. MONDAY,. DECEMBER 22, 1952 ^ G B TWENTY-EIGHT ^ i-ir fBattrljfBtpr O w n in g Utralh Last Evening Shopping Hours —Stores Will Close at 9 O ’Cloch, ■4- Temple Chapter,' No. 53, OES. ■ will postpone its meeting from Average Daily Net Press Run Abbut Town \Vedn^ay,''Chrtstmas eve. to Rjfl- The Weather^ day, Dec. 26, in the Masonic Tem­ For the Week Ended Dec. 20, 1»S2' Foreeaat -of U. 8. Weather Bnrean ..‘tu n d iiy afternoon Andernon- ple. A hrief business meeting will Auxiliary. No. 204^. jfave a be followed by the annual Christ­ Otrlatmaa party for cl^Mrrn of mas party in the banquet hall and 10,860 Cloudy, Mwaaional freeaing drtt- atambara at the VFW' ripme, Man- each member is asked ^to bring a For Late Shoppers zle tonight; min. 28-82. Light min Hale's Member of the Audit 50 cent gift for exchange. Carol dliaatar Green. ^ p i U of Mias Ros­ late W'edneoday. alia Outpdelalne presented a dance singing will be led by Mrs. Mar­ Bureau of Circulations pracram. with Mrs. Rose Chapde- jorie Hall, accompanied by Miss Manchester— City of Village Charm Udnc at the piano. Kathy and Mabel Trotter. Refreshments will Gary Kdaak. Leslie Eklwards. be sep'ed. (aiwBifled Adverttaing m Pag* 14) Qarol Patrucalli. Nbreen Leber. - — * JEW EL b6 x ES VOL. LXXII, NO. 71 MANCHESTER,4 X •CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS B m rly Barccr. Brenda Baker and Mrs. Kenneth Morrison o f 258 with icif raising tray. , I)otuia K d w a r d s participated. High street, who has been a pa­ Carol i<ngtnf followed and Santa tient at Manchester Memorial CUius was present to greet each Hospital and is convalescing at child and to distribute gifts, candy her home, extends appreciation 12.98 Ike Hears and fruit. and thanks to the carolers who sang for her last evening. Mrs, \.J HALE'S For Xmas Gift Mr., and Mrs. H. D. PUter of Morrison has been chaplain of ¥ Gerard street will leave tomorrow Manchester Grange for nearly five O f Hoover ta spend Christmas with their ne­ 16 Persons Drowned, years. phew, Capt. Kenneth Joneq. who is stationed at Fort Holabird. near Baltimore. Md. From there they HOSIERY will proceed to Virginia for a visit with relatives of Mrs. Jhiter. LET US FILL YOUR First quality full fashioned nylons in regular and New York. Dec. 23—<4^— dark seams, also fancy heels. hv President - elect Eisenhower ■/\r lunched today with former Rescue Boat Paris, Dec 2.3__(/P)__ Presi- tcrences with political leaders to* like there was a conspiracy against No-Mend Walking Sheers .... $1.65 Pr. President Herbert Hoover to dent Vincent Auriol today IT SIGN CO. I __l®a*t until the nation has a bal- Won 14 Tlnse* discuss- reorganization and >0 Commerctal Lettering Called for an»* <*sHyered Alba Perfect Fit Nylons lO im a llj accepted the resig- ancej budget. The President also he held his coelltlon firmly streamlining of the executive promptly at eltra $1.15 to $1.75 Pr. nation of Premier Antoine may seek to mend the govern- together, Plnay — who has won 14 branch of the federal govern­ a MBc. Screen Process Prtnting charge. Pinay 16 hours after Pinay menfs broken majority by asking previous confidence ballots in the ment. Mav Be Mother's Last Christiiiaa submitted it MRP leaders to pnt aside party assembly — again would have Evacuation a Neon Service. RAYON TRICOT GOWNS 60 Gauge Dark Seam Sheers . $1.00 Pr. The luncheon session was at the Split Liner C A U 2-9814 Pinav, after nine months in of- po'dif* the national interest cleared the hurdle. But narrow home of John Foster Dulles, Sec­ fice, offered his resignation in a majorities on secent votes made it retary of State-designate, on Bkist -Bd Temcxpdc. Manchester 8268 5 1 Gauge Dark Seam Sheers . $ 1.00 Pr. dramatic announcement from the certain that, without the MPR on 91st street. Plane Toll ------------------- adverse votes of the Death Toll O r Hartford 2-8498 ' PINE PHARMACY 3.95 noor of the National A.ssembly. He government m Dulles and Arthur Flemming, 51 Gauge Semi Sheer .Denier . $1.00 Pr. ...t.H . f . — .h - flee aliice the country was liberated Communists. Socialists and De presiflent of Ohio Wesleyan Uni­ acted after the Catholic Popular from .Nazi occupation in 1944. Republican Movement (M RP), part Gaullists would throw the cabinet versity, also sat In at the confer­ Rises to 13 Dreams that you can buy! Smooth 66 Gauge Extra Sheer Special $1.35 Pr. of his coalition majority, refused to End of Experiment out. ence. Not Certain answer* to "what to give for back him in the first of three new It means the end, too, to the Pinay preferred to resign first. Elsenhower and Dulles left the ’-^exdale Sheer N ylon................$1.35 Pr. confidence votes on a 1953 budget. “ Pinay experiment," which aimed While Auriol conferred with poli­ general's headquarters at the Seoul, Dec. 23—(iiP)—Thir­ Christmas"! Here’s soft, iuxiirious Auriol i’ lcas Kail at protecting the purchasing power tical leaders, the National Assem­ Commodre Hotel shortly before 1 teen persona were killed and Beirut, Lebanon, Dec. 28— of the franc by fighting devaluation p. m. for Dulles' home. They were rayon tricot fashioned by Luxite — Fancy Heel Nylons . $ 1.50 and $ 1.65 Pr. Auriol had tried to avoid a bly remained adjourned until 6:30 one fatally injured yesterday (/P)— Hours of horror aboard Yuletide cabinet crisis by trying to while rolling back prices wherever )>.m. (12:30 p.m. e.s.t.l. It was to met there by Hoover and Flem­ the stricken liner Champql- Qve Electrical Housewares ming. when a single-engine plane the lingerie that holds the Fashion ’'U talk Pinay out of resignihg. Auriol possible. have debated the situation In Tu­ lion ended Ute today with re­ talked with Pinay early this It was a new Pinay attempt to nisia and Morocco. Hoover headed a study commls- hit a Greek-manned air evac­ Academy Award for smart styling. morning and again this afternoon, give France a balanced budget for Auriol said he would announce mission on reorganization of the uation transport during a moval of the laat passengers See our complete collection but failed to change Pinay's mind. next year which finally broke the his deoiaion this evening. Custom executive'branch, conducted by the tak.eoff from a western and crewman. There was no For Lasting iG^ts After his early morning interview, goveriment’s ranks. He had posed calls for him to confer first with Truman administration. Flemming official estimate of how many is a member of a special commit­ Korean air base, the Air in the very newest dreams Pinay had told reporters: coivfldence motions on three finan­ the Presidents (speakers! o f the died, but the reports ranged National Assembly and the parlia- tee recently appointed by Elsen­ Force announced tonight. "But- my derision Is taken. It is cial proposals but cyen^before the from at least 16 to perhaps and colors. A sue to fit not possible to carry such heavy first could b4 voteS, thb^MRP de­ metlt's upper house, called the hower to study organization of the The only, person not killed in- 30. even your chubbiest cherub. charges and responsibilities with­ cided to ab.stain. Council of the Republic. executlve branch In cooperation j stantly one of the Greek pilots - out a solid majority." The split came on a relatively Assembly* Speaker Edouard Her- with Temple University. ; died this afternoon in a hospital CapUin Baltaji, the Beirut Har­ "If anybody thinks I wall return unimportant Issue, a proposal to riot was out of town until this Meets Special Orniip I Seoul. bor pilot, announced that all per­ to that bear cage, he's crazy," switch the surplus In one group of afternoon. Auriol first saw Gaston That apeclal committee met ! Other dead Included the pilot of sona had been taken off by 5 p.m. Pinay declared. social security funds' to cover de­ Monnerville, speaker of the upper with Eisenhower at his home last I smaller plane, three Greek Lebanon time—about 40 hours SUARANTEED AGAINST 1REARA8I'* after the 12,546 ton liner grounded Auriol. an old hand at such crises ficits in other arts of the security Sunday, The other,members of the of the transport, one on a reef off the Lebanese - coaat as this, was expected to try in con- system. Pinay said it looked to him (Contlnued on Pag* Seven). committee are Nelson Rockefeller, I American Air Force medical corps- CIFT former under-Secretary of Slatq 1 two Air Force flight , nursea, about four miles from ^in iL , and coordinator of inter-American ■ patients, 828 Aboard VeaaeU affairs, and Dr. Milton Elsen-^ Nationality of the patients was TAe ship carried 828 persons, in­ hower, president of Pennsylvania cluding a crew of 220, Mang o f - state College and a brother of the (Continued on Page Four) the passengers were pilgrims en HANDBAGS One Killed, 14 Hurt in N. Y. general. route to the Holy Land to t the Meanwhile. Eisenhower still Is Christmas -observances! Top handle pouch and boxie styles in faille saying what amounts to a quiet In the confusion ther* was no pla-vtlc calf and genuine leathers. Many "ho" to requests that he back leg­ UN Warplanes way of determining the precise styles with zipper compartments. Color: Bombing, Shooting, Knifing islation to Treat a Fair Employ­ number who drowned or were Black, navy, brown, red.
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