PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS HALLENGE STUMPERS TV C SPORTSName that tunesmith TV C SPORTS ByName George Dickiethat tunesmithAnswers: 1) Ron Artest (now Name that tunesmith By George Dickie Answers: By George Dickie Answers: Identify the ath- 1)known Ron Artest as Metta (now World Peace) 1) Ron Artest (now Iletesdentify who the recorded ath- known as Metta known as Metta 2) The 1985 Chi- Identify the ath- letesthe following who recorded World Peace) letes who recorded World Peace) thesongs: following 2)cago The Bears1985 Chi- the following 2) The 1985 Chi- cago Bears songs:1) “Fever” 3) Roy Jones Jr. songs: cago Bears 1) “Fever” 3) Roy Jones Jr. 2) “Super Bowl 4) Peter Jacobsen, 1) “Fever” 3) Roy Jones Jr. 2) “Super Bowl 4) Peter Jacobsen, Shuffle” Payne Stewart and 2) “Super Bowl 4) Peter Jacobsen, Shuffle”3) “Y’all Must Have PayneMark LyeStewart (as Jakeand 3) “Y’all Must Have Mark Lye (as Jake Shuffle” Payne Stewart and Forgot”Forgot” TroutTrout and and the the Floun Floun- - 3) “Y’all Must Have Mark Lye (as Jake 4)4) “Love“Love the the One One ders)ders) Forgot” Trout and the Floun- YouYou Whiff”Whiff” 5)5) Deion Deion Sanders Sanders 4) “Love the One ders) 5)5) “Must“Must Be Be the the 6)6) Darren Darren McCarty McCarty YouSpecializing Whiff” In Authentic5) Spanish Deion Foods Sanders Money”Money” 7)7) Aubrey Aubrey Huff Huff "With5) “MustA Caribbean Be the Taste" Made6) Daily Darren on The McCarty Premises! 6)6) “Step“Step Outside” Outside” 8)8) Nikolai Nikolai Volkoff Volkoff Money” EAT IN & TAKE OUT7) Aubrey Huff 7)7) “Letters“Letters From From 9)9) Oscar Oscar De De La La 6)FULL “Step LINE OF Outside”SPANISH, MEXICAN & 8)AMERICAN Nikolai GROCERIES Volkoff Home”Home” HoyaHoya 7) “LettersNOW From CARRYING CBD PRODUCTS9) Oscar De La 10) Bernie Williams NJ Lottery Agent • We Accept Family First & WIC 8)8) “Cara“Cara Mia” Mia” 10) Bernie Williams Home” Hoya 9) “Run to Me” (with Bernie Wil- 8) “Cara Mia”Open Daily 10am-9pm10) Bernie Williams 9) “Run to Me” (with Bernie Wil- 10) “La Salsa en Mi” liams & Friends) 9)Roberts “Run &to Pacific Me” Ave., Wildwood(with Bernie • 523-1113 Wil- 10) “La Salsa en Mi” liams & Friends) 10) “La Salsa en Mi” liams & Friends) SEARCH WORD SEARCH SEARCH A NRUIPENYTERJOMWORD WORD L EJYCQEHS ALMONO A NRUIPENYTERJOM A NRUIPENYTERJOM K SONIWOAKSPEATJ L EJYCQEHS ALMONO L EJYCQEHS ALMONO G AHCOLTRANEDSEA PK LNHAXGPWRAIWKOSONIWOAKSPEATJ K SONIWOAKSPEATJ OG WSTRPLEYUNJEARAHCOLTRANEDSEA G AHCOLTRANEDSEA MP JOAEAPRMOHOBNLNHAXGPWRAIWKOH P LNHAXGPWRAIWKO AO WNKOBXSIKAHQSIWSTRPLEYUNJEAR O WSTRPLEYUNJEAR KM OWUFLETJINNUADJOAEAPRMOHOBN H M JOAEAPRMOHOBN H PA ANRPPILOKYAWSEWNKOBXSIKAHQSI A WNKOBXSIKAHQSI HK SEIQLVNLTROPZAOWUFLETJINNUAD K OWUFLETJINNUAD P ANRPPILOKYAWSE UP ARMORYTNUTMKPSANRPPILOKYAWSE C ROBE NOERSMARMB H SEIQLVNLTROPZA H SEIQLVNLTROPZA I KARAJLWKAORWOL U ARMORYTNUTMKPS FU OVKNPSHZAUAVAHARMORYTNUTMKPS C ROBE NOERSMARMB C ROBE“The Good LordNOERSMARMB Bird” on Showtime I KARAJLWKAORWOL I KARAJLWKAORWOL(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Onion (Joshua Caleb) Johnson (Bleeding) Kansas F OVKNPSHZAUAVAH JohnF (Brown)OVKNPSHZAUAVAH(Ethan) Hawke Abolitionist (Soldiers) “The Good Lord Bird” on Showtime Salmon “The(Brown) Good(Ellar) Lord Coltrane Bird” onAntebellum Showtime (America) (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Owen (Brown) (Words(Beau) in parentheses Knapp not in (U.S.)puzzle) Armory Onion (Joshua Caleb) Johnson (Bleeding) Kansas OttawaOnion (Jones) (Mo(Joshua Brings) Caleb) Plenty JohnsonHarpers(Bleeding) (Ferry) Kansas John (Brown) (Ethan) Hawke Abolitionist (Soldiers) John (Brown) (Ethan) Hawke Abolitionist (Soldiers) Salmon (Brown) (Ellar) Coltrane Antebellum (America) Salmon (Brown) (Ellar) Coltrane Antebellum (America) Owen (Brown) (Beau) Knapp (U.S.) Armory Custom Features Owen (Brown)Release the week(Beau) of Knapp October 4 - October(U.S.) Armory 10, 2020. Ottawa (Jones) (Mo Brings) Plenty Harpers (Ferry) Ottawa (Jones) (Mo Brings) Plenty Harpers (Ferry) Custom Features Release the week of October 4 - October PAGE10, 2020. 5 Custom Features Release the week of October 4 - October 10, 2020. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Name that tunesmith By George Dickie Answers: 1) Ron Artest (now Identify the ath- known as Metta letes who recorded World Peace) the following 2) The 1985 Chi- songs: cago Bears 1) “Fever” 3) Roy Jones Jr. 2) “Super Bowl 4) Peter Jacobsen, Shuffle” Payne Stewart and 3) “Y’all Must Have Mark Lye (as Jake Forgot” Trout and the Floun- 4) “Love the One ders) You Whiff” 5) Deion Sanders 5) “Must Be the 6) Darren McCarty Money” 7) Aubrey Huff 6) “Step Outside” 8) Nikolai Volkoff 7) “Letters From 9) Oscar De La Home” Hoya 8) “Cara Mia” 10) Bernie Williams 9) “Run to Me” (with Bernie Wil- 10) “La Salsa en Mi” liams & Friends) WORD SEARCH A N R U I P E N Y T E R J O M L E J Y C Q E H S A L M O N O K S O N I W O A K S P E A T J G A H C O L T R A N E D S E A P L N H A X G P W R A I W K O O W S T R P L E Y U N J E A R M J O A E A P R M O H O B N H A W N K O B X S I K A H Q S I K O W U F L E T J I N N U A D P A N R P P I L O K Y A W S E H S E I Q L V N L T R O P Z A U A R M O R Y T N U T M K P S C R O B E N O E R S M A R M B I K A R A J L W K A O R W O L F O V K N P S H Z A U A V A H “The Good Lord Bird” on Showtime (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Onion (Joshua Caleb) Johnson (Bleeding) Kansas John (Brown) (Ethan) Hawke Abolitionist (Soldiers) Salmon (Brown) (Ellar) Coltrane Antebellum (America) Owen (Brown) (Beau) Knapp (U.S.) Armory Ottawa (Jones) (Mo Brings) Plenty Harpers (Ferry) PAGE 6 Custom Features Release the week of October 4 - October 10, 2020. PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 AROUND THE CAPE WILDWOOD CREST EVENTS Saturday, October 3 Borough-Wide Yard Sale This is the 18th annual event for bargain hunters to spend the day in Wildwood Crest at the Borough-Wide Yard Sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is expected to feature WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE CAPE numerous yard sale locations throughout is available on the front page of the bor- laws as they travel through town on the day the borough. Those wishing to participate ough website. Those with registered sale of the event. Yard sale hosts and visitors in the yard sale can download applications locations will receive free pickup of bulk are encouraged to wear masks and should from the front page of the borough website trash, metal, electronics and rigid plastics. follow proper social-distancing guidelines. at WildwoodCrest.org. There is no fee but Maps will not be available for this year’s The Borough-Wide Yard Sale is sponsored those planning to host a sale location must Borough-Wide Yard Sale. Residents and by the Wildwood Crest Department of Pub- fi ll out and submit a registration form that visitors are reminded to obey all traffi c lic Works. Call 609.522.7446 for info. PAGE 14 WHAT'S HAPPENING AROUND THE CAPE "We're just a Little Bar on a Big Island" OPEN DAILY FOR TAKE-OUT, OUTSIDE DINING & LIBATIONS FROM NOON FULL MENU & PACKAGE GOODS Try Our Fresh Homemade Pork & Spinach Sandwich! PARK BLVD AT PINE • WILDWOOD • 729-9487 PAGE 15 FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 2, 2020 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 (3-CBS) News CBS Inside Ed. ET AtHome Vid. Undercover Boss Blue Bloods Å News Late Show-Colbert (6-ABC) News ABC Jeopardy! Wheel J. Kimmel NBA 2020 NBA Finals Miami Heat vs Los Angeles Lakers. News J. Kimmel (10-NBC) News News News Holly American Ninja Warrior “Qualifier 3” Dateline NBC Å News Tonight Show (17-MNT) black-ish Big Bang Big Bang Gold Mod Fam Mom Gold Mom Action News Mod Fam Two Men Two Men (23-PBS) NJTV Newsline One/One NJTV Frankie Drake Vera “The Escape Turn” Å POV NJTV One/One World (29-FOX) The Six Special Dish Nat. TMZ Å WWE Friday Night SmackDown News Props News TMZ Å Dish Nat. (57-CW) FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud FamFeud Masters Masters Animals Animals News News Creek Broke Girl Mike (A&E) The First 48 Å The First 48 Å First 48-Haunts Live Rescue “Live Rescue -- 10.02.20” The First 48 Å First 48 (AMC) ›‡ “Seed of Chucky” (2004) Å › “Halloween: Resurrection” (2002) Å “Halloween 6: The Curse” “Hallow (CNN) Situation Room E. B. OutFront Anderson Cooper Cuomo Prime Time CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Report (DISC) Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Danger Mouse Å 100 Days Wild Å Deadliest Catch “Everything Changes” Danger (DISN) Raven Raven Jessie Jessie ››‡ “Hotel Transylvania” Gabby Gabby Raven Raven Jessie Jessie (ESPN) Baseball Baseball MLB Baseball Wild Card Series: Teams TBA. (Live) MLB Baseball Wild Card Series: Teams TBA. (Live) (ESPN2) SportsCenter Å 2020 WNBA Finals TBA vs Seattle Storm. College Football Louisiana Tech at BYU.
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