HE E ;lSH ERA~L_D VOL. XIII, No. 38 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Vladeck, 51, Dies Roundup Laid to "Plot" on Hitler Congress Plans Systematic After Heart Attack LONDON. - The newspaper Daily Mirror alleged this week Was Head of that Germany's round-up of Anti-defamation Drive Here ORT Polish J ews was the result of Federation the discovery by the German NEW YORK. - Leaders in all secret police, the Gestapo, of a Reaffirm Faith in walks of life this week mourned plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler Elected Zionist Officers the passing of B. Charney Vlad­ and his chief lieutenants. eck, late president of the Ameri­ The newspaper reported, Democratic Principles can ORT Federation, who distin­ without crediting any source, guished himself as an outstandin:4 Condemn Rule of that the alleged plot was con­ spokesman and active worker in ceived b y Polish anarchists Force, Violence all fi elds of service that h ad as who formerly lived in the NEW YORK. - The American its aim the· betterment of the l~u­ Sudetenland area and entered Jewish Congress concluded a mah race. Mr. Vladeck died on Germany, each sworn to -kill three-day Session devoted to a Sunday· evening, following a heart Hitler or die. discussion of the many problems attack a few days previous He It was asserted that when confronting Jewry throughout the was stricken while attending a Hitler visited the grave of his world with the adoption of a session of the New York City niece in Austria a few days series of importan resolutions de­ Council and was taken home and ago a bomb was discovered in signed to meet to the extent possi­ then removed to Mount Sinai Hos­ the cemetery. ble the existing situations. pital where his death occurred. The .first r esolution adopted by Mr. Vladeck has been associated the American Jewish Congress with the American ORT Federa­ expresses "its deep belief in the tion ever since its founding iu final victory of the democratic 1922 and has been president of Pope Likens Hitler ideal and calls for the strengthen­ the ORT since 1932. He has ing and the enlarging of the co­ toured the country in its behalf To Nero in Address operation both of Jewish interna­ and has made many trips tional and national organizations to Eu­ CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy.­ rope investigating conditions of with all democratic forces The voice of Pope Pius trembled SAMUEL MICHAELSON MAURICE W. HENDEL of the the Jews in Poland and other world in the common fight with emotion as he denied that countries. He was against the establishment of a firm believer the Holy See pursued political an in ·the philosophy of the ORT international system b ased on the aims. It was ·obvious that the Rabbi Miller Urges Support which aimed at making Jews rule of force and violence. The pro­ venerable pontiff was deeply ductive workers. solution of the J ewish problem." touched and speaking from the Of Zionist Movement Here . the Convention recognized, "and depths of his heart, but with firm­ Mr. Hendel and Mr. Michaelson ization, held last Tuesday m ght the re-establishment and safe­ ness and determination unusual .vere elected president and vi~e- at the Crown Hotel. guarding of Jewish civil and min­ in a man of his years, when in a Needle Trade Colony )resident, r espectively, of the Other officers elected. were ority rights depend upon the vic­ speech to 300 professors of Christ­ ?rovidence Zionist District, at James Goldman, treasurer; Albert tory of democracy." ian archaeology gathered in Rome Homes for Rent .he annual meeting of the organ- L. Rosen, finan7ial secretary, !a­ Very serious consideration was he compared Chancellor Hitler cob S. Rabinowitz, corresponding HIGHTSTOWN, given by the Session to the de­ N. J. - Seven- with Julian the Apostate and re­ secretary a nd Leo Mann, record­ ty-five of (Continued on page 2) the 200 one and two- called Nero and the Apostle Ju­ ing secretary, and an executive family dwellin nti-Catholic Agitator gs at J ersey Home- das in denouncing in strong terms committee of thirty-five. steads, the co,operative agricultur - Nazi attacks. Rabbi Irving I. Miller of Far al-industrial colony Beth-Israel established Although he was deeply hurt fined in Louisiana Rockaway, N. Y., a member of Officers here for Jewish needle trade by the Nazi accusation of politi- ALEXANDRIA, La. - Making the Action Committee for the workers from New York by the cal aims attributed to the Holy short shrift of four men accus- World Zionist Orga)nization,1 in In Seminary Conclave F ederal Farm. Security Administ- See ed of distributing literature at- addr essing the meeting said, A committee consisting of the ation, were being offered for rent , tacking Catholics and urging Fas- "Support of the Zionist movement officers of Temple· Beth Israel to­ this week to outsiders in the vi- Ladies Aid Assists cism, City Judge Gus A. Voltz by American Jewry is the sole gether with the Rabbi will part­ cinity because there are not fined them each $100 and senten- means by which we can safe­ icipate. in the arrangements for enough jobs available at the co- 53 Families in Oct. ced them to 90 days in jail on guard the rebuilding of the Jew­ the Seminary Conference to take operative clothing factory to just- Mrs. Evelyn Granoff presided charges of "peddling and selling ish National Home in Palestine." place at the Narragansett Hotel, ify the settlement of additional at regular monthly meeting of without state licenses." Philip V. Marcus, retiring pre­ Sunday afternoon and evening, colonists. • the Ladies Hebrew Union Aid As- He suspended the jail sentences sident, called on Mr. Hendel who November 20. Operations at the factory have socia· t · h Id T esday at on condition that the men pay the 10n, e on u promised untiring efforts toward The following are on the Com­ not risen to original expectations, th eir· h ea d quart ers, 191 Orms St fine and leave town. "Our state, • the accomplishment of an active mittee : Jacob Licht, president of Walter A. Simon, project mana- Rabbi Meyer Levinsohn addressed parish and city are made up of Zionist District. the Temple; William H. Smira, ger, said. the gathering. God-fearing people-people of all vice-president; Morris Narva, Mrs. I. Weiss, treasurer, issued faiths a nd creeds who enjoy Cb G" N • treasurer; Joseph Greene, finan­ a report that fifty-three families friendship of each r egardless of u a 1ves az1 cial secretary and Joshua Bell, were assisted with coal, food or- religious beliefs," Synagogue Hebrew Judge Voltz recording secretary. ders and money, during the said. The four men were Eric On the program also will ap­ month of October. A r eport was W. Ruckman of Los Angeles; Cle- Party Legal .Status pear, Joshua Bell, who will part­ also submitted by Mrs. Herman ment Mathis and School ·Re-Opens Robert Graham HAVANA. _ Having amended icipate in the discussions on J ew­ Swartz, chairman of the Coal of Baton Rouge, La.; and Carmen its program to bring it into Announcement was made this ld f N J har- ish education and Jacob Licht, Drive. Go en o ew ersey. mony with the Cuban cons week by B. Zeidel, president of -------------- j titu- who will participate in the dis­ the Sons of Zion Hebrew School ___f_____ d___ G-- h-etto Advocates .tion by omitting all references to cussion on Synagogue organiza­ that the school has been re-open- Se l ,_ M a e ! race, the newly organized Nazi tion. Dr. Louis Ilie Berger will ed for the new term, under the j party of Cuba was given legal act as chairman of one of the standing by the authorities. round-table discussions on the supervision of Rabbi David Wer- The ner, assisted by the following Con d emne d by S ec ' y. I C k es latter had previously re- subject: "The Advancement of jected an application for legal Jewish staff: William Fishbein, princi- ST. LOUIS. _ Jews who op- Jew on the Supreme Court would , Learning." status because the party s pro­ pal; Ezekiel Fish and Meyer Ger- pose the appointment of other create further anti-Semitism, Mr. gram contained "legal defects" in eboff, assistants. Jews to high public office in fear Ickes said they "seemed to forget the form of clauses advocating ra- Vienna Nazis Seize The study course h as been re- .that such appointments foster an- that the coward who runs away cial d\scrimination. Legal sta­ Jewish Museum vised along modern lines, and a ti-Semitism were denounced by from his mortal enemy justly for- tus has also been granted to the VIENNA. - Nazi party officials Junior congregation of students Secretar y of Interior, Harold L. feits the guerdon of the brave." new Cuban Fascist party. seized Vienna's famous J ewish has been formed, with the pur- Ickes as proposing a "self-made They proposed, in effect, a self- Museum, the property of the Is­ pose of training pupils to con- ghetto." made ghetto, and sought the ear raelitic Cultural Community duct services. Assignment of Speaking at a memorial meeting of President this Hoover to gain Presi­ Berlin Closes week. homework is party of the study for the late Justice Benjamin N. dential sanction for that ghetto. Jewish Classes The museum has exhibits of course. Cardozo under the auspices of These Jews were no less blind in BERLIN. - All Jewish meet­ the history of Vie~nese Jews and Students may be r egistered Temple Israel Brotherhood, Mr.
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