7D6n Taiwan East Coast

7D6n Taiwan East Coast

BHUTAN 不丹 8天6晚 异国风情西部 不丹 & 尼泊尔 帕罗 | 廷布 | 旺地普当 | 普那卡 | 加德满都 BHUTAN & NEPAL Paro | Thimphu | Wangduephodrang | Punakha | Kathmandu LIKE us Facebook 虎穴寺 被誉为世界十大超级寺庙之一的虎穴寺(Taksthang Goemba),也是不丹的国寺,这个建筑犹如山西的 悬空寺一般建在陡崖峭壁之上,设计奇妙,与地心引 力的自然力量抗衡,让人赞叹不已。 www.top-one.com.my Validity: All Season CODE: 8PBH 8天6晚 不丹 & 尼泊尔 第1天 新山 - 新加坡或吉隆坡机场 (飞往) 加德满都 第4天 旺地普当 - 普那卡 - 帕罗 机上用餐 / 晚餐 酒店早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 欢迎您与第一旅游畅游尼泊尔与不丹。乘达豪华客机飞往尼泊尔加德 【普纳卡宗】海拔1463米。1950年以前,普纳卡一直是不丹的国都, 满都国际机场。 及不丹的政治中心和国家政府所在地。普纳卡堡是不丹最美丽的宗堡 【斯瓦扬布拉特寺】[世界文化遗产]寺庙中的佛塔是世界最壮观的佛 之一,保存着古代不丹沙布隆的真身遗体。 教圣地之一,已有2000年历史。如果天气晴朗,可以在俯看整个加德 【旺地普当】参观切米拉康位于河边的高岗上,是喇嘛朱卡库拉的堂 满都市区并有幸喜马拉雅雪山。 兄为纪念他降伏恶魔而建的寺庙。环绕切米拉康的乡村美景,是拍照 【加德满都杜巴广场】[世界文化遗产]王室所在地,连同其庙宇和宫 理念的理想风景。 殿,乃是尼泊尔人民宗教与文化生活的缩影,在这里可以欣赏到独木 【巴罗】途经海拔3140米的”多雄拉山口”不仅可以欣赏到喜马拉雅 庙、湿婆神像、八角庙、性庙、家神庙等景点。 山脉的壮丽景色,还可以看到”108座佛塔”,也被称为”楚克旺耶纪 【博大哈大佛塔】[世界文化遗产]南亚最大的佛塔、藏传佛教的圣 念碑”。享用晚餐,当晚住宿于帕罗。 地,俗称“小西藏”。 住宿:4* Raven’s Nest / Naksel Boutique or sml 住宿:5* Crowne Plaza or Radisson Hotel or sml 第5天 帕罗 第2天 加德满都 (飞往) 帕罗 / 廷布 酒店早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 酒店早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 【虎穴寺】并被誉为世界十大寺院之一。虎穴寺始建于1692年,为不 早餐后,自由活动。午餐后,您将乘搭不丹皇家航空公司航班飞往不 丹必看之景。它建在900多米的峡谷悬崖峭壁上,您会看到踏在雌虎之 丹帕罗机场,飞行途中,您将欣赏到喜马拉雅山脉及珠穆朗玛峰壮观 上的莲花生大师的怒形化身多吉卓洛,这就是当年莲花生大师来此修 的美景。 行的圣地。您需要步行2小时但这里有马可以代步,如您需要,可以咨 【帕罗宗它】也称日蓬堡”意义为堡垒上的珠宝堆”。不丹最著名的 询导游自费价格。 宗堡。 【克楚寺】修建年代等同于我国的唐代。其中第一大殿为藏王松赞干 【廷布】不丹首都(车程约1小时半),沿途为父亲河和母亲河交汇 布在公元638年建造的。景点参观完毕后,住宿于帕罗。 处,风光秀美。 住宿:4* Raven’s Nest / Naksel Boutique or sml 【扎西确宗】是最负盛名的佛教寺院和现任国王的办公地,同时也是 首都廷布的政府中心。晚餐后,入住酒店。当晚住宿于廷布。 住宿:4* Osel / Ariya Hotel or sml 第6天 帕罗 (飞往) 加德满都 酒店早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 第3天 廷布 - 旺地普当 早餐后,前往机场乘搭航班前往加德满都另一个旅游目的地。 酒店早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 帕坦的【杜巴广场】是观赏尼泊尔寺庙建筑的好地方。这里囊括了尼 泊尔16世纪至19世纪之间的古迹建筑,广场上总共有50座以上的寺庙 【塔金动物园】观赏不丹的国兽塔金,它是羊脸牛身像,不丹将它视 和宫殿。1970年,王室迁往“纳拉扬蒂”新王宫后,老王宫辟为博物 为吉祥国兽。 馆供游人参观,里面陈列历代国王画像和特里布文国王生前大量实物 【不丹国家纪念碑】廷布的标志性建筑,纪念已故国王,同时为世界 和照片。著名的广场艺术和手工艺,【帕坦王宫】,【瓦尔纳】和【 和平而建的纪念碑,是廷布人每日转经绕塔最集中的胜地。当地人认 佛教寺院】。最后,前往【泰米尔市场】最繁华的购物街到溜达或在 为转塔可以洗清先前犯下的罪孽。 这里自由选购纪念品。今晚,让我们一同观赏尼泊尔文化表演,和享 游览【国家纪念碑】【国家邮政局】【国家传统艺术学院】 用尼泊尔晚餐. 【观景台】廷布市郊,鸟瞰廷布市及廷布山谷的风光和刚建成的露天 住宿: 释迦牟尼佛像, 5* Crowne Plaza or Radisson Hotel or sml 【普那卡】(2小时半)抵达后于当地享用晚餐,晚餐后入住酒店。当 第7天 加德满都 (飞往) 美丽家园 晚住宿于旺地普当。 **(国家传统艺术学院会在周末或假期而且没预先通知的情况之下关门,我们将 酒店早餐 会以不丹民族风情家替代)** 第8天 抵达美丽家园 住宿:4* Zhingkham Reosrt / RKPO Green or sml 机上用餐 第一旅游 HOTLINE: WHATSAPP: TOP-ONE TRAVEL www.top-one.com.my 07-334 3388 012-782 3788 Copyright © All rights reserved, Top-One Travel Services Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd 8DAY 6NIGHT BHUTAN & NEPAL DAY 1 Johor Bahru - Singapore / Kuala Lumpur (FLIGHT) Kathmandu DAY 4 WangduePhodrang - Punakha - Paro Meal on board / Dinner Hotel Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Welcome to Nepal! Upon Arrival, visit Swayambhunath. The Buddhist temple After breakfast, visit the Punakha Dzong, a massive structure built at the Swayambhunath is one of Kathmandu’s most important tourist attractions. junction of two rivers. It was the capital of Bhutan until 1955, and still serves This temple stands on a hilltop west of Kathmandu, with great views over the as the winter residence of the monk body. The first King, Ugyen Wangchuck city. Swayambhunath is also known as Monkey Temple due to the large colony was crowned here in 1907. Drive to Wangdue, visit Chimi lhakhang, a temple of lively resident monkeys, who like to run and play around the temple com- built by Lam Drukpa Kuenley, the Divine Madman and renowned for blessing plex and are happy to eat any snacks offered by visitors. Next continue visit barren women with fertility. Back to Paro, with a short stop at Dochula pass Kathmandu Durbar Square holds the palaces of the Malla and Shah kings who (3,050m) where if the weather is good, enjoy spectacular view of mountains. ruled over the city. Continue visit Bodhnath, it is the largest Buddhist stupa in After dinner, transfer back to the hotel in Paro. Nepal. This ancient site is surrounded by numerous monasteries. Hotel: 4* Raven’s Nest / Naksel Boutique or sml Hotel: 5* Crowne Plaza or Radisson Hotel or sml DAY 2 Kathmandu (FLIGHT) Paro - Thimphu Hotel Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner After breakfast, free at own leisure. After lunch proceed to airport for flight to Bhutan – Paro. During the journey offers fascinating views of the easternHim - alayan range, including Mt. Everest. Arrival Paro, enjoy the Bhutan local lunch. Visit to Rinpung Dzong or the ‘fortress of the heap of jewels’ which is the seat of the district administration and the residence of the monastic school. The dzong is famous for its wall murals depicting Buddhist parables, symbols and the lives of prominent saints. After finish, drive to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. The road meanders alongside the Paro Chu (river) and terraced fields until the confluence of two rivers at Chuzom. Here, one can see three stupas, representing the different styles of the different sects. Upon arrival, visit Tashicho Dzong, the center of government and the monastic order. After DAY 5 Paro dinner, transfer back to the hotel in Thimphu. Hotel Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Hotel: 4* Zhingkham Reosrt / RKPO Green or sml After breakfast, drive to the foot of theTaktshang cliff before walking uphill for 2 hours to reach this monastery, giddily perched on a sheer 800m rock face. Taktshang means ‘Tiger’s Nest’ as legend has it that Guru Padmasambhava flew to this spot on the back of a tigress in the eight century. He meditated here making this temple a sacred pilgrimage destination for Buddhists. The trip to and fro takes 4 hours for which riding ponies can be arranged. After lunch, visit one of the oldest landmarks in Bhutan. The 7th century Kyichu Lhakhang was one of the 108 temples built in the Himalayas by Tibetan King, Songtsen Gembo. It is revered as one of the most holy shrines in Bhutan and embodies the arrival of Buddhism here. After dinner, transfer back to hotel Paro DAY 3 in Paro. Meal on board / Dinner Hotel: 4* Raven’s Nest / Naksel Boutique or sml After breakfast, visit the Motithang Mini Zoo where you can see the National animal Takin research centre where these odd animals graze peacefully in a DAY 6 Paro (FLIGHT) Kathmandu small protected park. Visit the Memorial Chorten, a stupa conscpetualised by Hotel Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner the Third King to ward off negative influences. It was later built in his mem- After breakfast transfer to airport for flight back toKathmandu . Continue visit ory by the present King and the Queen Mother. After that, visit the National Patan Durbar Square; a famous square for its arts and crafts, and view the Post Office, where you can have your own photo for a set of stamps. Visit to Shikara style Krishna temple, Patan Durbar, Hiranya Varna Mahavihar and Bud- the National School of Traditional Arts, where young monks learn the art of dhist monastery. After finish, free time to have shopping at Thamel Market. Buddhist thangkha painting; the workshops for mask making and fine metal Tonight, enjoy dinner with Nepalese Cultural Show. After dinner, transfer back craft, weaving, ceramics and paper. Visit another place from where you can to hotel in Kathmandu. get a good overview of the Thimphu valley is from the Buddha point (Kuensel Hotel: 5* Crowne Plaza or Radisson Hotel or sml Phodrang). It is again a short drive from the town. You can pay your obeisance and offer prayers to the Buddha, the largest statue in the country and then walk around and take a glimpse of the valley. Drive to WangduePhodrang. DAY 7 Kathmandu (FLIGHT) Home Sweet Home After dinner, transfer back to the hotel in WangduePhodrang. Hotel Breakfast **(Sometime National School of Traditional Arts will be close during weekend or holiday without prior notice, replace to Farm House)** DAY 8 Home Sweet Home Hotel: 4* Raven’s Nest / Naksel Boutique or sml Meal on board 第一旅游 HOTLINE: WHATSAPP: TOP-ONE TRAVEL www.top-one.com.my 07-334 3388 012-782 3788 Copyright © All rights reserved, Top-One Travel Services Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd CHINA 中国 BHUTAN NEPAL 不丹 尼泊尔 Kathmandu 加德满都 Paro 帕罗 INDIA 印度 Bangladesh 孟加拉 BHUTAN & NEPAL PACKAGE ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: 不丹与尼泊尔配套基本条款 1. Tours are conducted in Mandarin Speaking Tour Guide Services. 1. 所有行程景点以中文讲解为准。 2. Triple Room, Third person shall be based on a roll-away bed. 2. 如三人房型,房内第三名住客床褥将以折叠式为准。 3. Confirm depart group minimum 10 person 3. 成团人数为10人。15人以上安排领队。 4. Malaysian’s passport required Tourist Visa travel to Nepal & Bhutan, we will 4. 马来西亚护照持有者需办理不丹和尼泊尔旅游签证,我社协助办理 proceed to both visa who join our tour package. 旅游签证。 TRAVEL DOCUMENT 旅游文件 It is passenger’s responsibility to ensure that have a valid international pass- 护照及签证 - 团员有责任确保护照有效期至少6个月或以上(从返程日期计算 port at least six (6) months from the return date of the trip, relevant visas & 起),并且取得相关国家签证或准证。任何签证申请团员有责任提供任何签证 health certificates if required. 申请相关资料。 Travel Insurance: All tour members are encouraged to buy travel insurance to safeguard themselves against sickness, loss of money, cancellation, flight 旅游保险 - 出发前,建议您购买全面的旅游保险。 detalys or lost of baggages. 条规: TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1.所有行程,膳食,酒店住宿和交通可能会有所更动,依据任何的情况而定, 1. Itineraries, meals, hotels and transportation are subject to change without prior notice. 恕不另行通知。 2. Every person participating in Top-One Travel’s Tours all travel at his/her 2.若出现无法预测的特殊情况,特别是旅游旺季期间,第一旅游将保留更改行 own risk. Top-One Travel shall not be held liable to any person for additional 程或取消行程的权利。 expenses that may be incurred due to delays or changes in any transport ser- 3.每位参与第一旅游的成员,必须为自身安全或行为负责。若出现无法预测的 vices, sickness, weather, strikes, war or other causes. 特殊情况(例如:交通延误/取消,天气,疾病,示威,战争,天灾等),而 3. Top-One Travel reserves the right to make changes to or cancel the itinerary at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, especially during

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