Digitized from Box 66 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library The original documents are located in Box 66, folder “White House - Curator Committee for the Preservation of the White House (2)” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. .. Digitized from Box 66 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library , COMMITTEE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE WHITE HOUSE March, 1975 Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Honorary Chairman Mr. Gary E. Everhardt, Chairman Mr. Gary E. Everhardt Honorable Clare Booth Luce Director 4559 Kahala A venue Now at: National Park Service Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Watergate, S U. S. Department of Interior Tel: 202-333-0903 A pt. 1106 Washington, D. C. 20242 Tel: 202-343-4621 (office) Mrs. Brooks McCormick 1530 North State Parkway Mr. J. Carter Brown Chicago, Illinois 60610 Director Tel: 312-787-5043 National Gallery of Art Washington, D. C. 20565 Mr. Robert McNeil Tel: 202-RE-74215 (office) 1'>oi East Evergreen Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Honorable Wiley T. Buchanan Tel: 215-247-1010 4220 Nebraska Avenue, NW. 215-836-1044 (home) Washington, D. C. 20016 Tel: 202-Em-2-1982 (home) Mrs. Richard P. Mellon (Trudy) 331-7320 "Woodlea" Ligonier, Pennsylvania 15658 Mrs. Thurmond Clarke (Athalie) Tel: 412-238-5656 4633 Brighton Road Cameo Shores Mrs. Jo 1n Murchison (Lupe) Corona del Mc.r, California 92625 Post OfficeB ox 55 Tel: 703-253-5168 Addison, Texas 75001 714-673-5788 Tel: 214-741-6031 (husband's office) Mr. Clement E. Conger Mrs. Stewart Hooker Curator One Sutton Place South The White House New York, New York 10021 Washington, D. C. 20500 Tel: 212-753-3156 Tel: 202-456-2550 (office) 305-659-1503 Mrs. Lammot duPont Copeland Mrs. Aristotle Onassis Mt. Cuba (Pam) 1040 Fifth Avenue , Greenville, Delaware 19807 New York, New York 10028'-·--.. -o--'··· Tel: 302-CE-95236 Tel: 212-421-9100 (Nancy Tuckerman) Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard, Jr. Mrs. Ogden Phipps (Lillian) 11 Cragwood'' (Jane) 635 Park Avenue Far Hills, New Jersey 07931 New York, New York 10021 Tel: 201-766-7224 Tel: 212- Bu-8-3865 In Florida: ''Pamplemoussee 11 Boca Grande 33921 .. .., Dr. S. Dillon Ripley Secretary Smithsonian Institution Washington, D. C. 20560 Tel: 202-232-3131 Mr. Rex Scouten Chief Usher The White House 20500 ">f ~1~ h~1J~t_of5'6 ,?z-6 f6 Mr. W. Clement Stone 445 Sheridan Road Winnetka, Illinois 60093 Tel: 312-275-8000 (office) Mrs. Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser In Florida: P. 0. Box 277 2 94 Summit A venue Hobe Sound, Florida St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 33455 Tel: 612-222-1248 612-224-5452 305-546-3381 Mrs. Phillip K. Wrigley P. 0. Box 427 Avalon, California 90704 Tel: 312-644-2121 312-943-4774 414-248-4447 Mr. Edward V. Jones (Architectural Advisor to the Committee) 405 North Monroe Street Albany, Georgia 31701 Tel: 912-435-5897 (home) 912-435-3525 Mr. Elmer Atkins (Secretary to the Committee) National Park Service 1100 Ohio Drive, SW. Washington, D. C. 20242 Tel: 202-426-6725 ·• /. THC::: WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 4, 1975 MEiviORANDUM FOR PHILIP BUCHEN <\ I I { FROM: RON NESSEN ~(t ;~ SUBJECT: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Attached is a letter from Maxine Cheshire of the WASHINGTON POST, which was received March 4, 1975, by Larry Speakes of my staff, who handles inquiries from Mrs. Cheshire. I would appreciate your advice before replying to this letter. 1:5~ ' 5_,..~ S7~C: T, 1\o. v: WAS I-l!NGTON, 0, C. 20071 :202) 2'23·6000 1 ,- '7!:) ) ...... ' /' ~ .. -"'\­ ·- ,_ _\.;.~.) ~"- ~ ·~:--.ri t ~ .1.{0113 ~ 1500 ~er~sylvania .-.':1.1ir...:to::1, l.J . C. u' :} J.r -·_,_ .. e.rry : 1 "';'-r •., ... :-~__ 1,.,-,,~--nt .._ _____ t: .......,.., t .1.-•e •---J r:o...,...·- -·- ,..-?-...l- -:---.L~v..... +~"r'·'"'+--; ...__c.·\.1~ o·.,..L- 4"-'ct ) _1~ ·u·.:-<~J1;e - ,. ... -· .. >~ction 552, I hereby !'G ..,u~st t"h.G.t yo· disclo3e to r::e for i:1S"":'(;::":;io::l and co y::..:;:~ the folloo:,!in ..:; _recorC.s; .. 1 . "' ~ _ t of C_·.J-: t)::'r s..~:(~ a::1ount.c c-ontribu.tec1: to t:1·3 Co;~1ni t·t ~. ~~ f!")~ .!...~ ...-!!:' ·.~ E .~ rv-: t ion. of" t ll.f3. H~li te ..iiO,J.sc ... i1.~co it.: forT.: ~;io::J. l·i t f)f e-~-;~·-_..: it :.-.. 2.~-~.; G:t 't't"". t Co~~itt!'!'·~~- _l "tl. \·!itl1 t-: l • • \' ·~-cl .J.C.t:::_-..-. .:,.~s Of :.1: ft..) X' ',. \T~, ; ,-,-'1 -j .., ...,..._,...,..,. -,.-,,..; ~ ~ "·o y,.,...,l' b•r n11<'\UA TJ.· •.·'0~.1~..... :~ .,.J..LJ.L_\.:.t J~- ---- - ~ \..lJ. ..J - ..."' ... - J , • ... • .. • • ,.., • .. - _.., o'""',- -!...1- ,... ,.., - - • ~ 1 .... ~1 ~! C -~~ lll~Or~d~lO~ ~~v~~~ ~ ~~ no~~1u C. ~n vie-·' ,.J .r-- : .. r~sid.. ent .b'o::- ' c -::.ol~- c;~ 011 open·3SS in suci1.. ~;-;:;r:r3 , = ce.:i.-:not i: ~-. '-;-_ :-:; hu o::- .·"~nyane ill his ·c ·::..::.:..,... tr tio':. "Ol'.l ~ .:f:.';:~l -c· ·t th·~ 1u'0li.c c~o·:-s not !1n:~re _'i!. i t to l::r:c, .o ::_-,,...-.. to t";i:-:; ~li_.,~_wr-ic :~'lite .01.. 13~~ ~~·:t"'vj--~ ct ;;."'..!ld ..10\. t1l9 :-:c:::;:; ~s S"'::?,nt • .._ir:..CZ"~t:l:r ., . VY}\ex-{l~·)v0 ~,kJ,£'4,L : _-~: ,.i:-1 ~ c-n ~~ slJ. i I'e ,. ·. ; THC:. WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 4, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR PHILIP BUCHEN '' I I ( FROM: RON NESSEN ~;Ltf r~ SUBJECT: FREEDOM OF INFORMATTON ACT REQUEST Attached is a letter from Maxine Cheshire of the WASHINGTON POST, which was received March 4, 1975, by Larry Speakes of my staff, who handles inquiries from Mrs. Cheshire. I would appreciate your advice before replying to this letter. WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20071 (202j 223-6000 -'"'"''~-· "t ... -.,., "­ - L 1 "\~ .. l .;... lit~ ~10113':; 1~~00 _·er..n~3yl v~1.ni i.J . 'J . -!.... }~~ ---- :1r .....; ·--__ r......,-..L.,,j.... • .:·u.r'=!\)'lnt to tl1e 2reeC.. o=t 8f :.:lf.8r__ -:ioi: =--C ':" , 5 l.f::;(:; , .;ecti·:Jn 552, I l!ereby rn -ql~st t:-t· .. ·t ~lo -: ~.::isclo ..~e to ~e for i::~-J~r~~io:l c~l'ld c o ~:ri"1[ ~c11c: follo~ :i~ = r~corC.s : l . li ::t of c:_~:-~,")r['" c.. --~c.. a:JOU!ltc cor:.tri"'.J,'.. te& t0 Co;~u:!.i ttr ,...~ =·J~ 7;,!. ~ ... ':; ;s ;;1.-.·v · t :._ .~ :! or t1~"~ •.I._L.'..; .........___ , • l. lit lJ ..f 0-~-:;::.. :--.it"..."J.:· .. ~-~ o:· t~'"'~Jc -JrJ:-.::.itt!!·~,. _lcJll,_~ ~-!it'"~ ~-:: · :1.<l ~ - .,~ of ~ ll ,. ..._ ........ _. L ·J inc1ic ~c ~.-:::- -~ :~ l:o T?>ou n:.~ ..,""\ .. 1.011. ) ..!.. • '1,; - - • • i::!.~C•r:L, ·G:;_ "'"'}.'0 --=""\;ly C."=--~ ...; ~ -1-:: . In ;o.-.r vi -"':t1-iJ"""'--· n'-"v--:~ 0!'..~, 0"'""~;,; ___-"\-;j;'~""',...., _,..:; ;.,...._ ... J.. ~C"'Uc""1~ """"-.L • ~- ,_ ,..,~- 'J>> 0..... l·n ~,;,... C ;J.I'.....l'lOt 1.._.... ~ ·-"-' ...... .._.,n--,..-·n-=- """' ........ -- _.L ...... ~ ti0'1 i~~~l -- -t .1-:1 : -)u~.... , i.::-! C:J~s !l_ot :w:·:rr.re ~:no; ': "~'0 ::.-.,...-::. ....) to t ..:i:- .. ;_i ... JJc·_ ic ~iite .,. .. o1..:3e ..:ld. '10 t ho is Saturday 3/8/75 1:50 Wr. Buehea aaked m.e to call aom.eoAe .Ia the Couuel offtce aDd get the cltatloa for the ereatiOD. of tbe W. H. Hiatorlcal Commlaaloa? ? ? Barry aalcllt waa S USC .Amaotated -- ia the pocket. E. 0. 1U45, whlcb provide• for the Curator of the White Houae, Committee for the Preeervatloa d. tbe White H.oun. Meeting Saturday 3/8/75 3/8/75 3:15 p.m. 2:00 Mr. Buchen had a call from Mrs. Ford concerning the Wo H. Society, Maxine Cheshire letter, and something about China for the White House. Mr. Buchen wants to meet with Rex Scouten (if convenient this afternoon) and asked if he would bring with him a copy of the Cheshire letter and any other material dealing with the purchases on order for the W. H. that relate to the previous administration. Saturiay 3/8/75 1:50 Mr. Buchen a•ked me to call aomeone Ja the Couuel office aDd Jet the citation for the Cl'e&tlOD of tb.e W. H. Hilttorlcal Ccm\J'nl••lon??? BarJT aalcl it wu 3 USC .Aaaotatecl - • l1l the pocket. E. 0. W4S, whlch pi"OYW.. for the Curator of the White Houae, Commlttee for the Pre•ervattoa " the White Houe. ... J.' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 17, 1975 Dear Ms. Cheshire: This is in response to your letter of March 3, 1975, re~eived by this office on March 4, requesting (1) "a list of donors and amounts con.­ tributed to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House _, since its formation," and (2) "a list of expenditures by that Committee, along with the names and addresses of all persons to whom payment was made for any purchase or service." You have stated in your letter that your request is being made pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S. C.
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