
893 -1460. Railings Communications of Ill. Inc. (acq WYBR -FM -See Belvidere 6- 27 -88). Format: Adult contemp. News staff 2. Target Illinois Radio audience: general. Mark Railings, pres & gen mgr; WZOK(FM)- Listing follows WROK(AM). Rick LeCompte, gen sis mgr; Kathleen Desmond, prom mgr; Cheri Preston, news dir. Rates: $11: 7.50; Rock Island 11: -. Skokie WZNF(FM)- Licensed to Rantoul -See Champaign. WKBF(AM)-Feb 16, 1925: 1270 khz; 5 kw -U. DA-N Box 3100 (61204): 225 18th St. (61201). (309) WCLR(FM)-Aug 18, 1961: 101.9 mhz; 4.2 kw. Ant 786 -1800. Roth Broadcasting of Quad Cities Inc. (acq 1,561 ft. Stereo. 8833 Gross Point Rd. (60077). (312) River Grove 3- 16 -87). Group owner: Roth Communications. Net: 677-5900. Bonneville International Corp. (group owner; CBS. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: C &W. Spec prog: acq 8 -70). Rep: McGavren Guild. Format, Adult * WRRG(FM) -March 10, 1975: 88.9 mhz; 100 w. Ant Farm 9 hrs wkly. David A. Roth. pres; William L. contemp. Spec prog: Jazz 6 hrs wkly Chet Redpath, 127 ft. 2000 Fifth Ave. (60171). (312) 456 -0300, ext Adams, gen mgr; Ellie De Smet, gen sis mgr; Lee pres & gen mgr; Sheila O'Connor, gen sls mgr; Dave 462. Triton College. Format: AOR. News progmg 2 hrs Lawrick, prog dir; Jeff Dellitt, news dir: Terry Graver, Ervin, prog dir; Barry Keefe, news dir; Ron Turner, chief wkly. Target audience: 15 -30. Spec prog: Blues 2 hrs, chief engr. Rates: $34; 19; 26; 14. engr. Black 2 hrs, reggae 2 hrs, jazz 4 hrs, reggae 2 hrs, metal 4 hrs, progressive 2 hrs wkly. Anne Henge- WPXR-FM-Co-owned with WKBF(AM). October 1947: hold, gen mgr; Mark West, chief engr. 98.9 mhz; 39 kw. Ant 900 ft. Stereo. Net: ABC /R. South Beloit Format: Top prog -40. Jim Schaefer, dir. WBEL(AM) -Licensed to South Beloit. See Beloit, Wis. Robinson WVIK(FM) -Feb 25, 1963: 901 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft.2 Stereo. Augustana College (61201). (309) 794- WTAY(AM) -Jan 9, 1956: 1570 khz; 250 w -D. Box 245 South Jacksonville 7500. Augustana College. Net: NPR. Format: Class. (62454). (618) 544 -2191. Ann Broadcasting Corp. Spec prog: Jazz 9 Firs wkly. Don Wboten, gen mgr Net: AP, Brownfield. Rep: Walton. Format: MOR. Spec WJVO(FM) -See Jacksonville. & acting news dir; Lowell Dorman. prog dir; Mindy prog: Farm 12 hrs, C &W 12 hrs wkly. Ernest W. Heusel, opns mgr; Christopher Downs, chief engr Patton, pres; Jerry F. Tye, gen mgr; Dennis Hare, Sparta coml & prom mgr; Roger D. Reynolds, mus dir; Bill news Bachelor, chief engr. Rates: Cox, dir; Billie C. Rockton WHCO(AM)-February 1955: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. Box $11: 11; 11; -. 255, Hwy 154-W. (62286). (618) 443 -2121. Hirsch Communication Engineering Corp. Net: ABC/D, Ill. WTAY-FM -Jan 4, 1963: 101.7 mhz; 1.45 kw. Ant 466 WRWC(FM) -March 1963: 103.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Farm Bureau, Brownfield. Format: Classic pop & rock, ft. Dups AM 100%. ft. Stereo. Box 345 (61072). (815) 624-2603. WRWC Inc. Group owner: Salter Broadcasting Co. Net: MBS. farm, talk. Target audience: 25 -55. Spec prog: Country Format: Adult contemp. William L. Dommer, pres & 10 hrs, relg 20 hrs wkly. Jack L. Scheper, pres & gen Rochelle gen mgr; Ed Myers, gen sis mgr; Rhonda L. Moe, prog mgr; Don E. Welge. sec; Mike W. Welge, tress; Pam & mus dir; Charles Ingle, chief engr. Rates: $26; 31; Schoenberg, sis mgr; Kay Joiner, asst sis mgr: P.J. WRHL(AM)-Sep 16, 1966: 1060 khz; 250 w -D, DA. 26; 15.50. Rushing. network dir; Torn Ladd, prog dir; John Box 177 (61068). (309) 562 -7001. Rochelle Broad- Scheper, mus dir; Mike Hoeft farm dir; Jackie casting Co. Inc. (acq 10- 11 -70). Net: Ill. Farm Bureau. Scheper, women's dir; Peyton Colston, PSA dir; Dan Format: MOR, modern country. James F. Feather, Rushville L. Schnoeker, sports dir; Den Stork, asst sports dir; pres & gen mgr; Joni Feather, mus dir; Jeffrey Leon, Brian Ethington, librarian; Mike Arnold, news dir & chief news dir; Roger L. Belke, chief engr WKXQ(FM) -May 1, 1985: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw, Ant 328 ft. engr. Rates: $40; 35; 30; 30. WRHL -FM-Oct 5, 1973: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 180 ft. Stereo. Box 396, 123 N. Liberty (62681). (217) Dups AM 50 %. 322 -3396 or (800) 227 -5996. Berrey -Price Commu- nications (acq 5- 1 -85). Net: CNN, Transtar, Westwood One, Ill. Farm Bureau. Rep; Keystone. Format: Adult - Rock Falls full service. News staff one; news progmg 20 hrs wkly. Target audience: 18 -34. Spec prog: Relg 6 hrs, rock WSDR(AM) -See Sterling. 6 hrs, farm 6 hrs, country 3 hrs wkly. L. K. "Bud" Price, pres & gen: Cathy M. Price, gen sis mgr; Kevin Rockford B. Sager, prog dir; David N. Burke, mus & sports dir; Bruce Boston, prom mgr; Pam Phillips, news dir; WKKN(AM) -Dec 1, 1964: 1150 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. Dwayne Davis, chief engr. Rates: $6.80; 5.25; 6; 1901 Reidfarm Rd. (61111). (815) 877 -3075. Midwest 4.50. FM Inc. (acq 9- 17 -86). Group owner: Mid -West Family Stns. Net: ABC /C. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & Springfield Howard. Format: C &W. Duane Daniels. pres & gen Salem WCVS(AM) -1922: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U. 3055 S. Fourth mgr; Curtis King, mus & prom dir; Chuck Colley, news 16, 1956: 1350 khz; 430 w -D. Box St. (62708). (217) 528 -3033. FAX: (217) 528 -5348. dir; Brien Prenevost. chief engr. Rates: $19; 18; 19; WJBD(AM)-Dec 70 (62881). (618) 548 -2000. Salem Broadcasting Co. Eastern Broadcasting Corp. (group owner; acq 4 -1- Net: NBC, US Progmg. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 66). Net: ABC /D. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: WKMO(FM) -See Winnebago. 4 hrs, C&W 3 hrs wkly. Bryan Davidson, own & chief Oldies. News staff 3. Target audience: 25-54; upscale. engr; Steve Ebbs gen & gen sis mgr; Bruce Kropp, Roger A. Neuhoff, pres; Geoffrey Neuhoff, gen mgr; WLUV(AM )-See Loves Park. prog & news dir. Kevin O'Dea. gen sis mgr; Ron Dennington, prog dir; WNIU(FM) -See DeKalb. T.J. Hart, mus dir; Susanne Cams, prom mgr; Charles WJBD -FM -June 1, 1972: 100.1 mhz; 1.6 kw. Ant 451 McBarron, news dir; Jack Molder, chief engr. Rates: mhz; WQFL(FM)-May 2, 1974: 100.9 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Dups AM 95 %. $38; 36; 38: 30. ft. Stereo. 5375 Pebble Creek Trail (61111). (815) 654 -1200. First Assembly of God Church. Net: UPI. WFMB(FM)- Co-owned with WCVS(AM). July 1965: Format: Relg. Barry Armstrong, gen mgr; Mike Sandwich 104.5 mhz; 43 kw. Ant 430 ft. Progmg sep from AM. Marino, prog dir & prom mgr: Jimmy Donoho, mus dir; Net: ABC /I. Format: Country. Target audience: 25 -54; Joel Griffith, news dir. Rates: $22; 22; 22; 18. WAUR(AM)- Licensed to Sandwich. See Aurora. upscale adults. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Ed Janik, prog dir. WROK(AM )-1923: 1440 khz; 5 kw-D, 500 w -N, DAD. Box 6186 (61125); 3901 Brendenwood Rd. (61107). Savanna WDBR(FM)-Listing follows WTAX(AM). (815) 399 -2233. Nolte Communications Inc. (acq WFMB(FM)- Listing follows WCVS(AM). 10- 1 -63). Net: ABC /D, NBC Talknet. Rep: McGavren WCCI(FM) -Nov 7, 1971: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Format: Adult Vernon A. Nolte, WMAY(AM) -Oct 15, 1950: 970 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 Guild. contemp. Stereo. Box 310, 316 Main (61074). (815) 273 -7757. chmn; John A. Nolte, pres & gen mgr; Mark McClure, w -N, DA-2. Box 460 (62705). (217) 629 -7077. WMAY Carroll County Communications Inc. (acq 9- 1 -76). opns dir; David W. Salisbury, VP & consultant; Ronald Inc. (acq 12- 7 -76). Group owner: Mid -West Family Net: ABC /D. Format: Country. News staff one. Spec Gallina, VP & gen sis mgr; Greg Strassell, prog dir; Stns. Net: NBC. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & prog: Farm 15 hrs, big band 10 hrs wkly. John Bob Presman, VP news & pub affrs; Ken De Coster, Howard. Format: Contemp country. Thomas M. "Beaver" Miller, pres, gen & gen sis mgr; Scott news dir; Marvin Beasley, chief engr. Rates: $64; Kushak, pres & gen mgr; Dane Jensen, gen sis mgr; Hanson, prog & mus dir; Mark Schoenig, news dir. Paul Landecker, prog dir; Rob Baxter, chief engr. 45; 47; 15. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 7.50; 7.50. WZOK(FM) -Co-owned with WROK(AM). 1949: 97.5 WNNS(FM)-Co-owned with WMAY(AM). Nov 1, 1980: mhz; 50 kw. Ant 235 ft. (CP: Ant 429 ft.). Stereo. Prag 98.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from sep from AM. Stereo. Format: CHR. Steve Summers, Shelbyville AM. Format: Lite rock. Rob Baxter, prog dir & prom prog dir. Rates: $67; 47; 49; 16. mgr; John Hoffman, news dir. WSHY(AM)-Nov 24, 1972: 1560 khz; 500 w -D, DA. kw. WRRR(AM) -Dec 24, 1953: 1330 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. Box 149 (62565). (217) 774 -2146. Kin Do Communica- WVQNA(FM )-Aug 31, 1979: 88.3 mhz; 3 Ant 80 2830 Sandy Hollow Rd. (61109). (815) 874 -7861. tions Inc. Net: NBC. Format: Mod country. Robert A. ft. 2201 Toronto Rd. (62707). (217) 529 -5431. Capital North Star Broadcasting (acq 11 -86). Rep: Banner. Kincaid, pres & gen mgr; Jim Watton. gen sis mgr; Area Vocational Center. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Div. Format: Classic rock. Spec prog: Jazz 2 hrs wkly. Ken York. prog dir; Frank Konwinski.
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