r---------------------------------.---.. ----- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 41: ISSUE 22 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER21, 2006 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Attorneys address student privacy issues Senators show up at off-campus parties or don't think that gives him a right what an officer has the right to By KATIE PERRY tailgates because they have proba­ to go into a house," he said. cite,'' he said. - discuss Assistant News Editor ble cause to be there. Probable In the absence of probable For example, if an officer enters cause - "the big word," Leone cause, a resident can say the a party and sees "people drinking Recent busts at off-campus par­ said - is the reasonable belief police are not allowed to enter his underage, sees cups, sees beer," ties and tailgates have prompted that a person has committed a or her home, Monterrosa said. he or she has a right to investigate assaults many students to question what crime. The resident can "fight it out in that further and administer cita­ their rights are regarding interac­ "Yes, you can challenge [the court" as long as there are wit­ tions, Monterrosa said. tions with the police - but local police] at your doorstep- howev­ nesses present to corroborate hi<; "Police cannot go through an By MARY KATE MALONE lawyers said the answers are not er they have probable cause," she or her claim, he said. apartment for drugs without a News Editor always dear. said. "That's what you're fighting "That's what I tell all of my warrant," he said. The "layman's interpretation" of at your doorstep. You're not fight­ clients," he said. "You have a rea­ Monterrosa said a "warrantless Chief executive assistant Liz rights is what gets students into ing being guilty.... The noise ordi­ sonable expectation of privacy." intrusion" can occur in four cir­ Brown led a lengthy discussion on trouble, said South Bend attorney nance gives police officers the In addition, allowing an officer cumstances: if police are in hot the best way to decimate informa­ Lyn Leone. Most importantly, she right to be there in response to to enter the residence does not pursuit of a fleeing felon, if police tion about sexual assault resources said, students should bfJ aware of [noise complaints]." grant him or her the right to need to prevent the escape of a at the Student Senate meeting their right to silence. Rudy Monterrosa, a Notre Dame search, Monterrosa said. If the suspect, if police fear an imminent Wednesday. "Everyone needs that tattooed Law School graduate and part­ police want to search that resi­ destruction of evidence or if there Brown asked senators for their on their forehead," she said. "It's time public defender in South dence, they need a warrant or is a risk of danger to police or input on the issue before she one of the biggest mistakes my Bend, said an officer's right to "exception to that warrant," he other civilians around the resi­ meets with Associate Vice clifmts make." enter a residence depends on the said. dence. Police must have probable President of Student Affairs Bill Leone said she advocates pru­ severity of the crime. "If the resident says, 'Yes, you cause with the last three excep- Kirk on Friday to discuss sexual dence and advises students to "I would argue that just because can come in,' what is within plain assault information and resources understand that police officers [an officer] sees people drinking, I view - within his presence - is see RIGHTS/page 6 on campus. Breen-Phillips senator Maris Braun said bathroom posters about sexual assault are not ade­ quate enough. The light blue, laminated signs New center aids special needs students are supposed to be in every resi­ dence hall batlrroom, but accord­ ing to senators who surveyed their respective dorms. the posters are Long-awaited building serves to foster friendship, academic assistance for disabled individuals not widespread. "I think posters are helpful, but Notre Dame has worked to in the heat of the moment I don't By EILEEN DUFFY level the academic playing field know if you'll have all your mental Assistant News Editor this year by providing a brand­ facilities together enough to do new space for the Office of Step One, Step Two," Braun said, It's happened to many stu­ Students with Disabilities. In referring to the poster's step-by­ i dents at Notre Dame: a profes­ that new space is a social area, step advice for students who havn .. sor distributes an exam. the where an equally brand-new just been sexually a<;saulted. words start swimming on the group has decided to gather for "We might want to look at other page and suddenly. there's the purpose of supporting dis­ avenues," she said. someone writing "five minutes abled students and increasing But exactly what those avenues left" on the chalkboard. awareness in the Notre Dame should be was debatable. Senators But for some students, this community. appeared to back Dillon 11 all happens all the time. It's separation, on the one Senator Tyler Langdon's idea to Certain afflictions perma­ hand - but it makes integra­ distribute sexual assault informa­ nently disable over 200 stu­ tion a whole lot easier_ tion at mandatory freshman PIL­ dents at Notre Dame from liv­ LARS meetings. ing - whether it's test-taking, "A space to call their own" Alumni Hall senator Danny walking or seeing - in the Enter the new Sara Bea Smith suggested adding a sexual same way their peers do, and Learning Center for Students ANNA AMBERKAR/The sometimes those peers just Senior Leslie Penko uses a machine that magnifies a book's text don't understand. see CENTER/ page 4 at the Sara Bea Learning Center for Students with Disabilities. see SENATE/page 3 Abroad pricing policy to change SMC dance marathon Fee adjustment allows w-ins national aw-ard for more participation school had to nominate the Dancers raise funds marathon, said Pauline Kistka, By JOE PIARULLI for Riley's Hospital eo-president of the dance News Writer marathon. Competing against approxi­ Over 50 percent of Notre By MANDl STIRONE mately 80 other schools, the Dame undergraduate stu­ News Writer Saint Mary's dance marathon dents spend part of their col­ tied with Loras College in Iowa as lege careers far away from When 190 Saint Mary's stu­ the nation's best new marathon. South Bend - between 900 dents sacrificed sleep last April The College dance marathon and 1,000 students choose to 20 to benefit Riley's Hospital for organizers were pleased with take part in one of the Children they had no idea what a themselves and their fellow stu­ University's more than 40 difference they would make. dents, Kistka said, and proud to international study programs After months of planning and get Saint Mary's recognized. annually. fundraising, the first annual, Riley's Hospital for Children As a response to the contin­ dance marathon not only raised uses donations from nationwide uously increasing student $21,047.42, but was also named dance marathons towards the demand for study abroad pro­ Best New Marathon at the care of children who cannot grams, a new study abroad Children's Miracle Network afford necessary medical care, pricing policy will go into Dance Marathon Leadership making the College's large dona­ effect in the fall of 2007. Conference 2006, which was held tion great aid to their mission. I According to Julia in Cincinnati July 14-16. Co-presid~;Jnt of the dance The International Studies Office encourages students to study In order to win the award, abroad now more than ever with the coming new price policies. see ABROAD/page 3 someone at the school or a peer see DANCE/page 3 r----------------------- page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, September 21, 2006 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO STUDY ABROAD AND WHY? Selling out a II classic'' The last time it happened was 1996. There on the television screen was a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner. Dan Cooper Margaret Kelly Sarah Barnes Molly Conaty Tommy Osberger Dancing with it was screen legend Fred Astaire. My favorite male star and fellow freshman freshman sophomore freshman sophomore tap dancer was Zahm McGlinn Lewis Lewis Zahm being used posthu­ Cassie Belek mously to sell a vac­ "Toledo, "China, so for "Rome, to give "Fremantle, "Wherever uum cleaner. Assistant Espana, para once I won't be me some Australia, just Carmen San The absurdity and , outrageousness of Scene Editor conocer a las the shortest incentive to because I've Diego is. , the image did little bonitas. person in the pass Italian this always wanted to respect the legacy of the star and instead made the ad laughable. room. semester. " to go down Astaire deserved so much more. under." Now, imagine my horror and disgust 10 years later when Astaire's late great co­ star in "Funny Face" is being similarly exploited. I am, of course, speaking of Audrey Hepburn - my all-time favorite female star. Audrey Hepburn, a Hollywood icon of IN BRIEF enormous talent, grace and beauty who devoted the end of her life to saving the lives of children through UNICEF, is being A panel discussion on "The used to sell black pants for Gap. Recent Supreme Court The commercial features the dance Decision, Hamdan v. from her movie with Astaire set against Rumsfeld," will take place in AC/DC's "Back in Black." room 121 of the Law School Upon seeing the ad, I was left speechless today at 5 p.m.
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