Weather ., •<<• .•„.,' 9m0f mmj, wtody ufi eaol Tffl DAILY M*Wgh awr JIMr nd JJ|\ 4yp?kyp?k -ii «MI to nlfht low la Wt. Fair % •ad cooler tomorrow, Ugh is /• Red Bank Area J npptr »•. today** outlook; fair, y "' * Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc. 1966. little temperature change. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEAES luurf dilly. Moodty thrown FrU>y. Btcoul cm. FMU 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 89, NO. 63 Paid « BM Buk ud iT Aditttonil Xailliic OKIn*. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1966 Congressmen Get Appeal Hughes Asks Road Okay TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Rich- "But I would hope that with shore, a roadway which is long state authorization to purchase ard J. Hughes yesterday ap- your support and assistance It overdue." 21 state-owned miles of the' high- pealed to New Jersey's congres- would be possible to have the Parkway officials contend they way in Cape May, Ocean, Mid- sional delegation to press for necessary legislation acted upon need the tolls to finance the dlesex and Union counties. The speedy federal approval of legis. by Congress . before adjourn- $92 million expressway spur. tolls would be installed in the lation to permit the Garden ment this fall." They say that any delay may latter three counties but Hughes State Parkway to install tolls on The Democratic governor said permit labor and right-of-way said it might be two years be- free portions of the highway. acquisition costs to soar beyond fore all the booths were set up. approval of the tolls would pro- the parkway's reach. Bipartisan support was needed "I realize there is little time vide "the financial keystone of remaining," Hughes said in let- Hughes signed a bill Wednes- in the Democratic-controlled ters to both U.S. senators, and the Central.Jersey Expressway, day after it cleared the State Legislature to pass the measure the state's 15 House members. from Trenton to the Jersey Legislature giving the parkway (See HUGHES, Page 3) Differs With Monmouth Republicans Case: Daly Plan Violates Law By DORIS KULMAN He said that federal assistance der the program of Aid to Fami- inal statutes unrelated to that program, is based upon a uni- APPRENTICE CARPENTER — Thomas Best, 17, Asbury Park, a trainee at the new WASHINGTON — U. S. Sen.'is the underpinning" • of the lies with Dependent Children. administration. form plan for the entire state. Central Jersey Rural Manpower Vocational Evaluation and Training Center, Howell Clifford P. Case, R-N.J., last state .AFDC program and de-The only exception is for pur- "To refer information gathered For Children night differed with Monmouth clared it "repugnant'1 to 'j.. de- poses as the law states, 'directly by social workers in the course "As its name indicates, AFDC Township, demonstrates handtool to Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, Democratic County Republicans on Free- prive innocent children o[ assist- connected' with administering of their welfare duties to law exists for the benefit of chil- U.S. Senate candidate Warren W. Wilentz, second from right, and evaluation center holder Marcus Daly's proposal to ance because of the acts of their the program Its6if. As a recent enforcement officials would dren .. To deprive innocent chil- directpr, Alphonse Terra nova of Middletown Township. (See other photo, Page 13.) prosecute unwed parents seek- parents..." . interpretation of the AFDC law threaten AFDC not only in onedren of assistance because of the ing welfare aid for their depen- Sen. Case, who heads the state by federal officials makes clear, county but throughout ail of Newacts of their parents is as re- dent children. GOP ticket in the November this exception does not extend Jersey. Federal assistance, pugnant as the 'man-in-the- Sen. Case.denounced the free- elections, has backed the county to the enforcement of state crim- which is the underpinning of the (See CASE, Page 2) holder's proposal in a statement Republican slate on radio broad- made in response to a Register casts. Daly, a candidate for re- queryfiiiAVi*. He/didn'TJA'7 JHAn^frt oncnft^Ae mentio«viA«^f Innn election, has credited voter sup Blast Against U.S. Expected rey Cites • - - port of his welfare proposal with Daly toy naW. Daly's proposal to report un- making him top man in the GOP wed parents for prosecution for primary last week. fornication or adultery got a Daly has declared himself un- rousing endorsement from the afraid of the threatened loss of county GOP Executive Commit- federal aid, which. totaled $52,- tee on Tuesday night. 817,068 in New Jersey during the War on Poverty In tihe statement to The Regis- past fiscal year. UNITED NATIONS, N.Yof U.S. military operation ter, Case said the Daly proposal What Case Said '' (AP) — Soviet Foreign Ministei there. By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON Cabinet Co., Rt. 9, "that if youday night, the vice president's violates federal law on confiden- 1 Sen. Case's statement follows: Andrei A. Gromyko was e»pect Informed observers also pre HOWELL TOWNSHIP - Vice will train yourselves, America is stopover went almost unnoticed tiality and would threaten fed- "Federal law is clear on the ed to respond indirectly today ti dieted that Gromyko woult President Hubert H. Humphrey reSdy to receive you. There will by most government and political eral Aid to Families with Depen- point of protecting the identities have a lot to say about Euro came to Monmquth County yes- be jobs — and the pay is good." leaders of the county. dent Children (AFDC) funds of both those who seek, and the new U.S. peace offer fo pean security in • an hour-Ion terday, spending 45 minutes.at a Most Are Trainees (See HUMPHREY, Page 3) throughout New Jersey. those who receive, assistance un- Viet Nam' with a condemnatioi address in the U.N. General A new manpower training center Most of the 400 people who sembly's general debate. crowded around him were train- (See related story, Page 4) The U.S. offer of a mutual de ees, in the unique program being escalation of the war was mad to emphasize the government's initiated here under direction o in the assembly debate yestei the New Jersey Office of Econonv determination to win the war on ; Keuper Doubts If Coppolino day by Ambassador Arthur poverty. ic Opportunity. ' . Goldberg. Ignoring the afternoon's down- The project is a Rural Man- He said the United States pour of rain, the nation's Mo. 2power Vocational Evaluation and prepared to stop all bombing dti«naodGoV;.RtchMdJ.Hughes Trying Center for six Central North Viet Nam the moment : came to spur thh e untraineidd Jersey counties, including Mon Can Meet Goimty Trial Date is assured, "privately or othei unemployed to seize opportuni- mouth, and" the vice president's wise," that North Viet Nam wi ties being made available to help visit was billed as a dedication. FREEHOLD—Monmouth Coun the extradition proceeding if Once assured that Coppolino is sey's evidence would have to bipromptly take "correspond! 'earn"-worthwhlle livelihoods. It is to serve as a pilot project ty Prosecutor Vincent IP. Keuper Coppolino and his attorney, F. available, Mr. Keuper will petir produced. The prosecutor said hi and timely steps to reduce for the county. From the campus at Rutgers said yesterday that he doubts Lee Bailey, demand a hearing. tion Gov. Richard J. Hughes- t'owill not personally take part ii bring to an end its own militar University, where he left an in- Looking about the huge room Dr. Carl A. Coppolino ' isan; be Coppolino will be tried Jiere for request extradition under.« law the Florida hearing, if there activities against South Yu ternational assembly,of scholars which is outfitted with a variety brought to trial for murder'here the strangling of his former neigh in which New Jersey would pledge bne, but probably will send rep-Nam." and dignitaries, and before he of skill and trade shops where on Oct. 24 as scheduled. bor, retired Army Col. William itself to returning the. prisoner tesentatives. He also called on North Viei launched into a heavy men and women may test their But, he added, he expects to E. Farber, at Mlddletown Town- to Florida at the conclusion of Whenever Coppolino is released, Nam to agree to a time sched program of politicking, Mr. Hum-skills and learn to improve them receive word today from Florida ship, in 1963, and in Florida, for its prosecution of him, and tohe will be surrendered to Chief ule for "supervised phas phrey brought his charming smile so that they may be prepared for that the way has finally been the fatal drugging of his first pay all travel expenses. at Monmouth County Detectives withdrawal from South Viet available jobs on a basis of what and penetrating voice to kindle cleared for New Jersey to pro-wife, Carmela, in 1965. Mr. Bailey already /has,said John M. Gawler, who is namec Nam of all external forces— the hopes of school dropouts andthey can do best, Mr. Humphrey ceed to exercise its extradition Florida had been holding him he will be occupied in Ohio in as the officer to take custodj those of North Viet Nam as well said: older, chronically unemployed warrant against the accused dou- for trial there first. But after the wife murder trial defense of under the warrant. as those from the United State men and women. "This is a glorious achieve- ble-slayer now confined to the a circuit judge offered to release Dr. Sam Sheppard in the last After his return here, Cop- and other countries aiding Soul "I'm here to tell you, as your ment.
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