Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1975-1976 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1976 Eastern Progress - 22 Jan 1976 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1975-76/17 Alleging violations of labor act Suit filed against University 'Foundation' B> DIANA J.T.WLOK skill, eltort and responsibility and which early 1875. said Ernest Orr. area director Labor Department s use ol the word a non-prolit corporation organized lor the Editor are perlormed under similar working ol the Labor Department s Wage-Hour "Foundation" in the suit Orr said that, purpose ol handling private donations lor A sun has been liled in the U.S. Dislricl conditions. Division in Lexington for all purposes, the Foundation is the student scholarships. (Jouri in Lexington against the Eastern Specilic intormation on why the in- University in this suit Kentucky University Foundation by the The suit reads, in part. During the Powell staled "The Foundation is a period since July 3. IW72. the deiendant vestigation was conducted is not However, in a motion lor dismissal of different corporation Irom (he Univer- U.S. Department ol Labor The suit available. Olr said, bui stated that such alleges that the Foundation has been and 'the Foundation! has willlully violated - the suit, filed by the Foundation Jan 19. sity " He added lhal it does not employ and it is willtullv violating the provisions checks are made lor a number ol reasons it was stated. ". the Foundation does anyone. is violating equal pay provisions ol the - routine in response to a particular Fair Labor Standards Act 'FLSAi. o( sections 6'di and 15 ■»> ol the Act bv not employ any persons and therelore is President Robert R Martin said, in discriminating . on the basis ol sex |>y complaint or il the Labor Department not subject to the Fair Labor Standards response to the suit's allegations, the The action seeks a judgment per- believes it should investigate manently enjoining the violations alleged paying some employees in such Act of 1938. >as amended. 29 I'.S.C el. University has not violated the law. is noi and restraining the withholding ol hack establishment wages at rales less than Orr said the Labor Department's seq. I." guilty ol any discrimination and such w ill wages with interest lound by the court to the rales at which it pays wages to em- position was simply that temale J.C. Powell, secretary ol the Foun- be proved in court be due employees and lor any lurlher ployees ol the opposite sex . lor equal protestors and instructors here are paid dation, filed an alladavit in support ol the Edwin S. Hopson ol Tarrani. Combs relief the court may deem appropriate work on jobs the perlormance ol which less than male prolessors and instructors motion lor dismissal which said. "The and Bullitt of Louisville, is counsel lor the The equal-pay provisions ol the FLSA requires equal skill, ellort and respon- who are performing similar work with Foundation exerts no control over any ol Foundation. Serving as counsel lor the prohibit discrimination based on sex sibility and which are perlormed under equal duties the affairs of any institution ol higher Department of Labor is Marvin Tincher. where the employees ace lound to be similar working conditions " The suit was filed Dec 17. 1975 education " regional attorney from Ihe Office of the perlurming jobs which require equal An investigation was conducted in A major question centers upon the Instead, the Foundation was said to be Solicitor in Nashville. Tenn. The Eastern Progress Vol. 54. No. 17 Official Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky Univeristy Thursday. January 22. 1976 10 pages Military Science requirements may violate Title IX provisions Hy JACKIE III XTON designaled options, and women may and regulations ol the Department of made." News-Managing Kdllor take eight hours ol eleclives. Labor, all had -to be complied with and "Il takes time lor an institution to Jim Cox, public allairs specialist ol dpi ions taken to lull 11 Ihe requirements "this university is no dillerent from any make changes. The University is in the Health. Education, and Wellare (HEWi, cannot be applied to the male students' others." He said the University* process of examining its programs in said Tuesday "if (he regulation of Ihe major or minor, but women's eleclives compliance report was tilled with HEW relationship to Title IX," said Rowlell. military science requirements stated in can, according to a CUC spokes person in January last year. Cox said HEW has received no com- the catalog is (he way (he school and Dr. John Kowlelt, vice president for Kowlelt said that the ROTC program plaints Irom the University concerning operates, (he requirements would be academic allairs. has gone through a period ol evolution its military science requirements, but discriminatory and not acceptable under When J. W. Palmore. university at- since the early 1960s Before the sum- that the department "would be Ihe one to Title IX." torney, was asked il he thought (he mer of 1969, the program required men look into the matter" il a complaint was According to Title IX ol the Education requirements were in violation of Title with 30 hours or less to lake the military liled. Amendments ol IMS, "No person in the IX. he said he has noi heard anything sciences courses, and after that turning He explained anyone can enter a United Stales shall, on the basis ol sex, from HEW point only the lirst four hours of the In- written complaint briefly stating the be...subjected to discrimination under Palmore said when Ihe Title IX troductory courses had to be taken, and issue and the problems to be in- any educaiion program or aclivily compliance dale lor universities was set the remainder ol Ihe eight hours could be vestigated. He said after a complaint is receiving lederal linancial assistance..." in July, all institutions had to submit a options. Sometime later, the program issued, Ihe investigation might take report ol its programs to HEW. "They permitted men to take eight hours of several monlhs-up to a year or longer. The way (he military requirements ol have done an investigation, Ihe in- options. If the complaint was found to be valid, Central University College ICUCI are formadon is in (heir office, but we Kowlelt went on to say thai no com- HEW would inform Ihe university in outlined in the catalog, men are required haven't gotten a response yet." plaints from students had been brought writing, giving the results of the in- to take elgTit hours of military science Palmore added thai Title VII, alao to his office, and added, "At this point, I vestigation and the length of time in course* IMIL 101. 102, 201. and 2021 or concerning sex discrimination, Title IX can't predict what changes will be (See REQUIREMENTS, sage leal Referendum to determine SGAK role By DIANA J. TAYLOR Editor A week Irom today, students will be asked to vote on a referendum during the Student Senate's spring vacancy elec- **•»■*- «K» Y—i tions. Fighting frostbite The referendum will determine student opinion on whether or not the Student Heavy snows again covered campus this makes her way through the wind and Association here should join the Student week making Ihe travel to classes more snow while walking along by the John Government Association of Kentucky of a struggle than a stroll Karen Miller, Grant Crabbe Library. (SGAK). sophomore from Wheelersburg, Ohio, Jim Murphy and Mike Duggins, co- founders of the organization with Western's Student Association president, To save students money... said SGAK, when it gets organized, "will be a bargaining power for students and will put Kentucky students in a better PHk Ik* to position than those in other states" who do not have a similar group Mixiday night was Bingo night sponsored by Women's Interdorm in the Powell G8. 115. Murphy said the importance of SGAK Matt ox to close Cafeteria and students walked away with prizes donated by Richmond merchants Shown here are iLefti Susie Corbin. iRight, front to rear) Teresa Butler, Shelly is that it will provide "more power with WetalWII. and Sue Nowland more people." B3. Bingo I By DIANA J. TAYLOR other dormitories, as will other em The primary objective of SGAK, ac- Editor p.loyes, il and where positions are cording to Duggins, is communication In a meeting with Mattox Hall House available. Council members and administrators The savings, Myers said, will allow the and working together It will be, he said, University to keep costs as low as To supplement Handbook "a unified state student lorce." Monday morning. Dr. Thomas Myers, vice president lor student affairs, an- possible lor all students. "Students are Institutions which have shown an in- nounced that Ihe dormitory will be closed Ihe winners when money is saved," he on students' rights terest in SGAK include both stale and for the spring semes(er. said. private schools such as Western, Myers read a statement to the group Mallox Hall residents must be out of Murray, Berea, Pikeville, the University which said, in part. "It is obvious at this the dormitory by tomorrow. Myers said of Kentucky, the University ol Louisville, time that male enrollment this semester the University will extend all services Kentucky State, Bellarmine and Mid- will not support Mattox Hall remaining available to make Ihe move a? easy as way. open during the spring semester, 1976." possible, including (rucks (o transport Senate to publish pamphlet The major reason for Ihe closing, personal belongings. A secondary' consideration ol ihe Myers said, was to save money.
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