THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1990 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 95 Plaintiffs Soviets eliminate Communist monopoly By FRANCIS CLINES politics," said Aleksandr Yakov- liament, thereby underlining The 250-member committee endB72.3 N.Y. Times News Service lev, the Politburo member and their own shrinking role in the also acceded to the view of the MOSCOW — The Communist Gorbachev confidant who is one state's executive affairs. Gorbachev leadership that no im­ Party leadership agreed Wednes­ of the main architects of the These proposals would thus mediate sanctions be attempted lawsuits day to surrender its historic mo­ latest Kremlin proposals to deal continue Gorbachev's attempt to against the Lithuanian Commu­ nopoly of power in the Soviet with the wave of unrest that has channel power from the party to nist Party, which has declared From staff and wire reports Union and accept a program that pushed world communism into the government. They would, if independence from the Soviet recommends the creation of a Two lawsuits filed against retreat and reform. enacted, enhance his role as party in a pioneer attempt to Western-style presidency and the Medical Center involving Central Committee members president, but how fully competi­ force political pluralism onto the cabinet system of government. an experimental cancer test repeatedly stressed that they tive party or presidential rivals land. were voluntarily dismissed The Soviet party's governing were only recommending, not might arise, if ever, was in no Instead, the committee mem­ Monday in Durham County Central Committee ended a dictating, changes for possible way clear from the early proposal bers opted for a conciliatory ap- Superior Court. contentious three-day meeting enactment by the national Par­ sketched after the meeting. See SOVIETS on page 10 • With the two unrelated ac­ with a strong endorsement of tions, all three ofthe lawsuits President Mikhail Gorbachev's filed aginst the University for latest prescription for dealing its handling of the monoclonal with the badly ailing party and Gorbachev on right, but antibody called B72.3 have nation, including unspecified ad­ now been settled. ditional executive powers for the president. One of the suits alleged that rocky road, experts say the Medical Center incorrectly Central Committee leaders, diagnosed Louise Champion summarizing what they con­ of Henderson County as hav­ ceded was a storm of questions, By ADRIAN DOLLARD Ustimenko said that while ing cancer because of the neg­ doubts and complaints, said the Soviet experts at the Uni­ the political situation in the ligent use of the experimental hierarchy had finally agreed to versity say that Soviet leader USSR will be "much more cancer test. end more than seven decades of Mikhail Gorbachev faces a free," the Communist Party is Champion's attorney, Wil­ party dictatorship by accepting myriad of problems as he tries in no immediate danger of los­ liam Thorp, said the suit was the possibility of political plural­ to accomplish a drastic over­ ing political control of the dismissed to gain time to ism and by making "no claim for haul of the nation's political USSR. review documents that would any particular role to be encoded system. "Gorbachev says that the in the Constitution" for the Com­ prove the test faulty, implying A draft approved Wednes­ [Communist! Party has to be munists. day by a closed session of the that another suit may be filed UPI PHOTO number one, but he doesn't See SUITS on page 10 • "Society itself will decide Central Committee paves the say no to other groups being whether it wishes to adopt our President Mikhail Gorbachev way for a multi-party system its neighbor," Ustimenko said. and ends the Communist Par­ Gorbachev's main goal is to ty's status as the "leading and develop a new, fresh-minded guiding force" in the Soviet communist party, rather than Language dormitory may diversify Union, a status it is guaran­ to create mass opposition teed under Article Six of the movements, Ustimenko said. Soviet Constitution of 1977. "Gorbachev is a reformer who By JAY MCCLAIN may disrupt the living group's ry, which is in its first year of ex­ The draft also suggests, favors democratization ... he As early as next year, the Lan­ unity or take space away from istence. among other things, the use of wants a younger, more prog­ guage House may begin admit­ current programs. There are 30-50 people who popular elections, a presiden­ ressive party," he said. "The ting students with ability and in­ The language house is cur­ have expressed a desire to to live tial cabinet and a fixed term main thing behind [the terest in speaking Italian or an rently composed of students who on an Asian language hall, ac­ for president. reforml is pluralism . Gor­ Asian languages, residential life speak French, Spanish, German cording to Trinity senior Stan­ The Central Committee is bachev really wants new officials say. or Russian. Programming for res­ ford Lin, who is spearheading an the principle organ of the ideas," Ustimenko added. But current residents of the idents centers around the four effort to gain housing within the Communist Party and elects Warren Lerner, chair of the house located on Edens Quad­ languages. language house for students the General Secretary as well history department, stressed rangle are concerned that an ex­ Prospective residents must wishing to speak an Asian lan­ as the Politburo. the political danger Gor­ pansion in the dormitory's theme apply to live in the new dormito­ guage. Vladimir Ustimenko. a staff bachev faces when trying to Due to this strong interest, Lin writer for the North American enact this latest reform. There said he was "very confident" that department of the Novosti is "an incredible risk" posed there will be an Asian language Press Agency in the USSR by his fellow communists, hall next year. and a visiting journalist on Lerner said. There is also enough interest campus, called the proposed "Nobody knows if the party among Italian students to form a changes "historic news," ad­ leadership is willing to go this hall for them as well, said Susan ding that it's only "a pity it far, not even the liberals . Scafidi, Trinity senior and co- didn't happen a year or two liberalism is one thing, self- president ofthe Italian Club. ago." See EXPERTS on page 4 • See DORMS on page 10 • State grants test permits for waste site From staff reports permits last month. consult with state officials and The state has granted the Uni­ The N.C. Department of Envi­ the consulting firm in charge of versity permits to drill additional ronmental Management granted the drilling before a date can be eight testing wells at a hazard­ the permits this week, said set. MARK WASMER /THE CHRONICLE ous waste disposal site in Duke Wayne Thomann, University di­ "We're not ready to actually rector of environmental safety. The Language House on Edens Quadrangle Forest. start drilling yet," Thomann In November, the University The new wells will be drilled said. announced that hazardous between the site and the residen­ Dames and Moore, the Univer­ chemicals, including the cancer- tial wells in order to determine sity's consulting firm, will submit causing substance para-dioxane, the extent and direction of the a final report to the University Inside Weather were leaking from the disposal migration ofthe hazardous mate­ today. State and University offi­ site. rials, Thomann said. cials will be meeting over the Normal rush: Things are Dear Mom: School is fun. No contaminants were found The quarter-acre site is located next two weeks to ensure that about the same on the male My classes are interesting. in nine residential wells near the south of N. C. 751 and west of the drilling will comply with all greek front as far as the Please send more money and site after tests were performed Kerley Road. The University necessary state and federal regu­ repopulation effort goes. See a tent. The weather is here, by a state toxicologist in Decem­ used the site for low-level radio­ lations. page 3. wish you were beautiful. ber. active waste disposal until 1970. Drilling should begin soon af­ The University applied for the The University still needs to ter, Thomann said. PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1990 World & National Newsfile Associated Press Sununu intervenes in Bush's wetlands proposal Governors stress cleanup: The By PHILIP SHABECOFF Protection Agency and the Army Corps of nation's governors pressed members of N.Y. Times News Service Engineers. The administration Wednes­ Congress and President George Bush WASHINGTON — Over the objections day released a revised version of that on Wednesday to speed the pollution of the Bush administration's chief envi­ agreement. cleanup of military bases, weapons ronmental official, the White House The changes reflect, in part, the plants and other federal lands, saying Wednesday altered a federal agreement demands of Alaska, where officials saw U.S. environmental laws "are routinely to protect the nation's wetlands. the original wetlands agreement as inhib­ ignored" in cases where the states are Administration officials said the iting the development of oil and other hamstrung from enforcement. changes were made despite the opposition resources over much of the state. Alaska of William Reilly, the administrator ofthe is in large part tundra, which is techni­ Blacks protest City Hall: Public Environmental Protection Agency, at the cally wetland. schools were closed and several hun­ insistence of the White House chief of The Transportation Department also dred blacks marched on City Hall in staff, John Sununu. objected to the original agreement, saying Selma, Alabama on Wednesday to Sununu has been increasingly interven­ it could interfere with plans to build air­ protest white leadership of Selma's ing in the formulation of the administra­ ports and roads.
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