Technological University Dublin ARROW@TU Dublin Journals and Periodicals Irish Tourism Archive 1940 Irish Travel, Vol 16 (1940-41) Irish Tourist Association Follow this and additional works at: https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap Part of the Cultural History Commons, European History Commons, Geography Commons, Tourism Commons, and the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Irish Tourist Association, "Irish Travel, Vol 16 (1940-41)" (1940). Journals and Periodicals. 19. https://arrow.tudublin.ie/irtourjap/19 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Irish Tourism Archive at ARROW@TU Dublin. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journals and Periodicals by an authorized administrator of ARROW@TU Dublin. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License Oc ober, 1940 THREFPh.(E ,,). 't' MAKING AN ARAN PAMPOOTIE How to make a pampootie, or rough slipper fashioned from cowhide, is here demonstrated by a grand old Man of Aran. The pampootie is the native footwear of the Islander. IRISH TRAVEL October, 1940 Telephone: Telegrams: Dublin 71371 (6 linos) OreslJam. Dublin DUBLIN THE GRESHAM HOTEL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Suites with Private Bathrooms. BANK OF IRELAND Ballroom. Central Heating. Telephone and FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS Hot and Cold Running Water in every AT Bedroom. Restaurant, Head Omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN Grill Room, Tea Lounge and BELFAST CORK. DERRY Modem Snack Bar. IRELAND'S ~ JCVJCRY DXSORIPTION 01' I'OR1UGN lI:XOHANG& NEWEST and MOST MODERN HOTEL BU8INIl88 TRANSAOTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS ~ BY DAY OR NIGHT AT OOBH (QUIlENSTOWNj APARTMENTS from 7/6 AND GALWAY DOOJl:S. l Resident Manager T. O'SULLIVAN MUNSTER & LEINSTER BANK, LIMITED. PRINCIPAL HEAD OFFICE: DUBLIN 66, South Mall, OFFICE: Cork. 7-10, Dame St. Capital Subscribed £1,875,000. Capital Paid-Up 750,000. Reserve Funds 1,000,000. Deposits, etc. 24,589,000. Having as many as 129 Branches and 86 Sub-Branches and being represented in every County in Irelano the Munster & Leinster Bank Ltd. is placed in an advantageous position to afford banking facilities of every description. It specialises in Foreign Exchange transactions and Executor and Trustee business and has Agents and Correspondents throughout the World. October, 19-+0 IRiSH THAI/EL Wholesale from llle SUBSCRIPTION: : Irlsb Tourlsl AssoclalloD 5/- PER ANNUM, Ii aDd from Posl Free. IRISH EabOD &0 SoD. Lld. Relall fr9m COPIJ:S FREE all Newsa~eDls and TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE frem lbe ASSOCIATION AND Irlsb TourlS! Assoolalbn. OF ITS ASSOCIATE PrI~ 3d. DEPARTMENT. '~=="I;";~~~~~=:O~f;;'fiCialOrgan of the Irish Tourist Association and of the Irish Hotels Federation VOL. XVI. OCTOBER, 1940. No. 1. '):C.H. Hnnual 6enettal meeting Calendar for October WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, IN DUBLIN HE Annual General Conference puolications and the initiation of it ,.,. of members of the IRISH big scheme for the organisation of ..... "ON. T". ..... ..... .... T TOURIST ASSOCIATION will open Holid'l.Y Savings Clubs in hish .. .. 1 1 3 4 5 at II o'clock on Wednesday, October industries. 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 23rd in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin. New President. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I this meeting will hear the annual At the September meeting of the 10 11 It t3 14 t5 16 report on the Association's activities Board of Director, ~1r. J. W. t7U if 30 31 .. .. for the pa t year. l\Iongan, T.D., a founder-member The report, now complete, will of the LT.A. was unanimously disclose a very satisfactory po ition, chosen bv his fellow-Directors as a far as the majority of Irish President~elect of the Association On other I)ages reso: ts are concerned. It will also for the c;>ming year, many apprecia­ of this :1ssue reveal even more comprehensive tions being expres ed by his tourist publicity schemes approved colleagues of his untiring services (Special Hunting Number) by the Directors for the year about in the interest of the Iri h tourist Al\GLING ... Pike Fil>hing is plenti- to begin-schemes including, in industry. 'Varm tributes were al 0 ful in Irish water. See what Mr. addition to Press advertising and paid to the outgoing President, Mr. Gaffe)' writes of it on pagp 11 widespread editorial publicity, a F. A. l\Ioran, who had guided the COMPETITIONS ... Full details of series of lectures on Irish If'sorts .0 destinies of the Association with our £50 Photo Competition on he delivered by 1I1r. D. L Kelleher conspicnous success during a most the Back Cover of this Irish during the winter months, the issue clifficul+ year of office. Travel. Senel in your holiday of a large' schedule of holiday snaps before> the end of October! ............................., CURIOSITIES ... A page of oddities in our Insh Capital, is page principal Contents EXCAVATIONS ...You'll like read­ ing about this new onc of a very Pag'] old fort near Caherciveen. On Hunting Goes On page 4- By Stalli,lalls Lynch :{ HOTELS ... Plenty of reading for Excavating an old fort in Kerry .. 4, these. particularly on pages 15 al,d 17 List of Irish Hunts, .'-lasters, Secre- tarie", Fees, &c. .. 5- HUNTING .... H'1l1ting has jU5t Curiosities Around Dublin .. 9 begun. and the many interested in this .. Sport of Kings" are Killaloe, in County Clare catered for on pages 3. 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8 By Patrick Hogall 10 Pike Fishing in Irish Waters KILLALOE ... This grand old City Bv Laurie Gaffey 11 of Kings is reviewed by Patnck Hogan on page 10 The Road Along the West By MaurQ Luverly 12-1:l RADIO. ... One of our popular Radio Holidav Talks, that by Roundstone, in Connemara :\lrs. Maura Laverty, is repro- By John C. Boyne lo! duced on pages .... 12 and 13 Hotels and the Law- ROUNDSTONE ... Loved by \V. B. 2. \Yho i> a 'Traveller'? Yeat5 and described by an artist Mr. J. W. MONGAN, T.D. By Seamlls Ua h-Eamhthaigll 15 as .. Ireland's most beautiful President-elect, Irish Tourist Association. Of Interest to Hotels 17 vill gc." this spot in Connemara Chairman, Irish Hotels Federation. A Directory of Irish Hotels HI features on page .• 14 I IRiSH TNAVEL October, 19-10 NOTES AND NEWS Resort Reports ... News from U.S.A. Angling in Ireland Round the Resorts News From U.S. EPTEMBER reports from the principal holiday resorts in Ireland make pleasant reading. Late­ Our good friend Pat Stant0n of \\'DAS Broadcasting Sseason holidays were the order of the day, this Station, Philadelphia writes us by air mail that he has year, and the fine weather of last month stood weIl bv m?de contact over there with a national distributor the holiday-makers. In many centres, hotels and guest for the distribution of his fifrn Here Is Ireland. Mr. and boarding houses were packed to full capacity, while Stanton made this film when he was over in Ireland the verdict of caterers for the holiday market was "a during Summer, 1939: all his prints are in full colour, marveIlous season." The demand for holiday accom­ with l.Ommentation by himself. He assures us that thousand~; modation continued right up to the end of September within the next six months hundreds of of and a few resorts report October bookings. We quote people will be acquainted for the first time with Ireland's hereunder a digest of some of the returns:- wonders and beauties. BRAY. A good season, on the whole, and Hp to last From Boston, Mass., writes Miss Ellen O'Connor, year's standard. The first half of September was regretting her inability this year to effect her annual particularly good. Angling- in :he district was favour­ trip to Ireland. In January last, Miss O'Connor lectured able, there being a satisfactory run of salmon and white in the Boston Library to a crowded house, every scat trout. being full long before the time to begin. Her subject DINGLE. A satisfactory season, if not quite as good was IRISH MEDIAEVAL CRAFTSMANSHIP, illustrated by as 1939. September was one of the best months. Among her own slides made from material gathered by her in the visitors were the U.S. Embassador and the U.S. Ireland. On next year's programme she will feature a lecture on THE ABBEY CHURCHES OF IRELAND1") Consul. '"o,,6"~ GLENGARRIFF. An excellent season, this vear On St. Patrick's Day, this year, Miss O'Connor and better than last year. Weather very dry, on the deli"ered another important illustrated lecture, this whole, which meant light rivers. But brown trout was time to the Boston Women's City Club, the subjcct (and still is) plentiful in the Caha lakes. being-, JUST IRELA:s'D. This was the '-ery fir t lecture KJLKEE. As least as good as last vear. ~lany on Ireland ever given at this important women's Club, hotels were booked out and the seaweed Baths were which has a membership of more than three thousand most popular. ~rany new visitors came anrl were women, mO:it of them in professional work. The delighted with the bathing facilities. They all promised lecturer showed 263 slides, mostly in colour, and spoke to return. for 2t hours, without an intermission. She was warmly KILLARNEY. The HJ40 season was not as g-ood as applauded by the audience. 1939 but September was quite fair and fishing was very good in the latter half of the month. The local Tourist New Pictorial Souvenir of Ireland. Association is carrying out big improvements and "Worth huying and worth keeping" is the general extensions in the Hatchery, including the provision verdict on the Pictorial Souvenir of Ireland.
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