- -- -- -- 7(I €3 49 2 LA-5227-PR Progress Report uc-48 ISSUED: kch1973 Annual Report of the Biological and Medical Research Group (H-4) of the LASL Health Division January through Decomber 1972 Compiled by C. R. Richmond G. L. Vwlz - Contributions from the staff are indicated by section. r"? u1 6" i J=: u ExparimtaI rnimrlr used in work prmted in this rcpwt WOW maintained in animal care facilities that are fully rcarditd by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. I i I LA-34324s L4-3610.MS In tho intuw of prompt distribution, this pfogros rspwt was not ditd by the Technical Information ruff. Rintd in the Unitd htmof Anmiu. Awrilrbb from National Tlchniul Information Sawice u. s. orpn-t of clmfnarce 5285 Part Roy81 Rod Springfield, Virginia 22151 Price: Printed Copy $3.00:Microfiche $0.95 1 1 1 3 4 5 9 11 12 13 13 l.5 11 111 19 19 20 21 23 13 25 26 27 28 28 32 35 u 45 45 66 46 52 57 !UMW,IM RlrDI(SIOL0CY SECTIQS 1NTTIu)DCJcrION 61 l4AXmLxAN RADIoBIou)<;p 62 Biological Effects of G--l.y Dae Protraction during Cantinuoru ExPmure With Fixed md Chra&ing Dose btea 62 Coqarative 8iological Effects of Rdietioa Doae Protractioa in Dop and Wrt8 65 Radiobiological Pilot Ia~estiptiorufor the Negative Pioa Radiotherapy Progru 68 ?wpuLIAN WTABOLISI 71 Ratention of Tin-113 In Mu after Oral, Intraperitoned, and Intravenoku InfUCtiOa 71 Cesi-137 Activity in a NodNev lhxico Population 71 PUYSICAL RADIOBI~OCYSECTION INTRDDUCTION 75 monArIoN OF DATA CoLLmxon 75 Y8I (TI) Spectrorter ad Ttuuuraniru Element Chest Counter Interface With PDP-a/I Coqurcr 75 Huwco 11 Interface with PDP-B/F Computer 76 Craf-Pen Interface to PDP-(I/E Caputar 16 ANALYTICAL sUPm1 76 Cheat and Uhole-Body Counting Data hd.ysi8 76 Flau Mcrofluorowtric (mP)D8ta AnUysis 77 9WCO 11 Data Analyaia 78 KARY0LOc;Y 78 Sami-4utastic Chro- AnJysir ?a ELECT-WNICS 3EVF.LW.W 19 -5i:., Samrrtor and Counting Logics 79 v-1 anerator 79 ‘,mllficr vith Bur-Line ReatoratiOtt 80 PION 1E;W CHI?;RCTERISTICS 80 :V 105b41-l 81 62 Wfanotirl Lfaht-Suttariq S-=.. of W* Call. a2 06 88 91 91 92 94 96 98 102 1d3 104 u4 119 119 111 125 125 US 126 126 126 128 128 118 U9 131 131 132 13b 134 135 136 137 137 139 141 fOSb418 V U h 1 b i 8 I e I. ASSOCLMD UBSm MmITImp ’Lh La AI- Sdamtffic L.baratory, am a Paftidpaat in tha k.0ciu.d Vote- Uai*.nitiu, be., 8.-a the iatmlrrl.d purpor of the 0. S. Atomic Ea8ru Carb.rian of proridlag .upport for educatioa cd tr-6 of advmacmd attadmats and faculty participatim appointma. The function of Awu i8 to promote .nd coordinate orfentation d trriniat o project. of a re&& =tun that re- quin iPter-rmivmaity er#).ratioa. m i. putic- AUU Graduate ?all- ulrrly concerned vltb orwutioa ad A. Bmting, ?c.S.,\-B proaru facillttu that cwt undertaken of ad be Departmat of Pbyaiu. Univemig of W.r Ilufco, with equal 8ffecti1m.rwa b7 a miwe lnatitutim. AlbuqwlQw, Neu I1.rico 8uch area of laterut $8 the promtion Of pos’zDocToRu WEAIPQI Ppocuw orientation md trdnlng in recent and specific trends in the biol.0Gc.l acieoces. A 1iJt.d nubar of r..aareh u8i~n-t. arm It Is felt that increaming opporttatitiu for available €or young indiddd with a Pb.D. &we* collaboration would aemm the beat intermats of the at the taborator).. a-8 WSL felbu8hip. are unI~r8iti-~LASL. .ad the biolofid mdencu. warded on L competitivr b8.i. for one ~8ruith Uaivwrsity personnel benefit by facreased oppor- the paalbiUty for reaw8.l for a wcod VU. -8 tmiti- for trdniag .ad teachias, by access to follaring i8 a lfat of p0mtdoccor.l appointwr, uh0 unique or spccirllted LASL facilities, .ad by rue participated in the LASL biaadical rerearch pro- of La Alva u a foam, or curlgat, for dti- gr.r during part or all of 1972, vith thdr pmVhUS iMtitUtid cooparati- efforta. Loa AM academic affiliatlo~.rrd ujor rmaearch intamst.* blolowu beamfit fra mater cmt8ct aminr- with H. A. Criaarm. P~.D.,C-~ aity facu1ti.r and graduate rtudrau. All biolop D i8t8 participatini io this progrr benefit fror Application of cvtology urd hi8tocbemiatq sltrul collaborativm effortr , croor-fertilfratiaa t8Chaqua to higb-.ped. flW-Sf8tU C.11 of ideu, and by rharlns apeclaliud erpertlae, .nalysfa instnrmtatloa unique capabilitim, and cmtly rquiprrnt. C. Pi&iebr.nd, €%.De*\- A truly functld rdatioruhip beNe80 L*sL E. .ad other ruN member8 la of gnat potentid value Syntheaia of prote3.a to ruearch, coatiawd proferaid d8welo~aC. cell-free and graduate training. Follaving is a list of -c. F. Stmiate, P~.D.,C-J participants in the Ayu-LASL biordical research pro8r.n for 1972. -Identification of molecular effects of varioua ionizing radiatiom uparmfully characterized mdel rymtrr LOS ALAHOS SCLMXFIC MORATORY i rarher spectacular aerial phorograph shws !UWF) on the righc of the prominent Loa Al.1108 the brldge over Lor hlaooe curyon vhich links the canvon. k'ithin the area shown are reaccora, ac- mjor Laboratory sites and facilitiu sitn chc aio- celerarors, iophisticarcd computing frciliricr. medical Research Laboratory-Los Alrmos ?!edical -chine shows, and all tire related equipment and - Center complex ana town site. To che east (to?) of technologv associared wich a large, vell-rsrao- the bridge are located the airstrip on rne left and lished laboratory concerned Gith researcn i: :he tne Clinron P. .:-laereon ?Leon Physics Facili?.' ?hyricnl sc-ences. Y Two urial viua of the th.lch Ruaatch Lab- thater. ldrtolstered by the Lutheran lbpitd and oratory, which houses the Biomedical Ueaurch Group Hoa Society of Fargo, North Dakota, vhich 8ervea (H-4) of the Lo8 Alu# .Sdentific Laboratory's Loa Akaand surrounding c-1ti.S. 'he close Health Divirion, are ahom above. The left photo- physical tahtion between the Lo8 hl- &did 8raph ahow the do& proximity of the Health Center and the Health Rerearch Laboratory fo8term Reourch Laboratoty to the bridge whlch spuu Los the exchange of Ideas and intere8ta mag re8p.c- Alnoo canyon. The domsltirtorled building w11 tlvc staffs. Sham in the ribt photog?apb ia the constructed in 1952, and the single-level annex Health bse8rch Laboratory and Los AIM Kedfcd wed to house experiPcntal animals vu added in Centrr complex and its spatial rehtionrhip to the 1960. Lmdiately above the Health Rcsaarch Lab- main centralized Laboratory complex acrois Loa .. oratory is sham che 84-bed Lon Alamoa *dfcal hlollo8 canyon. The upper photograph shws the Biordical height, io buried in the side of a hill and is Ruearch Croup’s satellite B.diatioa Expomure Facil- accessible through a %-foot loa8 tunnel. Studiu ity located in a remote area of the Laboratory about of the biological effects of radiation delivered in 10 miles from che plla Hoalth Research Laboratory. dif ferent total doses, dose ratem, or fractionation# Built in 1962, the 1800-square Coot facility houses are conducted in this building. cobalt-60 sources of 10, 100, urd lo00 Ci encased The luver photograph shows the holding cage in steel capsules which can be raised or lwered arrangement within the Radiation Exposure Facility into a led shield beneath the floor from another whlch pennits simultaneous exposure oC dogs sad building about 50 yards away. The octagonal con- mnkevs to a wide range of cobalt-# gam rays. crete igloo, 40 ioet in diameter and 20 feet in LASL hu uwxcellod facilttiaa for tbe produc- ti- of lup quaatitlu of hi$tly enriched atable Irot0p.r: nitrogen-U, oay~ea-17, md urboe13. It io anticipatd that oulfur-33 productim vi11 begin in rbe noar futuro. Siau these arm all uln.tically =ti*. nuclei, they c.ll be detectd by uaatic maoomce t.choiquea Y mll w by cop vaationrl maapactromtry. A pro8rm of bio- chd4studlea utilidaa rhue isotop.. .nd orgamic mad biological sptheur. in ajmction vith .opbi.tiutod nuclear mapatic maoIIlDc1 spec- traoters rd other drurced tcchniqus of physical bioehalatrf, la jut begloaing to @in -am. MsullcIl uAcm18 Two ruruch rwctora louted MU the tkalth Reuarch Laboratory are avdlable Y radiation SOU~CU: the 'water Boiler," a haoroou reactor cap&& of operatioa at all pouer h~lafm 0 to 25 kilaratta, .ad the brguatt Or* *at reactor. AccELtlUTOAs Smveral elactramtic .caleratoro . inelding INTPODUCTION A aignificant hirtoricrl event vhich altered fie writer of this memorandum vu Dr. Clem T. the courae of mmdclad occurrod QO F.bwry 23, 1941, Senborg, and the date vu J.ntl.y 1944. *a Dr. C. T. Seaborg .ad collmdiaconred The biomedical resoarch program at Lo8 AI- the alennt plutdrr in room 301 of Cilmsn Rdl at hu evoAved from ita conception in 1943 as a amdl Berkeley. Thc i.otopa of mum-238 and not the more Health Croup estrbliahed to protect the health of familiar -a-239 vu first diacmred at that ti=; the workers, to develop safe working procedures, the plutdu isotope of rus-239 vu not isolated and to establish tolerance levels for exposure to until the spring of 1941, rod elernt 94 remained radioactivity, plutoniuo. and other rad1onuclld.a. uanud until Much of the follaring year. On In 1944, once sigoificant amounts of pluconim brch 28, 1941, 0.5 Yg Of plUtOd-239 VU fb- began to accumulate at Lor Xlamw, the Laboratoq aloned by them1 MU~~OD~,and the enoxaoua effort Director. 3~.J. Wbert Oppanheirr, at the reqwst to produce plutoni~m-239 in qwntlv for dlitarp of the Health Croup, authorized the tempor.- purposes vas begun.
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