■^1 / ^--f.x% r :j - i' / ■ i t-' ■ • /V.fij / v : f>V SATURDAY, JIARCH 20, i m t f iKattr^Bter lEmQtns' If^rald' / '. I Red Cross Fund Drive in Fi^M W ^k- m X, Z- lons could bs4r the punch line A ir ] ^ c e Openg agton. there was laughter. Mayor Declares Wildlife Week In Manchster Average Daily Net Preaa Run For the Week Rirted , / Hwird Along Main Street ' Alba Fratlnoola Enliglment^istg MaMh 30, 1984 Oitonear-sighted frtend. the owl, / ■ / ■ ‘ in dominstuig the local Ellgibiit young nisn between toe ' d m eei aMt And on Sinn^ of Manche$ier*8 Side Streets, Too scene Jiis past week and egM of 17'snd 35 may now snlUit 11,195 the milch-maligned para- Member ef Mm Audit ’ / Thbiga to DakV ato wind up was at a Spring train- it completely out of the picture. in toe^lted SUtea Air Force for ■«*YAU ef arautottone / OB Of Mr. M d Diaciplea of. t h e \ achool of basebail-garae. ^ But, to thU Instance, contrary .^Miate shipment to Sampson i- , thought which holda that moat couples knew they would to the customary nature of things, Manchetter-^A City of ViUage Chdrnt SS iW«y St.. -ir Force’ Base, for eight weeks of / SMUi'a Ust for paoMe talk too muto abqut noth- the sunny South during the it was a caseiof “where” and not W c training. M/8gt. O, P. Max- -'M tiu Uidvor* b if a t all look wdth conMderable tome time. They hsd rooms m the “Who.” field, station commander,' of toe yOL. LXXIII.n o . 145 (Claaelfled Advnrtialug ea Pa||u 14) wk^ro Se ia • plaaaure and much hope upon the same hotel. - / Early last^week we had a re­ Hertford Army and Air Forco MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY. MARCH 22, lf54 (SIXTEEN PAGES) .MW’ The Red Sox, rolling atog on a port of a lonely striglforme who eaperlencaa of. the Rev. John L. Reeruttifig Station, jounced to-, -X Miton ' of . Loa Angles. While . Sla . five game winning streak, came had taken, up quarters in a riitoer day that there is no longer a^wsit- ■ ........ •fanattUng, it U tx- wife was in conference with the into Miami to meet the Ehooklyn- (onhfdable tree on Vernon Street, tog list for the Air Force, «lao \ • rmmnoti -rf* stork, Mr. Nixon received, over w Dodgers in a three-game series. north of Arthur Steele's house. that no high school education 'to Arikraaiida loudspeaker, a play-by-play ac­ As could be expected in thia But even before we had a chance needed for enlistment. Young men Edgq tnareh akMic count of 'uie procetoings in the neighborhood of s ^ d Red Sox end to investigate, we rtoelyed a sec­ who can qualify should contact , ' j aboA 6:8p delivery ward as he paced anxious­ Ysnksn fans Uito appear to be ond report out of Bolton which T h r e ^ it Rgt. Msxfield at Hartford toi fur- ly around tha Fathers* Room m evenlj: divided,/one cou:le was a lamented the disappearance of an f]^ Information. tha hospital. staunch r o o ^ for the Bosox. owl called Tyto. It seems that the een H e ld I of ioAi p(^la motorad The loudspeaker cleared Its Fanatical Red Sox. fans, you might latter had decided to venture out \ V _____k,' TInttaday, to vlait to to at. *‘Mr. Mixon! Tour Wife his call them.\ into the cruel world on his own li'DatoBM OndiMr,. M Bank entered the delivery ward! Bvery- The otheV fellow and his i ^ e do hook. '* , Luiiierwedg Hear Codaid T. Jackaon, ISS Sun* tolBg la Just dand^ Normal In not clattn aillegiance to apy one To. make m atters yrorse, our in- B y Chavez « t . and B an BldwaD, 32 M t every way. Relax! Don’t worry.” ‘team but have, a slight weakness fqrmant told ‘us he was a rather Mug|eal Program Then, after a dramatic pause, that has a Brookljm flavor. pami^red and lielpless creature, Washington, March 22 “Stand by for further announce­ Going to_th* gnme was “taking who had suffered a severe mishap fopJiOTorfi for the graduating Class of 1954 at Manchester 2EJ.SSJ“J5S ^rlfiS the last tinie he took off on his —Sen, Chaves..(D-NM) ap-‘ tdrtoa nndarnma aorgary.' tnK U m en t”. a chance” with the boosters of th: A record nulihber of members e f^ iigh School this year are taken by Roger Turkington «nd peated today"t6^e gaining a r»itti>g food jpTograaa toward ra* ■ H ie clock's hands Crawled. “At­ Begn-towners because the huoband own. It was even said that on his toe Lutheru’eda of toe Emanuel Maniynjtogers as vsledictorian3 and James Tatro as aalutS' oStny, ^UBd tka othara ara doing tention, Mr. Mixon! listen closely accompanying them said he has previous excursion he didn’t have toeran Ourch turned out for voting edge in hig battle to now,” From the loudspeaker there enough sense to come out of the a 'delicious ham supper to Luther P^^'iicipal Edaon Bailey announced at two honor aS' never seen the Red Sox win a MmUlea held this morning. q>-^------ ------:------ —^ ^ ------- - retain his Senate seat. issued a sharp slap, followed al-- game. rain. lest night. With debate opening on a resolu­ Well, quite natuisdly,. as yyhi ThU contlnuee the acholoxtlc OCfkara of tka Walthar Laagua moat immediately by "w-a-a-a-k.” “Whyr I was up in Boston one A \very inspiring Mrvice was tion to declars his seat vacant be­ Then, "Cmgratulitions. Mr. Mix­ day a few years ago and the Red can imagine, we put two and two held ikthe chapel, following the dominance of the boys which began cause of election irregularities, of Lutheran Churdi wlU at> together and decided that Tyto lext year when, for the flret time Co-V aledictorians Remove Ship Firc yictim tifA H a offlcara eoafarenOB Na«r on. You are the fither of a fine Sox had an 8-0 lead. That waa the supper, after which a musical pro­ Chaves seemed likely to benefit r Bid ^Espionag^* boy. Seven pounds.” year Joe DiMaggio missed the flnt was the owl holed uP in the Vernon gram wa^ebjoyed Ih Luther Hall. to, toe 60 y ean of the achool’e his­ froto Republican ebaencea in a vote ■aa^uul Oiatrict. tomorrow after- Street tree. We were quite happy tory, the two higheet places.ware Boon «t 4, in ,Bethany Lntharan Mr. Mixon grinned. "Wonderful, half of the season and came back The m ei^to of the program —possiUy tomorrow—that is ex­ isn't it? The doctor has a nice in the Boston aeries to prove idle­ about this Seady solutito to the committee whro Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ awarded to two boys, John J. pected to follow party lines closely. CiBirck. 1859'Boatarard, at South owl problem and we prepared to AIttoon, Jr., end Oiarlei, F. Shaver, By '^extron a^ki AU WM Hartford. voic«.** ness hsd not taken anytolng away mond Lucious\chairmen, Mr. Sen. Bridges (R-NH) was taken CaseAir&g The pleaianteat thought to Come from his game. The Yankees came fom t the whole thing. Mrs. Robert Hmmea and Mr. jJr, ------- to. Bethesda, Md.. Hoapitol today from this hixtoric Cxparimiut is from briiind to win.” ftit, unfortunately, as is often Hersld Phete.^ Mrs. Peter .Rencneff. The la VWmlly Truditlon after a d iuy epell Ctopitol doctors Ibe'Baw. St^5” * the case, our srithmatlc was a Mayor Sherwood Bowers ia toown above, surrounded by presidents of the sportsmen’s cluba In aWtitra aacratary .of the Baatem that it strikes a deadly blow at Suoh was the case two weeks ment ceimmittee ebneiated ' Taking the- top position to the Bold was brought on by a virus in­ Waits Test those chit-chatters who,- if th w ago last night when Boston led little bit off. Our two and two Manchester as he signed a p ro ^ m atio n declaring the week of March 31-37 .ISfational Wildlife Week in end Mrs. Rudolph clOM is no( a new feat for me.m- fection. There was doubt he would Is Dropped Mteaarane OoUoga, WoUaaton Park, turned out to be only one two. Iq Manchester. Wildlife \yeek wul be observed across the nation.' Shown above, standing, left to right, Qdncy, Maaa.. will kMak at<' the ara lucky enough to survive, lesif Brooklyn 3-0 in the eii^ith Inning. Mr. end Mrs. Puul ’Thyrpdn, Mr. bere of the Ro(,'en family, for a bff able to return to vote tomorrow. Manager Lou Boudreau inserted a other words tbe owl on Vernon are. President C. G, Smith pc the Manchester Rod and Gun Club, President Griswold Chappell of the and Mrs. HermonV Peterten, Mr. ■ xieter of Marilyn, Constance Rog- At- least one other Republican XOMS worahip aervtea tomorrow a t with, "Say, did 1 UU you about^ Street was s/ulffsrsnt owl than Manchester Coon and Fox/Club, President Nelson Quinby of Die Menchestar Sportsmen’s Assp., and Tru­ Boflton, March 22 (A*)— Washington, Bfflrch 22 (ff) the Church of the Naaarana. Mon my operation?” .The. unfortunate ^ k ie pitcher who proceeded to and Mrs. Howorii Halverson and ere. waa valedictorian of her clam, Senator boa Indicated that he will Lack of a quorum today are stuck with the gory and min­ wato four men la X row and force the Bolton v^f. man Cowles, presideat o ^ h e Barber HiH Field Trial Club. / . Mr.
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