Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 23, 2015 OUR 125th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 30-2015 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Council Welcomes New CFO Scott Olson By DANIEL SAVICKAS of the council approved the motion authorized the town’s Chief Financial Specially Written for The Westfield Leader swiftly and unanimously. Officer (CFO) to draw warrants for WESTFIELD – In what was a slow Councilman Della Fera then moved certain funds required by the town. summer meeting for the Westfield Town forward with 15 resolutions from the Included in such warrants was a war- Council July 14, several resolutions town’s Finance Policy Committee. The rant for funds regarding the issuance of were passed concerning the town’s fi- first 14 were packaged together as one marriage and civil union permits. Also nances and properties, as well as a for a voice vote, whereas the 15th such included was the drawing of a warrant couple of resolutions from the town’s resolution was voted upon in a roll call for the refund of a construction permit Public Works Committee. format. Each of the 15 also was passed for a standby generator. First Ward Councilman Sam Della unanimously by the council. This comes on the heels of the ap- Fera moved to process bills and claims Most of the financial resolutions pointment of a new CFO for the town. in the amount of $636,167.52. The rest passed by the council that evening Scott Olson recently assumed the posi- tion after coming in from Summit. After the meeting concluded, Council- man Mark LoGrippo of the Third Ward expressed his excitement at having Mr. Olson come aboard and being able to work with him in the future. Also on the agenda for the meeting were multiple resolutions to approve the demolitions of six single-family homes in the town, as well as other resolutions stemming from the town’s Benjamin B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader Code Review and Town Property Com- HOMES UNDERWAY…Construction has begun for The Enclave at Shackamaxon on Lamberts Mill Road. The homes will mittee brought to the floor by Second be for those 55 plus and are being built by Toll Brothers. Ward Councilwoman Vicki Kimmins. The council passed each resolution unanimously, with the exception of one resolution regarding the demoli- Fanwood Council Passes tion of a property. In that matter, Fourth Ward Councilman James Foerst ab- stained from voting on a Kensington Drive application due to a conflict of DPW Pact With Garwood interest. The homes slated for demolition are: By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Joe Sarno of Little Avenue in amended to reallocate money to fund 603 Cumberland Street, 201 Baker Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Garwood said, “there are loopholes engineering work for work on Madi- Avenue, 1020 Ripley Avenue, 609 FANWOOD — The mayor and in the agreement.” He said the Com- son Avenue. Kensington Drive, 111 Greene Place council approved Monday two reso- mon Sense Shared Services Act “could A corroded pipe in the basement of and 12 Bates Way. lutions to enter into a shared-services hurt both towns down the road.” The the train station resulted in four feet After a couple of unanimous ap- agreement with the Borough of legislation removes barriers for shared of water that flooded the basement. AN HONOR...A proclamation was presented to Chief Warrant Officer Rob provals of resolutions from the Public Garwood for sharing Fanwood’s di- services between five counties in New The borough will replace the pipes, Murphy of the 1st Battalion of the 57th Troop Command on behalf of Mayor Works Committee presented by First rector of public works. The director Jersey, and Union County is not Mayor Mahr said. Andrew Skibitsky and the Town of Westfield during the Nolan Family of Ward Councilman Frank Arena, Mayor would be hired by Garwood for 10 to amongst them, he said. Girl Scout Samantha McCallion Westfield "Welcome Home" party on July 18. The mayor saluted CWO Murphy Andy Skibitsky adjourned the meet- 15 hours per week at a rate to be “We do a lot of shared services in was presented with a pin of the Bor- and others who have served their state and country and thanked him for his ing, seeing as there were no reports by determined in about a week, Borough the town,” Mayor Colleen Mahr said. ough Seal by Mayor Mahr for having personal sacrifice and dedication in preserving America’s security and well- department heads to be given. At that Administrator Eleanor McGovern “We spend a tremendous amount of attained the highest achievement in being. Pictured, left to right, are: CWO Murphy and Westfield Councilman time, the members of the council dis- told The Westfield Leader. The reso- time with the attorney and insur- Girl Scouting — the Gold Award. For Frank Arena. banded and mingled with the few people lution would become effective Satur- ance…” she added. her Gold Award Project, Samantha CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 day, August 1. The Borough of Garwood passed, developed a cookbook for children County Freeholders Adopt 5-to-1, a resolution recently that would with special dietary needs and Mayor dismiss its director of public works in Mahr said the borough has estab- Mountainside VFW Seeks order to enter into a shared-services lished Samantha McCallion Day. Bond Ordinances for $47 M agreement with Fanwood. The Three other Girl Scouts, Erin Garwood municipal chambers was O’Connor, Abigail Fossaceca and By MICHAELA WINBERG Irvington Avenue,” said Director of Upgraded Memorial Park packed with residents opposing the Caroline Ringel, also have achieved Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Finance for Union County Bibi Taylor. dismissal. the Gold Award, but were not present. ELIZABETH — At the regular meet- Ms. Taylor added that this ordinance By CHRISTINA M. HINKE ans Project, P.O. Box 1163, Moun- Two amended ordinances were The borough has sent a letter to ing of the Union County Freeholders would not create debt that the taxpay- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tainside, N.J. 07092. VFW 10136 is a passed on second reading. An ordi- PSE&G asking for the utility to “stand on July 16, two ordinances were adopted ers of Union County have to pay off MOUNTAINSIDE — Veterans of New Jersey Non Profit 501(c)19. nance was passed to increase the funds strong in their denial for the easement unanimously by the six Freeholders because there is sufficient revenue com- Foreign Wars (VFW) Post No. 10136 The redesign also would come with allotted for a fire truck for the that the Pilgrim Pipeline is seeking,” present at the meeting. ing in to offset the expenses. is seeking an upgraded memorial park a new name — Mountainside Memo- Fanwood Fire Department. The cost Mayor Mahr said, for its pipeline to The first ordinance authorized a bond Additionally, multiple resolutions at Constitution Plaza, as Post Com- rial Veterans Park at Constitution of the truck was approximately transport oil. Mayor Mahr said the of $44,904,146 that will afford “vari- were adopted, which include, but are mander Tim McLaughlin made a pre- Plaza. $30,000 underestimated, Deputy pipeline “poses a significant risk to ous public improvements and the ac- not limited to, topics such as no fare sentation to the borough council and At the start of the meeting, the Administrator Fred Tompkins told our community” and gives “no ben- quisition of new, additional or replace- increases for NJ Transit customers, mayor on Tuesday. borough council and Mayor Paul The Leader. The new truck, a pumper, efits back to us.” ment equipment,” according to the approving use of the Watchung Reser- “The location is too small for us,” Mirabelli presented the Governor can be ordered the end of August. Burns Way and La Grande Avenue meeting’s agenda. This includes new vation for an Obstacle Run on Satur- Mr. McLaughlin said. The memorial Livingston High School Varsity Base- Also, an ordinance from 2001 was CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 technology and communications equip- day, September 19, 2015, and securing park has garnered the attention of ball and Softball Teams with resolu- ment, new automotive vehicles and a a contract for tree trimming with Rich many veterans who come out to the tions of commendation on their wins new fire engine. Tree Service in South Plainfield. memorial presentations the VFW post this year. The baseball team won state The second ordinance that was Freeholder Vernell Wright presented holds at Constitution Plaza. The revi- champs with a 28-to-6 record. The adopted secures a bond of $2,200,000 a resolution to congratulate Ana Harper talized park would allow for addi- softball team won county champs for the “purpose of providing addi- of Springfield and Lisa Adams of Union tional space for ceremonies and a with a 22-to-5 record. tional security,” according to the on their honors at the Susan G. Komen knee wall for older veterans to sit, The borough council and mayor meeting’s agenda. Volunteer Recognition Dinner. and would help to “enhance the focal passed six resolutions. Included was “This guaranteed bond ordinance According to Ms. Wright, Ms. Harper point,” he said. one to cancel a receivables balance. provides supplemental funding for an was diagnosed with breast cancer at The estimated cost of the project is The budget included a FEMA New affordable housing complex at 350 CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 $30,000. To date the VFW has re- Jersey Hazard Mitigation Grant in ceived $2,000 in gift cards to the the amount of $142,080; however, Home Depot from a community grant FEMA would not pay the grant be- by the Home Depot Foundation.
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