Prioritization of shelter/NFI needs End of September 2017 Life-saving nature of shelter/NFI assistance Shelter is a basic human need and a critical determinant for survival and coping in the majority of crises. Beyond survival, shelter and core relief items are necessary to provide security and ensure personal safety and protection, and to promote resistance to ill-health and disease. ` Response activities As of 30 September 2017: 60,492 full emergency shelter & NFI kits distributed to displaced households in 6 regions, additionally to cash grants and vouchers to 982 households. 900 supplementary kits presently being distributed or already funded and procured for distributions. 22,600 kits in stock & pipe-line. TOTAL = 84,974 full kits or equivalent in cash and vouchers Outstanding needs The DTM round 6 figures collected in 7 regions, the 2017 Belg assessments conducted in 4 regions, requests received from the authorities notably for the needs induced by the conflict along the border between Oromia and Somali regions, the needs induced by the 2017 kiremt season as shared by the flood task force and assessments conducted by cluster members revealed that the total of households in need of shelter/NFI assistance is 231,240 HHs. Prioritization criteria As agreed upon among cluster members on 31 of August 2017, Shelter/NFI assistance for people who are currently in need of assistance will primarily be directed to: Newly displaced in 2017, IDPs who have not had access to shelter/NFI assistance, durable solutions or coping mechanisms and Populations affected by floods, droughts and conflicts. 300 woredas hosting IDPs classified as priority 1 (in 9 regions) 145,193 IDP households / 798,562 IDP / NEED: 145,000 full kits or equivalent in HH cash grants & vouchers = 20.3 MUSD 120 woredas hosting IDPs classified as priority 2 (in 7 regions) 86,047 IDP households / 473,259 IDPs / NEED: 86,000 full kits or equivalent in HH cash grants & vouchers = 12.04 MUSD Shelter/NFI cluster Ethiopia – http://www.sheltercluster.org/response/ethiopia - Twitter: @SNFIClusterEth Cluster Coordinator: Oriane BATAILLE – [email protected] – Tel: 0930077231 Information Manager: Mark MAULIT - [email protected] – Tel : 0966269948 1 Map of zones classification between P1 and P2 woredas – as of end of September 2017 Legend Priority 1 woredas: red Priority 2 woredas: green Annex: List of priority 1 and 2 woredas 2 SNFI Caseload Households October 2017 Prioritization Priority 1 Priority 2 Total HHs Region / Zone / Woreda Somali 53,376 40,922 94,299 Liben 17,957 14,029 31,985 Deka Suftu 1,707 1,707 Dolo Odo 158 150 308 Filtu 4,604 4,604 Hudet 1,550 1,550 Moyale (Somali) 15,280 3,051 18,331 Mubarek 780 4,263 5,043 Qarsadula 189 254 443 Doolo (Warder) 12,094 12,094 Boh 1,433 1,433 Danot 2,145 2,145 Daratole 778 778 Galhamur 937 937 Geladin 1,710 1,710 Lehel-Yucub 1,900 1,900 Warder 3,191 3,191 Dawa 10,812 10,812 Hudet 10,812 10,812 Siti (Shinile) 560 10,072 10,632 Adigala - 1,411 1,411 Afdem 2,918 2,918 Dembel 60 60 Erer (Somali) 1,566 1,566 Gablalu - 507 507 Gota-Biki 221 221 Miesso 500 2,523 3,023 Shinile 926 926 Fafan (Jijiga) 3,823 2,870 6,693 Babile (Somali) 2,940 1,207 4,147 Hareshen 53 53 Kebribeyah 1,155 1,155 Tuliguled 830 508 1,338 Nogob (Fik) 4,435 1,590 6,025 Dihun 914 914 Elwayne 549 549 Gerbo 771 120 891 Lagahida 272 325 597 Meyu Muluke 938 938 Qubi 746 746 Segeg 541 48 589 Selahad 450 350 800 Jarar (Degehabur) 5,103 5,103 Aware 773 773 Bilcil-bur 180 180 Daror 920 920 Dig 495 495 Gashamo 2,046 2,046 Gunagudo 602 602 Yocale 86 86 Afder 3,371 1,550 4,921 Bare 18 18 Chereti 90 500 590 Dolobay 3,021 800 3,821 Hargele 242 242 Raso 250 250 Shabelle (Gode) 3,979 3,979 Aba-Korow 104 104 Adadle 1,448 1,448 Berocano 290 290 Denan 687 687 East Imi 462 462 Elale 154 154 Gode 399 399 Kelafo 436 436 Korahe 2,056 2,056 Bodaley 19 19 Debeweyin 223 223 El-Ogaden 224 224 Goglo 6 6 Kebridehar 867 867 Marsin 236 236 Shekosh 151 151 Shilabo 331 331 3 SNFI Caseload Households October 2017 Prioritization Priority 1 Priority 2 Total HHs Region / Zone / Woreda Oromia 64,617 26,713 91,330 East Harerge 27,976 4,623 32,599 Babile (Oromia) 745 745 Chinaksen 2,286 44 2,330 Dadar 3,164 3,164 Fedis 3,476 3,476 Golo Oda 31 31 Goro Gutu 846 846 Gursum (Oromia) 601 601 Jarso (East Harerge) 2,116 2,116 Kumbi 9,575 9,575 Malka Balo 401 41 442 Meta 698 698 Meyu 31 3,590 3,621 Midega Tola 564 948 1,512 Kombolcha 404 404 Haro Maya 404 404 Kurfa Chele 196 196 Kersa (East Harerge) 406 406 Bedeno 386 386 Girawa 1,275 1,275 Goro Muti 371 371 Borena 11,370 8,169 19,539 Arero 633 722 1,355 Dehas 2,499 2,499 Galana 2,487 2,733 5,220 Melka Soda 60 1,811 1,871 Moyale (Oromia) 980 2,189 3,169 Teltele 264 264 Wachile 4,711 450 5,161 Bale 10,755 1,999 12,754 Dawe Serer 1,588 1,390 2,978 Lege Hida 1,894 1,894 Meda Walabu 1,100 1,100 Rayitu 2,520 609 3,129 Sawena 1,896 1,896 Ginir 192 192 Gura Damole 107 107 Dawe Kachan 1,458 1,458 Arsi 3,437 3,784 7,221 Chole 27 27 Degeluna Tijo 21 1,889 1,910 Dodota 37 37 Ginde Beret 10 10 Gololcha Arsi 30 914 944 Hitosa 21 21 Jeju 49 49 Limu Bilbilo 2,017 2,017 Munessa 33 981 1,014 Sire 24 24 Ziway Dugda 471 471 Merti 22 22 Sude 22 22 Amigna 69 69 Robe 172 172 Tena 30 30 Shirka 211 211 Tiyo 31 31 Guna 13 13 Lude Hitosa 27 27 Diksis 19 19 Bele Gesgar 29 29 Inkolo Wabe 18 18 Shanan Kolu 34 34 Guji 2,410 3,662 6,072 Aga Wayu - 144 144 Girja (Harenfema) 98 98 Gumi Eldalo 330 800 1,130 Liben 1,450 1,450 Odo Shakiso 200 2,620 2,820 Surroo 430 430 4 SNFI Caseload Households October 2017 Prioritization Priority 1 Priority 2 Total HHs Region / Zone / Woreda Oromia 64,617 26,713 91,330 West Harerge 2,711 2,711 Doba 426 426 Gumbi Bordodde 1,080 1,080 Mieso 288 288 Tulo (Oromia) 221 221 Mesela 101 101 Daro Labu 43 43 Gemechis 27 27 Chiro 172 172 Tulo 353 353 West Arsi 689 1,136 1,825 Dodola 13 13 Gedeb Asasa 29 112 141 Shalla 258 60 318 Siraro 2 964 966 Arsi Negele 10 10 Kofale 19 19 Kore 10 10 Nansabo 283 283 Adaba 46 46 Shashamane 10 10 Heban Arsi 3 3 Town 6 6 Ilubabor 1,748 1,748 Borecha 3 3 Dedesa 1,703 1,703 Darimu 3 3 Dabo Hana 1 1 Gechi 3 3 Metu Zuria 1 1 Hurumu 1 1 Didu 1 1 Chwaka 32 32 Kelem Wellega 6 1,405 1,411 Anfilo 1,405 1,405 Hawa Galan 1 1 Dale Wabera 2 2 Gawo Kebe 1 1 Lalo Kile 1 1 Tajo 1 1 West Shewa 1,398 1,398 Abuna Gindeberet 509 509 Cobi 7 7 Ejere (Addis Alem) 306 306 Ejersa Lafo 481 481 Liban Jawi 20 20 Jeldu 25 25 Ambo Zuria 6 6 Cheliya 1 1 Bako Tibe 1 1 Nono 3 3 Tikur Enchini 1 1 Dendi 22 22 Ambo Town 11 11 Toke Kutaye 2 2 Jibat 3 3 East Wellega 214 1,071 1,285 Diga 135 474 609 Guto Gida 4 4 Sasiga 26 597 623 Sibu Sire 22 22 Wayu Tuka 14 14 Jimma Arjo 3 3 Ibantu 1 1 Gida Ayana 2 2 Bila Seyo 1 1 Leka Dulecha 1 1 Nekemte Town 5 5 East Shewa 739 184 923 Adama 3 3 Bora 680 680 Boset 27 27 Dugda 8 8 Fentale 184 184 Fantale 2 2 Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha 19 19 5 SNFI Caseload Households October 2017 Prioritization Priority 1 Priority 2 Total HHs Region / Zone / Woreda Oromia 64,617 26,713 91,330 Jimma 119 682 801 Botor Tolay 3 3 Goma 23 23 Kersa (Jimma) 7 658 665 Seka Chekorsa 2 2 Shebe Sambo 3 24 27 Mana Sibu 4 4 Limu Seka 2 2 Limu Kosa 2 2 Sekoru 7 7 Tiro Afeta 2 2 Gera 3 3 Dedo 10 10 Omo Nada 12 12 Sigmo 6 6 Setema 18 18 Gumay 7 7 Mancho 5 5 Omo Beyam 3 3 West Wellega 650 650 Anumayebli 42 42 Boji Dirmeji 58 58 Gimbi 11 11 Gudetu Kondole 499 499 Haru 9 9 Nejo 24 24 Babo 4 4 Mene Sibu 1 1 Homa 1 1 Gaji 1 1 North Shewa(R3) 321 321 Debre Libanos 304 304 W/Jarso 5 5 Hidabu Abote 5 5 Kuyu 3 3 Wuchale 1 1 Fiche Town 3 3 South West Shewa 57 57 Waliso 12 12 Wenchi 27 27 Ameya 3 3 Dawo 7 7 Kersana Malima 1 1 Tole 1 1 Becho (SW Shewa) 1 1 Seden Sodo 4 4 Goro (SW Shewa) 1 1 Horo Guduru 17 17 Horo 7 7 Guduru 6 6 Ababo 2 2 Amuru 2 2 Hareri 13,950 578 14,528 Hareri 13,950 578 14,528 Erer (Harari) 578 578 Harar 13,950 13,950 Afar 3,803 7,856 11,659 Gabi (Zone 3) 717 2,864 3,581 Amibara 406 406 Argoba Special 400 400 Awash Fentale 330 119 449 Dulecha 387 185 572 Gelalo 554 554 Gewane 1,200 1,200 Fenti (Zone 4) 2,164 370 2,534 Awra 510 510 Ewa 1,628 1,628 Gulina - 250 250 Teru 120 120 Yallo 26 26 Awsi (Zone 1) 460 1,839 2,299 Addar 162 162 Afambo 800 800 Aysaita 120 120 Chifra 178 178 Dubti 300 300 Elidar - 361 361 Mile 378 378 6 SNFI Caseload Households October 2017 Prioritization Priority 1 Priority 2 Total HHs Region / Zone / Woreda Afar 3,803 7,856 11,659 Gabi (Zone 3) 717 2,864 3,581 Amibara 406 406 Argoba Special 400 400 Awash Fentale 330 119 449 Dulecha 387 185 572 Gelalo 554 554 Gewane 1,200 1,200 Fenti (Zone 4) 2,164 370 2,534 Awra 510 510 Ewa 1,628 1,628 Gulina - 250 250 Teru 120 120 Yallo 26 26 Awsi (Zone 1) 460 1,839 2,299 Addar 162 162 Afambo 800 800 Aysaita 120 120 Chifra 178 178 Dubti 300 300 Elidar - 361 361 Mile 378 378 Kilbati (Zone 2) 435 1,612 2,047 Afdera 379 379 Berahile 62 62 Bidu 31 360 391 Dalul - 347 347 Erebti - 45 45 Koneba - 154 154 Megale 404 265 669 Hari (Zone 5) 27 1,171 1,198 Dalfagi - 207 207 Dewe - 266 266 Hadelela - 623 623 Simurobi Gele'alo 75 75 Telalak 27 27 Tigray 2,511 7,223 9,734 Central 518 2,952 3,470 Abi Adi Town 221 221 Adwa 647 647 Ahferom 655 655 Axum Town 692 692 Kola Temben 70 70 Laelay Maychew 518 518 Mereb Leke 532 532 Tanqua Abergele 30 30 Werei Leke 104 104 Eastern 1,450 710 2,160 Adigrat Town 318 318 Ganta Afeshum 117 117 Gulomekeda 126 126 Hawzen 100 100 Kelete Awelallo 1,450 1,450 Wukro Town 49 49 North Western 543 1,151 1,694 Asgede Tsimbila 81 81 Laelay Adiyabo 48 48 Medebay Zana 22 22 Sheraro Town 888 888 Tahtay Adiyabo 450 450 Tahtay Koraro 93 93 Tselemti - 112 112 Mekelle 1,316
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