Free Gratis Volume 14 Number 7 A Bi-Cultural Publication July, 2019 La Voz 8 August 1879 10 April 1919 Page 2 La Voz Newspaper - July 2019 People in the News Association’s Spirit of Community She was preceded in death by her hus- Award. band, Rudy H. Santos. Survivors in- clude her children: Mari Lou Garcia Every day in her work as a lawyer, Jes- of Angleton, Irene Keaton (Bruce) of sica is reminded of what she learned Georgetown, Rudy R. Santos as a child: the rules of the game are (Rosalie) of Angleton, Gracie Egan not fair for most Americans. Too many (Bob) of Georgetown. Other survivors Mendoza is First representatives in Washington have include her sister Molly Diaz of Ricardo Lara Elected forgotten the struggles and dreams of Angleton and grandchildren. Hispanic to serve as our families here in Texas. NALEO President A&M Chairman WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association of Latino Elected and he Texas A&M University System T Jessica Cisneros Appointed Officials (NALEO) today Board of Regents elected Elaine Running for Congress announced the election of its new presi- Mendoza ’87 to serve as board chair- dent, California Insurance Commis- man. Mendoza is the second woman Jessica Cisneros is a Democrat run- sioner Ricardo Lara. and the first Hispanic to serve as ning to represent Texas’ 28th district Chairman of the Board of Regents in Congress. As the daughter of Mexi- Raised in California by immigrant for the Texas A&M System. can immigrants and a human rights parents from Mexico, Commissioner lawyer, Jessica is fighting to build an Lara is the first openly gay NALEO endoza is founder, president, and M America for all of us - no matter who President in the organization’s history CEO of Conceptual MindWorks Inc., we are, or where we come from. Efrain Gutierrez and the first LGBTQ elected statewide a biotechnology and medical Chicano Film Pioneer leader in California’s history. informatics company in San Antonio. Jessica was born and raised in Laredo, Elia Santos She was first appointed to the Board Recognized for His Texas. When her older sister needed Passes Away in “As Latino leaders, we are fully aware of Regents by Governor Rick Perry urgent medical care that was only avail- Work Over the Years of the diversity of the American expe- in 2011 and reappointed by Gov. Greg Angleton, Texas able in the United States, her parents For contributions to film, The Acad- rience and the shared immigrant heri- Abbott in 2017. She received a Bach- immigrated here to start a new home Elia Santos, 87, of Angleton passed emy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci- tage that defines our nation despite our elor of Science degree in Aerospace for the Cisneros family. Her dad away peacefully at her home. She was ence Preservation and Foundation differences,” said newly elected Engineering from Texas A&M Uni- picked fruit and started his own truck- born June 11, 1931 in Uvalde, Texas Programs selected Gutierrez to be NALEO President and California In- versity. ing company to make ends meet and to Nazario & Dolores Garza part of the permanent Academy Film surance Commissioner Ricardo ensure his two daughters could make Rodriguez and was the youngest of Archive collection. Lara. “I am humbled and honored to Mendoza, whose term as a Regent ex- it through high school. four siblings.With her late husband, lead NALEO during such a historic pires 2023, was elected to a two-year Rodolfo “Fito” Santos, she moved He will be presented as a unique and time for our country, as we develop the term as chairman, replacing former Jessica excelled at Early College with her four children ti Angelton, personal window into motion picture next generation of leaders who will put Chairman Charles W. Schwartz. “I am High School in Laredo and graduated Texas in the late 1960s. history at the Academy Museum of the values of public service ahead of grateful to Governor Abbott for my re- as valedictorian. She earned her under- Motion Picture Arts and Science in all else.” appointment to the board in 2017 and graduate degree from The University Elia was an active member of the Los Angeles, California. am most appreciative of my colleagues of Texas at Austin and her law degree Angleton-Danbury Auxiliary for Born in 1974, Lara attended Los An- for their support and vote of confi- from The University of Texas Law more than twenty years. She also vol- Back in the 1970s, Gutierrez pro- geles area schools and graduated from dence,” Chairman Mendoza said. School, where she specialized in im- unteered at the St. Thomas Resale duced films like Run Tecato Run, San Diego State University with a “Serving the Texas A&M System as a migration law. For her leadership and Shop and was an active member of the Please Don’t Bury Me Alive, and bacherlors degree. He is currently Regent is an honor and a great respon- commitment to keeping immigrant Most Holy Trinity Catholic Commu- Amor Chicano es Para Siempre/ working on a Masters degree from the sibility. I know our Board will continue families safe and together, Jessica was nity. She was engaged in the lives of Chicano Love is Forever. University of Southern California. the legacy of always putting the inter- awarded the Texas Law Fellowships her children, grandchildren and great Lara was elected to the California est of our students, faculty and the state Excellence in Public Interest Award, grandchildren. Her hobbies included Today he lives in San Antonio, Texas. State Assembly in 2010 and in 2012, of Texas first.” the Pro Bono Award, and the gardening, traveling and family. She Check him out on the internet. More he was elected to the California State Chicano/Hispanic Law Students’ lived for the holidays and family time. info to come. Senate. PRODUCTION La Voz Newspaper - July 2019 Page 3 PRODUCTION Editor & Publisher AlfredoEditor & SantosPublisher c/s Using Circus Theory Editorial Alfredo Santos c/s Managing Editors to Understand Trump AssociateYleana Santos Editor MollyKaitlyn Santos Theiss El Presidente No es Pendejo ContributingGraphics Writers AliciaJuan Perez Gallo - Hodge Most of us know what getting people to ooh and Liz Lopez a circus is. Some of us aah, almost on “Q”. have been to a circus. ErnestoDistribution Nieto The P.T. Barum and Take for example the recent El Team Bailey Circus was speech he gave on the 4th of Distribution indeed a spectacle when July. As he spoke he made ContributingAnna Valdez Writers it rolled into town and reference to the soldiers in Alfredo R. Santos c/s Skylar Bonilla paraded to the location 1776 and how they protected Editor and Publisher TomWayne Herrera where the big tents had the airports. Almost LaHector Voz email:Tijerina been set up. immediately the internet La Raza [email protected] Cano went wild with oohs and aahs Watching all the about this perplexing Round Table PUBLISHER’S people set up the tents statement. The critics came STATEMENT and bringing in the out in droves. La Voz is a monthly publi- elephants, lions, tigers cation covering Bexar, and bears was a thrill in But what if you were to learn Brazoria, Caldwell, Comal, itself. that the President made this Fort Bend, Guadalupe, comment on purpose? What Hays,Maverick,Travis, Once inside the big tent if you were to learn that like the ringmaster took center for because they would perform the circus ringmaster, you were Uvalde, Valverde, stage under the spotlight and rotines and make you oooh and being given something to ooh Williamson and Zavala Where friends and enemies addressed the audience aaah. Last but not least was the and aah about? Counties. The editorial and through a microphone. person who was shot out of a come together for breakfast business address is P.O. Together with all his assistants cannon. That was the real President Donald Trump tacos every other Saturday and Box 19457 Austin, Texas he would call attention to the thriller. no es pendejo. He knows exactly discuss the important issues of 78760. The telephone num- trapeze artists swinging from what he is doing. He knows how ber is (512) 944-4123. The above. Then he would call to If you liked and understood the to use his twitter account and the day. We meet at 4926 East use, reproduction or distribu- your attention the elephants circus experience, it should be technology to get the audiences Cesar Chavez Street in Austin, and the tricks they could do on easy for you to understand tion of any or part of this pub- to watch the monkeys tumble Texas every other Saturday at President Donald Trump. lication is strongly encour- command. But it was the and the lions to roar. Pass the clowns that everybody waited He is the ringmaster today and 10:00am aged. But do call and let us popcorn. Es todo! he is doing an excellent job of know what you are using. Letters to the editor are most welcome. Por cualquier pregunta, Mailing Address: llamenos: E-mail: Workers Defense [email protected] Project (512) 944-4123 Phone: (512) 391-2305 5604 Manor RD Page 4 La Voz Newspaper - July, 2019 WORDEN TO LAUNCH SBOE gives final ONLINE PHD PROGRAM approval to four new The Worden School of Social Service at Our charter schools Lady of the Lake University (OLLU) will build on its tradition of excellence and fill a growing need with the launch of an online PhD program The State Board of Education today endorsed in the summer of 2019. recommendations by the commissioner of edu- cation to authorize four new charter school op- erators.
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