2 | Jan. 4, 2018 NEWENGLANDEXTRA.com Classifieds WANTED LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS Minerals and Other Oil/Gas Inter- Published in ing, 231.95; 40527, , VOID, 395.00; 2,669.58; 40583, , Shannay Witte, vember fundraiser. ratio of students/teachers in the ests Send details to: PO Box 13557 The Herald 40528, , Microsoft Corp, 1,198.00; 35.98; 40584, , Worthington Direct, c.Life touch retake picture day No- Health Careers Classes. Denver, CO 80201 January 4, 2019 40529, , MDU, 6,117.62; 40530, , 739.02 vember 14. OLD BUSINESS: NDCDE, 139.00; 40531, , New Eng- REPORTS: d.Christmas Concert December 1.Ronald McDonald Dental Mobile ND CLASSIFIEDS New England Public School land Park Board, 1,700.00; 40532, , 1.Business Manager Report: 12th. a.Here at the school from Novem- District #9 NDAll State, 288.00; 40533, , Praxair, a.Revenue report, expenditure re- e.Map testing result are being re- ber 5th – November 9th. HELP WANTED Regular Meeting 68.25; 40534, , Preble, 112.00; port and balance sheets presented viewed. 2.Electronic Board Meeting Man- MAYVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY is The regular meeting of the New 40535, , Region 10 Music/Drama, to the board. f.Parent lunch October 15th. agement seeking applicants for various po- England Public School Board was 100.00; 40536, , Sax, 596.08; 40537, b.DPI payment for November pre- g.Student Council game night be- a.Discussion on electronic board sitions including Accounts Receiv- called to order by President Leah , School Specialty, 223.94; 40538, sented. ing planned. options. able Specialist, Academic Advisor, Madler at 7:10 a.m. Board member , Sports Awards, 313.50; 40539, , c.Canvasing the Election. Jeff Hewson joined the meeting at 3.Tuition Agreement – Beach and Admissions Coordinator . For attending: Leah Madler, Connie Jal- Kevin Stoltz, 28.88; 40540, , Teacher i.Scott moved to approve the elec- 7:48 a.m. a.Discussion on tuition agreement. more information, please visit may- bert, Scott Monke and Daren Raf- Innovations, 270.00; 40541, , VISA, tion results as presented: Total 4.Transportation Report: NEW BUSINESS: villestate.edu/employment. ferty and Jeff Hewson. Board mem- 357.53; 40542, , West River Health votes cast 352 - 224 votes in favor a.Bus #3 is in for repairs. 1.School Construction Loan Appli- RAW (COOPERSTOWN, ND). Full- bers absent: none. Also attending: Services, 200.00; 40543, , Wolf and 128 votes against. Daren sec- 5.Budget and Finance Committee cation time traveling Commercial Applica- Superintendent Kelly Koppinger, Body and Glass, 3,424.74; 40544, onded the motion. Leah aye, Con- Report: a.Scott moved to approve the tors for railroad vegetation control, Principal Lori Fitterer, Business 11/12/2018, Acme Tools, 49.11; nie aye, Scott aye, Daren aye. Mo- a.2018 -2019 Budget – Adjustments school construction loan applica- 60-80 hours/week, competitive Manager Tamara Volk. 40546, , Bismarck Tribune, 37.20; tion carried 4-0. for revenue discussed. tion. Daren seconded the motion. wage and benefits, plus meal allow- Scott moved to approve the agen- 40547, , Bowman County FFA, ii.Connie moved to adopt the 6.Negotiations Committee Report Scott aye, Daren aye, Leah aye, Con- ance, paid lodging. 888.700.0292 | da. Daren seconded the motion. 665.75; 40548, , Carolina Biologi- resolution for the general obliga- a.Discussion on starting the nego- nie aye, Jeff aye. Motion carried 5-0. www.rawapplicators.com | info@ Connie aye, Scott aye, Daren aye, cal Supply, 430.72; 40549, , City of tion bonds special election. Daren tiations process. 2.2019 – 2020 Daft Calendar rawapplicators.com Leah aye. Motion carried 4-0. New England, 898.60; GF #40550, seconded the motion. Connie aye, 7.Curriculum and Policy Committee a.Discussion on 2019 – 2020 draft FARMERS UNION OIL in Portland is Connie moved to approve the min- 11/12/2018, Consolidated Telcom, Scott aye, Daren aye, Leah aye. Mo- Report: calendar. looking for a full-time truck driver utes from October 15, 2018, Octo- 220.52; 40551, , Country Media, tion carried 4-0. a.Step Up to Writing will be incor- 3.Student Engagement Survey in the propane department. CDL ber 17, 2018 and November 1, 2018. 194.40; 40552, , D and E, 1,888.67; 2.Superintendent Report: porated into curriculum. a.State requires a survey given to required, hazmat and CETP training Leah seconded the motion. Scott 40553, , Dakota Dust-tex, 57.40; a.Information presented on the 8.Buildings and Grounds Commit- the students. Last year was the first preferred. Full single benefits, paid aye, Daren aye, Leah aye, Connie 40554, , Ecolab, 139.03; 40555, , Ex- three-class system for athletics. tee Report: year of the survey. Will bring results vacation and 401k. Pick-up applica- aye. Motion carried 4-0. press Stop, 2,424.52; 40556, , FFA, b.Information on new bus driver li- a.Committee Meetings – Meeting when completed. tion at Portland station or call 701- Daren moved to approve the board 1,428.21; 40557, , Fisher Scientific, cense regulations. will be set up soon and start final- 4.NDSA 788-3760. bills as presented. Scott seconded 886.94; 40558, , Lori Fitterer, 162.83; 3.Principal Report: izing plans for bids. a.NDSA/ACT Option – Tests allowed 2018 ND MEDIA GUIDE: Names, ad- the motion. Scott aye, Daren aye, 40559, , Forum Communications, a.One Act Play Competition last 9.RESP for school improvement data. We dresses, phone numbers, e-mails of Leah aye, Connie aye. Motion car- 37.00; 40560, , Steven Gussey, week. Jasmine Augare best actress, a.No report have elected to use the NDSA test. all ND newspapers, radio/TV sta- ried 4-0. 279.04; 40561, , Conway Heupel, Justin Kathrien honorable mention 10.RACTC 5.Student Enrollment Summary tions, specialty publications. Only Payroll #9202 – 9211 DD8110 87.67; 40562, , ITD, 1.84; 40563, , best actor. a.Director evaluation and financial a.Official enrollment at of 11/8/2018 $25. ND Newspaper Association, – 8163, 10/31/2018, Pay- IState Truck, 54.44; 40564, , Jacob- b.Collecting for Dakota Children’s discussed. New RACTC website is is 301 students. 701-223-6397. roll, 107,527.21; Activity Fund, sen Music, 360.06; 40565, , Daryl Advocacy Center – No Shave No- up and running. Discussion on the 6.December Board Meeting date _____________________________ 10/9/2018, Activity Fund, 13,750.09; Jung, 33.25; 40566, , Jason Jung, and time BIDS GF#40512, 10/30/2018, ABM, 375.00; 40567, , JW Pepper, 25.99; a.December 17th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. THE GARRISON FIRE Department is 1,648.20; 40513, , ABM, 1,328.45; 40568, , Keane Hanson Plumbing, 7.Miscellaneous Items seeking bids for a new pumper. Bid 40514, , Blick Art Materials, 79.59; 65.00; 40569, , Benjamin Krebs, Tours Meeting adjourned at 9:17 a.m. specs can be requested by email- 40515, , Border States, 195.00; 329.75; 40570, , LaQuinta , 844.00; Bob’sBASEBALL Leah Madler, President ing [email protected]; calling 701- 40516, , City of New England, 40571, , Martin’s Welding, 395.00; See MLB Games in Tamara L. Volk, Business Manager See MLB Games in 897-1635 (Bruce) or 701-337-6439 995.80; 40517, , D and E, 140.94; 40572, , Menards, 388.34; 40573, Boston, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & (Paul). 40518, , Dakota Dust-tex, 205.05; , NASCO, 116.85; 40574, , Quill, Phoenix, Colorado & New York (Yankees & Mets). _____________________________ 40519, , Designer Care Co, 153.24; 1,303.04; 40575, , RESP, 105.00; a day at the Grand Canyon Also, visit Pro Football, Baseball & Basketball Halls of Fame. REAL ESTATE 40520, , Dons Filters, 114.80; 40521, 40576, , Jamison Sabo, 53.23; Tour begins in Phoenix/ends in Denver. Tour begins in Newark/ends in Cincinnati. GRAIN FOR SALE , The Herald, 75.00; 40522, , Conway 40577, , Sargent-Welch, 481.19; June 24-28, 2019 May 25 - June 2, 2019 ND FARM LAND Values surge up- Heupel, 38.84; 40523, , Jacobsen 40578, , Topline, 677.67; 40579, , $1,195/person* $2,150/person based on double hotel occupancy* ward. Are you selling or renting? Music, 50.00; 40524, , Daryl Jung, VISA, 1,462.28; 40580, , VISA, 84.60; MARKET Pifer’s Auction and Farm Land Man- 51.96; 40525, , JW Pepper, 238.65; 40581, , Tamara Volk, 218.72; 40582, Coach bus tours. Good game tickets. Quality hotels agement. Bob Pifer 701.371.8538. 40526, , Keane Hanson Plumb- , West River Student Services, Call for Free Brochure: 507.217.1326 Kevin Pifer 701.238.5810. Free valu- Scranton Equity ation. _____________________________ Exchange Elevator MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Michael Wedwick, Grain Manager FOR SALE Scranton, ND EVERY NORTH DAKOTA newspaper. Workover 1-800-422-0583 That’s where your 25-word classi- Water & fied ad will appear for only $160. Rig January 1st, 2019 Contact this newspaper for details. Pressure 12 Protein $4.70 _____________________________ MISCELLANEOUS Truck Hands 13 Protein $4.75 HAVE A NEWS release or other in- Entry Level 14 Protein $4.80 formation that needs to reach all Positions with no 15 Protein $4.85 ND newspapers? ND Newspaper Drivers experience available 16 Protein $4.90 Association can help! One call does Competitive wages DOE, health insurance, Competitive wages DOE, health insurance, it all. 701-223-6397 or you can email Winter Wheat, 12’s $4.42 [email protected] 401K plan, & 40 hr. week guaranteed. 401K plan, & 40 hr. week guaranteed. Winter Wheat, 13’s $4.47 MUST PASS DRUG AND ALCOHOL TEST. MUST PASS DRUG AND ALCOHOL TEST. Durum Milling $4.50 Please call 406-778-3856, stop in the Please call 406-778-3856, stop in the Durum Amber $3.50 office or go to our website to fill out an office or go to our website to fill out an Barley $2.30 application.
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