Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (2006) 2075.pdf STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF THE SURFACES OF TROJAN ASTEROIDS FROM REFLECTION AND EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY. Joshua. P. Emery,1 Dale. P. Cruikshank,2 and Jeffrey Van Cleve3 1NASA Ames / SETI Institute ([email protected]), 2NASA Ames Research Center ([email protected]), 3 Ball Aerospace ([email protected]). Introduction: The orbits of Trojan asteroids (~5.2 AU – beyond the Main Belt) place them in the transi- 1.0 tion region between the rocky inner and icy outer Solar 0.9 1172 Aneas System. Most Trojans were traditionally thought to 0.8 have originated in this region [3], although other loca- 1.0 tions of origin are possible [e.g., 4,5,6]. Possible con- 0.9 nections between Trojans and other groups of objects 911 Agamemnon 0.8 (Jupiter family comets, irregular satellites, Centaurs, Emissivity KBOs) are also important, but only poorly understood 1.0 [4,6,7,9]. The compositions of Trojans thereby hold 0.9 624 Hektor important clues concerning conditions in this critical 0.8 transition region, and the solar nebula as a whole. We discuss emission and reflection spectra of three Trojans 10 15 20 25 30 35 Wavelength (µm) (624 Hektor, 911 Agamemnon, and 1172 Aneas) and implications for surface structure and composition. Figure 2. Mid-IR emissivity spectra of Trojans. Vis-NIR Reflectance Spectroscopy: Reflectance studies of Trojans in the visible and NIR (0.8 – 4.0 Analysis: The Trojans have a similar spectral shape µm) reveal dark surfaces with mild to very red spectral to some carbonaceous meteorites and fine-grained sili- slopes, but no distinct absorption features (Fig. 1) [e.g., cates (Fig. 3): a 10-µm plateau is followed by a broad 10, and refs therein]. These spectra can be adequately rise near 20-25 µm. Upon closer inspection, several modeled with a combination of silicates and carbon or differences are apparent: the 10-µm plateau is narrower can include small amounts of organics [11,12]. for the Trojans, their spectra do not rise as sharply near 15 µm. No minerals in available spectral libraries re- 0.10 solve these differences, nor do linear mixtures of up to five components. Such analysis is limited by the avail- 0.05 1172 Aneas able libraries (e.g., minerals, grain size, type of reflec- 0.15 tance) and the simplifying assumption of linear mixing. 0.10 1.0 624 Hektor 0.05 911 Agamemnon 0.9 Geometric Albedo 0.10 1.0 ALHA 77003 (CO3) 0.9 (< 60 µm) 0.05 624 Hektor 1.0 Tagish Lake 1 2 3 4 0.9 (< 125 µm) Wavelength (µm) 1.0 Fo88 (< 30 µm) Figure 1. Vis-NIR reflectance spectra of Trojans. 0.9 Blue are silicate models, red include some organics. Emissivity 1.0 Mixture 5 (< 75 µm) 0.9 Thermal Emission Spectroscopy: Silicate spectra 1.0 Forsterite (750 - 1000 µm) in the mid-IR (~5–40 µm) are dominated by Si-O fun- 0.9 damentals, and other minerals also have diagnostic bands [e.g., 13,14]. The infrared spectrograph (IRS) 10 15 20 25 30 35 on Spitzer operates over the range 5.2 – 38 µm [18]. Wavelength (µm) Current data: The spectral energy distribution Figure 3. Emissivity spectra of meteorites, minerals, (SED) recorded by IRS is dominated by the thermal and mixtures. Sources: ALHA 77003 [20], Tagish continuum. Emissivity spectra, which accentuate spec- Lake [21], Fo88 [13], mixture 5 is 63% Fo92 + 28% tral features, are created by dividing the measured SED enstatite + 4% muscovite + 2% pyrophyllite + 3% cal- by the modeled thermal continuum (Fig. 2) [19]. cite [13], Forsterite [14]. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVII (2006) 2075.pdf The 10-µm plateau in spectra of cometary comae are similar width to those in the Trojan data, and possi- 1.0 624 Hektor ble double peaks near 18 and 24 µm also align (Fig. 4). Emissivity features from surfaces, where scattering is 1.0 very important, should not generally be compared to HCN polymer those from extended, optically thin comae, where scat- 0.8 tering is negligible. Nevertheless, the Trojan spectra 1.0 Amorphous Olivine do resemble those of cometary comae. 1.0 Granular Mix 1.00 Emissivity 0.90 Intraparticle Mix 624 Hektor 1.0 2.5 vis-NIR Mix 2.0 1.0 1.5 Hale-Bopp 0.8 1.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 Wavelength (µm) Flux / Continuum 1.10 Figure 5. Hapke-Mie models of minerals/mixtures. 1.00 SW1 in the peak-up images and the 2-D spectral images, as 10 15 20 25 30 35 Wavelength (µm) it was for SW1 [23]. We therefore consider a coma around the Trojans to be very unlikely. The second Figure 4. Emission features in comets Hale-Bopp [22] possibility is that a fine-grained, low density regolith and Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (SW1) [23]. with a “fairy-castle” structure emits in a manner similar to an extended coma. We do not really know if emis- In an effort to overcome some of the shortcomings sion from such a surface would mimic an extended associated with comparisons to spectral libraries, we coma. Additional laboratory studies exploring the de- also use Mie and Hapke scattering theories to calculate pendence of the emissivity on surface structure would emissivity spectra of minerals and mixtures from help to test this idea. The third hypothesis is that fine- measured optical constants. Neither amorphous sili- grained silicates are imbedded in a matrix of material cates nor organic materials match the Trojan data (Fig. that is relatively transparent in the mid-IR. We can 5). Granular (salt and pepper) mixtures of the avail- begin to test this hypothesis using the Hapke-Mie hy- able materials have the same faults as meteorites, min- brid model along with Maxwell-Garnett theory, but erals, and linear mixtures from above. Furthermore, the libraries of optical constants are limited. More labora- specific mixtures that fit the vis-NIR reflectance data tory studies of mixtures and derivations of optical con- do not match the mid-IR thermal data. Intraparticle stants would help test this hypothesis. mixtures, in which one material is dispersed through- References: [3] Marzari, F. and Scholl, H. (1998) Icarus, out a matrix of the other, show more promise. In the 131, 41-51. [4] Shoemaker, E.M. et al. (1989) in Asteroids II, example shown, with HCN polymer as the matrix ma- pp. 487-523. [5] Jarvis K.S. et al. (2000) Icarus, 145, 445- terial and forsterite the secondary component, the 10- 453. [6] Morbidelli, A. et al. 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