![I • I V O L . X V I I I . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y , D E C E M B E R 2 I . 1 8 9 3 . N O . 5 1 L O C](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I VOL. XVIII. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2i. 1893. • I NO. 51 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Walton meets all coinnctltlon in School Notes. Farmers' Mutual Annual Meeting. prices. *1 The llrst Of two cntcrtiilnmcnts by Last Monday's blustering interfered For Holidays. Visit Browne's Book •Store, It will the higli sliools of JFason and Leslie, with the attendance at the annual One tinfl onc-LliIrd fni'e I'oi' tlie round pay you. *-19tf siiuiiar in character to those given meeting Of the Farmers'Mutual Fire last year by Mason and Lansing liigli Insurance Company of Tngliam county. I trip. Uoinn nee;2;i, 2-1, 2'i, .'IO nnd .'il . A pair Of bobs for sale Inquire of schools, was held last Friday evening There were not more than 20 members land .ian. Ist. iieturn not later than P. Henderson. inn. 2d, iSfll. at Union hall, Leslie. The weather present at 10;40 when President Bui Eemoiiiber the 10 jier cent, discount seemed to daniiieii the ardor of the len called to order. ,T. T. Campbell E.xciirskai ticlcets at one fare for the sale at liaiidall's on .Saturday. young jicople little if any, and over acted as secretary iro tern. The mat rmiiid trip to cei'taiii iKiiiits in Canada I'ldward C. lSforrissey has been nomi• seventy of them and their friends took ter Of iroxles was jrought iiii bv E. C. iJec. 11), 20 and 21. Ketiirn not later nated as jiostniaster at .lackson. the ;i:20 train for Leslie An iiiforini EiLssel jiresenting one from 'IX P JUST FOLLOW THE I than .lan. 1), J8!M. Wliltinore. After some discu.ssion it Bargains In cliildreii's bnolcs, games reception was held at the hall, after was voted not to accept the pro.xy CliOWi) AND GO TO and dolls, nitow.vn's liooic STOHIJ:. which all took dinner with the ladies Now the days hoKln tn leiiKtheii. of the Baptist society, who served Adjourned to 12;;i0. Le^ii] blanks at DKMOCRAT olllce. A eliiinney on tlieNinvs olllce burned big meal in nice shape. It was a little after, the hour of FomysnA'AAA a. Tlie price of thai impuhir branil of 'J'oa, out last'.ruesday oveiiing about sujiper Go to Walton's fur Xnias supplies. *' •At 7:;J0 the eiglit iiarticijiants llled adjournment when the president again SWEET BUSSET Is liiKlicr tliauor- time. Cash for game, I'nr and pelts at onto the stage and took .seats, the hall called to order and tiiere was an iii- THE GliEATEST AT- rllir.iry 'I'ca solil liy onr coiiipetiliirs. If you have anything to sell mako Clia|iiii's. * being well lllled. Su|it. AfcKoneof tl creaseil attendance. .Secretary 0. the peoiilo awiire of it by advertising city iiresided. The iirograin was open Miller was present after his long Ill• Th'ACTJONIN All eloak.s at reduced prices and all in thel")KJi(icitAT. eil by a uitmber by tlie guitar and ness and sliowcti its elVects. His re• You are new. j\li i.LS Diiv Gooo.s Cn. I'Veil grinding irrlday and •Saturday banjo qiiurtet of Leslie, which was port was roail by E. N. Miller, who nOLlEA Y GOODS, Flno iiatent tljiiied Icid shoes only at North Aurelius. encored. Rev. L. ^T. Ediniinds olfered stated that the past year had been a .$1.2r) aud .fLfjO at Hrowii Urns'. * "'2 l!oi,LHY & BULLION. prayer wliich was followed by a chorus prosperous one for tlio company iiot- THE LO WEST PRICES A ND (. \ mistaken. from Mason. Miss Mablc lloberts of Good bull'alo oveixoat I'or .sale cheap. Biirnliam Co.,'Lansing dry goods withstanding the general depression Leslie opened the program with a over tlie country. The re lort showed Enquire at Browne's P.ook .Stiu'e; *1 dealers, liave a change of ad. this THE EEST NA TUEED J essay on ''Energy and what It accom there had been ;I23 new iio Icies issued Wo fiiiote for •Sarah Ho.se of Webberville lias been weeh-. lliiad It. lillslies." Every, one of the sjieaker and liKi cancelled, a net increiisc of CLERKS IN granted an orluluiil widow's ptMisitm. I'\ W. Webb wants some moiie.r. SATURDAY, DEC. 23d, was iiii^ilauded loud and long by tliei 127, leaving a total mcmbcr.sliip of C. II. Ifall's store Is llolidiiy liead- •Singular! Bead his ad. and see lio'w iipprcciatlvo friends and it was well 3,113. The increase at risk on new INGlh Only, 390. per lli. for SWEET RUS• (luiirfers. Read bis s|iaee tlihs wtiek. he Is going tn get it. merited, for a pleasanter iirogram lioliclos was .$447,Sill, on old iiolicles SET TEA. On all .Staiilc ami h'tiuoy (Iro- A iKitlii'r world's wiinder. An editor Would be hard to iireiiiire. Every iiar .liiiiifs liiiv Is the newly elected >r. iii72,i)0S. Amount cancelled iii24.'),3()2, uorles wo meet tlio call I'or llio best urailes til in 11 nelglibiiring city Is su|ierinteiid- was jierfectly memorized, well dcliv decrease on all policies $i'iO,i)r)0. Net Of W. ill .Jaekson Lodye No, 178. K. lowest prices. eiit Of a •Siimhiy schonl. ercd and full of thought. No declsioi Of 'P. iicreaso $221,501. Total aniouut was rendered, of course, and one would Call and SaUsfy Yourselves E. Culver li.'i:^ the llnest line of dia• risk .$.|,!),'12,SS0. Total resources f I'lease iilaco your order with us hesitate to render one, such iiiiiforii monds and jewelry ever .shown in the .vear $l7,r)(i-l.5!), disbursements Slo,S.| on this Score. oysters for the lldlldays as early ii.s e.xeellen(;e clianicterlzing each iiai't city. •Suitable I'Or llolidiy gifts. 1)7. Balance Oil hand $1,722.02, llabili yoii can. *2 HOYT Bnos. Eddie Mills of Miison gave a declama• I'rompl iltillvery and eoiirlcoiis^ iillentloti A cup Of hot coll'ee. and a dougliiiiit tie's $2,072. I'aid lo.ssos $S,2il!).2r), iiiiid A. Ury, at The Fair, oll'ers ^oods at tion, "The increase and ininishmen will bo shown yoti at can be olitaiiioil at Vandercook & Olllcers and directors $35.1.2'), other and below cost in a goiiuliie clusiiii^' of crime ill the Halted States." This iiii.scellaneous e\'|ienses $;'j(iS.3fi. The Bice's next Saturday. Head ad. was not the stereotyped "jiiece" but a out sale. .See ad. report wusacccpted without a di.ssent PRATT'S Casfi Grocery. The DiSMocitAT wishes its sub.scrib- live practical article on the sublect. Cellars In the business blocks on The election of olllcers did not tak^ ers, jiatroiLS and friends a Merry Will Bailey Of Leslie.':et forth the facts Jiaiile street were lloiided by the liiird much tiiiieanil resiilteil in the clioit Christmas and goodcheer for '!M. and benellts of the "Beliriiig sea arbi• rain of hist l''rlday night. Of the old ones. Henry Kurt'/, of •BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tration," and Miss Grace Melton of We alwa.vs have a good ii.ssortmcnt Alaledon and Col. L. H. Ives of "Vevay The Mason IC 0. 'I'. M. band will Mason riicited a long, jierfectl.v-coin- of fresh candies iiud a full assortment were aii|ioiiited I.ellei's. The llrst PHVSIClftNS. give a .select iiarty at the Armory Hall mitted recitation entitled, "Abdel \ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT/] of mils I'or the Holidays. HOYT BUGS. ballot gave R. .1. Bullen ,'M out of on the evening of .lan. 1st, ISD-l. HiLS.san." K.,I. (1. DOVIiNtl, I'liyslelnn anil Snrpion, votes cast and he was declared elocteil We will mil Ice it interesting for ilol- Last evening C. W. 'VanSlyke was A Cup of Olllco In I'arkliiirst block. Ueslilenco The niusic was fiirnlslied alternately iresldeiit I'or the ensuing .year. 0. lilDt Mill stroel, Ma.son, Mich. Idiiy 'buyers from now until .laii. 1st. rci-eloci.ed Master of Ma.son Lodgti No. by each school. 'I'he next enbcrbniii Miller rei;eived 31 out of 37 votes and *-l!ltf ' lillOWNM'S l.^OOK" .S'l'OltK. IO, K & A.M. After election a lunch inentwlll be given at JlasDii sometime was declared elected secretary. Th... ATTORNEYS. was served. '.riie open sca.soii foniiiail and jiiirt- in h'ebriL'iry. s Mr. Miller's sixteenth term as such Brown Bivis. arc selling I'olts, .sox, Olllcer. Tlie iiieiiibers seem aiuiiiy M. OUMMINH, Alloriiey anil Cniiiiselor at rldge closed last li''rklay. lloys, look The total receipts were $;10.,')8. After , Law. Olllce over l''armors' Hank, Mason. oiit,"(ir they may prove exiicnsivc. rubber boots, overs, lino shoes, etc, satlslled with the way these twogentlti' A deducting cxiienses each school has choajier Irlian any .shoe lioii.se in Ing• men conduct the all'airs of the ;iniicMANS,Aiu.rneyandCoittiseiorat,Law.| The rain did not stop Friday iintn $S.(i(i,a small amount and yet large con• ham county. » . company. blllcu over h'lrst Stale nml Hitvliats liank, tlie sleighing wilsconijiletely whipped. sidering the terrible storm. and a Ford's Ba'/;iar ad. sa,vs follow the n.Mich. Money to loim on i;ooii security. [ ,cj;i|,iipday morning the ground was The election of oHlccrs of the Ei'o Thcciioice of directors resulted i ci'owd to that luLstling iilace and be .T. HOOD, Attorney al Law. OOlco with again froznii. sopliian Society resulted as follows: the election of the following; waited iijinn liy the good-natiircd . .TudKO oi: rriibiitu, Mason, Mich.
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