulting Highly Unlikely Moderate Medium • Vessel Masters will be briefed on caution and 'no approach' zones and other marine megafauna interaction management Highly Unlikely Minor Low ALARP Acceptable inspection and / maintenance vessel timing and location of in injury to, or death controls. maintenance activities of, marine megafauna • Vessel Master or delegate will be on duty at all times. activities (including listed • Crew members on active duty will report observations of megafauna in the caution zone to the Vessel Master or delegate. species) • Vessel Crew have completed an environmental induction covering the requirements for vessel-marine fauna interaction management, including a requirement to notiy the bridge if marine megafauna are sighted in the caution zone. • Vessel Master will ensure management controls for interactions with cetaceans are in accordance with Part 8 of the EPBC Regulations and Wildlife (Marine Mammals) Regulations 2009, where practicable to do so. • Vessel Master will ensure management controls for interactions with seal colonies are in accordance with Part 3(9) of the Wildlife (Marine Mammals) Regulations 2009, where practicable to do so. • Short terrm, infrequent vessel activity along pipeline route • Vessel and associated equipment (e.g. ROV / AUV, SSS) either stationary or moving slowly during inspection and maintenance activities along pipeline route. 2 Disruption to other Highly Unlikely Minor Low • Pipeline route shown on navigation charts. Remote Slight Low ALARP Acceptable marine users (e.g. • Pre-start notifications prior to commencement of inspection and maintenance activities – AMSA (AUSCOAST warning) and recreational vessels, AHS (Notice to Mariners). fishing vessels and • Relevant stakeholders notified of inspection and maintenance activities approximately four weeks and again one week prior commercial shipping to commencement. traffic) • Short terrm, infrequent vessel activity along pipeline route 3 Vessel lighting Disturbance to marine Not Credible No control measures identified. fauna (including altered feeding, nesting, nursing, mating or migrating behaviour) 4 Vessel noise Disturbance to marine Unlikely Minor Medium • Vessel Master will ensure management controls for interactions with cetaceans are in accordance with Part 8 of the EPBC Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable fauna (including Regulations and Part 3(9) of the Wildlife (Marine Mammals) Regulations 2009, where practicable to do so. altered feeding, nursing, mating or migrating behaviour) • Short terrm, infrequent vessel activity along pipeline route 5Vessel mooring / Disturbance / damage Unlikely Slight Low • Inspection and maintenance vessels will avoid anchoring (unless in an emergency). Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable anchoring to sensitive benthic marine fauna • Pipeline route selected to avoid areas of significant benthic habitat. and ecosystems 6 Interference to Unlikely Minor Low • Inspection and maintenance vessels will avoid anchoring (unless in an emergency) Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable commercial fishing activities (including damage to fishing equipment) 7 Vessel biofouling Introduction of exotic Highly Unlikely Minor Low • Biofouling records maintained in accordance with IMO Guidelines for the Control and Management of Ships’ Biofouling to Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable marine pests, Minimise the Transfer of Invasive Aquatic Species. potentially displacing • Biofouling risk assessment undertaken in accordance with the National Biofouling Management Guidance for the Petroleum native species, altering Production and Exploration Industry (DAWR, 2009), shows low risk of introducing IMS. ecosystem function • All immersible retrievable - equipment has been cleaned and / or inspected in accordance with National Biofouling and affecting Management Guidance for the Petroleum Production and Exploration Industry prior to commencement of the activity. biodiversity 8 Vessel ballast water Introduction of exotic Highly Unlikely Minor Low • Approved Ballast Water Management Plan and Ballast Water Management Certificate in accordance with IMO Ballast Water Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable marine pests, Management Convention – Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water Management Plans. potentially displacing • Compliance with the Australian Ballast Water Management Requirements (DAWR, 2016). native species, altering • Where applicable (if the vessel has mobilised from outside Australian waters), submission of detailed pre-arrival information ecosystem function to the DAWR, via the Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (MARS), no later than 12 hours prior to arrival in Australian waters. and affecting • Maintenance of ballast water record system biodiversity 9 Vessel deck drainage / Very minor, localised, Unlikely Slight Low • Vessel oily water treated in MARPOL –compliant oily water separator (OWS) (as appropriate to class). Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable bilge short-term • For vessels (as appropriate to class), treated oily water discharge permitted if: (oily wastewater) contamination of the - Vessel is proceeding en-route marine environment; - Treatment is via a MARPOL-compliant OWS; and visible pollution / - The discharged oil-in-water (OIW) content is < 15 ppm; reduction of visual - Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment (ODME) and control equipment are operating. amenity 10 Dropped objects from Disturbance / damage Unlikely Slight Low • Vessel lifting equipment will be operated in accordance with lifting procedures. Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable vessels to sensitive benthic • Vessel lifting equipment will be regularly maintained in accordance with the PMS schedule. marine fauna and • Securing and restraining of loads on-board the vessel. ecosystems • Compliance with weather limitations during inspection and maintenance activities and vessel to seek shelter in the event of extreme weather. • Lost equipment recovered where safe and practicable to do so. • Pipeline route selected to avoid areas of significant benthic habitat. 11 Vessel exhaust Increased levels of Unlikely Slight Low • Vessels (as appropriate to class) hold valid International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certification and operate in Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable emissions atmospheric pollution accordance with a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (NOx, SOx and • Vessels with diesel engines >130kW hold valid Engine International Air Pollution Prevention certification for each engine and articulates) and NOx emissions comply with MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 13. greenhouse gases, • Sulphur content of any fuel used on board does not exceed 3.5% m/m. leading to: localised • Vessels are required to adhere to a planned maintenance system that ensures engines and thrusters are maintained for reduction in air quality; optimum performance during inspection and maintenance activities. reduced visual amenity. • Infrequent, short term nature of vessel activities 12 Vessel sewage / grey Very minor, localised, Unlikely Slight Low • Sewage treated in MARPOL-compliant STP. Highly Unlikely Slight Low ALARP Acceptable water short-term • Discharge of comminuted and disinfected sewage using a MARPOL-compliant STP at a distance of no less than 3NM from contamination of the nearest land, discharge of untreated sewage at a distance of no less than 12 NM from nearest land. marine • STP maintained in accordance with the PMS schedule. environment; and visible pollution / reduction of visual amenity 13 Solid or hazardous / Injury to, or death of, Highly Unlikely Minor Low • Food waste macerated to ≤25 mm (using an onboard macerator) before discharge Highly Unlikely Minor Low ALARP Acceptable chemical wastes from marine fauna through • Macerated putrescible waste is only discharged overboard when the vessel is greater than 3 NM from the coastline and while vessel entanglement in, or proceeding en-route. Un-macerated putrescible waste is only discharged overboard when the vessel is more than 12 NM from ingestion of, plastic the coastline and while proceeding en-route. and other solid wastes; • Macerator maintained in accordance with the PMS schedule. and very minor, • Garbage Management Plan in accordance with MARPOL Annex V. localised visible • A Garbage Record Book / log in accordance with MARPOL Annex V. pollution / reduction of • Handling of solid and hazardous wastes on-board will comply with the requirements of MARPOL Annex V including measures visual amenity such as; - All solid and hazardous wastes generated at sea during the activity will be retained on the vessel and disposed of onshore (excluding bilge water / deck drainage, foodwaste and sewage). - All waste material that could reasonably be
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