.0B1NCUL UBWM j ua • • A C • I 0 ?W io| THE CRANBROOK VOLUME 25 CRANBROOK, B.O, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1028 NUMBER ll EVERYBODY'S C03IIS0 TO Cranbrook s Victoria Day Celebration May 24th UNDER AUSPICES G, \V, V.A PABENT-TEACHSlt BODV KimberleyVeterans "Impossible TO HOLD HUNT OI'KN Useful Slogan Is Getting Ready MEKTJNG TUESDAY NEXT RECREATION CLUB Honor Ypres Heroes NOTES Without You" Speakers Will Be Mrs. II. A, Demonstrated | For 24th of May MRS. A1I0E MAY BKOCk McKowaii And Princlpnl Memorial Service Sunday .Lust The many friends nf Mr. Hugh Brock Salvation Ami}' Sell' Denial "Siit'tty First" Idea Is Rill pit U Tennis will likely be a big attraction W. 0. W1IM.II Veterans' Have Nucleus ol At- .Well Attended By Members of will rogret to learn of tho dcatli ol' his Week Draws Attention To >i/nl With Auto I'tirade our courts this summer, especially tructlve Program Drawn Dp wife, Mrs. Alice May Brock, who pann­ | for tlie younger set, and the courts are New Branch G.W.V.A. Varied Lines ol' Work The aiul Speeches' For Ileal Ilk' Da) ed away a few minutes after mid­ regit lu tilug the [being put ln good shape for the open- night on Tuesday evening, newly formed On tibrc Tho Salvation Army Annual Self 'weni lug. The (i. W. V. A. announce un un­ Tho (list memorial Bervlcn held by lhe Shu was horn iu Dominion villi-, Teacher Association, win hi' hi Denial eflort will be held from April oes i In ill'llHIIl- usually attractive program is being li­ newly formed branch of the G.W.V.A. (llengarry County, Out., iu 187(1, hut Tuesday, May 1st, at 8 p.m. HOtll to May 511). The multiplicity of IMC i hln Willi "Bafely It lias uoen Mod to open the ned up (or the big annual Empire Day at Kimberley wan a inarlteil HUCCCKH. had lived most of her early lifo In High School Auditorium, chariiible operations conducted by li i Wot notional occasion, al- i' In un Saturday, .May 12th, ami bit;! celebration on the 24tb of May. The Ilaudley'B Hull wus tilled to capacity . llawkesbury, Ontario, where- the luiu- The speakers will be Mr, w. < tho Salvation Army are umiui'stioua- illg Willi si Protection Week," preparations are being mode to put festivities will open with a parade al by tboHo who wUbed to pay rettpocl | liy home has been. Shu waa ono of a son. High School Principal, am bly "Impossible Without You," and an liuportnnl bearing mi a tennis tea an that date. !* a.m., of decorated eUtOS, floats and to t ht* t'auudlau beroen wlio fought family of eight sinters and two bro- E. HoK wan, who will speak t your practical help. Some of the ii-.-r iii™. Tl pro- bicycles, atid prizes are to be given und sacrificed their liven In tbe se­ aims and objects of the ABSOI alio | thorn. In 11)11 HIIC was married to branches of the Salvation Army work lonstratlon wa .Mi inonibei • > la Interested In cond battle of Ypres. At 7.45 meni' from tbe view point of the leach' nilv- away m each close, There will also Mr. Hugh Brock at Port Arthur, Out., lu Western Canada that will receive Bailey, ot Hi leiuils are aski in touch witli bera of tho Kimberley branch, about tho parent respectively. Star )>e community singing, led by the and has since resided iu Crauhrook. assistance through the Self Dental ap­ ;. ami pi vented by lilm iiiu dlrece r. 50 strong, mustered at their new quar­ The objects of tho ABSocintli .1 the school children, with Mr. ti. 11. Bow­ Sul'iVring from auaciula the late peal are: Ulicll. Ill merchants ters, Summers' Halt, ami ut 8 p.m. forth in the constitution locla. er, conductor Of the Musical Society. Mrs. Brock had nol enjoyed good is fob ai. Ilia ItulH laii and other ar­ marched to theplace of service under 1 — CHILDREN'S HOMES, where lows; The object Of till in charge. The first round of a ball health for tho last four years. In nizallons Cor endo ia ad- inning B great success, the boya and command of M. P. Willis, captain many children are annually cared for. shall he to raise the sta tournament will take place at 10.30 at search of renewed health Mr. and Mrs. durd [on in advertiBii which girls being very enthusiastic, and in the New Zealand army (.'orps. The a—RESCUE HOMES, which are es­ home and of the school, ig niattor the ti W. V. A. grounds, and teams Brock took a trip to California in 1915 s been displayed 1 lhe cl­ some 40 are now BWfmmlng in the hall was appropriately decorated for tablished in all largo centres. Dur­ with Ihe school lu projiu hroughotu from Kimberley. Wycliffe. Lumberton where Mrs. Brock remained for six ifi the \ aa auto parade ad for deep end of tbe tank. the occasion with flags nnd bunting ing the past year 25ft girls were shel­ fare of tho child, to sin.! waa |ila an and Cranbrook are expected to lake months. Last year another trip wns child PI Ivlng homo the s more, tered in our western homes, and were loms, and to foster a high logan still irl In this event The Kimberley branch have every taken to Ontario, but ln both cases •I about twenty-fh ^^^ .1 Willi Tbe junior girls are turning out ilk, later helped to recover their places in citizenship and patrH (lai ,. cars Nile lu the afternoon there will be horse reason to feel satisfied with their ef­ without any appreciable benefit. For society. A girl is admitted Into a Idles, ami boarlng appropriate ban- great numbers for the gym. classes Ail parents of Cranl nk races al the old agricultural grounds. forts, tbe service being mosl impres tho last three mouths she was confin­ home whether she bus funds or not. ro look pari on Wednesday after and swimming, about too taking part pupils, past and present, teachers and S;\ ra»es will be on the card, includ­ Bive. The addresses given were of ed to her bed, hist week going to the Thu ages range from 12 up, many arc mi. Tli.- care p artlclpatlng war. any adiills who are hi sympathy with ing a SQUaw race and a relay race, exceptional merit, the speakers being hospital, where she showed signs of not bad, but are often more sinned isa .11' Ilia I'nllmil nt;: Mayor W. !• frequently applauded. Improvement to such an extent that the alius nf the Association arc invited' and (here will be $JO0 iu prices bung against than sinning. Many come Man.11. City Plro Department, Hat A membership campaign Is being up. The Veterans havo made arrange­ A number of friends from Cran­ Mr. Brock took his regular run to to attend tills tueetJnj:. and join the from small towns and rural districts, li'i. *• Stewart, 11. F. Month, Wosl discussed, and the directors will pro­ ments tor these grounds m consid­ brook were In attendance at the Sirdar ou Tuesday, leaving Mrs. Brock Cranbrook Parent-Tpui-her Associa­ seeking seclusion in tbe larger cities 1 Qrocers, Uorl 11 itson, <;.-.. 1.111111 bably make a strenuous effort along erable expense, and they will be iu service. Tho appearance on tho sitting up anil feeling much improv­ tion. ' whore they are unknown, and 85 per Bailey, !•'. \V. Bui gess, I,. Voeburg this line hi the near future. first class shape for the b!g day. Ma­ same platform of leaders of the Ca­ ed, happy with the thought of soon The membership fee till next Octo­ cent, of the girls thus received are i'. Blalno, rago, Elec ny of the difficult feature- encounter­ tholic and Protestant faiths was the returning home. Rut the end came ber 1st, when the annual mooting and restored and never return lo the old Supply : P, K COXSKftVATIVE WOMEN ed last >ear when tbe other grounds cause of much favorable comment. suddenly just us wlio had asked a election of Officers will take place ia life. Itson, 1.. H. Slyo, J.'ll. McQuaitli vrere used will be obviated by using The meeting opened with the sing­ nurse to fix up her pillow.* Heart fail­ cents. Tho annual [membership fee 1101,1) ANNUAL MKKTIM.; 3—MATERNITY HOSPITALS, oper­ Spreull. IV. Smith, li. Mannhan; tiie old fair grounds this year. There ing of "O, Canada," and the recital ure wus the cause of death. commencing next October 1st is GOc, GOOD ATTENDANCE ated In all large cities. Each of these .\. c. Bowness, A. I.. Iii . p. m>- rill also be a football game and ano­ of the Lord's Prayer, led by Rev. F. Membership cards ('an ho obtained The death of Mrs. Brock causes the is a training centre for nurses. Dur­ wa/alai. ther round of baseball after tho horse V. Harrison. Following the singing from any members of lhe membership Address It) X. A. tVaUiuger, fourth gap within two years in the ing the past year 1,570 babies were Tim parade Larted al tho govern- races. of the old hymn, "0 God, Our Help in family of ten. Besides a sorrowing committee, which is as follows: Mrs. .>l.l„.V„ Ami Election Of Offi­ born iu our maternity hospitals In n ont building and proceeded along The best dance of the season, from Ages Past," tbe aurieuce stood in si­ husband the deceased is survived by Burton, Mrs.
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