Global Theological Perspectives, 1322-1922 Title Author Year Published Language General Subject A Bible History of Baptism Baird, Samuel J. (Samuel John); 1817-1893. 1882 English Baptism A Brief Compend of Bible Truth Alexander, Archibald; 1772-1851. 1846 English Theology, Doctrinal A Brief Discussion of Grace and Good Works, or, of the Divine and the Human Agency in the Work of Human Milligan, R. (Robert); 1814-1875. 1889 English Salvation Redemption A Brief Introduction to the Study of Theology Foster, R. V. (Robert Verrell); 1845-1914. 1899 English Theology A Brief Text Book of Moral Philosophy Coppens, Charles; 1835-1920. 1895 English Christian ethics A Brief Treatise on the Atonement Kephart, Ezekiel B. (Ezekiel Boring); 1834-1906. 1902 English Atonement A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Presented to the Wesleyan Theological Institution in the Year 1859 English Theology MDCCCLIX by James Heald, Esq. A Catalogue of English and Foreign Theology, Sermons, Discourses and Lectures 1852 English Theology A Catholic Atlas, or, Digest of Catholic Theology: Comprehending Fundamentals of Religion, Summary of Grafton, Charles C. (Charles Chapman); 1830-1912. 1908 English Theology, Doctrinal Catholic Doctrine, Means of Grace, Perfection With Its Rules and Counsels, Worship and Its Laws A Child's Life of Christ Dearmer, Mabel; 1872-1915. 1906 English Jesus Christ A Chronological and Geographical Introduction to the Life of Christ Caspari, Chrètian èdouard; 1840-1919. 1876 English Jesus Christ A Church Dictionary Hook, Walter Farquhar; 1798-1875. 1877 English Theology A Comparative View of the Doctrines and Confessions of the Various Communities of Christendom: With Winer, Georg Benedikt; 1789-1858. 1873 English Creeds Illustrations From Their Original Standards A Comparative View of the Gospels: With an Introduction Intended to Further Aid Their Illustration: The Law Platt, Isaac L. 1860 English Theology of Nature, of Society, and of God, Including the Innate Principles of Preservation, Propagation, and Perpetuation Considered… A Complete System of Christian Theology, or, A Concise, Comprehensive, and Systematic View of the Wakefield, Samuel; 1799-1895. 1862 English Theology, Doctrinal Evidences, Doctrines, Morals and Institutions of Christianity A Confutation of the Dutch Arminian ... Univ. Redemption. Brabourn, Theophilus; d. 1590. 1651 English A Constructive Basis for Theology Ten Broeke, James; 1859-1937. 1914 English Christianity A Critical Examination of the Evidences for the Doctrine of the Virgin Birth Thorburn, Thomas James. 1908 English Virgin Birth A Critical Examination of the Question in Regard to the Time of Our Saviour's Crucifixion: Showing That He Aldrich, J. K. (Jeremiah Knight); 1826-1905. 1882 English Jesus Christ Was Crucified on Thursday the Fourteenth Day of the Jewish Month Nisan, A.D. 30 A Critical History of the Christian Doctrine of Justification and Reconciliation Ritschl, Albrecht; 1822-1889. 1872 English Justification A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, in Judaism, and in Christianity, or, Hebrew, Charles, R. H. (Robert Henry); 1855-1931. 1913 English Eschatology Jewish, and Christian Eschatology From Pre-Prophetic Times Till the Close of the New Testament Canon: Being the First Jowett Lectures A Critical History of the Evolution of Trinitarianism and Its Outcome in the New Christology Paine, Levi Leonard; 1837-1902. 1900 English Trinity A Critique of Design-Arguments: A Historical Review and Free Examination of the Methods of Reasoning in Hicks, L. E. (Lewis Ezra); 1839-1922. 1883 English Natural theology Natural Theology A Debate on Baptism and the Witness of the Holy Spirit: Held in Fairview, IA., November, 1847 Terrell, Williamson; 1805-1873. 1848 English Baptism A Debate on Christian Baptism: Between the Rev. W.l. Maccalla, a Presbyterian Teacher, and Alexander Campbell, Alexander; 1788-1866. 1824 English Baptism Campbell, Held at Washington, KY. Commencing on the 15th and Terminating on the 21st Oct. 1823, in the Presence of a Very Numerous and.. A Debate on the Beginning of Messiah's Reign, the Abrogation of the Mosaic Law, and First Proclamation of Brooks, John A. 1870 English Theology the Gospel: Baptism, Action, Subject, and Design: The "Disciples" or "Christian" Church the Same Instituted by Jesus Christ on Pentecos A Debate on Trine Immersion, the Lord's Supper, and Feet-Washing: Between Elder James Quinter, of Ohio Quinter, James; 1816-1888. 1868 English Baptism (German Baptist), and Elder N.A. M'connell, of Iowa (Disciple): Held at Dry Creek, Linn County, Iowa, From the 14th to the 18th of October A Defence of Gospel Baptism: With a Brief Historical Sketch of the Origin of Infant Baptism and Sprinkling French, James; b. 1815. 1854 English Baptism A Defence of the Catholic Faith: Concerning the Satisfaction of Christ Against Faustus Socinus Grotius, Hugo; 1583-1645. 1889 English Atonement A Defence of the Deity and Atonement of Jesus Christ: In Reply to Ram-Mohun Roy of Calcutta Marshman, Joshua; 1768-1837. 1822 English Rammohun Roy A Defence of Trine Immersion: Being a Review of Elder E. Adamson's Treatise on (Against) Trine Immersion Quinter, James; 1816-1888. 1862 English Baptism A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realistic, and Dogmatic Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham; 1810-1897. 1884 English Miracles A Digest of the Doctrine of S. Thomas on the Incarnation Thomas; Aquinas, Saint; 1225?-1274. 1868 English Incarnation A Digest of Theology: Being a Brief Statement of Christian Doctrine According to the Consensus of the Percival, Henry R. (Henry Robert); 1854-1903. 1893 English Theology, Doctrinal Great Theologians of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church: Together With an Appendix Containing, Among Other Things, in English… A Discourse of S. Athanasius on the Incarnation of the Word of God Athanasius; Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria; d. 373. 1880 English Incarnation A Discourse on Creeds and Ecclesiastical Machinery Smith, Gerrit; 1797-1874. 1858 English Creeds A Discourse on the History, Character, and Design of Christian Baptism Henderson, D. P. (David Patterson); 1810-1897. 1857 English Baptism A Discourse on Theological Education Howe, George; 1802-1883. 1844 English Theology A Discussion of the Doctrine of Universal Salvation: Question, "Do the Scriptures Teach the Final Salvation Sawyer, Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson); 1804-1899. 1854 English Future punishment of All Men?" A Discussion of the Doctrines of Endless Misery and Universal Salvation: In an Epistolary Correspondence Campbell, Alexander; 1788-1866. 1840 English Future punishment Global Theological Perspectives, 1322-1922 Page 1 of 67 Title Author Year Published Language General Subject A Discussion of the Mode and Subjects of Christian Baptism: In a Series of Letters First Published in the Grundy, R. C. (Robert Caldwell); 1807-1865. 1851 English Baptism Maysville "Post Boy," During the Months of April, May, and June, of the Year 1851 A Dissertation on Native Depravity Spring, Gardiner; 1785-1873. 1833 English Sin, Original A Dissertation on the Eternal Sonship of Christ Kidd, James; 1761-1834. 1872 English Logos A Dissertation on the Means of Regeneration Spring, Gardiner; 1785-1873. 1827 English Regeneration (Theology) A Free Inquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Evil: In Six Letters to ----, With an Additional Preface, and Some Jenyns, Soame; 1704-1787. 1790 English Good and evil Explanatory Notes. A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Being a Brief Treatise in Which It Is Proven by the Most Eminent Theologians of Wilson, Louis C. (Louis Charles); 1837-1906. 1901 English Baptism Various Schools...That the Apostles of Jesus Christ and the Primitive Church, by Her Ministers, Taught the Identical Doctrine That... A Guide to the Study of the Christian Religion 1916 English Christianity A Guide to the Study of Theology: Adapted More Especially to the Oxford Honour School Woods, F. H. (Francis Henry); 1850-1915. 1880 English Theology A Handbook of Christian Doctrine Townsend, W. J. (William John); 1835-1915. 1897 English Theology, Doctrinal A Handbook of Theology: A Homiletical Manual of Christian Doctrine: With an Exhaustive List of Questions Harries, John; d. 1922. 1903 English Theology, Doctrinal for Examination and Index of Subjects A Higher Catechism of Theology Pope, William Burt; 1822-1903. 1884 English Catechisms, English A History of Canon Law in Conjunction With Other Branches of Jurisprudence: With Chapters on the Royal Dodd, J. (Joseph) 1884 English Canon law Supremacy and the Report of the Commission on Ecclesiastical Courts A History of Christian Doctrine Shedd, William Greenough Thayer; 1820-1894. 1863 English Theology, Doctrinal A History of Christian Doctrines Hagenbach, K. R. (Karl Rudolf); 1801-1874. 1881 English Theology, Doctrinal A History of Creeds and Confessions of Faith in Christendom and Beyond: With Historical Tables Curtis, William A. (William Alexander); b. 1876. 1911 English Creeds A History of New England Theology Boardman, George Nye; 1825-1915. 1899 English New England theology A History of the Articles of Religion: To Which Is Added a Series of Documents, From A.D. 1536 to A.D. Hardwick, Charles; 1821-1859. 1890 English Creeds 1615: Together With Illustrations From Contemporary Sources A History of the Doctrine of the Work of Christ in Its Ecclesiastical Development Franks, Robert S. (Robert Sleightholme); b. 1871. 1918 English Theology, Doctrinal A History of the Modes of Christian Baptism: From Holy Scripture, the Councils Ecumenical and Provincial, Chrystal, James;
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