****** CvfTMif Ntwt Ittmt y/Im Sheet* About Our SorvictmM ii Pvt Harry J. Taylor, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Route 3. Holding. Mich., ii now serving in Korea with the 3d Infantry Di- EstablishedJune, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. 1954 Number 38 The IGth March of Dimes is vision. Just starting. It may well 1)0 the The "Rook of the Marne" dl- Poor Vitibitify and Ice Two I^mvell Polio Victims Battle Disease Side by Si(l< vision, which saw bitter fighting Merrill D. Graham most significant one ever held. In the Iron Triangle and at Out- Youth Confesses Blamed for Accidents The announcement of a now pro- post Harry and Jaokson Heights, gram POLIO PREVENTION— Slippery blacktop and poor visi- Is now undergoing Intensive post- To Speak Tuesday with a trial vaccine to be tested Armed Robbery bility from fog Wednesday morn- this year may mean a grim and truce training. ing was responsible for several Taylor, who entered the Army expensive battle soon won. Vic- mishaps and minor accidents on last June, was formerly stationed At B. of T. Dinner tory seems close, but It can only At Boyd's Store highways around this area. Those at Fort Knox, Ky. be reached If we dig down and Police Chief Frank L. Stephens who commute Into Lowell from The annnual meeting of the give. Second Lt. Harold K. Vovllla, announced Wednesday noon thai i other towns and those from here Lowell Board of Trade to be held Give more than ever before. Tuesday, Jan. 20. at fi:45 in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Joseph Sllvernale, 17, of Grand who drive into the city for work * • * Masonic Temple will have a out- Vovllla of Saranac Mich., Is serv- Rapids had cortfessed to being the jreport the cement highways were Wesley A. Roth, president of 00< standing speaker In Merrill D. ing In Korea with the 25th Infan- person who committed armed rob ; R ' graveled and blacktop- the village of Lowell, will be )e Graham. "Michigan's Unofficial try Division. bery at Boyd's Grocery Store in.l ^ roads in spots were glazed nade honorary Ringmaster at OVPr vv 1 a , lin (,oa, n Ambassador". The program will Rushed to Korea during the South Lowell Tuesday evening, '" ' ' S "f Ice- the Shrine Circus Saturday even- early days of the conflict, the Jan. 12. He was arrested the next On Vergennes Road near the feature reports on the many ac- tivities of the organization and ing. Jan. 30. held at Civic Audi- 25th Infantry took part In some day in Grand Rapids while driv-'Bennett School three cars were t< rium. The ceremony is to be n 1C the election of officers. of the most hitter fighting on the j ing a stolen car and police have I' " Mch at t he same lime, a salute to Lowell. The 30-act peninsula. It is now undergoing; been questioning him for nearly aroun^ 8:30. and in front of the • . • > a - . l_> I . I / "'r* *•! T n (tr 1 Altf»A fl OQ circus Is an annual event and intensive i>ost-truce training. Carl James farm residence a car a week 1 opens Jan. 25. Lieutenant Vovllla entered the turned over. There were three * • • Army in Feburary 1952 and com- I young people from Grand Rapids Lowell Cafe announces that all pleted basic training at Camp in the car and all escaped serious money paid for coffee at their Chaffee, Ark. ' injuries. Ruth Baranoskl. 18. was treated by a local doctor for back restaurant on Wednesday. Jan. Wlllard A. Youngs, whose wife Injuries. 27, will be paid Into the March Joan, lives on Route 1. Orleans, '•f Dimes campaign. Mich., recently was promoted to American or European Everyone is invited to drink corporal while serving In Korea coffee and benefit the fight with the 25th Infantry Division. People's Desires Same against polio. Corporal Youngs. company Speaker Tells Rotary » * * clerk wltji the 14th Regiment s Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sweet and Company D, entered the Army In At the weekly Rotary Club daughter Eleanor. 9. are the new December 1952 and arrived over- luncheon last week the Rev. Nor- family just moved into the Jules seas last May. man G. Woon was program chair-{ , ,r u. Erler apartment at 209 S. Jef- The son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde man and Introduced as speaker Above picture shows John Vos (loft) and James Albright (right I in their beds in the polio ward in Blodgett hospital where they were fcrson St. Mr. Sweet is employ- Youngs. Route 3, Belding. he of the day the Rev. John Felible Lowell All Out ed at Lear Inc., Grand Rapids of the Second Congregational taken last October suffering from poliomelitis. The men are cousins, holds the Combat Infantryman and lived fn that city until a few Church in Grand Rapids. have always lived together, were stricken at the same time, and badge. are battling side by side for recovery of their health. Saturday. Jan. To Reach Goal in months ago when they moved Rev. Felible, a native of Kansas out near Murray Lake until they Serving aboard the heavy gave a humorous account of cus 15. was the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Vos and the Polio cruiser USS Toledo a ship with a w Foundation made it possible for the patient to be brought to his could find a home in Lowell. toms in that state, but the serious March of Dimes 19 months record in action against part of his talk was on his im- home on Hunt street to spend the week end with his family return- M. W. Graham, a former sales * * * 23656 Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kallinger the Reds is John C. Bush, seaman pressions gleaned from a lour of ing to the hospital Sunday. Lowell is all out in its efforts consultant for such firms as Gen- inede a plane trip from Grand USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton GRAND RAPIDS MICH various countries in Europe which j to reach the goal in the March eral Foods. Eastman Kodak and Bush of Route 2, Caledonia Mich., Rapids to Brownsville, Texas, on E 17 53 are particularly timely. oi Dimes to conquer polio. Ev- John Mansville. has a Inspiring and husband of the former Miss People as seen through the eyes Sanday Evening Fire message for all. His talk. "The Toe. 30 • wher, . e they spent some ery organization and most Indi ,,mc Joy E. Ellis of 163 Center ave.. of a minister, are no different in Red-Hot Arrows ^ Causes $1500 Damages \iduals are squarely behind the Story of Michigan" has been told' with their daughters and 1 10 1 31 05 a Loweii. HBWBBP Europe than In America, Mr. Feli- hotary Club which is sponsoring to over 260.000 and soon will be' ' ' f ™'' nd are now locat- od In an apartment of their own. Bush who was graduated from Sllvernale who has a previous ble statcd They have the same A tenant in an upstair apart- the fund drive and Carl Munroe broadcast and telecast from ment next door saw flames shoot- Their new address Is 505 W. 6th Caledonia High School, entered record, was identified by Mrs. Ed-. ii0pcSi cicslres and needs that we Take G. Y. Lead and Gerald Rollins, co-chairmen WKAR-TV. St.. Weslaco. Texas. Both en- the Naval service Feb. 16, 1951. ward Boyd and Mrs. Fred Boyd havc hcre Thev g0 with their ing up from the roof at the rear of the campaign. The quota as- Mr. Graham Is working toward joyed their first plane trip im- Now on her third tour in the as the person who held them up families to the churches and pray Dr. H. R. Myers' office build signed to Lowell area this year a goal in which the people of Korean theater, the Toledo has In Friday Game ing Sunday evening around 7:30 mensely. with a small pistol and took a roll jt0 (|le samc God for peace, oom- Is S2100. the state may be better informed fired over 29,000 rounds of heavy- an( Mr. Kallinger was formerly of bills. Pete Peterson also recog-jjorti an(j a better tomorrow, the A red-hot sextet of Red Arrows j ^ failed the fire department, The funds in Kent county were about Michigan, and in turn more caliber ammunition in support of employed by the Lowell Light nized him as the man who was ^ samo as we. Through the churches whipped Godwin's Wolverines to j Damages were confined to the exhausted last year early in May ably spread the importance of United Nations operations. She &. Power Co. and both Mr. and at the Oneail Grocery on Ver- Lf aiiW creed s and denominations1-_.. put Lowell in first place in the roof and back room except for and grants from, other counties Michigan across the land. was the first vessel to fire eight- Mrs. Kallinger and their- gennes Rd. the same evening.'it is the hope of humanity to!Grand Valley League Friday nnoke which seeped throughout j'iid states had to be used to care Tickets for the annual dinner inch guns against the Commu- 5nmo cncnu'inn m?qc amiianH nt . *t. * *i_ _i . daughters are well known Some suspicion was aroused at |bring to the surface the simple night. the building and also into thei for the load carried in the coun- are on sale at the State Savings nists in Korea.
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