, .vavat, iwy ntiiiv WM T I04 Kentucky Live Stock Record, Vol. 13, No. 7 ton's blindness. When ho came to me from Lexington, Ky., May 13, 1875. (This-wa- THREE MILES'. Kentucky Live Stock Record, Kentucky In the year 1853, no horBe had a mile beat race in which ho dis- Ten Broeck. bo(4), by ImpPbmton.dani tanced field) , 1:41 bettor eyes ho had. The late Capt. the Fanny Holton by Lexington, 101 lbs; than Warfleld.b s (5), by War Hance, dam Louisville, ICy, Sept 23, 1876 .......Stft.1, No. 10 JORDAN'S HOW. Wm.J. Minor told me he would like much P'lorac by M Ickey Free, 103 lbs; Sheepa- - (This Is erroneously given in Racing to see him work, and 1 Invited him to come head Bay, Sept. 25, 1880 ., 1:12 Calendar at 5:26.) the next morning. That night Lexington ONE MILE AND AN EIGHTH Ellas Lawrence, b c (3), by imp Billet, ?B. G. BRUCE, - Editor and Proprietor. Bob br c (3), by Imp. Leaming- dam Sprightly by Lexington, 98 lbs; got out of his box stall, and stood the wholo Woolley, 18S0 ton, dam Item by Lexington, 00 lbs; Saratoga, N Y, Aug 28, 5:281i night at the seed box. My stable was a large Lexington, Ky., Sept. 0, 1875 1:54 Frogtown, b c (4), by Bonnie Saotland, one, with a passage In the middle, and Hlmyar, b h (5), by Alarm, dam Hlra by dam Ada Cheatham by Lexington, 115 104 lbs; Lexington, Ky, Sept 21, lS72...52j TO CORRESPONDENTS. doors on each end , and the bars must Lexington, lbs; Louisville. Ky.. double Sept, 30, 18S0 1:54 Vauxhall, b c (4), by Lexington, dam have been lest down of bis door, so that he Janet Murray, b f (1), by Panic, dam Verona bv Imp Yorkshire, 108 lbs; Sar- - 105 atoga, N Y. Aug 7. 1869 0:30 111 dollvery of could get out In the passage to Hie seed box, Ethel Sprague by Jack Malone, Any Irregularity ine the 1878 Helmbold, ch o (4), by Australian, dam Live-Stoc- Brighton Beach, C. I.. July 31, KENTUCKY k Record should be and 1 not knowing to Is, when Captain lbs Lavender by Wagner, out of Lexing- 10 mo jruuuauor. (a doubtful record) 1:51 mmedlatelv made Known Minor came worked the horse two miles. He Hlmyar, (5), by Alarm, Hlra ton's dam, 108 lbs; Saratoga. N Y, July bh dam 20,1870 5:30 Correspondents attending Publio Bales moved so 6lugglsh that I knew there was by Lexington, 115 lbs; Louisville, Ky., oblige us by promptly forwarding something wrong, tind did not give him May 5, 18S0 1:55 FOUR MILES. will much I Blue Eyes, ch c (4), by Enquirer, dam marked catalogues containing names of pur- any more wark. As soon as Captain Minor Ten Broeck, b c(4),by imp Phaeton, dam chasers and prices, or ether Information as to BucbubyPlanet.llO lbs; Louisville, Fanny Holton by Lexington, 104 lbs, " away to see Ky., May 28, 1879 1:55 the result. went I went over to the stable vs. Time; Louisville, Ky, Bept 27, 76....7:15J4 what was the matter. I sound the horse ONE MILE AND A QUARTER. Fcllowcraft, ch c (4), by Imp Australian, ah communications Intended for Insertion with a high sever, both eyes closed, and I Mendelssohn, be (J), by Imp. Buckden, dam Aerolite by Lexington, 108 lbs; Live-stoc- k Rkcobd must Saratoga, N Y, Aug 20, 1874 7:19'2 In the Kentucky him freely. At same time told Old dam Metella by imp. Australian, be accompanied by the writer's name and bled the grandam by Lexington, Oolbs; Lexing- Lexington, b h (5), by Boston, dam address, not necessarily for publication, but Henry (my headman) he had to tell me ton, Ky., May 10,1880 2:08 Alice Carneal by Imp Sarpedon, 103 as a guarantee of good faith. how the horse came in such a nx, and he Beatitude, b f (4). bv Bonnie Scotland. lbs, vs. Time; New Orleans, La, April i 2.1855 acknowledged horse getting out dam Marlnos-- by Jack Malone. 107 lbs: 7:11.!. All letters addressed to this paper, contalnH'ranK)y the Chicago, June 21,1880 2:08 Janet, br m (6), by Lightning (sou of an- - theieed-box- , ing proper interrogatories, will be duly ofthostabloto and ever aster (jnaney uornam, Dg wi. uy uiarney-stou- e, Lexington), dam Kelpie by Uonnle tnrougn column oi uu eyes 1 Ilaby, Scotland, 115 lbs: Louisvlllt, Ky.Sept swerd ine nuerics oe this his were effected. have no doubt dam Aurora grandam 27,1879...! Answers. Those of a private nature, musi that working the horse full brought It about Ultima by Lexington, 87 lbs: Lexing 7:23 accompanied by a stamp; otherwise they ton, Ky., May 18, 1877 2:08 MILE HEATS. will not be answered. Ho shrunk to nothing, and It was more than ONE MILE AND Knight Templar, g (3), by Fellow-craf- t, a week aster he ate nothing but a sew green ch The tag on the papers of our subscribers Uncas b c (4), by L xlngtoa, dam Coral dam Emma Johnson by Union, on which is the name of the subscriber, will blades of fodder, by Vandal, 107 lbs; Bheepsbead Bay, 92 lbs; Louisville, Ky, May 24, 18S0 also have a printed number, when subscrib-tlo- n I am very much pleased, and take much 1:15, 1:17 paid when number Luke Blackburn, b e (3), by Bonnie Jericho, ch c(4), by Revolver, dam Sky- has been and the pleasure in reading the memoir of Lexing Lexington, 110 lbs; of the paper corresponds with the number Bcoiiana, aam ivevaaa dj Lexington, light by Nashvlllo, on the tag, the subscription will have ex- ton that you are now finishing. Every word 9fi lbs; Sheepshead Bay, June 22, 1880.2:21 Tenn, April 28. 1SS0 l:16)i, 1:15':. you say Is true. was Spendthrift, ch c i3), by Australian, Knight Templar won the first heat by pired. about him He undoubt sour lengths, edly the best race horso that ever was foaled. dam Aerolite by Lexington, 123 lbs; and came In flist for the contributors are re- Jerome Park, N. Y., June 10, 1879 2:25 second by a length, but was distanced Correspondents and Very truly yours, B. Fryob. for a soul, race given to quested to write only on one side 01 a sheet J. ONE MILE AED A HALF. and Jericho. Lexington was the flist horse carried Egypt, ch h (aged), by Planet, dam of paper. that Luke Blackburn, b c(3), by Bonnie Scot- Lady Barry 118 Lou- 7:20, by imp Emu, lbs; time for fourml'es below and since that land, dam Nevada by Lexington, 102 isville, Ky, May 28, 1879 1:16, 1:17 17, 1880 4 2:31 two ol his daughters have pioduced horses lbs; Monmouth Park, Aug MILE HEATS. LIVE STOCK RECORD. have beat his performance. He wrought Torn Bowling, b c (1), by Lexington, THE that dam Lucy Fowler by Imp Albion, 101 Kadi, bg(6), by Lexington, dam Katoua a wonderful ohange In the time records, and lbs; Lexington, Ky, May 12, 1874 2:3434 by Voucher, catch weight, about 90 for the past twenly years he and his get have Faroie, br g (4), by Leamington, dam lbs; Hartford, Conn, Sept 2, 1875...1:12, 1:11., the that has c (4), Advertisers should seek journal occupied highest positions on Maiden by Lexington, 97 lbs; Sarato- Dan Sparling, b by imp Glenelg, the the Amer ga, N Y, Aug 14, 1877 2:36 dam Item by Lexington, 106 lbs; the largest number of readers, and the Live ican turf. Is we examine the Racing Calen Sheepshead Bay, 21, 1880 ONE MILE AND L I, Sept larger circulation Hum dar, we find the fastest and best time on 1:4114, l:l'J, 1:11' i Stock Record has a Ten Broeck, b c (3), by Imp Phseton, (4), half-mil- e Ada Glenn, ch f by imp Gienele. pub-lushe- distances, a to all the non sccidar papers put together d record at all from dam Fanny Hollou by Lexingtou, 90 dam Catlna by imp Australian, 10ii sour have been mado by Lexington lbs; Lexington, Ky, Sept 9, 1875 2:19 I be; bold state miles, won the first heat. in Lexington. This is a and his sous, or else by horses out of Lexing Checkmate, b g (5), by Glen Athol, dam Hlmyar, be (3), by Alarm, dain Hira by Full Cry by Vandal, out of Spring-broo- k Lexlngton, 105 lbs; St Louis, Mo, Juno ment, but a true one, and its circulation is ton or his son's mares. Besides you by 111 all,thls Lexington, lbs; Sheeps- 4,1878 ..it- 1:42, 1.431,. larger among the better classes in the sur- cannot lay your flnger upon a sire of any head Bay, Sept lb. 188) 2:60 Camargo, ch c (3), by Jack Malone, dam note. Imported or native, whose reputation Monitor, ch g (3), by Glenelg, dam Minx Vedette by Vandal, 100 lbs; Louisville, rounding towns and counties tributary to by Lexington, 98 lbs; Fiospect Park, , as a stallion does not rest upon Lexington Ky, May 20,1875 v..J:i2.-i- 1:I3'4 TsxinntarCi trade, which mah ,t the brst L I, Sept 13, 1879 j 2) blond. The best of these stallions get are mil.
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